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Cinder Falls into the Story.



Oh boy, he’s really stumbled ass-first onto the Cinder Route hasn’t he?


How far is too far gone is an apt title for this chapter. As for what does he have to lose, we’ll all he has to lose is instructions. And by that I mean he would lose the training beacon provides if it is all destroyed (which I doubt would actually happen), but most of all if Oz dies he loses his magic teacher till Oscar shows up. As I doubt beacon will fall even with the attack happening, He doesn’t actually lose anything personal (if you discount the innocent lives that would be lost) if the attack still happens. On the flip side, if he actually manages to flip Cinder to their side, it would fill the AU meter (that shows how far off canon the world is) by a significant amount, if not all the way.

Draconic Hermit

We also have to remember that Pyrrha dies at Cinder's hand, he doesn't know how besides a few guesses and Fandom hatred for Jaune misguiding him, but he's aware. Considering he does not know it wasn't Jaune's fault in anyway, nor the fact that Pyrrha stupidly went to her death, knowing that there's a big chance that she would die, without any backup, the pressure will be immensely on his shoulders, which means he'll be more irritated then usual.

Pope Yoda I

Could not enjoy the chapter. You're walking face first into the same cowardly mistake too many authors make - not having the balls to fuck away from how shit Canon is and seizing initiative yourself. Fucking kill Cinder, rescue Amber and maybe embark on a quest to unite the Maidens (while absolutely killing Raven in the process). You literally have every tool you need at your disposal, but your OC has to this point been a pathetic, reactionary wet rag Your OC knows who his enemies are - please let him use his brain.


" what do you have to lose?" "No Oz, the better question is what do we all have to lose? And the answer is, everything!"

Pope Yoda I

He literally has a half-dead chick in his basement whose life is instantly saved the moment Cinder gets skull fucked. The entire sequence of events in this chapter defy any logic.


Well, I can't remember at this point if he bought warranty plan or not, but he'd have a lot less to lose if he bought it and bound his team mates. Also cannot believe I missed half the fairy tale references

Alex Collyer

i believe that option was greyed out for him since the fey know how much he'd treasure anyone who'd stand by him like the stamped would.

Alex Collyer

yes lets kill a person unprompted who's in good or neutral standing with her academy no way that wont blow up in his face especially after their interaction in the lunchroom.

Alex Collyer

who's soul if not her powers can be restored with dragons blood and doesnt require becoming wanted by all vale's police not just some and get hunter teams on his ass since winchester will get the green light he failed to get in the first place.


