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Is that a Euphamism my dear Patron?

I certainly hope your beakers aren't dusty. But what it means to me is that I am finally finishing Experimental Medicine. The first book at least. I have been putting it off for too long and I finally had a few gentle epiphanies to up the ante for the final scenes.

If it were just another sex scene, it would be a different story, but this is the climax of perhaps my most popular work and it is frankly in realms I didn't think I'd be exploring. But they are being explored! And with gusto!

Next week look forward to the next chapter of Robin Wood or potentially the final teaser of Experimental Medicine. I need to see how much has been released up until now. I might just need to release the rest of the story. We shall see.

But the story (rough draft at least) is jussst about complete. It is messy for sure and stepping back to take breaks from writing it means I jump in with quite a bit of time between so some of that may feel disjointed, but hopefully not too much. Everything will be cleaned up and woven all nicely together and polished when I go through the editing process.

The finished version of the beginning of the story I put up on Amazon feels a lot stronger and cleaner. (Writing-wise, I mean. The content is only getting dirtier and juicier) So I am looking forward to getting the second part out. I went a bit overkill on the dungeon ERA which is basically what it became, but you suffer alongside of/as the main character. Kind of meta in that aspect I like to think. I might cut it down in the editing process or at least streamline a bit of it. But a lot goes on down there. Lots of nice expansion scenes. Anyway, this is me just waxing philosophic about a poor guy getting milked for 1,000 liters of cum in a sex lab/dungeon. Hah.

Actually I had a chat with a friend the other day and mused again about the 'Michelle-verse'. But this is something that I had actually mentioned in a rant before so I won't do a repeat story. Look forward to more delicious smut and the glorious completion of the story we have all been enjoying!

It will be the end of one Volume, but not the absolute end of it all. I have plans to make this Experimental Medicine tale into a trilogy. Not sure if the second one will be a full-blown novel, but only time will tell. The idea of all of these stories being interconnected thrills me and kind of makes me want to put out a timeline like Nintendo did for Zelda. Grain of salt of course, but just one way to think of it all fitting together. Its really an autobiography in a sense.

Anyway. Have a lovely end of the week and a nice weekend.

I managed a much better week personally and got a lot of writing done so I am excited about that.




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