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It's that time again.

I think i sorta forgot how much i hate writing until i came to the point that i had to start doing it again. I've been struggling a lot with staying focused when writing as of late but that's not to say that things arent coming along. Im still working forward with the arcade racing video and in order to break up the monotony of typing ive been spending more time preemptively working on visuals for it.

I've got a list of classic and iconic cars (mainly from games) ive been compiling for the video that i intend to model and if you know of any that i should probably include feel free to let me know and i'll add it to the list.

Also, im working on some videos to upload on my second channel because i like the idea of having an outlet to upload smaller easier to make videos that are more gameplay oriented in between the huge undertaking that is the main channel videos. Im already well under way with it and the images i've attached to this post are related to content that'll be going on there. (Yes i still want these videos to be of a noticeable quality though not nearly to the same degree as main channel content)

Oh and one last thing, i think my pc is pretty close to dying. My pc has been showing issues since as far back as August last year, about halfway through editing the reloads video. Im not sure how much life it's got left in it but ideally i want to be able to get at least one second channel video out of it before i purchase a new pc. This is the main reason ive been so cautious about progressing with any main channel videos and i've also been trying to hold off on any large purchases until this whole "Australia is on fire" situation has fizzled out a bit. Either way i should be able to afford getting a new one when the time comes and i'll continue to backup all my important files as i've been doing for the past couple months now.

Next time i post here i should have some decent car models to show off  



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