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Chapter 10

Author’s Note: I have noted chapters by the day for the most part (At least that was the plan), but from here on out there will be occasional time skips and lapses so I am changing the chapter titling to ‘Chapter’ instead of ‘Day’. Doesn’t really matter for most people I think, but just making a note of it here in case anybody was jarred by it. In the final version it will all just be ‘chapter’ I think. Please enjoy!

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The dream of milk and sweet taste in my mouth was comforting. I felt like I finally got a well deserved rest after what felt like over a week of constant sex and orgasm. I hadn’t had a moment where I wasn’t thinking about my cock and balls for as long as I could remember. The dream of milk was a nice respite and knowing that Doctor Cuunis was going to take care of me was a true relief.  I personally hoped I could keep some of my length. Like ten or eleven inches maybe. That was still doable right? I could still have a normal sex life and be able to enjoy my day to day with a dick that big right?

The feeling of floating through this sunset sky of milky clouds began to slip away from me and I started to fall face forward slowly but surely. Like I was being held by the arms and legs and slowly approaching the world from above. It still felt nice to be floating down and I could feel the weight of my massive hanging cock and balls swinging in the wind beneath me. There was clicking and the pulling of straps. It seemed like my parachute harness was being attached to me in mid air. Glad I got it on time. I felt gravity pulling on me harder and stronger. Tugging on my cock and balls as the air cushioned me and bore those weights for me. Massaging me. It felt good. Such accommodating clouds that wrapped around my body and comforted me.

Last came the thing that bit me. Right on the tip of my penis. It felt like a bite at first, but was actually a slow suck as this slippery cloud mouth enveloped the top foot or so of my soft flopping snake. My eyes hurt from the wind and I began to blink them and the shining sunset sky fell away into a much darker sky. Where the sun was in my dream was now replaced with a steady orange light aimed right at me. It wasn’t blinding, but I couldn’t adjust my eyes properly to see my surroundings. It was dark. I was in that brick room that the Doctor brought me to last I remember.

I was above the ground a good one or two feet at almost a forty five degree angle to the floor. My arms and legs were strapped in and there was a tight belt around my waist as well. And my head was within a kind of padded border to prevent me from moving it too much and I couldn’t see too far in my periphery either. I could look down and up and that was about it. Below me, kneeling, Doctor Cuunis was affixing some soft rubbery cup-like sleeve to the tip of my penis. It felt pretty good but sucked really hard so that it almost hurt while my dick was soft.

“What is that?” I said weakly and she jumped back a bit.

“You scared the bajeezers out of me.” She said breathing hard, adjusted her glasses standing up and put a hand to her chest. “Whew… Well good morning to you, too!” She reached down, still wearing a lab coat, short black pencil skirt stretching down mid-length over her thick thighs with black socks pulled up past her knees. She wore a turquoise sweater that was stretched out to its limit over her large breasts. She had the pumps on under the sweater as before and they were sucking with their quiet ‘whrr’ing sounds. She picked up the tip of my dick and held it up like the tip of a meter-long length of thick rope inspecting the sucker on the end of it.

She held the thing up to my face to show me clearly what it was doing. I knew what it was doing since I felt it sucking on me with great force and taking ‘breaths’ after two or three seconds of sucking. I wasn’t even hard although it felt pretty good.

“This is what I like to call the sucker cup. It is kind of like one of those Japanese sex toys, but has been rigged with a perfect seal that goes from this hose over to that processing unit and into that reception tank.” She said pointing at the objects in question. She shook her head and fixed her glasses realizing I couldn’t see where the hose went and grabbed a large bar-like handle near my shoulder and the whole rack I was on rotated slowly to the side and corrected my angle so I was vertical again.

There was a massive vat, like one used for brewing beer or in a milk factory or something on the far end of the thick hose that hung from my limp penis. I swallowed nervously and looked back at her. She was smiling at me from behind her red-rimmed glasses with similarly bright red lips. I felt a pang of arousal to mark the beginning of me getting hard.

“You think I can cum…” I pointed with my eyes and looked back at her. “THAT much?” It was massive. As big as a car or something.

“Oh that can hold up to 1,000 liters and I have a feeling that we will be able to fill it up in no time at all.” She said with a smile and got really close to my face. I could smell her breath and perfume. “I believe in you.” She tapped my own limp cock against my chest while she said it and then let it fall limp dangling again. She knelt down to check out my balls which were cradled in some kind of apparatus made of circular innertubes. There were three innertubes, like pool floats, that cradled each of my balls and pressed on them gently. They were smooth and soft and squished my balls in an enjoyable way. I felt more arousal that all these lengths had been gone for me.

“So, this is going to get me better right?” I asked after watching the process of my balls being squish-massaged and feeling the sucker on the end of my cock occasionally getting some wet interference as precum was pulled into the hose and taken away.

“Oh yes. That red pill was more effective than I thought. It is going to take a lot of stimulation to work it out of your system. That is what all this is.” She gestured widely at the room around her. I took a look from the vantage my new angle afforded me and saw a desk and some cabinets on one corner of the room opposite the large vat. Between them was a large vertical rack which had a variety of machines and tools and stuff hanging from it. Many of them had pneumatic pumps and varios pistons and other inputs for hoses and who knows what.

There were other sucker tubes and what looked like a machine that would be used to milk cows and a variety of stainless steel vats varying in size. There was also a large tangle of wires and electrodes for some kind of testing or shocking people or something. I had no idea and it all made me nervous.

I looked back at her and she was taking off her lab coat and threw it on the chair back and sat down. Her sucking pumps on both of her nipples bounced under her sweater as she did and she began to lift up the hem of her sweater when she paused to look up at me. Her eyes seemed more intense than usual and pierced me through. Again the feeling of arousal zapped through my loins like a gentle static shock as my balls were constantly massaged and squeezed. The hose on the end of my less pliable swinging penis let out a ‘THPLTHPLPPLP’ sound as the precum increased. She smiled at the sound and looked at me demanding my full attention.

“I am very glad you returned to me. I wasn’t very thrilled with the intensity of your return. I was hoping to avoid lactating again, but you seem to really like it. And you REALLY wanted it right then and there. I was a little scared honestly.” She said while unfixing the full bottles of milk from her nipples and pouring them into a smaller tank on her desk. She tried to work quickly and prevent spillage, but she was spraying readily and her nipples were large and swollen from the constant milking. I felt thirsty and the hose tip ‘thpthp’ed again. She smiled and turned off the pumps, setting it all up on a small table beside her work desk and proceeded to take her sweater off completely. The aftermarks of the pump funnels sucking on her were clear to see and the flesh of her nipples was a deep pink that seemed thankful for a taste of fresh air if that was what you could call the air in this place.

“I’m sorry about that. I honestly don’t even remember some of it. I’m…” I began and she put a finger to my lips shushing me.

