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Greetings my dear Patron,

How is your week going? I am still being bogged down in my own personal hell of a thousand paper cuts, but I take my breaths and move forward. It isn't that bad and I have been granted a few bonus pockets of reprieve to use for my own devilish devices, like this post right now. But ever am I being hounded by aggravations. Ugh, seriously this week is just one of those weeks for me. It happens. Maybe it is lack of sleep, I don't know.

So apparently the Patreon site itself is notoriously slow at times and right when I find from free time is when it apparently decides to slow to a halt. Like, I am talking 14.4 speeds here. We aren't even at AOL levels with fucking typing. When I tried to type this. For the second time. And got to about this point in the rant, I could still only see 'How is your week going? I-” And the cursor was just frozen there. I gave up on that and am using a word processor and will copy paste it into the damn site so I'm not sitting here in anticipation of ghostwriter to catch up to what my fingers typed five minutes ago.

I can feel my blood getting hotter in my veins. This isn't like back in the day when you went to ancient websites and watched as pixels slowly but surely manifested into vague blurry references to sexual shapes. And then wait and pray with your hand between your legs that it was well drawn. I can see now in this recollection why I got into reading smut back in those times. Text is supposed to load faster. And it did back in the early 2000's! Meanwhile 24 years later, I am on trigger watch because I can barely copy paste 3,500 delicious words with the sparse free time I have to do this during the daylight hours.

Ah, anyway.

The story is heating up big time and this is where things kick off. Please look forward to it and enjoy the slow and delicious build up. We all know what is coming, but how will it come? In what way? I hope you are enjoying the hints and subtle nods. Thanks as always for your patronage and reading. If you are one of the people who actually reads these rants of mine, bless your heart. Nobody needs to suffer through this. That is why I have those handy dashes below the rant. So you can just skip riight over the drama and unnecessary background noise and get right to the juicy goodness.

Please enjoy~


(P.S. Copying and pasting this into the window was an ordeal as well which did psychological damage to me. 

P.PS. I won't be able to properly tag this post because of how slow this is. Like is too shortt for this and its taken me 45 minutes to even get this much done dear lord.)


4. Massage Lady

“Another one of your regulars is here again, my niece.” Miss Ti said to Lin while raising her nose in the direction of the woman whose silhouette blocked most of the afternoon rays sunlight that typically shined through the glass door.

“You guys are open right?” The muffled voice of the woman said fogging up the glass. Of course, they were open. Their hours were posted clearly and the woman always came at the same time.

“Always with this song and dance every time.” Aunt Ti sighed and waved her niece to fetch the lost lady. Lin put her phone down realizing who it was and splashed through the beaded curtain to greet her client, Mrs. Patty Mables. Lin popped up to the door giving it a few gentle knocks and gesturing for Patty to step back so she could open the door outwards. The woman whole thought she was shut out always pushed the barrier to the point of causing Lin’s aunt to worry.

“Afternoon, Mrs. Mables. Yes, we’re open! Come on in!” Lin said with a clear brightness in her voice.

“Oh, Linny. I’m such a clutz sometimes. It’s just from the outside its so dark in here I feel like you guys are on another one of your special holidays or something.” She explained rubbing her arms and admiring the front room and waiting area. She always loved looking at the plethora of knick-knacks and memorabilia that Aunti Ti had collected and displayed. Lin helped her take off and hang her jacket and sat her down. “In January when I came by you guys were closed when I thought you would be open.”

“Some tea? You look cold.” Lin said and Patty nodded before she even finished the sentence. Lin sprung to action and got it ready while making small talk.

“There was only one ‘special holiday’, as you term it, and it was a rare occurrence. Sorry for the inconvenience, Mrs. Mables.” Auntie Ti said doing her best to mask just enough of the venom in her words so that the poison would take, but her target wouldn’t realize it. She was talented at this and it showed as Patty’s smile beamed at her.

“Well, Mistress Ti. I missed you two quite a bit. I swear, Linny here is a wizard. You taught her well. I was a lump of junk when I first came in here and I swear I am feeling light as a feather every time I leave. She cleans my spirit and that little boost to my, well, you know where.” Patty winked and gave her fairly prolific chest a little bounce. Aunt Ti smiled through clenched fangs, but she did know exactly what she was talking about. She had even spent some of the morning going shopping for a new bra. When she was measured by the seamstress she had relied on for decades she was nearly alarmed when her old friend told her she was a 32 DD.

