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I HAD TO REMAKE THE POLL I am sorry I screwed up the settings, it wouldnt let me edit it.

I recently have been making male focused art. Do you enjoy this focus or do you perhaps wish it were different?

I recently have been going through a depressive episode due to recent personal events. So this may interrupt my normal pace for a bit!

Is there anything else that concerns you or something you would like to say about my art in general? Please let me know in the comments below! 💖



This is going the way of Meesh. I follow him (and you) for the ladies, but I'm here for the dudes too - I just prefer the former. Same on his haha Most are there for the boys. I'm just happy to see more art period. >:3


I appreciate that! My tastes seem to fluctuate. I definitely didn’t see myself suddenly wanting to draw mostly dudes hahah


I put my honest preference in the poll but I'd like to add that I'm just here to support you and see YOUR art. Whatever you decide to create. I'll be excited to see


I'm in dude mood but female are good too ^^


In general I prefer the ladies but good bois are always nice too, especially when mixed together. Your latest stream of work has been stellar and is some of my favorite and regardless of what gender you choose I have faith you'll put out something I'll enjoy. I do think you should do more pieces with those stirrups and gloves you've been doing lately though 'cause those are A+


ngl you draw some amazing bois, but i think it would be best to alternate between both male and female please both sides don't you think?


Probably! Sometimes I decide from the beginning whether a drawing will be male or female and sometimes it’s more after the actual posing is done. It does seem though that a lot of people would prefer a little diversity