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Working the Quirks out of our training.



And it turns out Toru has the strongest quirk around. She can make fuck you lasers with a theoretical max output of the sun, and she can make areas of absolute darkness. And those are just he 2 extremes of her power. And she is invisible while she does all of this. If she gets her control down to very precise wavelengths of light she would have one of the most saint after powers ever, being able to change the channel without getting up to look for the remote.


Shoji on the other hand is super versatile, he has been limiting himself to enhanced versions of his body part, but if he studies animal body parts he can use those concepts and even enhance them. He could have an enhanced mastics shrimp arm or the sensory organs of every animal. And even if he was limited to his own body parts, according to the wiki losing his extra parts isn’t an big deal and can be regrown. So if he gains some medical tracing he can same some people or at least stabilise them till help arrives by producing what they need from blood to vital organs (even if they get rejected they would keep them alive for a while). The guy can add extra organs o turn himself to a discount space marine. He can add a few hears and lungs to allow himself to overclock his much less or at the very least increase his insurance. He can temporarily increase his blood production organs to fix any blood loss he gets or to donate blood (or stabilise someone). He can even look into if he can produce blood without the markers that would get it rejected by some people (make O- blood).

PublicLee Speaking

The way I look at it, to be accepted you need to have a decent Quirk, it's just that Canon has to keep to a certain speed so a lot of interesting side characters don't get their time to shine, whereas here they can.


Im getting Legend vibes here

W C Purdy

I've never seen any indication that Shoji can make any parts other than his own, so I think the animal parts bit is a little far-fetched. Also, while the idea of him doing transplants and stuff is interesting, that'd be better suited for the medical field rather than the heroic one. And trying to do that on the fly in a disaster context would probably involve horrendously painful and unsanitary self-amputation, which I can only imagine would be horribly psychologically scarring over time.


You make a good point. Though blood transfusion might still be viable.