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The fallout of an unexpected Yang.



Yay bondage fun 🥰


" “Of course not, but his I though there some that may attempt to do just that. I will not allow others to use him so,” Pyrrha disagreed kindly, the time for violence having passed. " I'm on mobile so I cant shift-enter to a new line, but that looks like it's trying to say "...but there are some"


Gonna be honest but Yang is still coming off to me as a shit waifu. They had a serious discussion which was good, but the main one of what “sorry” means didn’t end in my eyes. It still seems like to me she doesn’t understand what she did was wrong and was ready to double down even and lay all fault on Jaune. That’s an extremely toxic personality trait. She’d rather give up on a relationship with a guy who really cares about her as a person than admit fault and work to better herself.

PublicLee Speaking

Oh, she absolutely is, and if it weren't for Pyrrha that relationship would be DOA. As for giving it up rather than admitting fault, It's a little more complicated than that. She doesn't understand what 'a guy who really cares about her as a person' IS. And she did admit fault, she just got pissed off that he was shoving it in her face than accepting it with 'grace', and I'm sure there will be some that think Jauncifer was in the wrong. Finally, remember, while this conversation happened, Jaune wasn't here for it, so his 'sorry means not doing it again' is his final thought on the topic. She either will get better, or they'll be done. This was more of the fallout, and character development for Pyrrha, Yang, and Blake, getting an insight into what Pyrrha is doing behind the scenes. This one was just so big, it couldn't happen off-screen.

Alex Piskura

I rather liked this. Relationships aren't all kisses and roses and sunshine, especially with a... shall we call it a kinesthetic person like Yang. From what I remember of her in the show, she's the sort of person who would touch the stove just to see if the warnings were true, and this kind of attitude does come back to bite her in the ass canonically. She has a lot of confidence, but suffers from the hammer and nail conundrum. It also feels like her go-to response to difficult issues is trying to power through them, which works when the issue is a wall, but no so much a person. Interestingly, Jauncifer and Yang are quite the opposites of the same coin, since Yang is, due to inexperience and immaturity, somewhat more prone to pushing back when pushed. Jauncifer is similar in this regard, even though they're coming from different starting points, which is where the friction comes in. Does this make her a bad, toxic person or incompatible with him? I would say no, and I honestly mean that. Pyrrha was very accurate in identifying that Yang, for all her brazenness, is pretty sheltered. Unlike Pyrrha, who had to grow up very quickly (and don't delude yourself, if even half the implications about her career as a championship fighter has merit, there really wasn't any room for her to *not* grow up if she didn't want to get swallowed up) Yang still has what I call pretty highschool girl syndrome. She hasn't had to face a lot of harsh realities, and lacks some very important perspective to be able to empathize with Jauncifer and his issues with trust. I do think that with some willingness to listen and talk, that can change, because I think a big part of Yang not understanding just how much abuse Jauncifer has suffered to be as gunshy as he is when it comes to trust and faith in people. I also think that, in contradiction to much of what's been said, Jauncifer doesn't understand that Yang doesn't understand. He has a tendency to attribute maturity to people, maybe from his skewed understanding of the characters, and from his own conscious bias. I feel like he has a tendency to forget that his teammates are teens, not "little adults". In a way Blake and Pyrrah don't help in this regard because they did have to grow up fast, as opposed to Yang, who basically went from Huntsman High School to Huntsman College and lived a pretty normal life by modern standards. This means that she, unlike her teammates, didn't need to grow up fast to deal with the complications of life, and I think Jauncifer doesn't parse that as well as he maybe should. Of the lot of them, Yang is the most age-apropos of the team, as far as experience and mental development go. Aside from the truly phenomenal capacity for violence, of course, she would fit into any modern suburban highschool setting, wild emotions and drama and all included. I also wonder if her semblance doesn't play into that, since it definitely seems to cause some kind of mental contamination when activated. She seems naturally aggressive, and easy to anger, but she burns hot and fast, and her semblance seems to feed into that, or rather she feeds into it. I wouldn't be surprised if she's not low-key wired up at all times and she literally cannot help herself because of it. That said, I also think that while she would push back when pushed, she would also be unquestioningly loyal once she gets some maturity in her. I don't think it's fair to call her a shit waifu, so much as the hothead waifu. She'll defend the people she loves to the death, and then some, but she'll also argue and test limits, especially if she feels unduly challenged. That said, there is something worth pondering: As much as Yang messed up, Jauncifer also wasn't perfect. Both made mistakes and became emotional, because both push and push back. Both have a lot of pride, and both have a definite fear of backing down, of being wrong, not in the points they make, but the responses. As much as Yang needs to apologize for going full bitch, Jaune also needs to apologize for being patronizing. He was right, mind, in the points he made, but nobody responds well to feeling like they're being attacked or talked down to. And even if he said "I choose my words carefully and mean what I say exactly" that doesn't convey understanding. While he might not use subtext, people are trained from birth to expect and interpret it, and claiming to mean exactly as you say and for the person you're talking with to believe it requires a lot more conversation and experience between them than we've seen with Jauncifer and Yang. It's one thing to say it, it's another for the person who just felt like they took a shot across the bow to believe it. All in all, I think this was an amazing interaction. We just don't see this kind of conflict in most fanfics, or hell, most regular fiction because of how uncomfortable it is to see. It's easy to forget that we see what's in Jauncifer's head all the time, but not so much Yang's, and that gives us an insight bias. I think there are some big moves coming forward, because while Pyrrha is Jauncifer's rock, I think Yang is more likely to be the one to allow him to start growing out of the cynical view Jauncifer has of people. It's clear that he's always expecting and attributing the worst to those around him, and reacts much like you would expect someone to suffer the kind of emotional abuse he's had. When you expect someone to turn on you, to abuse you, to use you, and then abandon you, it makes it very hard to not immediately assume it's happening when you get friction from people who you think of as close to you. As someone who's lost friends because of these exact issues, it's hard to see this kind of conflict from the outside, but I understand it, and all I can say is that Jauncifer and Yang need to have a serious discussion about everything or else things will continue to blow up. Probably with Pyrrha mediating, at least at first. I think many of the readers are underestimating Yang;s ability to empathize. She's young, and a little immature, but she's not evil or malevolent, and she does genuinely care, a lot, and if given the opportunity she has the strength and personality to be just as good for Jauncifer as Pyrrha is. Anyway, sorry for going off on a tangent, but this was just a really powerful couple of chapters for me. I really can't wait for the next one.


This was a powerful scene. It was really a good that you covered Pyrrha's view here.


Yang actually felt pretty in character, well done


“I, I remember that story. Achilles, he was alone when he died.” was this supposed to be Ajax, from Pyrrha's favorite fairy tail in chapter 28, "Ajax and the Broken Wall"?