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Greetings my dear Patron!

Almost the weekend already! Last week and this week have flown by because I have had stuff planned on my weekend to look forward to the whole time.  That and kind of back to back busy work weeks have helped things move along. Here is another chapter of Robin Wood. Sexy expansion-wise, this isn't going to be the chapter for you. But I think it sets up the actual living situation that Lin is in and helps you get a feel for her.

After that things pick up quite a bit and like I said before, I am trying to cut down a bit on overdrawn anticipatory stuff. You tell me what you think about that as the story goes on. For the time being, please enjoy 1,700+ words of slow-burn character introduction! 


3. Welcome home

How Bruce heard the click of the lock and squeak of the door, loud as it may have been, over the new wave music is a mystery that he’d never reveal in his lifetime. The place was warmer than the outside and there was no gusting wind so that meant it was warm comparatively and the heating radiators did go off once every hour or so turning the place into a sauna for five minutes until slowly marching back to just above freezing. This was life during the colder months, but with Bruce, everything was always ‘Hot! Hot! Hot!’.

“Yaa~s! There she is the queen bee! What’s up girl! Spill me the tea and pass me a bee if you know what I-,” At this juncture, Bruce popped their tongue loudly and threw up jazz hands. “-mean!” He was standing on a rickety sofa with one foot on the arm like they were finishing a musical number and tried to pull the move where you ‘walk’ the chair down to the ground, but ended up falling off of the thing and squealing pathetically.

“Hey, Brucey.” Lin replied coolly while holding back a laugh and rooted around in the plastic bag for the requested ‘bee’. She held out the can of cheap beer to her roommate who was still face first in the rug. He held up his hand and accepted the beer without moving groaning appreciation into the floor. Lin sighed and put her things down after turning down the music and hefted her roommate up.

“Thanks, girl. Is it bad?” Bruce said, making faces and stretching his nose. “It feels broken. Tell me it isn’t broken.” Lin patted his bare shoulder, he was only wearing a tank top and a pair of booty shorts that were a bit too tight for him.

“You’ll live, Brucey. You hungry? I want to eat.” Lin said heading to the couch which had remained upright during the musical number which had continued in the background. They cracked their beers and Lin passed over a few packs of food and a cup of ramen. While Bruce went for the cup of ramen, Lin held on a bit and they made eye contact then paused. Bruce’s expression got serious and made a pouty face before going back to serious mode which involved his shoulders quite a bit.

“Girl. I got you.” Bruce said and started pulling on the ramen a bit harder, sticking out his tongue in the process, but Lin made a stern face and tilted her head down with a glare that she wouldn’t want to admit had been rubbing off on her from her auntie. Bruce let go of the ramen and took a deep breath and fanned himself off shaking his head, eyes closed and looking up to the heavens. “My sweet angel and landlady’s little land lady lady girl Lin Lin. I have shows tomorrow and Saturday and you know. You know that mama brings in that money during show days, alright? I got you, I said. I know things are a little late right now-.”

“Things are always late, but it is almost a whole month, Bruce. Please?” Lin said. “Either you pay your part or I have to eat dinner with my aunt every night and suffer. I can’t do it. Not lunch and dinner every day. It’s too much.” Lin said and broke down in tears letting the cup of ramen tip over in the process and roll towards her roommate who stared at it hungrily.

“That bad? Did he show up again?” Brucey said softly like a mother hen and quickly was by her side pulling her in tight. Bruce wasn’t an athletic type and had plenty to love, but it meant he gave phenomenal hugs and was the teddy bear she needed to make her feel safe, despite him being a broke-ass bitch. Lin nodded into his bosom and hugged him back and he patted the back of her head rubbing her hair. “You know he can’t do anything to you. Just don’t let him in your head girl. Your auntie…” Bruce raised his voice from a coo to a caw. “That AUNTIE of yours… ought to be taking better care of you on that front. Unreal sister girl.” His voice calmed again and Lin began to regain her composure.

“I think you might have a fever or something because you are so hot.” Lin said through weakening sobs.

“Girl you act like I don’t know that already.” Bruce bragged and danced his head back and forth on his neck. Lin shook her head.

“No, like, your temperature. I am freezing cold right now, but it’s like you just got out of the shower or something.” She clarified. Bruce nodded his head sending the curly wisp on the little single patch of hair atop his head to bouncing.

“These engines run hot, honey. And I ain’t got no radiator neither. So just embrace me and know that those ain’t just tears on those cheeks. That’s Bruce juice, baby.” Bruce pulled her in perilously close and Lin did all she could to try and break free from the hug, but it wasn’t meant to be and she felt limp until he finished the hug.

