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Summer Camps have Staff Meetings Too!



Sleep is the best choice

Alex Collyer

I wonder what kind of matches they'll set up for everyone and what it will help train.


It’s somewhat insulting that America is described a some sort of hellscape while Japan is a-okay, despite the former having at least 2 All Might-level Heroes, one of whom has military support, and no AfO in the background. Unless AfO is not that threatening on the world stage, being merely another (super)Villain. Also, MC messing with the reality-protecting barrier was just stupid.


TFW you realise your phone runs on unreality OS.

Draconic Hermit

I mean, this is a case of "I've never been so insulted before by something I 100% agree with" in my perspective on the matter, which is one of a person who lived in America all my life. I would get into why, but that would be getting into current events, which is unwise to get into at all.


It’s not a case of someone not able to handle it, more that every mention we receive is how the rest of the world is worse off than Japan. There are many places that have similar top-down, conformist societies that should have equal or lesser issues. Those places aren’t mentioned. Scandinavia, for example, would likely have extremely low rates of Villains. America should swing wildly, particularly as one of the few nations where private gun ownership and lethal force in self-defense is (semi)widely accepted. But instead the only snippets we’ve received is “don’t mention clowns” and “fewer low level villains”. How about the CCP or North Korea? Burma? Any one of a hatful of tin-pot dictatorships or failed states, places no one would want to live. Based on these comments we should see references to Wormverse dead zones and Nilbog or Moord Nag level threats. But no, just a few reminders sprinkled throughout that give the impression of Japan good, America bad.

PublicLee Speaking

Canonically, Japan's actually one of the better places in MHA (on the surface, at least), with its harsh Quirk-Use laws creating stability. America, the way I'm running with it, went all Second Amendment with them, which has helped in some ways, but made it a lot more dangerous in others, with cities being bad, and some going full 'Escape From ____'. Also, yes, the MC messing with the Company device was stupid, and something they explicitly tell you not to do in Basic Training, but he got memory-wiped, so he doesn't remember that. As it says in the chapter, being smart just means that when you do something dumb, it's Advanced Stupid, none of this garden variety idiocy malarkey. Edit: And we'll get more info about other countries later, when stuff gets bad and Dencifer's dealing with Pros in a more peer-type relationship. For instance, in my MHA, China's not Communist, and North Korea No Longer Exists.


Hmm. Not Communist, or not Communist any more? Because the CCP is exactly the type of government to weaponize Quirks for use against its own citizens as well as other countries. And would not hesitate to kill anyone who could pose a significant threat to their control. Meaning either a group or one powerful person toppling the whole thing would’ve gotten very messy indeed.