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Keep in mind that this is just a concept, it is not yet implemented in the game and perhaps never will be (but I still hope that it is, or that a better idea replaces it).


A fault that I find in bondage games (like BondageClub) is the fact that freeing yourself from bondage is generally not very interesting, that it does not take considers the player's bondage and that it is often a repetitive action like having to spamming a button. So, I will try to correct this and bring a more interesting system to free yourself.


My idea would be since release would go through a mini game where you must find the exit in a labyrinth, and if you hit a wall you restart from the beginning.

But what makes it even more interesting, is that depending on the type of bondage used to tie up, it will be more challenging to escape.

Here's some examples of the disability envisaged

  • If you are blindfolded for example, you will only be able to see only walls around you (which means that you can only use your hands to know how your bondage is done to detach yourself from it)

  • Conversely, if you have mittens for example, you won't be able to see the walls close to you.

  • If you are equipped with sex toys get horny about them then you will be likely to have your character move slightly uncontrollably at times, which increases the chances of accidental collisions with walls.

And, of course, handicaps will be accumulable, making escape almost impossible.


If you have any other ideas for types of disability or suggestions for completely different ways of freeing yourself, the comments below this post are at your disposal.


Anaîs Sokolova

I personally think that this kind of minigame would get old and "annoying" really fast. I personally enjoyed the didnapper 2 system a lot where you get into some kind of zen rhythm slowly chipping away at your bindings with well timed button presses as you attempt to weaken the restraints. I also think the Overkill mod for that game adds a lot of nasty ways to obstruct you. Maybe with a blindfold you don't see the arrow keys you have to press and have to make "blind" progress, perhaps too many failed prompts notify your kidnapper with a moan when they are close. With a vibrator you sometimes moan loudly and fail a button input and so on. With your proposed system it feels like you are not making progress as you exhaust the materials that bind you through relentless struggling. I also believe that it's too involved and pulls you out of the game when this kind of screen opens when you are struggling hard, unable to see and interact with your surroundings. Random button prompts appearing on screen would be much more sensible than an entire maze map, allowing you to role-play and react to things more fluidly.