“Thanks, Bruce. I don’t know what I would do without you, girl.” Lin said, wiping her nose and cracking open a soju-soda. She wiped her eyes and smiled glancing up at her roommate. “But you better pay up, bitch. Or no more ramen and beer for you.” Bruce made the sign of the cross on his chest and held up three fingers in a Boy Scout salute.

“I hereby solemnly swear. As the best performer in Chinatown. That I will make money at these shows on Friday and Saturday, even if I have to do it on these knees, girl. And pay you the money for rent and shit for this month.” Bruce smiled at Lin.

“And next month.” Lin said, taking a sip and glancing at the calendar. It was already the 27th. In February. Bruce squirmed like something was crawling around the inside of those booty shorts and made faces like he was being tortured with a whole lemon inside of his mouth.

“Girl, you are so hard on me. I can’t-. No. Well, now. You know what? Yes. YES, darling! It shall be done. For this month and next month. Believe me! I solemnly swear.” Bruce grabbed a packet of salt from the table and threw it over his shoulder. “So help me god. Or Buddha or all of them all. Rupaul even.” Lin cracked up seeing how hard Bruce was trying here and couldn’t even.

“Thanks, Brucey. I mean it.” Lin said, giving him one more squeeze before reaching for her drink and offering up her can for cheers. Bruce did the same and they enjoyed a meal together, sparse and simple as it was. They chatted about their day, Bruce talked about his new part-time job selling balloons and ice cream as a pseudo-clown.

“They didn’t tell me I couldn’t wear a costume so I figured why not, right?” He said and showed off some selfies in an absolutely lavish costume with immaculate overdone makeup wearing clothing that consisted entirely of sequins. Lin was always blown away by Bruce’s skill and ‘unique’ sense of fashion, but that was just who he was, a true drag queen. “The kids love it.” He said with pride. Eventually, conversation turned back to Lin’s situation and after the mandatory dragging of her aunt through the mud, they got to the root of the matter.

“The fact my aunt can’t hear me or seem to care about my situation is what hurts the most.” Lin admitted running her finger around the rim of her third can. Bruce nodded with an expression that read pure understanding.

“He’s been showing up at the clubs, too, you know. Swinging that thing of his around in some ratty old sweatpants. I swear more people are staring at that thing when he sits all like this than the girls on the stage.” Bruce sat back lounging obnoxiously with his legs spread out. His own bulge stood out a bit due to how tight the hot pants he wore were. “I know he is a total skeeve and gross as all hell and, the things he says to you, unforgivable, girl.” He swallowed and took a sip of his drink. “But I won’t lie to you, honey. I’d be quite interested to see a willy as big as that and from how you describe it, it is a whopper.

“You are so gross, Bruce.” Lin said having taken offense but laughed soon after. She knew her friend too well. “There is no limit to the crazy lengths you have gone for penis, is there?” She raised an eyebrow.

“Not just any penis, baby. Just the really really big ones. I want to use that mallet of his to play croquet with my balls and make sure it all ends up in my gate. Uhmn.” Bruce said, forming a very colorful image in his head. Lin watched as he stewed in that peculiar moment with a look of concern. He caught her staring and shook his head. “But, you know, he’s an absolute monster so he deserves nothing. That battering ram in his shorts must make him think he can get away with anything, but he is just a bit too big for his own britches with the way he treats you. Fuck that guy.”

“Yeah, fuck that guy.” Lin agreed, sighing and taking another long sip. Memories of the countless horrible things he said to her, the seemingly endless thick spurts of semen all over, and cleaning it all up while he and her aunt were laughing in the front room haunted her at that moment. Soon after music and chatter were replaced with shows and drama on TV and eventually sleep.

  • Interlude   -

The clay is alive when it is wet. It responds to touch and is malleable like the mind of a hopeful youth. Like such a youth if you take a gentle hand with them and show them potential, they will grow and become great. Alternatively, if you take a rough hand to them and punish them too often, they may become something terrible. Remember this when your hands are working with the clay, my dear.”

  • End  Interlude -


Post Story Rant section:

So our precious MC has a roommate! And Lin might be a bit of an entrepreneur in her own right with that apartment. Maybe there is more to her than we know? Perhaps she takes after her aunt a bit more than she'd care to admit. While her roommate is eccentric, he seems to have a good heart. I think almost all drag queens really do. I went heavy on the lingo and hope it came through that Bruce is a drag queen, haha. The interlude is where the real meat and potatoes is, believe it or not. Foresha~~~dowing!



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