Ti had been a 34 D for most of her life and hadn’t been able to strap on anything with a band size of less than 34 inches around her torso without feeling like she was being pinched. At least not since her schoolgirl years. Mrs. Mables bringing it up only solidified the truth she didn’t want to admit in her mind. The new bra, and new breasts that filled it along with the shapelier figure that allowed that smaller band to fit were amazing. But there was jealousy that tainted it from being utter bliss, like this foolish cow who stumbled upon her precious niece right as she was mastering her skill.

“Now that it doesn’t hurt so much anymore, I am thinking of coming twice a week. I’m gonna tell all my friends about this place. I feel sorry in advance for Lin’s poor fingers once all the girls come through here.” She giggled to herself and Lin approached with a cup of tea.

“Here you are, Mrs. Mables. This should warm you up before we begin.” Lin said equally warm as the tea she served one of her favorite clients.

“Any references you would be willing to extend to your friends and family would be nothing short of a blessing. Thank you for speaking so highly of us and my niece.” Aunt Ti said regaining her composure while adjusting her dress. She had time to get fitted and shop for a bra, but not get her dresses let out. They had been let out before, but for different reasons and she was worried she would have to get new dresses and tops. Did she even want to go bigger? Hearing the comments from her old friend who laughed at how small her bra looked. And how big they were. She took a deep breath and felt the fabric clutch tight over her chest. A feeling she hadn’t considered for a long time teased her like a dragon chases a pearl.

“Absolutely. Hey, speaking of which, you are looking quite nice yourself, Mistress.” Patty took a sip of her tea loudly. “Got that niece of yours working her magic on your muffins too?” She broke into a short fit of laughter and had to set down her tea. She was coughing and wheezed a bit, but recovered well enough. “Forgive me. Sorry mistress. Honestly though, looking lovely as always.” She finished her tea and Lin read the room and knew she needed to escort Patty to a massage room as soon as possible before her auntie lost it.

“Mrs. Mables, are you ready? Please follow me.” Lin said bowing and then grabbing the tea cup and saucer while leading her in. It wasn’t a large place. A small front room with a comfortable bench by the door and a single table with two places to sit on the opposite side. A counter that spanned half the width of the front area where a modest register sat had a beaded curtain that went to a small kitchenette and rest area with a mini fridge and storage for Lin and her Auntie. A hallway went down the other half and curtains and cloth tapestries hung from the ceilings forming walkways to break up the open space into a hallway leading further back. There were two rooms on the left-hand side used for massages and one on the right which was for storage. The hall extended to the back of the building where an older door remained locked for most of the time. The closer massage room belonged to Aunt Ti and the further one was for everyone else which currently consisted of only Lin.

“I am not joking, Lin. You really are something. All that talk you make about improving blood flow and all that must really be working. I’m losing water weight or something because the number on the scale is going down, young lady.” Patty said bringing her bags with her into the massage room. It wasn’t much larger than a space for the massage table and a shelf with towels, creams, lotions, and the simple changing curtain hanging from a rail in the corner.

“Thank you, Mrs. Mables. You are too kind. Here is your robe. Please get changed and I will prepare the room.” Lin said purposefully putting a little Asian twang into her voice getting into ‘character’. Her English was nearly native, but some clients just seemed to respond better to the razzle and dazzle of the whole thing and assumed there was real ancient magic going into the massages. To Lin, it was basically allowing herself to be sarcastic without coming off as condescending to her hopeful clients. The portly woman grabbed the robe and smiled before shuffling into the corner and closing the curtains. Lin bowed until she shut them and went about her work quickly.

She lit candles and incense and dimmed the lights while clicking on a few wall lamps. Some vaguely east Asian strings were plucked to the sound of waterfalls and wind chimes setting the mood. The soulless fluorescent lighting had faded and the glowing oranges and yellows of the specialty bulbs in the lamps turned the room into a meditation chamber. Lin paused to listen to her client still struggling to get her clothing off, but she was almost done. Towels were laid down and she grabbed the lotions and oils she needed for the massage. She took a deep breath and while the music was tacky, she had to admit it was calming.

“I am ready for you whenever you are ready, Mrs. Mables.” Lin said politely and pulled a stool over and popped down on it until her client finally revealed herself. She stood up instantly and helped her to the table and guided her face-first onto the table. Only the light reflection of the dim lights off the walls and floor to remind her where she was. Tendrils of incense smoke wafted down within view.

