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An old face re-emerges.


Doc Sithicus

Somebody pick up that phone cause I fucking called it! And nearly 3 years ago. https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/abaddon-born-e-worm-cyoa.593017/page-129?post=60700817#post-60700817


Is there any chance of some future chapters being set before that 4 month timeskip? while seeing Behemoth getting wrecked is almost certainly going to be satisfying, I was hoping to see scenes from Lee's perspective as Accord's power was subsumed and integrated into his constellations of powers (or at least that's what I assume would be happening after Leecifer ate Accord's gemma) and when he finally gets an electric immunity power from Flamel as presumably it wouldn't've taken more than 4 months for her to make something to grant that power.


So I finally gave this story a real try and after getting hooked I powered through it in about a week. Great story so far a few rough patches and boy howdy is the first like 4 chapters rough but I like the world you made just wondering how Diana is doing since she probably is still worried about Lee