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I scanned, cleaned, and updated the Connections comic with Patron suggestions. Thanks, team.

Previously, on Patreon: 

My internet wasn’t connecting this morning, so I’ve just snapped a photo of the latest comic. I intend to ditch the overly-explicit “don’t give up” at the end here, but consider it my advice to you, my Patreon family, these darkening days of autumn. Inspired by several years of therapy and the fact that the reset mechanism on Connect 4 is the funnest part of the game.



Paul Baxter

I too have been in and out of therapy, and I just wish we were built like this game. Connection is such a slippery thing, so easy to see its absence but hard to see when it's there. Ah, if only we were a easy to see as this!


This is excellent work. Has stayed with me for a few days now.