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After-battle Jitters


Benjamin Lawton

I'm a little surprised at Jaune's question in the last line of this chapter – after all, hasn't that been the WHOLE POINT of the smoothies, since Day 1?


Not really. The smoothies were just meant to make them stronger, and thus harder to kill by infusing some dragon in them. I suspect that the Behemoth would view the rest as more human and not less.

Alex Piskura

Hum, that leads to some interesting questions, that last line does. Something that occurs to me, is that there's an interesting implication that's being bandied about here. Remember, the Gods killed all of magical humanity, then brought them back without magic. There's a strong implication that magic is both color and song, two concepts that are very, very important in the culture of Remnant, so much so that they fought a war over it. I think it might be possible that the almost obsession with using strong representation of color in the naming of children could be a forgotten throwback to the post-magic humanity, who had lost that intrinsic part of their soul, the magical part, as a reminder of their lost glory. Their souls no longer sing, no longer have color and light in them, but that history was lost in the perpetual cycle of destruction and rebirth that seems to come at the hands of the Grimm. The giant spider bastard, on the other hand, might be referencing a view or perception from the Grimm, in that post-magic humanity is missing their Light, and the only feelings that radiate any more are feelings of pain and fear and hate. Salem absolutely wants to kill humanity for vaguely defined reasons, but there's an implication that the Grimm predate her. It's very possible that some Grimm, the most elder, remember the beautiful humans, and see modern humanity much akin to husks or zombies. They move around and do the same motions, but the soul is gone, and some might even feel it's a mercy to kill them. Finally, and this is just my own thought, when Pyrrha was all "Good choice", she wasn't annoyed. In her sleep addled mind, I suspect she was congratulating Jaune on picking the pretty white one to add to their collection. I have no problem in my mind seeing Pyrrha having a pleasant dream where lil Wiesscream is sandwiched between the two big, strong warriors, panting and moaning and begging for the best release. She feels pretty Dommy in this iteration and who doesn't wanna taste that sweet stuff?

Draconic Hermit

You misspelled insistent as instant at the end. The story is pretty good so far. Makes me wanna put up an Aku (Unspeakable Evil Intensifies.) Meme up on QQ when people speculate what's gonna happen, but that always happens when I have access to stuff pre-Release.


Here is my theory about this Childe of Man stuff. Childe of Man: People that has magic. Animals: Mocking that they have lost their magic. Equalising that they are like animals. Can only have aura. Mark of the Beast: it saw magic and recognized it wasn't human magic per say. That it was abnormal magic. Interloper/Usurper/Thief: Alright, I'm shaky on canon now but it feels like it has seen gods as they are in various dragon shapes. Given that Grimm were created by Destruction God and they didn't leave immediately, if there are grimm survivors from the massacre of humans that the gods rained down on them. My headcanon is that this End of Times were a cataclysmic event that shook the whole world. I mean somehow would the dust be left underground, it sure didn't walk there. Grimm survivors from that time recognized his aura/magic/otherness and associated it with that time as Jauncefier also said he was a dragon. Maybe a god of that time stole or took something from God of Destruction. Maybe it wasn't just that god but another one that fell and someone with Jauncefier's otherness took their power for itself. Like slaying a god and taking their strength for itself. And thus becoming an interloper for breaking the Order what should be.