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Hey, it’s been a while again, sorry for the prolonged silence this is becoming a bit of a trend. Thought it was about time i made some sort of an update so you know that i'm actually still working on this video.

I've spent my time on a few different things but lately a lot of my focus has been on learning to rig models and animate with them (mostly mechanical objects, you know where this is going). This stuff is about as difficult as i expected it to be but I've been making a lot of progress and i'm now capable of rigging all 16 of the car models that i currently have ready for this video (I’ll leave an image attached of the first finished rig i made along with a real janky animation test i did with it) I've got quite a lot to say about how i got all this working but i’ll save all that stuff for the behind the scenes video once it's all finished. The car that im showing off here is the car that will belong to my character in the video, it’s loosely based off a 1988 AMG Hammer.

Speaking of my character I've updated the look of him for this next video (image attached). I’ve been meaning to do this for a while because i'm honestly kinda sick of looking at the old one considering how long i've had it for. There were other scrapped versions but this is the one i'm most proud of and that i'll be using.  

Beyond aesthetic choices i've still been working on the script and i'm at a weird point that's got me struggling a little. Since this video is partially based on events that are still technically unfolding its brought me to a position where ive had to kinda re-consider my approach to the second half of the video. Im gonna do my best to keep powering through it but let me just say that this’ll probably be the last time i'll do a video on a topic that hasnt already resolved itself, shit can be hard to keep up with and even the smallest new detail can force you to change things pretty drastically. It feels weirdly familiar to when i was trying to keep up with all the PUBG controversies for that video back in the day… crazy times.

Anyway i hope everyone is keeping healthy and washing their hands, what with all this pandemic stuff going and once again. If you're feeling truly starved for content and you havent seen it I did end up uploading a little something to my second channel that may interest you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQchyz4Nlao

And once again to all of you I sincerely appreciate everyone that has stuck around supporting me. Thank you again and I hope to have more to show you soon.



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