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The Behemoth Fight.


El Lando

Noticed an inconsistency in this chapter. Lee says he doesn't know what happened to sundancer and assumes she went crazy with the rest of the travelers during Echidna, but in a previous chapter, Lee followed his plot power's signals and found sundancer's corpse from when trickster killed her. He even had a brief bsod.. I could be wrong, I'll have to check. Edit: found it. It's at Revision 13.7.


Why is everyone you know have a good heart but is hopelessly naive or straight up dickheads?

PublicLee Speaking

It wasn't 'plot power signals', it was him collecting the dead en masse and eventually coming across her weeks old rotting corpse, but yeah, that was a mistake. I'll go fix it now.

PublicLee Speaking

Because they don't have a good heart, but telling myself the assholes aren't assholes is a coping mechanism.

Doc Sithicus

My SOP is to assume everybody is an asshole unless proven otherwise. So far this approach seems to be a correct one and haven't failed me yet.


I think there might be a slight contradiction in this chapter as Lee thinks Sundancer had probably died when Echidna went insane, and I'm decently sure Lee found Sundancer's corpse in one of the earlier chapters that was between the Levi and Echidna!clone fights? edit : nevermind, I somehow failed to notice that someone else had already pointed that out