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Shen and I knocked pens on this coming of age story.  He drew everything except for the monster. I made the monster traditionally, but did a bit of extra work on the monster while using a Wacom Cintiq.

The story is partially inspired by the personal experience of a close friend of mine, whom I will refer to here as Z. 

In his childhood, Z's father would often don a "tickle monster" persona in order to inflict surprise tickles on his unsuspecting child. I don't think this is unique- it seems every family has at least one tickle monster lurking around. However, one unlucky day in Z's pubescent youth, he had an erection at the time of a tickle monster attack. Legend has it that, in the heat of the attack, the tickle monster accidentally grazed the enthusiastic appendage. It is with heavy hearts that we refer to the Tickle Monster as having been slain that day, for he never returned again.

I'm glad we were able to approximate the spirit of the story, if not the brutal reality. 

I don't need to tell you to follow the amazing Shen, but he has a Patreon over here

EDIT: I'm sorry for over-sharing. I just thought this was the place to do it. 




“Puberty is very confusing...” - Z Freud

Danielle Corsetto

hahaah oh my god this story, yikessssss!