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Unlimited Waifu Works!

SWPP Next, then ACE, MHA, and AB.


Alex Piskura

Holy shit shut up and take my money. Make this more real. I haven't laughed this hard in ages. I loved every moment of it.

Steven Stiring

Oh this is incredibly funny. So you decide to summon the final form of your AB self, who is apparently to entities what a normal entity is to a chihuahua

Christopher Harris

I actually really like this one, I'm curious how lee used added potential, was it on purchase, most circuits possible, and another added potential for greatest quality possible. I'm actually really hoping this continues. Saving Sakura maybe possible to save Illya and her mades. Learning from Rin and possibly bring a mentor to shirou. Plus empowering the dynamic duo of Rin and Shirou, hell maybe even saber can be empowered. Rin is a good competent choice and I'm curious how she could utilize magecraft to possibly modify shard powers or learn from them and implement into magecraft.


Huh. I admit I was a bit put off by a second Lee, but I came around by the end.


Why must you tease us so. So many possible stories! Written only for the other mes in other multiverse....s


In case you need a over view of the plot: https://youtu.be/UzNSWmokCdU


To fair Rin actually came super close to the actual truth even though the whole father child thing is wrong. Lee from your worm fic (I assume years after everything is done) could be considered a TYPE by the strict definition of the word. And hey he and Archer can bond over how clumsy their younger selfs are. Also it’s super funny how fast the HR rep hopes the fuck out of that call. Or tries to. Contractor Lee is probably only a few key words away from figuring out what his other self is. Or close enough. Just need some Worm jargon, like power classification or words like Tinkertech. And his other self is having fun teasing at the fact when he said Trigger warning.


Rip the quetzalcoatl hitting gilgamesh with a dropkick dream but I'll take endgame abbadon lee trolling fate character while company lee tries his best to do his job. I do like the company agent freakout cause it brought to mind how terrifying it would be to have a noncompany eldritch being pop in on a agent. Like oh shit my protections i bought did not include the outside context problems coming for us.


So the company is probably going to ban all new Lee templates from going to nasvurse as their first jump unless they decide to take any option other than drop in. They would probably keep it open as a second or later world to see if the issue occurs with enough divergence.

pomegranate horsie (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 05:51:36 >They’re going to liquify all your fellow schoolchildren. “oh no, they’ll break the masquerade!” yeah I’m thinking you got the magus mindset down *perfectly* on this one
2023-01-16 22:03:34 >They’re going to liquify all your fellow schoolchildren. “oh no, they’ll break the masquerade!” yeah I’m thinking you got the magus mindset down *perfectly* on this one

>They’re going to liquify all your fellow schoolchildren. “oh no, they’ll break the masquerade!” yeah I’m thinking you got the magus mindset down *perfectly* on this one

Zachary Brown

Did NOT expect the recursive Worm fanfic cross, but it was definitely a pleasant suprise