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So, normally problems going on in my life is something I don‘t like bringing up, I don’t want to garner pity or something. However, recently and in the near coming future there is gonna be probably a much slower upload rate because I am dealing with medical issues.

I have what’s called a hiatal hernia, and it’s something that has absolutely sapped the life out of me, and over the past couple of years it’s gotten worse and worse. With summer being here, it’s even worse now to the point of being unbearable. 

I am currently trying to get surgery for it to get it fixed as soon as possible. When I do, it may be a while before I can draw again because I’ll be recovering. I’m hoping it’ll be very short, but until then I have to deal with it and wait. I do apologize that I have been struggling to get stuff consistently out for you guys, as this stuff definitely has been contributing to the recent art block. And the stress of not being motivated and having the energy to keep up on top of that feeds into itself.  

If there are any of these sketches you guys particularly like, let me know, I may consider finishing them. 




if something medical is slowing down uploads or hindering your ability that's not something you should apologize for, we just gotta understand what might happen because of that. Eitherway hope you can get it all sorted out and to see you in better health take care of yourself first before us kai! and great work as always


I hope you feel better soon! Take your time and heal up!


Yeah I suppose there is just some feelings of me owing you guys you know. I feel genuinely bad if I can’t make people feel like they’re getting their money’s worth. Not to mention I also rely on the income. It’s very hard for me to just relax, but thank you bro, I hope it all gets sorted as well. I really want this to be over


Thank you bro. I have the consultation before the surgery on the 29th so I don’t know when I’m getting the surgery yet, but the wait is killing me lol


Hopefully it'll be soon. The good news is hiatal hernias are pretty common so treatment of them is pretty well known. Still I hope for a quick recovery!


Yeah, your health is genuinely essential, so don't ever feel sorry about it because it's something we can't usually control either! I hope you get better and that treatment/surgery goes swell!

Awesome Man

I like the 69 sketch a lot. But don't rush! If you're not feeling well, please take the time to rest. We understand! I hope you get well soon!


I certainly like that kobold, but keep on your health man, don't want you dying on us, take care of yourself first


Take all the time you need, Your health is important.