“I know. That is one of the side effects. Arguably the worst one. I was lucky that you drank water like I said. Now that you are on the IV, you won’t have that trouble anymore. Don’t worry.” She softened her voice as she spoke to me. She was so close to my face and her breath was sweet like honey. I breathed in as deeply as I could and my penis began to stiffen into semi-erection. “Thankfully, we were both able to enjoy ourselves.” She whispered in my ear. “Before anything unforgivable happened.” My eyes were drowsy with her closeness. I had never been this close to her before. “Now drink.” She said in a commanding tone and tilted the rack forward so I was just above her breast. She held it up with two hands and brought the nipple to my lips and as soon as I could taste her milk again I began to get hard and drank hungrily. She threw her head back and let me suckle her switching breasts after a time and then pulling away.

“Thank you. I love that. I… I love…” I said with milk around my mouth and dribbling down my chin onto the floor.

“No you don’t. Don’t be silly. You ARE finally hard though. Now we can begin the treatment.” She said with a smile and tilted her head. She remained topless for this part of the treatment as she grabbed up a large metal device from the rack. It was a strange cage of thin metal pipes filled with some kind of bright blue squishy rubber. Almost the same rubber as the thing on the tip of my cock still sucking away. She grabbed a large squeeze bottle of clear gel and began to squirt it along the length of my dick and massaged it in slowly covering it completely. Then she held up the rubbery sleeve and squeezed a ton of the gel inside of it, put the gel down, and brought the strange alien thing over towards me. She undid the hose on my tip and slid the sleeve down my length and reattached the hose.

It was slippery and bumpy and stretched and squelched everytime it moved. And most of all, it felt extremely good. I had been titty fucked countless times since all this began, but this was a new feeling or rather a feeling I had forgotten almost. She playfully slid the sleeve along the length of my cock a little bit and immediately the hose sucked up precum after the tiniest amount of stimulation. She smiled.

“That feels so good. Oh goodness.” Was all I could say as she teased me.

“You have no idea what pleasure is, my dear.” She said and looked over to the empty vat. When my eyes met hers she whispered. “Or pain.” And she proceeded to affix the rest of the machine around the slimy sleeve. It was a series of brackets and attachment points to the sleeve which were connected to pistons that were underslung in a housing where presumably more machinery or whatever made the thing move was. She brought over a small cart and hooked it to the floor so it wouldn’t move, adjusting the rack, cart, and angle of the sleeve holding machine very carefully. I didn’t need to be told twice what this thing was about to do and when she turned it on I had no idea what was in store for me.

“This is intensity level one. The lowest speed and pressure setting.” She said watching the machine slowly drag the sleeve back and forth loosely along my length. “I can adjust the speed and pressure independently if I wish, or you prefer.” She eyed me from over the rims of her glasses while playing with the speed dial and the increased speed quickly overwhelmed me forcing me to fight my braces and then turned it back down. She then modified the pressure slowly and I felt it squeezing around my length tighter and tighter milking and wringing the precum from my cock. I was breathing hard with eyes wide open looking at her almost breathlessly and she just smiled the same sinister smile. “It goes up to seven. And that was just three that I gave you a taste of.”

“I don’t think I could possibly handle that. That is too much.” I said, shaking my head as I already felt the precum pouring and my orgasm got closer. “I am about to cum already. This is amazing. How long will I be up here? Will I be going back to the bed when treatment is finished?” I asked genuinely curious.

“We will need to get an assessment of your situation first. That will require taking a few samples and calming down the overactive testosterone the red pill has you producing.” She explained while doing a few more checks of the restraints and various moving parts. “You need to ejaculate as much as possible as soon as possible or I fear these effects might be permanent. Do you want to live your life with a three foot penis and balls the size of, well, basketballs?”

“No. Yeah, you’re right.” I said shaking my head no, obviously to her well made point. She nodded like a teacher commending me for getting the right answer.

“I have you in this rack because I don’t want you to succumb to the testosterone fueled rage that happens, and because this angle is best for sample collecting. See?” She pointed out the fact that I was right at the perfect level for the machine to suck me off with its slippery and, now warm, sleeve at a nice even pace. I felt like I was going to blow any minute. “There are also some other benefits to you being in this apparatus.” She reached up and pulled down a pair of hoses just within range of my lips if I leaned forward a little. “This one is cool, fresh water.” It was. “And this one is, well, my milk.” It was! She blushed a little bit. “There isn’t as much milk as water, but I am working on that right now.” She smiled flatly gesturing to the trickles of milk squirting down her breasts which hung down to just above her navel.

“And how long will I be here?” I asked again. She paused, letting me continue without answering. “And the bed?” She remained silent and smiled before turning her attention to the control panel on the rack I was in. She twisted the knobs on the masturbation machine a little bit and the intensity rose for just a few seconds and I came hard grunting and gritting my teeth. Thoughts of questions vanished in the wake of intense pleasure. Semen was forced from my balls as the sucker greedily drank up my ejaculation before it even finished spitting out of the end of my dick. I could feel it being pulled through over thirty-six inches of hard cock like a bundle of sparklers through a pipe. After fifteen seconds of ejaculation I felt the intensity go back to normal and blinked my eyes wildly looking around.

“You will be here as long as it takes.” She looked at me from an angle where bright light illuminated the frames of her lenses so all I could see was whiteness as she addressed me. “You will be here as long as I say you need to be and you will like it, my dear.” Her wide smile unnerved me and aroused me at the same time as the intensity of my orgasm slowly faded into the build up of the next one.  “I will be here for most of the time, so we can chat if you’d like. But I am a very busy woman so don’t expect me to dote on you all the time. The quicker you cum the sooner this is all over.”

She walked over to a computer on her desk which had a variety of wires running along the corner of the walls towards the large tanks and who knows what else and she smiled turning around.

“Close to five liters. Not bad at all. Only 995 to go. Drink up.” She said from across the room and I sipped the water for a while and then took a few pulls of her sweet milk. Then I was certain that this was all for the best.

“Take it to two. Please.” I said in as steady a voice as I could as she smiled and twisted the knobs gently and the thing squeezed and jerked me faster and harder than before.

I had come maybe ten, twenty, fifty times. I lost track. The line on the tank’s clear strip of glass indicating the general depth didn’t even seem to move any more although it wiggled each time I let loose. Each time another thick wad was sucked forcefully from me and splashed into the tank. I was generally drinking water non stop and only when my sexual morale felt low did I dare waste any of the milk that I knew came from the Doctor’s own breast. It was creamy sweet on my lips and filled me with a fire that renewed my vigor. Each time I took a gulp of her gift I could feel it sliding down my throat with a sweet warmth that began to fill my nuts as they produced cum in overdrive. She left after the second or third orgasm and came back now and again making small talk or tweaking the intensity knob up to three teasing me to orgasm now and again. She would squirt more of the clear gel into the sleeve or readjust of the sucker on my tip when I mentioned something. She always complimented me and told me I was doing well and treatment was proceeding smoothly.

