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Fall Term Starts - Mixing and Blasting



Is that a bootleg Schnee glyph or something?


Well that will start some fun times.


For some reason this won't load when I download it, any chance you could reupload?


Edits Once everyone will arrive -> everyone arrives liking it here. -> here? Institutional Racism -> institutional racism

Andrew B

It almost looks like the Eye of Sauron to me, but I’m kinda hoping I’m wrong here

Joseph Fera

For some reason I'm seeing Weisse using the glyph to become his public girlfriend. Also I figured something out about Cinder in this fic, she reminds me of the worst version of the modern feminist, the ones that say they'd never submit to a man or do any of the traditional feminine things but still expect the man to take the lead, so she can complain about him taking the lead.


I think that is fledgling proof that he will start copying semblances

Steven Stiring

I have no clue what the symbol at the end means but I can't wait to find out.

Guilherme Bezerra

With the talents active I can only assume he just got Weiss's semblance, which is going to cause some issues, but I also find it weird since I would assume Pyhrra's semblance would be first. Then again he has been training dustcasting most of all...

Mr Mouse

I mean, for all that she's an unmitigated badass with it, Pyhrra was actively discouraged from using her semblance, in order to make her fights more interesting In comparison, Dust/Glyph-casting, is basically Weiss' whole shtick

PublicLee Speaking

It's what Mr Mouse says. The two known factors in the equation are amount of time spent observing the power, and the user's skill with their power. Pyrrha barely uses her Semblance, and has only recently started using it to do more than subtly nudge an opponent's weapon, while Weiss uses her Glyphs all the time, and has trained with them to the exclusion of all her other combat skills, though that deficiency is something that has recently started to be addressed (I swear to god, Canon Weiss looses every solo fight she gets in).


I'd see her as kind of the reverse: she's a bully with a submission fetish, meaning that she _actually does want_ a big strong man to push her down. Most feminists of any stripe would want to strangle her with her own bra.


A "Faunus" getting the Schnee Semblance? I can practically hear Jacques seething (schneething?), and it is _delightful_. Even before the whole "can make Dust" thing (and the "accidentally wooing his daughter" thing), the MC is basically a walking insult to the bottle-blond bastard's superiority complex.

Guilherme Bezerra

My only real concern is with his actual team and company. The rest of the cast isn't much of an issue, especially with Oz on his side, but explaining this development is going to turn some heads. Which is amusing considering that we already know what Jaune's answer is going to be: I am a Dragon! Which while perfectly logical to him still leaves the rest of the cast confused. I really want the actual reveal to be in the tournament just for the sheer Flex of it. Even more if Lee goes with the canonical appearance of the Brother Gods and their dragon-like appearance. Salem is going to be fuming.