“I got to get me one of these massage rooms in my house, Lin. I seriously love this.” Mables took a deep breath smelling incense and candles that gave off fragrances of ginger, citrus, and lavender. “And Lin? I canceled my plans after this so give me a double and I don’t care what you charge me. Just do your thing.” She said, feeling Lin’s smile. Lin gave a big nod before checking the clock.

“I understand. Usually, we do thirty or forty minutes. You want to try for an hour?” Lin asked with eyebrows raised.

“Miss Lin, you are the artist and let this flabby body of mine be your canvas. Every time I am on this table I feel like, ‘If I had just gotten a bit more time I’d see even more results,’ and I am already blown away by what you have done so far. Tricks or not, do your worst! Well, I’d appreciate your best, though.” Patty said. She was a bit of a talker, but she was kind, caring, and authentic. Lin liked her and would rather have an extra forty minutes of her full body massage than a minute of time with… ‘Forget all of that.’

“As you wish, Mrs. Mables. Close your eyes and relax.” Lin said as the music trilled up and pan flute music took them on a journey. ‘You are the artist and I am your canvas’ Lin thought letting the words run through her head while she got into her groove. A full body massage was the ground floor for an actual massage therapist, but Patty typically went for that and focused on the breast massage. But with that extra time, Lin was going to put her all into it.

She worked the feet and thick calves and remembered the clay. She could hear her aunt in the back of her head scolding her to be rougher and push harder, but she had plenty of time today. That and the voice in her heart telling her about taking a gentle hand to the clay, her ‘canvas’. She found a happy medium and before long Patty was sighing and moaning with satisfaction.

“Your hands are so hot, Linny. Everything alright?” She said in a pleasant and relaxed tone. Lin was focused and in the zone and was muscling against the considerable fat on her large client’s thighs to reach the muscle.

“It’s just the oil I use, it has a warming effect. Let me know if it hurts or if it's too much.” Lin said as she throttled the leg above the knee, hands thumb to thumb, and ran them up her thighs pushing a big ripple of meat before it. She repeated the gesture multiple times on each leg and reapplied the warming oil often. She had to admit her hands were quite warm, hot even, when she rubbed her palms together spreading oil.

“Whatever you say. This feels amazing.” Mrs. Mables said as her eyes rolled into her head letting Lin take the wheel. Lin stared down at the significantly sizeable bare bottom of her client and continued her wringing pushes up the thighs. She could almost imagine the meat smoothing along the thigh and fat being shoved into the bottom of her butt. Despite how much butt she had, the butt cheeks were like the ends of a sagging bread loaf. It was normal for Lin to massage Patty’s butt since she wanted the lift. Lin imagined what it would be like if this woman had an ass that took advantage of all the flab in her thighs. It would be massive. She laughed to herself as she continued the booty massage working the cheeks in circles and spreading and stretching them in directions that would ideally counteract decades of being sat on and unexercised.

She worked the lower and upper back and then the shoulders and neck fully relaxing Mrs. Mables before asking her to roll onto her back. She glanced at the clock and already forty-five minutes had passed. She had taken her time on the back and needed to hurry up a bit.

“I think you must have put an extra towel down or something. The table is a bit lumpy today!” She said with a giggle adjusting her position.

“Funny, it is the same as always. Please help yourself to more tea.” Lin said quietly holding the cup to her client who drank the warm drink happily. Before long she was applying more oil and realized what Patty had been talking about. She pulled her head back in shock and blinked. Patty’s butt was firm and juicy enough to prop her thighs off the table about a centimeter despite the smush. “But, then again, maybe there is something on the table. Is it discomforting? I use, uh, extra oil for longer massages so towels are helpful.”

“Oh, it’s no big deal, darling. I will just get used to it.” She laughed sending a ripple across her bare stomach. Her legs were thick and a bit flabby, but her torso was where she stored all her fat and when you are on the massage table you don’t have corsets and binders and corrective pantyhose to hide how out of control your gut has gotten. Patty was one of Lin’s biggest clients in more than one sense of the word, but she didn’t mind and now she was curious.

I wonder if…’ Lin’s mind wandered and she smiled lowering a warm rag across the eyes of her client who readily accepted it and sighed with relief. She had done so much work on the legs that she sped through the front part.

“Yeah you really worked my legs so good just now, and I want to get as much bang for my buck on these boobies today, sweetie. Don’t hold back.” Patty said with a giggle undertone with some seriousness.