Each time she left and came back her breasts seemed to grow larger and larger until they were down past her waist. She was cursing a lot and the milk was pouring from her nipples and she had to pump them non stop, often working at her desk filling up a small vat of her own as I continued to fill up mine. Then she started to get smaller again. I couldn’t believe how quickly she grew and shrank. She must have been on one of her own medicines or something to make milk for me. She was making sacrifices I couldn’t have asked for. She really was taking this treatment seriously. I drank water furiously interspersed with sparing pulls of her precious milk and resolved to fill up my balls as much as possible so I could rid myself of this ailment once and for all and resume a normal life.

There was an echoing sound after each time she left beyond just her footsteps down the hallway. After she walked down the brick hallway and it faded after a while, they would fade back and I could hear the ringing of a bell on a door. It came from a different direction and had a metallic reverberation accompanying it. There must have been a vent near my head or something because I thought I heard her walking in and out of the door, getting a breath of fresh air or something, and dealing with delivery drivers or talking on her phone.

Once there was a sound of an argument. Three female voices had accosted and complained to the doctor about something. I could only hear a few snippets of the conversation before orgasm took me again and I fell back into my dream of pleasure which had become a happy place for me during the duration of this intense treatment. Thinking clearly was becoming more and more difficult for me as hours felt like days lost in endless orgasm. The last thing I thought about was my boss from work. Those voices reminded me of her. What was she doing now? I wondered while I fell into dark unconsciousness as my body was milked ceaselessly.

Flashes of white cut through the darkness at high speeds. Dashed white lines on the black asphalt of the highway blinked by reflecting off of a sleek jet black sportster. Three women were packed into the small car with a convertible top to show off the goods after everything was finally taken care of. ‘They stole one of my best workers,’ she thought. And you wanted him back. ‘I also want a few more cup sizes and the quickest way to get that done without paying for surgery was to suck it out of him.’ A smile crossed your lips at the thought. It had to be this scientist lady. She was the only one who actually knew what was going on.

Brilliant blue eyes looked back from the rearview mirror up close with an impossibly busted redhead in the back seat. I brought Trish and Valentina, my partners in this mission, with me as they were the only other two to have any sort of claim on that god-like cock that we all wanted so badly. And that cum. I could feel myself getting flustered just remembering its smell. The only clues I had were the scientist and the lot where I picked him up when he needed to get out of there. Judging by the last few messages consorting back and forth with that Doctor Cuunis or whatever, she was behind it. I didn’t waste a second and screamed into the parking lot throwing the parking brake on. All three of us were thankful for our natural airbags, otherwise our plan would have started with three severe cases of whiplash. No time to waste. Let’s get to work.

“Trish, help Valentina out of the car. Time to give this bitch a piece of our minds.” I said kicking a shiny black heel out of my brand new car. My legs looked great and although my typical black, gray, and white plaid skirt was tight, it still covered everything I needed it to and was professional enough to wear at work although the office had been closed since the incident. I had put the whole staff on paid leave. It was the right thing to do although almost all of them were certainly going to enjoy the ‘bonus’ that awaited them after that mad rush on the pond of his cum in my shower.

My breasts bounced with each step I took. I didn’t step lightly, I knew who I was and knew I was in charge. I wanted something, I’d get it. That’s how I rolled. The vest propping up my huge mounds reinforced my hourglass shape emphasized by the soft fat beach balls I managed to conceal inside of a hastily purchased white button down. Gold bracelets jingled on my wrists and I pursed my lips pulling out a compact to check my makeup. My hair looked great, the tight blonde bob was exactly how I liked it and swayed and bounced while keeping its sharp shape. It wasn’t easy to do. I couldn’t stop staring at the few blemishes and wrinkles that countless creams and a flawless moisturizing regime couldn’t keep away. What can you do? Forty is the new Thirty they say, and I wasn’t even forty yet but it was on the horizon. Otherwise my makeup looked fine, some light eyeliner and mascara and just a little color to make my eyes and cheeks pop. I had nice cheekbones, but doubted anyone would be looking at them anytime soon.

“Can she stand? Do we need the chair?” I barked at Trish. She looked like a mess. She didn’t know when enough was enough and had enough trouble walking on her own with breasts easily twice as big as mine. All she could wear was oversized t-shirts and sweatshirts and sweatpants from the look of it and I pitied her for it. ‘This is what you get for crossing the greed line, eh?’ I thought while watching her struggle to wrench Valentina free from my back seat. Valentina, on the other hand, was the ultimate example of self gratification. It looked like she had two full sized yoga balls on her lap at all times and we had to bring a wheelchair to move her around since she was largely immobile and only finally stopped growing a day or so ago. When she didn’t have enough strength to stand up on her own anymore we decided enough was enough.

“Can you get the chair? By the time I slide her to the edge of the seat you should be ready.” Trish said in a mousy voice. She was going to end up like Val, I could feel it. The only reason she didn’t was because that damned orgy found its way into my office. I shook my head and sneered at the clinic while pulling out the chair remembering it. Chair set, I helped Trish pull Val into the wheelchair and she got settled, cleavage up to her neck and hugging her cheeks her breasts were so huge. If one of those things slipped off her lap she’d end up on the ground unable to move so we had to push her slow and easy. Each tiny bump sent bouncing ripples along the expanses of her exposed cleavage. We bought the biggest and stretchiest clothes we could find, and she could wear the oversized yoga tights, but that was it. No shirt fit her and we just threw a large white sheet over her and tucked it around her waist and behind her back so a stiff breeze didn’t reveal the gigantic tits she was saddled with.

We walked up to the door of the clinic where the blinds were drawn down with no light inside even though it was only about 5 or 6:00 in the evening. It said that on the hours that this place is open until 9:00 but apparently it had been closed. I looked at the window and there was a sign taped to the glass that said there were some renovations being done or something like that and they wouldn't be open during regular business hours for the foreseeable future. I looked over from it to the girls as Trish wheeled Val up to the door catching up to me.

“Can you believe this? You think this is going to stop me? He has to be here. It's the only explanation." I said loudly enough to arouse somebody inside. There was a car in the parking lot and it wasn't my old car so I had a feeling that she was actually here. That Doctor.

I read the sign again after pounding on the glass and waiting for a few minutes and realized there was a number that I was supposed to call so I pulled out my phone and called, asking what the status of this branch was. The guy on the other end of the line said that the place is closed for renovations as the sign said and basically told me that nobody was inside the building. I told him that he was crazy and that our friend was in there and he said it wasn't possible but he would look into it. I thanked him and proceeded to continue pounding on the glass and ringing the doorbell non-stop for at least a full minute. I was getting more and more irritated and my bra was digging into my nipples and the sides of my breasts annoying me. All the properly fitted ones were being custom made and wouldn’t arrive for another week or two.

