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Hello dear Patron!

Week going OK for you so far? Mine is going alright. I had a nice weekend and got some RP in. Roleplaying is one of my favorite things to do. All kinds, but this time I am talking about the kind with a group of friends coming together, rolling dice, and telling a story. I know, I know. Nerd stuff! But it is 2024 my dears, get with the times.

RPG is one of the most inspiring things a person can do if you ask me. But these days it is so difficult to get the groups together it feels like. People have families and work and all that. You know how to goes, don't you Patron? If that isn't a problem for you count yourself lucky and protect that group with all you heart! Same thing goes for pick up leagues, pool and darts teams, etc. Knitting and book reading groups! All of it.


I posted some comments to the polls and there hasn't been much more interaction on that front since so I am guessing that will be about it. I will do my releases as PDFs for the foreseeable future since most people seem to prefer it and also, recently, copy and pasting big chunks into the window has become a source of great discomfort for me. This has been documented in my eternal shame, but I own it gladly.

Also! I am super pleased that people have been so friendly and positive about the penultimate chapter of EM.  A couple people answered that they wanted even more and I had thought I was already going above and beyond. I will see about offering fun opportunities on those fronts going forward.

 As for this week, I think I will drop the final chapter. Just conclude the story once and for all and see what everyone thinks. There is a bit of a time skip, which isn't a spoiler per se, just a heads up.

Anyway. Look forward to that! Read the last chapter and answer my poll if you haven't already!!




Matt Carey

Playing any TTRPG game is such a good time but wow is it tough to organize games on a consistent basis. I DM for two different groups and if we are able to get together once a month I count myself lucky. Everyone wants to play but life gets in the way so much. It’s so tough because RPG is so much fun.


You speak the truth! Ain't like it used to be! I remember having weekly sessions at one point and the thought is laughable right now.