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Hello everyone,

Version 0.4 for next week is mostly ready. I decided only to add a small event for player feminization to start hormone therapy at the hospital, so I can use it to build on for next month. 

That means that for the May 1 update, I likely won't add a new mansion girl. Instead, I will focus on the feminization storyline, allowing players to leave the mansion as a woman, and other events and locations. I also want to make it possible to recruit girls in any order and streamline the early game a little.

I'm additionally going to start thinking about the ending(s) when players pay off the debt, as some people seem to be getting close to that. Although that most likely won't be for another few updates at least, I hope to finish/complete the game this year.

Have a great weekend,



Marius Haeberle

I would like if one of the camgirls introduce the player into the feminization. Maybe she tricks him into wearing panties or puts a chastity cage on him. And, if possible, it should span out over multiple weeks. I really don't want to promote other games but "The good son" is a pretty good game that has on of the best player feminization I've ever seen. Maybe you could take inspiration from that.


il love this game sad that most girl i like we can't rent them the room ,i love the feminisation that been added :) sorry for mi english