Finally after what felt like ten minutes of ringing this damned doorbell I heard the sound of a door opening and shutting inside of whatever the lobby was and I saw fingers split the blinds open. Women’s eyes peered through red glasses through the blinds and after taking stock of our trio, opened in great surprise. The eyes went from surprised to astonished after taking stock again and then she closed the blinds and proceeded to unlock the door. The woman opened up the door. She was short and looked vaguely asian with a short black bob haircut. It was similar to mine but it was black and straight, while mine was kind of curled at the ends hooking in. She was actually kind of cute in that sexy-nurse kind of way and her breasts were gigantic. As big as Trish's maybe even a little bigger, but she moved with more grace than Trish did who was heaving and carrying her chest like luggage when she got tired. I could hear a distant strange mechanical sound when she opened the door before she spoke.

“Can I help you? Are you trying to break down my door or something? We are closed for renovations.” She said plainly while using the door to shield half of her body trying to block the doorway partly.

“I'm pretty sure you know who I am and I'm pretty sure I know who you are. Dr. Michelle Cuunis I presume?” I held up his phone that he left in my office and there were communications between the two of them and she spoke very familiarly with him. She rolled her eyes letting out an exasperated sigh and swung open the door fully ushering us in with an annoyed head nod. “Thank you.” I said with a shit-eating grin and strode in looking the place over like I owned it.

It was a normal lobby that you'd see in any kind of clinic. A couple of shelves of medicines in paper bags hid the back room behind the main service counter off to the left. Wrapping the walls and windows adjacent to the entrance were soft pleather waiting chairs interspersed with low tables with magazines. There were a few shelves lined with more advertisements and cardboard standees than actual product in the back part of the open space. Unmarked doors, presumably to exam rooms or offices or storage closets or something dotted the walls. It was actually pretty clean as I'd expect from a clinic. A hint of something like bleach actually hung in the air like they just cleaned the whole place up and my mind went to dark places. I crossed my arms under my bust in concern and to help carry the weight more comfortably while looking the place up and down with suspicion. After a slow swivel around my eyes hooked on Trish as she helped Valentina into the room.

“So it looks like your friends have a little bit of macromastia as well.” She gestured to her own front, huge breasts down to her waist nearly as big as Val’s. “Is this what you're here for? Because I don't know if I can…” She spoke in some fake innocent voice that I wasn’t buying and I cut her off right then and there. We didn’t have time for this.

“Please don't play dumb with me because we all know what's going on here. That guy and his giant god cock are cumming out some kind of tit-growing potion that turns people sex-crazy. There was an absolute orgy at my place of business because of it and these girls, and myself, have been affected by that guys miraculous semen.” Michelle just stood there with her hands behind her back listening respectfully like she was being scolded. Her pinkish red lips were a straight line across her small face and she looked up more and more each time I took a step closer to her. “As you can see some of us have indulged a bit more than others to the point where Valentina here can no longer get around on her own. I am hoping that she won’t be like that forever, but we have no idea, you know? And I just want to know where one of my best workers has disappeared off to. He's due into work and we just want to make sure he's safe and I'm fairly certain he came here. Am I wrong ?”

I was in her face, shrugging aggressively with my hands flung out to either side looking into her eyes. Our breasts were pressed against each other we were so close and she just stood there squinting and wincing in response to my anger. My chest was heaving and I was out of breath after that tirade. The doctor looked into my eyes for a bit and then her mouth opened a bit as she cautiously looked around at the three of us. She looked like she was thinking of what to say for a while and I brought my hands to my hips and started tapping the toe of my heel which sent a loud clicking sound to echo in the nearly silent empty clinic lobby.

“Listen he's kind of like my boyfriend so I just want to make sure he's okay and bring him home. You know, we can take care of him so if you can just please let us know where he is then everything will be alright.” Trish moved in besides me wearing her sweatpants and shirt ensemble filling the pants out like cream in a piping bag. The huge round mounds under the sweatshirt resembled giant overstuffed puffs themselves. Her hair was a mess and her makeup was rough. It hadn’t been an easy few days by any stretch of the imagination. “Nobody's angry and everything's okay, okay? Please don't worry about my boss here, because she's just a little stressed out after everything that happened at the office. That orgy was no joke.” Trish said in as friendly a voice as she could while straightening her back up trying to not look like a hunched over titty monster. She did look like a hunched over titty monster but it was unbelievable that the doctor could even stand up straight considering her breasts were as big if not bigger. Valentina wheeled herself forward to flank the Doctor from the other side effectively forming a barricade around her against the counter where she stood.

“Honestly I… I had a little bit too much to drink of his delicious come but I couldn't stop. It's just. It's so good and I just want to keep drinking it and I don't care how big I get honestly. I just need more of that stuff. If you know where he is then you have to tell me. Please!” Valentina said in a strung out voice like some kind of junkie that needed her fix. “It's already been a few days and I think I have the shakes or something.” She held up her hands and they were visibly shaking a little bit. The doctor’s eyebrow raised and she took a deep breath which filled her chest enough to push me back a step then let it out another exasperated sigh. She held up her hands like she was in a stick up and gently pushed the air between us all and we gave her some space.

“Okay, okay. That's fine. Well he was here, but he had to be moved to a special facility as I'm sure you could guess since his case was quite extreme and he had to be put under special supervision so that he could get the help he needs.” She fixed her glasses with a single middle finger while brushing her hair behind her ear with another during the explanation. She continued to pour words from her mouth aiming them clearly in all three of their directions, taking time to rest her calm eyes on each of them in turn. “He was a volunteer in a program testing a new medication and the effects were a little bit more extreme than we had hypothesized. I'm really sorry that your organization and you three got wrapped up in this so much.” The sincerity and air of calmness about her was unsettling to the point she seemed like she wasn't even that surprised to see us. It frankly aggravated me that she was acting so cool about all this. Fixing her dumb red glasses and flipping around that shiny black hair like nothing mattered.

“So where is he then? We'll go and see him right now and check on him. We need to know that he's okay.” My commanding voice was irrefutable and I wasn’t going to abide by some email canned response of a lame excuse like that. I had dealt with this kind of thing so many times in business and her delaying tactics were just to buy time to come up with more lies to get us back out of the door.

“Alright.” She took a pert breath and puckered her lips in irritation for a moment while recentering herself. Her eyes were closed for much of her next utterance with hands held up defensively. “I understand your urgency and your desire to see your employee and I have to tell you first that he did volunteer for this and part of the contract that he signed did state that if he needed outpatient assistance and treatment that we would offer it for him to the best of our ability. And that's what we're doing right now.” Her words ended and she opened her eyes and met my flaming gaze with her own ice-cold stare down.

She’s good.’ Was all I could think despite the agony that came with admitting it. A palpable moment passed while fire and ice clashed from our staring contest. She smiled. I frowned intensely.