Though he can always learn revival magic


@Zerak. The system doesn't seem to want us to talk. It seems my previous reply never posted. Oh well. To go with your analogy; yes, let the boat sink, then go the next boat over, the 'Salem Boat' if you will, and learn what she has to teach. It would take a spectacular amount of effort and time for Jauncifer to talk Ozpin into showing him real magic. Doubtless there are abilities that are, to use a HP reference, Dark or Unforgivable. Salem, from what we know of her, would not hesitate to use them. Granted, there exists the danger of her using them on him, but that’s what defenses are for. Unless, of course, Oz did it with the intent to turn Jauncifer into a bomb, with some self-immolating magic that he can no longer cast himself. For the Greater Good (Grindelwaldtm) Jauncifer also needs to keep in mind, in this analogy, that there are not two boats, there are three: the Oz Boat, the Salem Boat, and the Jauncifer Boat, the last of which is shortly to have interdimensional travel, no water or land needed. Outside of this, the point of my comment was manifold. First, to get off the canon track, which has both slowed the story and hamstrung the character’s interaction with virtually everyone he meets. Jauncifer is so frightened of harm coming to himself, Pyrrha or his potential recruits that he’s unwilling to upset the apple cart for fear of a little bruised fruit. But his inaction is leading to that very thing, the Fall of Beacon. Secondly, as I referenced above, Jauncifer is his own faction, and he needs to start making decisions in pursuit of that faction’s goals. This will also tie into point three. We see Jauncifer using Oz, Glynda and Pyrrha, though the last is for separate reasons, as the leaders and policy-makers in his life. We’ve seen how he wanted to handle Cardin, and later Cinder, but every time it comes down to him ASKING the Wizard what to do and being told to wait, or be nice, or forgive-and-forget. And every time he has gone with someone else’s plan instead of taking charge of his life. Yes, there will be consequences, but when are there not? Removing Cardin would have been seen as self-defense in the moment, and it would have eliminated a threat that had already shown a willingness to attempt murder. Thirdly, regarding Branding. I believe that several people, both here and on QQ, have raised this point: whether Jauncifer gets consent from the Branded or not, they still suffer from the consequences. Not directly, as the original or prime models stay with him, but what about the Pyrrha’s that are made from the prime model? What happens when one of them is bought by super-Cthulhu for use in a ritual to violate and cannibalize the soul to destroy the Earth? Or the one sold to the Dresden Files Winter Knight (violent, drug-addicted rapist with magic superpowers) Contractor who wants to slap a collar on her and use her to murder the Summer Fae and destabilize the entire world/Solar System/Universe? Or the relatively low-risk one where a Contractor buys her to rape whenever he wants and specifically avoids the ‘love’ aspect so that she’s conscious and aware? Now, it’s easy to forget these implications, because we write it off with ‘she consented’. But the ultimate truth is so very, very much worse. TL;DR: If the end result of Binding your friends can be so horrible, why not Bind the ones who deserve it, or will? On a final note, this error has given me the opportunity to clarify a comment I made on the most recent Draconian Remnant chapter, specifically that of the autism/Asperger’s argument. While I won’t do a deep-dive on my thought here, I’ve basically come to one of two conclusions. One, Jauncifer (and Dencifer, I suppose) have demonstrated several mental and emotional habits that I can only make sense of either as an inability to understand social cues and context, or they have been subject to the most intense gaslighting campaign ever waged, to the point that there should be articles in the Geneva Convention about it. From what we’ve been led to believe, every single person in his/their entire life engaged in brutal, coordinated psychological warfare with the express purpose of driving this person insane. Or. The character simply cannot fit into the ‘am human’ box in a comfortable way. At all. Hence, autism or Asperger’s. Theory number two, only recently born, is that the Company implanted false memories (don’t know the ‘why’ yet) in order to motivate him to accept a job as a Contractor. Perhaps also to influence certain events. I dunno. The biggest difference, and a major factor in my statement, is how divergent we’ve seen the two versions become as time goes on. Dencifer had a similar mentality to Jauncifer at the start, but where Jauncifer had the nebulous ‘Jaune-memories’, that also seem to either lack context or are evidence that joining Salem and eliminating Humanity is the right way to go, and served to reinforce those bad habits, Dencifer had Denki’s parents, by all accounts a loving couple who care deeply for their son and his well-being. There are changes that we see even from this. Further, the quality and quantity of social interaction is vastly different. Jauncifer on really interacts with Pyrrha, who will support him no matter what, his team and his ‘team’, and Oz. Small world. By contrast, Dencifer has a large, well-organized school with challenges designed to encourage socialization, a competent roster of teachers and mentors, a wholesome and supportive home life, and the need to be able to interact with strangers as part of both daily life and on-the-job training. All of this shows that, whether naturally or with some low-key Talent assistance, the character can learn to function. Again, if it’s autism or Asperger’s, Body Talent’s healing and curing of degenerative mental/genetic defects? Maybe. If it’s the ‘false memories’ story, then maybe classical conditioning, but the good kind this time. (; This became a lot longer that I intended it to, but I’m glad to get it out of my head. Been rattling around for days in here.


Hey, I just saw this after scrolling to see the release dates of chapters (which leads me to believe a new chapter should be out soon). First body talent curing any issue that would have affected social development, even if I did (which it likely did) it doesn’t magically give him social experience, he needs to build it and that takes time specially when he already has established social habits. The whole gaslighting thing I also find likely, I mean I experienced a lot of stuff similar to what Jaune described in his past but I just generally didn’t care (or more like I was unaware of them), like I would always go out of my way to help others but I would be reluctant to ask for help since idk how they will react if I contact the, after a long time to ask for help. As I reached my mid 20’s I realised I don’t actually lose anything from asking and if the situation was reversed I wouldn’t mind. It would also give me a better feel on others, I won’t go into every detailed the point is it is possible to experience what he did and different people develop in different ways based on such an environment. For me I just learned to no ask for help but I still didn’t mind helping others as I found doing so fulfilling and the decent thing to do. As for implanting memories, it’s actually the opposite the company suppressed a decent amount of memories of his training in basic and his mission in sailor moon (look at my last comment in QQ). Also I think the ages of each SI in the Waifu Catalog stories is a bit different (but I am not sure about that). As for joining Salem he can’t, as in it is against his very nature as a dragon of creation to join hands with a force that wants nothing but destruction. I agree with him being his own faction and there are other ways to learn magic than with Oz, he can look into runes, or he can learn it from Steve (read my last comment on QQ, it has a spoiler tag about another story that intersects with this one).