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Gwen 10


Alex Collyer

Huh, memories even further erased then dr and mha. Are the fae fucking with this lee or is that an option in the WC I don't remember or what.


That was the fluffiest shit I’ve read in a bit. Those moments of closeness was way better than the lemons


Interactions between the two of them were the best highlight of it all. Also, perception filters are scary when you know about them, having them also cognitohazard themselves out of your memory? It's going to be interesting seeing the rationalization leading to realization as little bits of the build get revealed.

PublicLee Speaking

This is what a competently done Class B Mindwipe looks like. DR's and MHA's is a hackjob for reasons that will be revealed in time.


Loved the intimacy, specially since he came clean before anything. So 2 main questions I gota ask. First did he capture gwen after she got the Omnitrix, because that is some massive points once he gets access to company points. Second, would buying a template of the omnitrix or just Gwen/Ben 10 allow him advance the template fast via cribbing the notes off of Gwen? Also shìt like this is how you get another corporate war on your hands. Yes let’s fuck with someone who will become a reality warper. I am sure nothing bad could come of it. Let’s go fùck with someone who inserted into a Primarch, I am sure that if he somehow saves the Emperor of Man there won’t be any retaliation with a united Emporium isn’t cultish, no sir. You know while we are at it let’s go kidnap Nia, I am sure Simon won’t do anything about it.

PublicLee Speaking

If you read carefully, Gwen was stamped *before* she put on the Omnitrix, so no point gains there. Also, yes, Templating as Canon Ben could help in that respect, but Bencifer doesn't know what Templates are, nor how to get them.

Jake V

The bit with his eyes glowing for a second in the mirror, and Gwen getting the Omnitrix... My guess is that probably Universal Calibration inserted him into a reality where Ben and Gwen have their powers swapped (since Gwen isn't related to Verdona at all). I suppose it's a mystery because he's mind-wiped and we don't know the build, but if so... honestly Annodites are so under-rated in terms of strength. Gwen in canon was a pretty poor example of them. Unshackled they are probably one of the strongest races short of the Celestialsapiens, and that's without getting into magic shenanigans which even Celestialsapiens are vulnerable to. Anyway, thanks for the chapter, really enjoyed reading it :)


Yah, I got the feeling she was stamped before (likely during the sex part, or slightly before). It’s shame he won’t automatically be your richest WC MC, but thems the cards. Plus with a shroud you can more easily bind and sell bad guys, and fuck vilgax and his constant need to come back. Ben 10 has a lot of strong enemies. Not all are bad enough to bind and sell but a decent number are. But that is for after he figures shit out. Out of all your characters so har he will see the most regular amount of action he can’t avoid (well I don’t know how frequently the Barbie one gets missions), so it should shake some memories loose. If you don’t mind answering what was his final exam for the company?

Jake V

Not getting the extra points for an Omnitrix capture is a shame in the short term, but honestly it would completely trivialize the earlier villains, in the much much longer term (which I doubt this Glimpse would ever get to), well... There's like a few hundred Tier Y Celestialsapiens just floating around in the Forge of Creation, being all locked in eternal schizophrenic debate (to the point where even when Aggregor/Kevin were about to eat a baby Celestial in front of them they did nothing). If our MC ever gets his memories back and decides he wants to be the WC equivalent of a billionaire he could always munchkin himself into that.


He wouldn’t do it. As we have seen so far he doesn’t bind people to him just for the points. The only utilitarian bind we see is to that old spirt prostitute in Arcane. I guess there is also other such situations like the one with the Megapixel Phone and the one that went to SAO. But I would say those were heavily influenced by the situation. On the flip side I think this the the Youngest Lee we see, unless his memories were sealed so he would see the lowest point in his life as his last moment on earth. Since iirc the rest are around the same age wise.

Jake V

I mean, he could probably do a little bit of mental gymnastics and swing it as helping them out. I've gotta imagine it can't be pleasant for them. Since apparently a racial feature of them is to start with one core personality, and then gradually form more and more of them to the point where it forces them into inaction, sharing corruption defense with them by how it's written would either return them to their "fundamental self", or relegate the extra personalities as "separate alter ego to converse with". Either way letting them actually function again. But yeah, I get your point. And that would be so far beyond this chapter anyway that I doubt we will ever read it regardless.


Someone better call the Forever Knights, because I think you earned your crown making this one, King.


The bleach one is similar right? I don’t think he knows about the company. Can’t remember if he does.

Steven Stiring

I never got into Ben 10. Tried to watch an episode but couldn't stand how much of an immature jerk the MC was. Great to make a character that kids of a similar age can relate to, not so much for those who are older. Though even through osmosis I can tell it's a great universe to play around in due to the wide range of aliens alone. I'm more interested in the build. This is the first Company story where the -cifer didn't even know he was an agent. Considering how hard Class B usually tries to screw a Lee over by taking memories of training I think there must be some serious high level fuckery going on behind the scenes in this one.