“Let me give you the number and address of the institution where he is being treated and you should be able to find out more details about his case.” With a gentle head nod, she slid out sideways from behind our barricade of breasts surrounding her and went behind the counter. Producing a business card, she wrote down a number and an address on the back of it hastily and then came back around nearer to the door than the counter holding it out to me with two hands reverently. “Here's a number that you can call and here's an address that you can visit. If you go there they may let you in to see him, but I can't guarantee that because this is a very sensitive matter and there are many non-disclosure agreements surrounding this trial run of the medication that we're working on. There's really no guarantee that you can get in there. But if you explain your situation and let them know that you're coworkers or significant others then maybe they can do something for you. I don't know. I just work here at the branch and did my part so I don't know much more than that.” She bowed her head slightly so that I could see the top of her head showing off an aggravatingly perfect part in her hair that looked like an upside down ‘T’ where it met her bangs.

I took the card and looked at the address and number on it examining both sides of the card for any more detail. Everything she said seemed to make sense but I couldn't trust what she was saying. Or how she was saying it. Or her mannerisms. Everything was off by just one or two notches and I knew just by looking at her huge breasts she wanted the same thing that we wanted and she had it. Him and his precious, precious semen. She was drinking it all for herself and she wasn’t willing to share, all four of the super busty women thought in slightly different variations. And all four of them were right.

To either side of me a girl sidled up close to inspect the card and we exchanged thoughts without words and our glances went from the card back to the doctor to the card and back to her again. She rose from her overwrought bow, huge medicine ball tits hanging down against that lab coat. Had we been bested? Was this it? I felt thirsty for only one thing and she was keeping it behind bars and those big fat full milk bags of hers were just waving that fact in all of our faces. My scowl lost some of its muster as she gave a big closed mouth smile and raised her eyebrows as high as she could tilting her head.

“Well why don't we give him a call and maybe if we check out that address we can go see him just like she said.” The words spilled from Trish’s naive lips like honey. She always trusted anything anybody would say to her, the fool. She was a good worker and I appreciated her jovial attitude around the office, but when it came to cold brass tax she couldn't step toe to toe with the real negotiators like me. Valentina just nodded her head and licked her lips. I wasn’t going down without a fight. Fuck that.

“So how about you Dr Michelle Cuunis. Have you always had breasts that big or have you also been drinking more than your fair share of the gift that he has to give. You just want him all for yourself don't you?” My tone didn’t invite a rebuttal. I was no dummy and I knew that she must have been lying to us, but if anything she said was true then we wouldn't be able to do anything. Especially about that contract stuff.

“I don't know how comfortable I am answering such private questions about myself to someone I only just met. Right now. After you pounded on the door to my closed clinic for fifteen minutes.” Her expression and tone was like a handful of salty sand thrown right into our faces. “But I can assure you that he's safe and he's being taken care of and getting the treatment that he needs. Please contact that number and go ahead and visit that rehabilitation facility if you feel that you have to. But please know that when he's better, and when he's ready to rejoin society again, that he will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Just like before.” She began to take steps towards the door and ushered us to follow along with her while she kept talking. “I am risking my NDA in telling you this, but I can tell you three care very deeply for him and his absence is affecting you all greatly. But, he didn't list any emergency contact when he filled out all of his paperwork so at the moment I'm not able to divulge any of the specific details of his current situation. Thanks for your understanding in this matter.”

“Sure. Sure. Fine.” I said in a short voice already done with this conversation. Then it dawned on me. I was so desperate to get that cum into my mouth I hadn’t even thought about the most obvious angle. “But what about us? And the rest of the people in my office? And my business in general which is on temporary leave while countless people recover from what happened?” I stopped and put my hands on my hips and she stopped too, her hand just short of the door handle. “Is there anything we can do in the meantime to maybe slow down our growth or perhaps reverse some of it in the case of our friend Valentina here? I'm sure you can see that she won't be able to live on her own until she can walk again. She is almost at the point where she is getting too heavy to push uphill.” That got her attention. She turned around running the tip of her tongue along the inside of her lower lip which she was about to bite.

“Oh I don't mind being this big it feels so good but I'm so full all the time and all I can do is think about him and that semen of his. Goah. Smells so good it's like a drug to me. Do you have any? Did he give you, like, any samples or anything like that that I can just, you know, have right now?” Valentina hadn’t recovered her faculties in the least despite it being days after the incident in my office. Her voice was genuinely hopeful and innocent and the doctor just tilted her head and made a face like ‘I don't know about that’. And then her expression changed suddenly and she smiled and nodded.

“Well, we have in the past had not unsimilar situations to those that your friend was in. And we might be able to do something for you, Valentina was it? But this would be this would be something that involves signing a contract and dealing with some red tape. Again, kind of a similar rehabilitation service which we could render after confirming she was actually affected by the experiment directly. But we would need her full cooperation, and I guess, your blessing if you're vouching for these two and speaking for them.” Her attention was split between Valentina and me during the explanation, but she spoke in a kind of a respectful tone to us both. Valentina was already nodding her head smiling shaking her wheelchair in the process and sending ripples along her expansive breasts.

“Would I be in the same rehabilitation facility as him? Maybe that's how I could check and see if he's okay!” Valentina said with even more hope in her voice as she looked up to Trish and me. Trish and I looked back to the doctor. I cocked my head a little bit wondering if this is a good idea or not and I glanced down at my immoble secretary recently bound to a wheelchair with breasts that weighed as much as the rest of her whole body. Images of her struggling to take a shower on her own, go up stairs, or even get dressed flitted through my mind's eye twisting my dissatisfied frown into a scowl. How long could we take care of her? She needed help. I didn't want to take care of her even though she was my secretary and I couldn’t speak for Trish, but at least she could still walk around. My gaze fixed upon the doctor once again.

“Can I have a look at this contract as well? Just to make sure everything's kosher?” I raised an eyebrow and was curious to see what her response would be. She nodded very slowly and cautiously and asked us all to sit down in the waiting area while she went and printed out a copy for Valentina and I to look over. They just had one laying around apparently. Was all I thought as I took a load off and sat down after wheeling Val to the general area.

Dr. Cuunis shut a door behind herself hurriedly and when we knew the coast was clear enough, we had a pow wow.

“I smell something fishy here and I don't know what it is, but Valentina maybe you're right and this might not be a bad way to get some help for you and also check up on our friend.” I said.

“I'm pretty sure that my growth slowed down enough that I'll still be able to walk, but Val went way too far and I have a feeling she might still be growing.” Trish said with a look of concern on her face as Valentina stared off ahead smiling with an air of excitement around. She was completely oblivious to the fact that she'd become pretty much an immobile rolling pair of tits.

“But let's have a look at this contract and see how shady it is because I don't know if I trust a word that woman says.” I said under my breath while we waited for Michelle to come back. We continued chatting about the situation and I shared my concerns with them. Soon enough after another few minutes she came back out of one of the nicer wooden doors with a packet of paper in her hands and held it out Valentina. There was also a pen looped through a pinch on the side of the clipboard that secured the contract. The writing implement fell through the loop almost immediately upon being handed to her, but she picked it up in her other hand and began reading.

