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 The start of a new week, my dear Patron.

 Is this the start of a fun exciting week? A busy and tedious one? A bit of both? That is how it is for me. I have such wonderful and exciting plans for the weekend coming up that I can't wait. But I also have a big work project coming to fruition and its going to have a ton of eyes on it so I am not looking forward to it. Believe it or not I am perfectly fine in front of crowds in some circumstances, but totally filled with fear in others. Thankfully this is an example fo the former, but all my coworkers are well within the territory of the latter which means I am surrounded by people on edge and freaking out nearly non stop.

Otherwise, in important news! EM is chugging along nicely. Is it depraved enough and expansion-tastic enough for you my dear patron? This is some of the most shameless and ignoble smut I have written in quite some time and it is equal parts exciting and surprising. I didn't know I had it in me, is one thing I have on my mind among many others.

Anyway, here is a taste of EM ch. 11's continuation! If this big project of mine doesn't end up taking all my waking time then maybe I will get out some CYOA stuff. I have also gotten a *tiny* commission recently which has taken a little bit of my time, but fear not. Experimental medicine shall stride forward with beanbag sized bosoms bouncing proudly. But really, it would be more like, that person would be immobile and hopefully have enough desperate lovers or friends nearby to help carry them. But still with pride!

Ta ta~



“Now it’s your turn, Valentina my dear. Time for today’s medicine. You ready?” She said looking down at her chart. Valentina’s facial reaction was mixed between having her nipples sucked to utter rawness and concentration on her desire to get off, unable to stop rubbing herself off against the rack she was strapped into.

“Have you been giving her the same medicine you’ve been giving me?” I managed to say among yelps and groans as the machine stole any and all of my attention. The doctor stopped what she was doing and looked over her shoulder, light flashing off of the lenses on her red frames.

“This isn’t exactly the same, but similar enough. It will help with milk production and also should be quite pleasurable. Isn’t that right?” She explained with a stern expression before turning back to Valentina and brushing a lock of curly red hair from her forehead behind her ear. Her patient nodded and opened her mouth, tongue sticking out. Michelle held the pill above her open mouth and continued. “She might grow a little bit more again since her breasts have lost considerable mass. It is a sign of successful treatment. But now, like you, since we have the situation under control we can give just a little boost to meet the quotas we are looking for and then you will released after that. All for science of course and fully in accord with our agreements.” The pill slipped from her fingers into the waiting mouth and Valentina swallowed it eagerly.

“Can I please have more of his…?” Val said and Michelle pressed her finger to her lips shaking her head and smiling while the toe of her red flats unclicked the wheel locks on the large rack.

“There is no satisfying you, is there?” The doctor wheeled the woman still being milked over towards me. Her eyes began to glitter with hope as she neared me. Michelle turned down my milker and it felt like I was vibrating in the aftershock of riding on a bumpy road for hours and hours. She pulled off the slimy sticky rubber cup and finally released the bright red tip of my penis from its confines. She slowly maneuvered the rack closer and closer and Valentina's open mouth with tongue hanging out reached as far as it could just get a taste. Cruelly, the doctor left her tongue just centimeters away from her prize and proceeded to examine me and the machine surrounding my dick.

Valentina began to rock violently to build enough momentum to slide the rack closer. I felt a few desperate licks and finally, after great effort, her lips could get some suction and I felt the weight of her and the rack pulling as she slowly sucked more and more of me into her mouth. While she was finally in a position to lick and clean me up which she did voraciously, Michelle had unhooked the sleeve and replaced it with another after applying another generous coating of lubrication. Before she brought me to orgasm, the Doctor pushed Valentina away and her lips reminded me of a Japanese carp as her prize slipped further and further away. The sleeve was reapplied and the machine was soon back in operation at a low speed.

“Until volume improves, we will have to increase stimulation to keep on schedule.” She said while ramping the intensity up as far as Val had slipped it without thinking for that brief moment. But within minutes I found myself unloading another mind-bending orgasm just as she replaced the rubber sucker on the tip. I just barely made out the first heavy spurt shooting into the cup before it latched on creating a vacuum. She smiled. “Quite effective for level six. This thing is better than I give it credit for.” She patted the side of the machine. Each time she pushed the intensity up a level I would have orgasms every five or ten minutes for the first hour and she stood there and timed the first few and took some notes.

“It’s so sensitive. How long have I been down here? Please…!” I pleaded between heavy sustained growling moans forced from my throat during orgasms.

“I have a present for you. I found a way to give you something while still getting what I want as well.” She said completely ignoring my words. There was a small hose that forked off of one of the thicker gauge rubber pipes coming from Valentina’s nipples attached to some overhead wires being used as makeshift brackets. The clips holding the little hose were on little metal rings running along the wires like a curtain and she brought it over to me. Valentina’s milk. “I am afraid that my breasts have finally, thank science, started drying up. So I have no more milk for you, but instead, I want you to enjoy Valentina’s. I think you’ll like it just as much as mine.” She lowered the hose near my mouth and I began to drink immediately. I had to close my eyes it tasted so good. The sweetest warmest milk brought me to a special place. I felt warmth spread through my body even more so than when I had drank the doctor’s.

“That’s not fair!” Valentina pleaded seeing me lavish in her creamy gift. “Where’s my hose?” She was shaking in her rack again, but it had been locked and her desperation was in vain. Michelle smiled at her and then at me and nodded satisfied.

“I will be back. Do your best, you two.” And with that, she clicked off down the hallway. And the pair of us were left to our own devices again. All I remember was drinking that milk like my life depended on it and only when I had to take a break to burp or cry out from a particularly powerful orgasm among the dozens I had, did I even let the tube slip from my lips. Valentina had given up on sliding over to me and resumed her ritual of masturbating against the support column. After a handful of her orgasms which came at a rate of about one to my three or four, she was wet to the point of dripping down from the seat she was strapped into. Mostly liquid, but there were also some oozy droplets that seemed less watery mixed in.

