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This little yarn took a very round about path into existence. Josh and I had talked about a few different collaboration ideas in January of 2021, but eventually settled on a lonely mitten who gets repurposed as nest material. After a long delay due to my confusion about how this would be done, I eventually mailed him some options for panels. 

Our plan to have Josh add drawings to my paper, using the same pencil I used (to match the orange of the mitten) turned out to be naive. 

The quaintness of the postal exchange was completely nullified by copious digital adjustments. The comic was pieced together, taken apart, and rearranged several times until it looked nothing like its former self- much like the mitten in the comic.

Oh well, we're done with it now, in time for spring.

If for some reason you haven't seen Josh's work, False Knees qualifies as real art. His hand-crafted comics contain stunning illustrations- all woven together with uncanny pacing and humor that comes directly from nature- some of it human.


Easter egg: Our comic may just feature the same mitten from the very first collaboration I did with Twistwood in honor of my comic's 20th anniversary:
