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This is a time-sensitive advertisement that turned into a comic, so you're not getting it too much earlier than other social media posts. Sorry about that! More comics on the way.
Good news: after months of not having an online print shop (it closed due to the pandemic), we've set up something at:


This weekend they're planting a tree for every order they receive for the next 48 hours! BUY ONE, GET ONE TREE! More trees ain't gonna fix our global climate situation, but each seed feels like a tiny prayer- much like protagonist in this comic. The new store uses recycled paper and organic inks and fabrics, so I'm extra-psyched to be able to share my vulgar images.

I'll be adding items to the store gradually, so let me know if there are comics you want to get your hands on! 



Danielle Corsetto

I've been on the lookout for printers that use recycled paper, nice! Also, good pro-poop-tree comic.


Hi Danielle!! Yeah, all is good so far. They send items without the use of plastic too.


My daughter (3 years old) loved this.