I watched over her shoulder studying the document she had shoved right up in her face resting on top of her two mammoth breasts. I knew contracts and had made plenty myself, but after seeing her leaf through a few pages I could see exactly how dense it was and  would have felt more comfortable having my lawyer look through it. After preventing Val from just skipping to the signing page over a dozen times I managed to ascertain that the general synopsis is that she would be given a treatment that would induce lactation and her milk would be kept as a sample to be used for future study. There were many clauses that talked about a variety of different methods of obtaining the milk which involved taking special medication, using specialized machinery, and being kept for a close observation which necessitated a stay in a rehabilitation facility that would last at least a week if not more if what I read was correct. There were a lot of other clauses and great detail but Valentina skipped over a lot of the pages and rushed to sign the document smiling.

“So they're going to induce lactation and make milk come out of my breasts?” She looked up at the doctor who was smiling and nodding amicably. “Does it feel good to have milk come out of your breasts? I've never been pregnant so I don't know what it's like. I do know it feels really good to grow and be so full but I've never lactated before.” Her hands which had the pen in them the whole time were creeping towards the dotted line and I had to put my hand on hers stopping her from signing right away and looked up at the doctor.

“Where is this rehabilitation facility and is it the same one that he's in? Will we be able to contact her? Will she be able to contact us? Is that written anywhere in here?” I said having to put more strength in my hand to stop Valentina from signing without knowing any of those details. From a certain point of view and with good enough lawyers she could be shut away forever. The doctor shrugged and kind of shook her head left and right bouncing off her shoulders a little bit deciding what she was going to say.

“There is more than one rehabilitation facility and upon signing the contract I would have to contact them and see which one was the best fit for her and then we could go from there. For the duration of the initial rehabilitation, which would be one week, she wouldn't have access to social media or her phone due to the sensitive nature of the treatment.” She held up her hands defensively after breaking it down and waited for my response that she was clearly anticipating. I looked down at Valentina and then back up at the doctor and kind of growled out sigh of impatience. I felt my hands. I felt the hand on my hip. I felt my hand digging into the soft flesh and it even hurt a little bit. Something told me this wasn't right, but it wasn't my choice to make and my secretary did desperately need some specialized healthcare that I didn't know I could offer her or not. I took my hand off of Valentina's hand and she signed it without a second thought. Dr. Cuunis took the contract gently and tucked it under her arm carefully.

It was done and there wasn't anything we could do at this point so Trish and I helped wheel Valentina into one of the side rooms where the doctor was going to perform a check on her to confirm she was indeed suffering side effects related to his case. After a simple saliva sample she had all she needed and explained using a computer monitor and a digital microscope that her saliva carried traces of this and that and I zoned out. I wasn’t a scientist and she was just blowing smoke up our asses finally telling us everything was fine and that we could go. Valentina was going to get all the help that she needed and in about a week's time she should be around the size of Trish with some luck. Trish and I looked at each other with a bit of skepticism but we shook our heads knowing that there was nothing further we could do at this moment and that the two of us couldn't take care of her and there was no telling if she's going to stop growing anytime soon cuz she must have drank liters and liters of the stuff to make her grow this big.

"And we will be able to see her in a few days?” It was my last ditch effort to confirm if the doctor was being sincere or not. To that she smiled, nodded and assured us both that everything was going to be fine. She told us that Valentina would be in touch in a week and we took it at face value and turned our attention back on our original goal which was finding where our boy toy went. That was the last we saw of Valentina while leaving the clinic and seeing the door shut behind us. I couldn't help but feel like we made a mistake. Hopping back in my car, I rang up the number from the back of the card and put the address to the rehabilitation facility into my navigation system and we set off.

The sound of the engine revved up and exhaust belched into the air as the pair took to the road to find their man. But they were fooled, utterly, by the clever doctor. Every kilometer that they zoomed away from the clinic was another kilometer further from him they became. Only Valentina was going to get her wish, but she had to sign a contract and a week if not more of her life away for that chance. Down beneath the clinic, he was right where she left him.

After the argument upstairs he came at least another two or three times before finally the doctor came back to check. She had a big smile on her face and was laughing and talking to herself about something. I loved the way she laughed and her smile. Something about her beauty just spoke to me and made me feel at ease. Thankfully her solo conversation broke me free of the contemplations and hazy orgasm daze I fell into whenever she was away.

“Where did you go? Who were you talking to?” I asked while giving my wrists a stretch against the soft, but tight, bindings. She looked up with surprise for a moment like she had forgotten I was there then quickly reverted back to her calm demeanor.

“Oh just some customers that wouldn't take no for an answer and I had to let them in and deal with their problem. You may not know this but the clinic has been temporarily shut down for renovations.” She explained to me calmly and winked after saying renovations. What did she mean by that? "But on the bright side, my pet, now there is another person for us to play with.” She walked over, mounds wobbling under her lab coat each time she moved closer, and picked up a chart with various data and graphs on it. “I have been studying your production and even with the supplementary IVs and all the fluid and milk you've been taking in you aren't really making enough to fill up that VAT as soon as I'd like so I think it's time to introduce some more stimulus." She said with a smile while rubbing my hair gently letting her palm lower to cup a cheek. Her eyes didn’t leave the chart and then she unceremoniously let the chart dangle back down on its ball chain and gave me a playful pat on the cheek. She finally looked up smiling a bit more genuinely and nodded at the apparatus I was locked into working perfectly. I got caught up in the wave of another powerful orgasm and when I opened my eyes she was already halfway down the hallway.

 Squeaking wheels echoed from the darkness reminding me of my first and only trip, that I could recollect anyway, down that hallway. The doctor had returned again, giving me excitement enough to push me to another orgasm that made me grit my teeth. She was pushing a wheelchair that was filled with a huge woman covered in a white sheet. As she drew closer I realized it was my boss’s secretary, Valentina. Her breasts had grown to such a size that they were as big if not bigger than the doctor’s had been after I saw her that night. She really couldn’t move around because they were so big.

“V… Valentina? Oh my gosh! I can’t believe you’re here! What happened to you?” She was wheeled closer and her gaze was focused on my glistening lubricated cock, surrounded by the massive sleeve and being jerked and sucked indifferently. She barely acknowledged I was talking to her. “Is this all from the shower room?" She finally looked up and her eyes lit up filling with stars. I thought she was smiling at me, but she was staring at the vat behind me filling up with cum. It was fairly plain that the thing she wanted most in the world was the contents of the nearly half full vat that was just out of her reach.

"Oh my gosh! So you were here after all! The doctor said you were in some kind of special rehabilitation facility in a different part of the state." She said absent-mindedly and I glanced at the doctor who just smiled quietly and let us keep talking without interrupting. “Well that doesn't matter now. I guess we should probably tell the boss because she's looking for you and so is Trish. But I only want one thing from you, and that beautiful firehose of yours." She looked at the doctor pleadingly and asked and begged, but the doctor summarily shook her head No. Valentina was crestfallen.

