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Greetings my dear Patron,

 I hope that the heartfelt moment earlier in the week didn't ruin the mood at all. I was feeling a bit scatterbrained and laying my thoughts on the line like that is a way for me to bring them into a kind of focus. That and a penchant for talking and explaining way to much means a passionate rant. Much like this one is destined to be! Perhaps.

 Actually, I preloaded this post up a day or two ago since I have taken a few days off work and will be away from the proverbial k until next week. Wanted to make sure there was a morsel for you to enjoy while I blow off the whole world. (Ayyy. No, not like that.)

As I read through the teaser text I remember how many times I have mentioned that this chapter is going to get crazy. And it seriously is. So please do your best to accept that this is going to be a roller coaster ride and we are going to be brushing against more than a handful of new things. There will probably be a thing or two you aren't into, but we will get through it. And I won't make things too nasty that it is unenjoyable. If you have read my work for a while now, you should know me well enough by now that I won't be too punishing.

But someone has to pay, don't they?

We rejoin the Boss and Trish as they embark on the start of a mission.

It's time to go back... Back to the clinic.



Outside the clinic, it was well past midnight and only the sound of chirping bugs could be heard over the sound of the occasional car speeding down the road and off into the distance. The Boss’s car was parked away from the clinic and Trish was following through the small wooded area stepping carefully having a tough time keeping balance. Even without the huge blimps that Trish was still hauling around, that bitch, you still had a tough time navigating the uneven ground and root systems of the trees that formed borders between the properties.

“I must state again, that this is completely illegal and you don’t have to follow me.” I said to my subordinate following behind me. My heart was beating in my chest harder than I think it ever had in my life as we headed away from the car. ‘She will have no idea we are coming. But if anything goes wrong and this thing goes tits up we are going to jail if she can talk her way out of it.’

“I am in this for the long haul, boss. Lead the way. Let’s save our man.” Trish whispered behind me enthusiastically. She was tip toeing with over exaggerated motion like a cartoon cat and then would catch her foot on something and be swinging her arms around or reaching out for branches. I just shook my head and sighed when I saw her innocent apologetic smile. We both wore matching black knit caps and all black covering our body. We went all in on this operation since it meant everything. She could wear stretchy clothing again and managed to pull a turtleneck over her big round pumpkins with a hem that managed to reach her waist. Tight black leggings were her mainstay as well and they hugged her hips. She blended into the darkness quite well as we creeped up, but in a well lit room her silhouette would be completely erotic. I had mixed emotions of jealousy, anger, and arousal whenever I saw her, which was often these days.

I wore a similar outfit, a black long sleeve turtleneck sweater and a pair of more casual black work slacks which stretched a bit more easily than my suit ones. I didn’t have the same level of curves as her, but if everything worked out tonight we’d be able to change that soon. Everything hinged on tonight and we both knew it. We reached the treeline and were just outside the parking lot of the clinic along the side of it where there were no obvious cameras.

“Are you ready?" I asked my partner in crime in a low whisper. She nodded with a serious face and awaited my signal. We had been watching the doctor for about a week or so since the last meeting where she tried jumping my bones and we knew that something was wrong from then on. We came up with a plan and planned on questioning her and getting all the real information we could. With luck and some ‘cooperation’, we’d then hopefully rescue our coworkers and figure out what was really going on in that place. Trish was just as interested as I was to see what happened to our friends and just as desperate as I was to get another taste of that sweet sweet cum we both only had distant memories of at this point. Withdrawal had passed, but now longing and low-key depression were setting in. ‘This is what addiction looks like I guess…’ I mused taking a careful look around the parking lot.

In the weeks following Valentina’s disappearance they spent more and more time together. Nights of wine and tears ended up shifting to dirty dirty talk about him and his cock, and the lengths we were willing to go to just to have more of it. Some nights after the second bottle was opened we would just both be openly be fingering ourselves right there in the kitchen or on the sofa reminiscing about how good it felt to grow and the intensity of arousal just being around him. When that doctor spouted more of her bullshit about Valentina a week ago, and after a second bottle led to a third and mutual fingering turned into a night of passion, we woke up and realized we had to do something. ‘God I missed having breasts as big as those.’ I glanced at Trish looking around and adjusting her shirt since it was riding up and showing her undershirt. I gritted my teeth and nodded to her.