“Yes, Mrs. Mables. I am working my way up. I can’t skip your stomach, massage is good for digestion.” Lin said stepping along the table to get a better angle. From above, Mrs. Mable’s butt was squished out on both sides quite a bit. All she could do was blink and move on. Her hands pushed against her lower gut and she cursed internally at exactly how much fat she had to get through to reach the muscle and give the organs caring and gentle nudges. ‘I just want it out of my way. Get out of my way!’ She kneaded and continued to work her client.

“I swear, Lin. Your hands feel so good. So hot it's like they are melting right into me. Sorry for trying to rush the master at work. Just do your thing. Ungh! Ohh, oof!” Patty said as Lin pressed hard into her liver with the heel of one of her palms.

“Thank you Mrs. Mables. Tell me if you feel any discomfort.” Lin grunted still straining to properly massage muscle, but was making progress. She would slide some of her gut to the side and some up and some down while she worked around the vital points she intended to give attention to. Patty went to raise her hand a couple of times borderline wincing as Lin put the weight of her upper half into some of the moves, but ultimately she held on and took it.

“Oh, finally, I have been waiting for this. If my husband was half as touchy as you were we might actually be able to rekindle the fire again, if you know what I mean” Patty laughed, but this time it was less like rippling waves and more of a generalized jiggle. Lin raised an eyebrow as she began her breast massage.

Lin’s technique started at the arms, just like her aunt, and she repeated the process and pushed and stretched meat and fat and muscle coaxing it closer to where it was more desired. It ended with rubbing large circles like a conch shell from the outside in and ending at the tip of the nipple. She spent a solid fifteen minutes on each breast and ended with a neck and face massage.

“Are you finished in there, yet? We have another client waiting out here, my niece.” Auntie Ti’s voice snapped from beyond the door. Lin’s focus was at once shattered and honed into a brand new shape at that moment.

“Yes, Auntie!” She responded quickly and had Patty up and admiring the results of her massage.

“Yeah, I think an hour is way more than worth it. Look at these puppies!” Patty said smiling holding up a breast in each hand. She was still a big lady overall, but her shape looked more, arranged, and fit. And the flappy half-full sacks of fat that were her breasts typically looked more like plump, nearly-full sacks of fat. Patty got up and headed to the dressing room and squealed when she got a look in the mirror dancing a bit and turning this way and that to get a glance at herself. She looked over her shoulder, too engrossed to even care about the curtain. “I will be back later this week, honey. Tell me when you have the most free time and just have your way with me, Lin. Oh, that reminds me!” Mrs. Mable dressed up surprisingly quickly and grabbed a large paper bag she brought in with her.

“What is this, Mrs. Mable?” Lin asked mostly feeling stress that her aunt was expecting her to help another client more than fifteen minutes ago. Glancing at the clock, nearly two full hours had passed.

“These my dear, are the finest delicacies that money can buy if you ask me. The whole reason I got this fat belly of mine and have to come to see you and massage my guts. You could use a bit more meat on your bones, honey. And I can’t thank you enough.” She smiled at the thin masseuse and held the bag out. She also fished through her purse and pulled out two crisp hundred-dollar bills and held them up.

“But it’s only 79 for an ho-” Lin began, but Patty shushed her. She shook her head then put one bill in her hand and another one in her pocket. Lin tried to protest but Patty just nodded and patted the bill tucked in her pocket reassuring her. Lin felt a tear forming on one of her eyes and Patty gave her a big hug and whispered into her ear.

“Girl, you don’t need to say a thing. Just take it and keep being you. You deserve so much better. Don’t tell that mistress of yours, ok?” She said and held Lin by her shoulders and smiled. “And thank you, Linny. Now I am going to hit on my husband and see if he notices anything different!” She giggled and froliced off towards the door.

“About time. Hurry up and get to work.” Auntie Ti said through the crack in the door already working on another client in her massage room. She clocked the paper bag and raised an eyebrow. “More bon-bons? Like you need them, your butt is too big. Cut back to seaweed and rice as I suggested weeks ago. Then maybe you wouldn’t attract unwanted attention.” The client on the table had no idea what they were saying and if you didn’t understand the language either you’d think her auntie was giving words of comfort and support instead of the barrage of barbs digging deep into her niece's psyche.

Lin didn’t have the energy to deal with that right now and felt exhausted. She used her self-control and offered half a nod while doing as she was asked. She passed through the beaded curtain and saw that the afternoon sunlight had already begun to turn orange as she waved goodbye to Mrs. Mables. She scanned the waiting area taking a breath and putting on her smile. The look on his face brightened and his whole posture perked up when she found him huddled in the corner. Her next customer was going to be him.


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