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A Weiss Surprise



Short but delicious! Glad to see another chapter. Curious as to the consequences of this…


Woooo step 1 in adding Salem to the harem

Tyric Gaias

Heh Weiss doesn’t stand a chance


Kind of feel a bit bad for her since she might not be able to focus properly for the day’s classes and so she will have to panic and cram what she missed, but that is time she would use to study ahead, so she will do that after cramming which means she would sleep late tonight, which means she won’t be in top form tomorrow and will take her a few days to be back to 100% (assuming she gets her thoughts in order).


Damn its going to be an absolute highlight of the fic once the Teams figure out Jauncfer actually was completely serious about being a dragon. One other thing to not is that Cinder seems oddly more attracted to Jauncfer than she should be, not saying she wouldn't be willing to use sex appeal to further her goals. But I can't help but remember that the version of the Waifu Catalog that PublicLee uses for this story states the reason why dragons are so attractive to women is because they exude power. Cinder is very much a metaphorical slut for power, which means she could be a somewhat literal one as well.

Alex Collyer

Nah, ironically since jauncifer used the stamp on Pyrrha instead of getting the I love you he's raised the value of the stamp to those he wants to spend eternity with. I can't see him doing that with Salem.


I find Weiss part Very Intersting.

John MacKellar

I think this is the third time reading this chapter. I think your strength is in writing the emotional aspect of of your characters interpersonal relations


Yup, plus he will be really pissed at the person who removed his memories since he lost info about the confession capture method (which he might rediscover at some point, maybe even soon).


I kinda want Blake and/or Opzin to read the wizard of Oz (or Pyrrha).


Did he put the statue next to Pyrrha’s?