The floor under her rack was already pooling with feminine lubricant when I noticed how swollen she was. I had thought it was just from all the rubbing against the smooth clean metal, but her clitoris seemed really big. At least an inch or two and it was so pronounced that I couldn't believe my eyes. While grinding against the thick metal pole splitting her lips apart she was able to buck her hips up just enough to barely touch a dangling leather strap with the very tip of her clit. I started to watch more closely and saw she began to focus less on the grinding and more on stimulating her clitoris with that strap. During that time as well after drinking milk for hours, maybe days, my balls had swollen up considerably, and could feel their weight resting on the metal dishes. Every few hours when Michelle came back for an adjustment she'd make sure they were hanging and it the strain on my skin stung, but when they finally touched the cold metal and the weight came off it was a great relief.

I could feel the effects of all three of those insane pills working at the same time and the sleeve was getting tighter and bunching up less and less while it stroked me. The already high intensity felt that much more powerful because of how tight it was. I had thickened up considerably and was back to the size I was before the treatment had started working. She said three feet then, but I had no concept of size anymore and it didn't even matter because I was just being milked endlessly for my seed. I must have orgasmed over two or three hundred times in the duration that I had been there. Valentina was catching up as well. When I watched her in the brief moment of clarity after each orgasm I saw that her clitoris getting longer and thicker. It was unusual and unique but arousing at the same time. She was enjoying it quite a bit and noticed that her orgasms caused it to quiver and pulse. Her tongue would hang out of her mouth as her eyes rolled up in her head savoring the feeling. She was wet to the point of dripping and the sound of her splashing around in her seat sounded uncomfortable, but she clearly didn’t care. In the wake of some of those orgasms, it seemed like there was more juice than before and it wasn't all just coming from her aching wanting pussy. By the time I put some thoughts together, they were immediately smashed into sparkles of pleasure as the next orgasm stole my consciousness.

Michelle had commented on Valentina's new growth much interest especially as things progressed and she seemed very interested in the possibilities there. So before long she didn't make Valentina fight for her orgasms anymore and ended up fixing a much smaller tube with a small sleeve similar to mine to Valentina's growing girl penis. She was thankful for that and was soon having orgasms almost at nearly the same rate that I was. Her breasts on the other hand again reached their peak in growth getting about as large as they were before at the point of being just on the edge of overstretching and then began to wane again. I had passed the maximum size I was before and only seemed to be getting thicker and longer. I got a break for a couple of hours while she adjusted the chassis of the machine to accommodate my size and she had removed the dishes holding my testicles since they were so large and full they could rest on the floor. Each of them was the size of a small beach ball and I was losing my sense of humanity while down there just seeing myself. Thank goodness that seemed to be the limit since the growth stalled around there.

I was being subjected to intensity six of the machine attached to me and orgasming every five or ten minutes without fail. Upon provocation, Michelle pointed to the tank behind me and it was ¾ the way full. I had ejaculated over 700 liters since I had been there. I had also become a literal cock monster in the process. What had I done? My thoughts were ground into dust in the wake of her smiling when she turned the machine on me up to intensity seven. I recalled the sounds of the doctor running down the hall and upstairs. Then there was the sound of the door opening above and the conversation echoing through the vents. Was it my boss again? Was Trish here? Blackness overtook me as I passed out from exhaustion and pure unstoppable pleasure.

I swear if she makes me wait another minute longer I am going to kick down the door.’ I was mad and it showed on my face as I looked over my shoulder at Trish and she shrunk away from me shaking her head in a sorry state. She could finally wear office clothes again, but it hadn’t been a good week. Her chest was as big as mine was and I even gave her one of my bras now that she could wear them again. Wearing my old worn-out DDD cup bras made me feel inadequate after weeks of having the biggest sexiest tits and ass of my life. The withdrawal from his delicious flavor and that feeling pushed my nerves to the limit. My hands were on my hips and I stared down at the ground, my blond hair framing the still impressive, but mundane largeness of my chest with cleavage peeking through my unbuttoned white blouse down to my black heels clicking impatiently on the asphalt.

“She’s here. She has to be. Don’t worry boss.” Trish said behind me sensing my extreme agitation and her hand touched my shoulder. I reached up and put mine on hers and looked up at her. I must have looked like I was half crazy, half about to cry, and all ready to end up like Valentina if I had the chance again. I couldn’t help but glance down at the miraculous chest on my subordinate. She was wearing a button-down blouse with an orange cardigan over it that looked like a pair of pumpkins were being smuggled in it. Her plaid skirt was stretched out enough to just cover the bottom of her fat butt cheeks which fed down into a pair of thick thighs. I used to think I had some nice legs too, and they weren’t bad, but once you have had something and it is taken away… I slammed the door again.

“Open up! It’s been a week!” I shouted at the glass. I caught a glimpse of my reflection as one of the street lights in the background illuminated it against the glass of the door in the dying light of the early evening. There were bags under my eyes that concealer and foundation weren’t covering. I was a wreck. My hair showed signs of damage from not having the mental capacity to keep up with my routines as well. Finally, we heard the door slam and footsteps approach the door. The same two-fingered peek split the blinds prior to her eyes going wide with fright and then opening up anyway. We knew too much as is. She opened the door meekly just enough to peek half her face into view.

“How can I help you?” She said in a little voice and it might as well have been a match thrown into the powder keg that was my emotional state. I could feel the blood boiling in my veins and used every last ounce of my self-control to not strangle her.


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