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Meeting the Gaang.


Gray Apples

Uh, I don't know if I just got here too soon or something, seeing as this was posted like two minutes ago, but when I download it, I just get a file titled "1", without the quotes, and it wants to open in stuff like Adobe Acrobat. And when I do open it, it looks like its just code or something. I am very confused.

Joseph Fera

I kind of wish denki had given Aang some words of wisdom about life and death before wandering off, but it seems like he's trying to not change all that much else if he can help it

Steven Stiring

Sokka was always my favorite character in the series so it was nice to see his point of view.

daniel koval

I forgot how childish and annoying Aang was in the beginning of the show. Hopefully with the portal jumping around we get some easy time skips.

Michael Rojas

So... kind of wanted to know. Did Sokka refer to the White Walkers?! Like what the hell? lol

Michael Rojas

Actually a common enemy to fight against would work better for possible lasting peace than just the Avatar being around. I always thought it was strange that the war just ended like it did. Like was the Earth Kingdom just going to let go a century of war, and all of the atrocities that come with it? I figure it doesn't really matter what happens. Aang is going to have stop and put down a lot of attempts at genocide later.


That and any territory that the fire nation claimed they just gonna give back? Like be real they would have had to of been worked on into making their and now say oh well we kinda built up after we took it but you can have it and we lose out of the resources we used for it. Their is another guy on qq id have to look up his name but he did a avatar story that did all the politicking very well for claiming land and creating a population that wouldnt want to get rid of the new leaders versus the ones they had before. Edit: the story was called focused fire.

Chaeden Amastis

Technically speaking the following story post the cartoon was all about the contested territory basically. Fire Nation kinda wanted to give it back(because it was Zuko) but the fire nation civilians and earth nation civilians of the taken territory had fully integrated already because 100 years of war. Ultimately they almost go back to war with each other until Aang shows up and settles things down and ultimately lays down the ground work for Republic City as a neutral self governing territory.(Also I think there was a water nation plot in there somewhere?.....I think someone kidnapped the earth king in a attempt to make it so the North Tribe ruled the South Tribe or something.... Aang's ENTIRE life was basically spent running around clearing up 100 years of political fallout until the nations were largely functional. Less then 20 years post death the world starts unraveling at the seams again though AND has spiritual problems because Aang had no time for that. And then Kora 'fixes' everything by just kinda...unleashing all the spiritual problems on the world because the writers were kinda complete hacks by the end of the Kora series.)

Benjamin Hower

Traditional epithet to refer to Wendigos, which should not be referred to directly without cause.

Guilherme Bezerra

I find it funny that Sokka comes across as the most developed, experienced and level-headed character in the team. More than his bender sister or even Aang, the Avatar himself, he comes across as the dude that is willing to press an advantage but try not to overplay his hand, especially with the whole Fish hook and lines thing. Meanwhile his sister comes across as a brat. Then again this is the beginning of their journey so... And was that reference to Cold Ones an actual Game of Thrones reference or did the author add something along the lines of Wendigo myths to the reason the southern water tribe is so small ?

Michael Rojas

That is genuinely creepy and I think I love it more than White Walkers. Actually I always prefer to think of them as The Others because it sounded better and or right to me.