Yoimiya blowjob phase1 (Patreon)
Hello everyone! Here is the first WIP clip of Yoimiya! The style is less toony this time, which helps highlight the wet effect I plan to make later!😊
4k animation in (Fan/2024XXXX_Yoimiya_Teaching_You_a_Lesson_t1/shorts/Yoimiya_blowjob_phase1)
Apologies for the lack of recent updates.😔
I'm excited about working on tongue and mouth animation, so I've decieded to prioritize it and skip some project setups like compositing and lighting first.
As a result, no model teaser this time and ended up with a bunch of ugly rigging testing footages which I don't really want to share...
So, I've decided to post this clip until I complete the basic setup, which I've just finished!
I should have separated it into shorter segments and posted them more frequently to keep you guys updated on the current process.😣