We crept across the parking lot and sidled up next to the building flattening our backs against it as much as we could. Her ass was too big and fat to do that, but she tried and ended up arching her back so her shoulders touched vaguely and her chest jutted out. Her little consiratorial pig tails fwipped back and forth as she looked around. ‘What are we even thinking. This is rediculous.’ I shook my head and get serious. ‘No time for doubt. Too late for that.’ The doctor typically left around midnight, sometimes earlier, but it had been getting later and later recently. She looked more and more tired and strung out and we figured tonight would be the best time to strike. We even followed her home on a couple of occasions and knew where she lived, although she went to more than one place on some of the nights. But generally she’d always return to her main spot so if plans didn't work out tonight we could always try and get her at her house. That was full on stalking and we’d be in really deep trouble if it came to that so we wanted to make sure that we could do this here and now.

I could almost hear Trishes heart beating over the sound of my own and my blood was pumping so loudly in my ears as we stood there waiting. It felt like hours and I must have checked my watch twenty or thirty times, but it was only really forty or fifty minutes when we finally heard some noises in the clinic lobby. I looked over to Trish to see if she was paying attention. She had a hand down the front of her pants and was busying herself while squeezing one of those big soft tits of hers. I slapped her shoulder and she snapped out of it nodding in apology while I thumbed towards the door and held a hand to my ear. Her eyes lit up in excitement understanding my signal and we both crept to the corner of the building near the rear exit.

The sound of opening and closing doors, filing cabinets, and various shelves rattled inside the cheap walls of the building. This was her closing ritual checking up and closing the place down before leaving the building for the night. She’d always open the door take a deep breath of fresh air stretching out really big and showing off those massive tits of hers even bigger than Trish’s. More recently we couldn’t help but notice the massive bulge in her skirt on some nights, the same nights she went back to her apartment.  She’d conceal it when she went to one of the other locations, though. Finally, she’d finish her stretch and turn around, back facing the parking lot, and then carefully lock the door with multiple keys and punch in a security code. That was the chance we aimed for.

The door opened and I tensed up holding my breath. We could hear her stretching and taking her big breath of fresh air. She was saying something quietly to herself kind of in a sing-songy way. I heard the jingle of the keys and waved for Trish to follow and pulled up my baclava scarf to conceal my face. We tiptoed from behind the corner of the building and slowly approached her from behind and then pounced like a pair of hunting lionesses. She was too lost in thought or whatever the heck she was singing and was totally caught off guard. We grabbed her by the arms and smacked the keys out of her hands opening the door before she could secure even one lock. Before she got out a cry I had my hand over her mouth and we pushed her inside quickly forcing her to the ground. We grabbed the keys and pulled out the rope we brough and began to tie her up.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Who the heck are you?" She said struggling as we smiled behind our baklavas securing her and taking no chances. We managed to tie up her wrists and arms, and tie up her ankles as well until we were certain that she wasn't moving anywhere. We made sure the door was locked and the lights stayed off. She was just working late and like before she sometimes slept over here.

"I think you'll find that we're the ones that are going to be asking the questions and you're going to be the one answering them. And if you don't answer them honestly, were not going to go into what's going to happen just now, but understand that I don't think you're going to like it.” I said in a kind of gruff voice trying to scare her a bit. She sat there and sighed shaking her head staring at the binding around her ankles. She was shifting back and forth uncomfortably to try and get in a better position. She was wearing a black skirt down to around her knees and a pair of simple black flats. She had a white sweater under her beige jacket with tails long enough that she sat on them. Her hair was shining and clean and she looked up at Trish and I squinting and straining her eyes as we stared her down.

“All we want is for you return our friends to us safe and sound. We will take them and then get the hell out of here.” Trish added in using a similarly gruff voice which sounded silly. Michelle sat there, bound and still restless, listening patiently with her mouth in a straight line across her face.

“You're going to tear up their contracts and then give us your blessing to let them go free. Got it?" I stepped forward standing over her with one hand on my hips and the other pointing down at her when she finally realized. Her glasses at fallen off in the struggle and werre on the other side of the floor but when she stopped squirming and finally studied is she must have figured out who we were.

“I see. Now I can tell from your big stupid tits,” She leaned towards Trish, “And your sassy attitude,” She leaned at me, “Who you two wannabe kidnappers are. Even without my glasses and I can’t see for anything without them.” She craned her neck around and tried to look but it was pretty dark. “I think they came off when you dumb bitches tackled me outside, but I can’t be sure. You guys are so desperate. Why don’t you just GIVE UP!” She raised her voice struggling against her binds and was clearly agitated.

“You’re done for, bitch. And you better start talking or there will be consequences…” I put forward one of my shoes against her skirt and pressed down with increasing pressure. She started to wince and then cry out as I found her big fat nutsack and began to grind my heel into it. It felt like I was putting my foot against a playground ball or something. ‘How fucking big is that thing? Dear lord…’

“Ok. OK. OK! OKAY! Enough! You two would do anything for that guy wouldn't you?" She said in a defeated voice. "Whatever you want I don’t even care anymore. I already got everything I needed from him by now and as for her, she is just a play thing for me these days. But I will admit I was really starting to like her a lot. And I think she might be getting some real feelings for me, too. But who can say when you have these hyper potent pheromones flying around.” She didn’t have hands or arms to gesture with so swung her head in a circle instead as she explained the situation.