“It wouldn’t be good for your rehabilitation, Valentina.” The doctor said quietly and Val pouted and let her arms drop to the sides of the wheelchair.

"The Boss is looking for me. And Trish too? So that was who you were talking to and why is Valentina here. She is here for rehabilitation as well?" I said but the doctor wasn't paying attention to either of us anymore, leaving Val to her own devices. She didn’t waste a single moment and as soon as the doctor stepped away she pushed her wheelchair towards my cock and pulled off the sucker cup and replaced it with her own soft lips. They were warm, so much softer and more wet and lucious than the soft silicone rubber that had been there for days. The jerking of the machine shook my shaft around while she held on for dear life sucking and licking, eyes rolling up in her head. “Oh, ohh… That’s so good. Ahh…nng!” I grunted as both the passionate licking and sucking on the nearly apple-sized head of my cock and the unwavering full-length masturbation of the entirety of my shaft reached a fever pitch and I came hard. The best one in a long while and she drank it up hungrily.

“As you can see, our friend Valentina is in a very advanced state of growth and it's become so extreme that she's pretty much immobile unless I do something for her. So I’m… WHAT!” The doctor was talking casually and when she realized that my precious seed was being stolen from her she was furious. “Unacceptable!” She put down a case on her desk, the same small case that held the needles I saw the night she asked me to give her injections into her nipples to cause lactation.

In a panic, her frantic movement caused her breast to swing and shake free, tearing the buttons and snaps of the lab coat into shreds. She wasn’t wearing anything underneath of it and her heavy full breasts hung down to the waistband of her dress skirt. She wrestled with Val who was locked on to me with her mouth and one hand while the other fended off the Doctor’s attempts to dislodge her. Val’s eyes were wide and wild with hunger and desperation I hadn’t seen from her before as she gulped and licked and teased me more. Dr. Cuunis’ breasts were hanging and swinging back and forth bumping into the machine and she only managed to tear the sheet covering from Valentina exposing her breasts as well. They had grown to the size of plump beanbags and rested in her lap, fat flowing between her legs, down over her knees and over the armrests. Yet they were still firm and pliant enough to have rounded tops and her neck was barely visible beyond the mounds. How had they grown so big so fast?

Doctor fought patient and they treated my cock, still being jerked off and sucked all the while, like a rope in a tug of war. The rhythmic sound of air intake from the discarded sucker on the ground was the background to them grunting and crying out.

“You have no idea what you are doing to yourself! I am only trying to help!” Michelle said with one hand clutching my shaft towards the head and the other pressing against the section of breast meat nearest to her face to try and get her off of me. Massive breasts swinging and slapping around, screaming and fighting women, the continued constant masturbation from that sleeve, and the desperate warm sucking and licking from Val pushed me over the limit yet again and it was another big one. Valentina managed to drink down the first long thick gush and her eyes rolled up into her head and her body shuddered. She loosened her grip with her mouth and hands and was pushed away harmlessly, but I was in the middle of an orgasm and seeing my cum fly for the first time in days was like a fond memory.

Thick splattering ropes sprayed the doctor’s cleavage and as the pulse strengthened the stream coated her face and filled her mouth and coated her face. She tried to cry out but could only gargle as the thick steaming protein gave her a makeover. Instead of having it sucked out of me, my body was actually pushing it out of its own accord for the first time in what felt like weeks. I could feel my prostate muscle burning with the near constant exertion it had been put through and although it was sore, it had gotten more powerful than before and I was propelling seed with such force the doctor had to step back with her hands raised defensively while my orgasm subsided leaving a long trail of cum shaking to the rhythm of the stimulation sleeve.

Val regained her wits blinking and licked her lips. She scooted towards the doctor who stood there with her arms outstretched coated from head to the tips of each of her nipples in a thick mat of semen. A trail of wetness leaking from the middle of Val’s wheelchair seat trailed behind her and she grabbed ahold of one of the doctor’s breasts and started licking. Michelle’s feet slipped around a bit as she tried to move around in the slick puddle that formed on the floor from all the backsplash that didn’t remain on her body.

“I can’t believe this.” The doctor said, shaking her head and taking off her glasses. That part of her face hadn’t been totally blasted and the outline of her glasses on her face was humorous. She did her best to ignore Val cleaning up her breast and only took a deep breath or stifled a small moan when necessary. She reached down and grabbed the sucker applying more lubricant and frowned at the mess around her, all the lost semen, and licked her lips. “I swear if that happens again I am going to end up like this pair of milk blimps right here. Ahnn…” Her eyes closed and she bit her lips as the aforementioned milk blimp reached for and pulled her other still slimy breast within reach and began to clean it as well. Michelle refitted the sucker on the end of my cock and it latched up and sucked back into its customary position with a squealing suck and then continued its business. Within five to ten minutes the doctor wiped enough cum from her face to be able to see clearly again and Val had been able to completely clean all the parts of her chest she could reach. I had cum two times and could feel the sex haze creeping in again as both orgasms were pulled through my cock forcefully. Michelle and Val’s altercation calmed down and she cleaned her hands off and prepared the needles.

“This injection is going to induce lactation. If we don’t do something about your size increase and distract your body into making milk instead of making more breast tissue then we are going to have real problems.” The doctor said seriously approaching Valentina more closely. She glanced over at me. “If you're lucky and you keep doing what you're doing then maybe I'll let you drink a little bit of her milk straight from the source and we can see if that will improve your production." She flashed a quick smile after saying it, but looked tired and worn out after the wrestling match and cum bath. Her normally straight and perfect hair had wads of spunk in it globbing up into knots and clusters and despite Val’s best efforts, there were plenty of wayward splats of my sauce all over her.

“Thanks doc. Sorry about earlier. I’d do something but,” I looked at the restraints I was in. “You know.” My weak smile was thrust back into a tight expression as another load was sucked from me unceremoniously. Her tired smile flashed a bit more genuinely before she looked back at Valentina.

“This is going to sting a little bit but don't worry. After that it's going to feel good. You asked me before if milk and lactation felt good and I have to admit it really does, but it's a bit bothersome after a while. At least if you're busy like me. I am sure there are a few women out there who wouldn’t mind making a living that way though…” She trailed off as a reflection of light crossed over her still smudged up glasses and examined Val’s chest and its full glory. Each of her mammoth tits was nearly the size of the wheelchair she was sitting in and balanced precariously on her lap and the armrest of the chair almost threatening to to fall out and topple her over easily. After finally getting her fix and having felt quite a bit of pleasure in the process, Valentina’s large swollen nipples were hard pointing straight out.

