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My dear Patron,

Happy holidays if you celebrate them during this time of year! I enjoyed a roast chicken and vegetables and was quite pleased with the result. I feel like I never add enough salt. More of a reason to pile it on when it hits the plate, right?

tl;dr Have a nice holiday, I have some free time so I will be writing a lot, released EM Novel Part 1 on amazon, and a rant about my holiday plans.

Anyway. I am just on the cusp of a bit of a break from work and have a few days where nobody will be peeking over my shoulder or throwing work at me. That means, as the title of the post implies, it's time to get down to business.

Going to be releasing a bit more EM teaser this week and maybe the start of that size stealing story later on this or next week. We shall see about that. My OCD tendencies tell me that I must release teasers and the finished EM story before I may begin to tease and release another kind of story. But I may say nay in the face of such a feeling so you better watch out and you better not cry. I won't be finishing that reference because my first thought was smutty claus or smut-a-claus and I didn't quite care for it. Still dropped it for you to cringe at alongside me in that deliciously punny way, but still a bit much to warrant such follow-through. Yeah, this is a full-fledged rant.

In other news, I have released what I have deemed 'Part One' of the Experimental Medicine Novel. Going to be dropping it in chunks as I chip away during the editing process until the whole thing is out there. If you have Kindle direct you can already read it for free on amazon. If not, I am asking for 3 bucks for it. People charge as much for like, 3,000-word tiny stories, but if people are paying and like reading it who am I to talk trash? That is a rant for another time if you want to hear about it by all means let me know. But I can't really justify throwing out much less than 10,000 words for three bucks. At least on the Amazon store. Commissions are a different story.

Part One, well you can read for yourself here, but part one covers the first three days of the story that you have most likely read already. Basically, part one and two that have ben released for free, but combined, rewritten, edited, and polished. Also my sexy ass cover which I am quite proud of. I have some images of the boss character as well which may end up on this Patreon if I have half a brain to post them. Would you be into that?

Fear not. The content is basically the same at heart, but after a few more years of hard writing and putting in a lot of time at the keyboard there are more than a few spots I want to flesh out (ayy) and a lot more spots that need deep editing. I got a lot of comments on Reddit (Ah, those were the days.) and even some proper feedback from moderators on various subs and I haven't forgotten them. Actually, going through all the old EM posts on Reddit when I wrangled the whole series into one place (Holiday Miracle), I scrolled through the comments and was brought quite a bit of cheer.  Anyway. Yeah, the stories themselves are filled with a bit more content and overall should be much more enjoyable.

I have mentioned before that the stuff I release on here is in quite a rough format. But you don't have to wait years for it to come out, you know? Either case, the story is still enjoyable in its rough form, but I think with the polish thrown on and the added build-up and easter eggs and stuff (Now that the story is basically done) it has a bit more depth to it. Also! Adds a lot of incentive to get in some more sexiness for every part I release. Also paying attention to a bit more detail like sizes, times and places, and other good stuff. Overall it should make those 'Hey weren't they volleyballs a minute ago and all of a sudden they are beach balls? When did that happen?' moments a bit less frequent. That is the intention anyway. Taking another pass to pad out the sexiness and tension while cutting away the wonkyness is never a bad thing in my eyes.

Anyway! At this moment I am just kicking myself for how often I write the words 'basically' and 'anyway'. Nothing like combing through your old manuscripts to realize you have added the word 'slowly' over 100 times. Why are adverbs so hated in literature? I mean I get it, but... come on! Hah. Another rant for another time.

Shop talk aside, rant is already getting long (This is when I decided the post needed a tldr), but I have some fun holiday plans coming up I can't wait for. A bit of a party that I am going to get all dolled up for (Typically a dreadful affair) but I will be saying goodbye to someone who is leaving their position so I don't know if I will see them again. Maybe some karaoke (Also a dreadful affair), and plenty of drinking (Dreadfully fun affair). Here is hoping I can make it home before the sun comes up. I will make sure to have my posts ready in the chamber for you guys and gals so even if I don't make it into next week you at least have a bit more content to see you through to the new year.

Until then, please take care of yourselves (ayy) and have a wonderful holiday season. Thanks as always for your support and kindness and most of all, for reading delicious smut. Let's look forward to a wonderful 2024 (Typing that pains me. Why?) and hopefully a world getting brighter.

 Ta ta~



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