“They're here right?" Trish said in a serious voice that was mangled with hopeful tones. And the doctor nodded to her question. I followed up.

"Where are they? You have some kind of secret lab somewhere in here? Some kind of collection of mega-dicked men for your personal use or something? Sicko freak! You're going to tell us where it is you're going to tell us what you did to them and we're going to get them out of here. And there's nothing you can do about it." I went to press my foot against her bulge again and she cried out and struggled again.

“Fine! Will you untie me or at least undo my legs or something? You are going to have to carry me otherwise.” She said dejected on the ground.

“Or drag you. Are there any stairs?” I smiled. Her eyes got a little scared at the suggestion and how I phrased it and nodded.

“It’s downstairs in a store room. There is another stairway from there to a second basement level. That is where I do most of my more experimental research. I can take you there and you can see them. Do whatever you want.

Before long we were led to a door which was locked with more than one lock. Michelle told them which key on her key wring opened the drawers which each held one of the keys to this door. They flicked on the light switch after shutting the door behind themselves and made their way down the fairly clean steps. Michelle was able to walk since they opted to loosen the bindings enough for her to take small steps, but still restrictive enough to prevent her from running. The whole way Trish had her by the ropes around her wrists and arms behind her back. Silent footsteps clicked out until they ended at a landing which formed a store room. Papers, signs, banners, and posters littered the place amidst various cardboard boxes and other science junk. It all seemed old and unused. I could smell him already from here. We were getting closer.

There was another locked closet door off to the side but once it had been opened wiith yet another set of keys it opened into a stairway made partly of stone and wood. Wafting up like a bouquet of fresh flowers on a spring morning was a pungent slap of his cum that I could almost taste. I felt my mouth begin to water and lips began to get soaked. All of them.

“We’re close, aren’t we?” I said swallowing and taking the stairs carefully to which the doctor just grunted and nodded. The lights in this stairway were old and buzzed aloud showing off a yellowish orange light which didn’t cast much light. It looked like it was some dark cellar used who knows how long ago that had gotten electric lights fit for a coal mine. Everything was made of old brick, there were occasional wooden frames bracing the tunnel, and the thin stairs went down another story. Trish and I practically dragged the doctor down to the bottom which ended in a long hallway. We flicked another switch and only one of the lights along this hallway even came to life. The hallway stretched forward quite some time quite a bit and there were multiple doors on both sides of it barely illuminated in the dim edges of the single naked light bulb’s light radius.

“This is medival. Oh my god.” Trish said looking around. The stairs were creepy and the brick was old and dirty. There were cobwebs towards the ceiling and hanging plastic curtains covering walls or bunched up beside them in place of separating the hall into sections. Most of the ‘door’ curtains were open and hooked to one side or another, but the one at the far end under a large brick arch loomed ominously.

“It is worse than I imagined… How can you live with yourself?” I walked forward cautiously besides the doctor and began to try the doors as we got near them. The hallway was mostly free of debris and shelving near the stairs, but as we continued shelves lined with papers, boxes of old floppy disks, CDs, and old computer stuff had collected dust. It hadn’t been disturbed in a while I realized when I reached a finger down and pulled up a thick clump of grey dust to examine it before flicking it away and wiping it off on my waist.

“It is just a means to an end. I am sorry I didn’t have time to finish the basement with fancy wallpaper before you kidnapped me. That’s just a storage closet there. The key will be in my personal lab space. Two more doors down to the left.” She explained and was very much resigned to her fate as she nodded in the direction of a normal looking door. There were actual working racks of computer equipment and their calm beeps and gentle LEDs blipping on and off permeated the air as our footsteps clicked into darkness.

“What about those ones. What are they for?” Trish said pointing at large doors almost as big as garage doors. Despite the conditions of the walls being so grungy, these doors seemed new and fairly clean save for some minor dust. The floor was fairly smooth and had been redone or they at least poured some concrete down with little troughs on both ends for drainage in case of flooding.

“For…Storage. Of larger machines and… storage…racks.” Her voice was stilted as she explained. There were tracks on the ground in the dust I could tell as I pulled out my phone to get more light since we were in the darkest spot between the stairs and the one working lightbulb. Some of the doors had glass windows and putting a phone light up to the window revealed empty and fairly clean looking clinical observation rooms. Some of them had beds,  others had large tables with computers and other kinds of fancy looking equipment, and her room had large refrigerators and cases lined with bottles filled with various colored liquids and plastic pill bottles.


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