“Sorry about before, Doctor. I just… Can’t help it. I’m ok now though.” Val said, glancing over at the machine jerking me off and then at the puddle on the floor. Michelle knelt down before one of massive breasts and got face to face with a huge nipple. It was the size of a d battery or bigger and the doctor grabbed it like the rung of a ladder. Val let out a cute gasp and Michelle stood up enough to peek over the top of her breasts to make eye contact.

“You ready?” She asked and Val nodded. The doctor proceeded with the injections moving from one easy target to the next. As the creamy blue pearly liquid drained into each nipple, Valentina let out a whimper and whined softly as the serum spread warmth from her nipples and spread across her entire breast. It was over quickly and she let out a sigh of relief. Dr. Cuunis stood up and replaced the needles in the case and looked at the situation before her, shaking her head with hands on her hips. “I need to prepare another rack so that you can be a bit more comfortable and not have to bear that weight on your lap. And frankly the wheelchair looks like it won't be able to take much more once that previous ‘snack’ of yours starts kicking in. But we'll figure all that out in due time so wait right here and please enjoy the show." Michelle said with a smile and started off down the passage after engaging a lock on the wheelchair that its rider wouldn’t be able to access easily to prevent another mishap. She went off down the dimly lit brick passage and for the duration she was gone the sound of large doors and gates shuddered and large metal items clanged in the distance.

Valentina struggled in her chair and even tried sticking her tongue out towards my cock but gave up quickly. She burped and knew she had drunk enough for the time being although she was sure she could go forever if she had to. Her eyes looked over me, my restraints from one wrist to the other, the saddle I was sitting in, and the special cradle for my heavy balls which were being held by a large pair of metallic bowls. Finally the bright eyes returned to their pint of origin watching my cock head quivering and spitting semen in ten to fifteen minute intervals following the contents down the pipeline towards the tank and enjoying the satisfying ripple of a fresh load joining the lot of it. After another orgasm which she celebrated with an understated ‘Woop!’ followed by some laughter she caught a glimpse at the controller hanging off the side of the rack, wires dangling down from it to the machine.

"So does this thing control that sex machine?" She said while pointing to it. I nodded breathlessly still recovering from the most recent orgasm and she smiled. "That's interesting. So does it feel good?" She reached out as far as she could and felt the chair almost give, but she snatched the controller and managed to maintain her balance. She set it gingerly atop her cleavage, inspecting it, making a tiny change and quickly looking over at my massive eternally jerked off rod. She fiddled with the knobs a bit more and immediately I felt the pressure grow tighter and looser as she fiddled with one causing me to wince. The speed went up and down as she played with another which caused quite a bit of delight for me. I was at her whims, locked up for all intents and purposes and while to her she was just playing with a toy, to me I got paralyzed in pleasure and reacted violently as she increased intensity without even thinking about how it affected me.

"Yeah it feels amazing but it's maybe a little too sensitive and I've been coming and coming for so many times now I lost count. I must have ejaculated at least 20 or 30 or 40 times since I've been down here. Especially since you two came back." I said and she was intrigued to hear that and slowly turned all the knobs so that the machine stopped all together and for the first time an hours or days maybe I felt my erection take a break since it wasn't being stimulated in such an extreme manner. The muscles in my pelvis were on fire and I couldn't believe the pain and pleasure at the same time that I was feeling.

"You know it's been about 3 days since you left the office in a state of absolute orgy. By the time everyone started to snap out of it we were all covered in your cum and everybody's come and it was wild. I swear my stomach was so full with your seed I didn't think it would ever go down. But over the next day or two my stomach settled and my breasts started to balloon up bigger and bigger and bigger until I couldn't even walk anymore. By the time I realized what had happened I couldn’t stand without supporting myself on something and just getting up from laying down took so much effort. I'm lucky that the boss and Trish were there to help me.” Val adjusted her position in her chair while looking back down at the controller. She had to use both hands and arms to shift one of the massive weights enough so she could shift her thigh or leg a little bit. It was awkward to watch, but glancing down at myself I started to wonder if that would be my fate, too.

“That’s insane. I’m… I’m sorry for that and everything that happened because of me. I didn’t think things would get so out of hand when it all started…” I lamented in a gentle voice as the light ringing in my ears from the constant machine sounds subsided. Valentina smiled and shook her head.

“Don’t worry. It has been crazy and maybe I won’t be able to walk on my own for a while, but it has been amazing at the same time. I have had more orgasms in the past few days than I have had in the past few years. Gosh, I came the second I tasted your cum again after being away for so long. I can’t get enough of it.” Her smile was genuine, but the look in her eyes was glazed and distant at times as she tried to enjoy the lingering taste in her mouth. “We wanted to come and find you because we were worried about you, not just thirsty for you, you know.” She laughed and I couldn’t help but join her.

“That’s nice to hear, but I won’t be able to leave for a while. My rehab to bring me back to a more sustainable size is going to take a while I think. And the Doctor wants me to fill up that entire tank back there. I feel like I am in a factory farm or something despite how good it feels.” I contemplated aloud.

“Well, that's why we came here and we were right to come here but for some reason the doctor lied to our boss and Trish and said you were in some other place. She just wants you all for herself, selfish witch." She continued to shift in her chair to inch closer trying to reach out towards one of the dangling tubes connecting to the sucker on my tip. She was just out of reach.

“Thank you so much for stopping that machine. Again. 3 days. 3 days…” I couldn't believe it as the words escaped my lips. It had only felt like a few hours or  maybe one evening or something since I got here but it had actually been that long? I felt non-sweat begin to bead on my forehead which it didn't and started to wonder if everything was really okay. ‘She lied to them? About where I was?’ My thoughts ran through as much of the information as I could muster when I felt a pull on my appendage and saw she managed to get a hand on one of the support bars for the rack and began to pull herself towards me. The tires of the wheelchair slid through the slippery gummy muck more easily than they would have otherwise and soon she pulled herself face to face with my cock again. “You really can’t get enough, can you?”

“Mm mm.” She said while reaching to yank the sucker off again and running a finger around the inside like she was getting the last bits of pudding from the cup before tossing it aside and latching on with her lips. I couldn’t think any more as her big soft lips and hot wet mouth went to work on me. Again I was reminded of the difference between the rubber sucker and her living passion. She worked on it for a good five or so minutes and then impatiently reached, upturning on the controls of the device. Immediately the two and a half foot rubber sleeve, still slick with lubrication, started sliding up and down my full length at a gentle pace. Like a marathon runner after taking a break and starting to walk again I felt my cock flex unavoidably due to the stimulation and it burned alongside the pleasure.

“Oh gah…” Was all I could utter as the feeling went from a slow building creep up to orgasm to an aggressive forced operation. Val tongued my tip, drinking up the precum that was being forced from it in increasing volume.

"Oh this is nice, this is really convenient.” She said taking a breath between loving sucking kisses on me. “I like this thing. Oh goodness. Mmm… You taste so good mmmm…" She let bigg bulbs of my pearl honey swell up on the tip and then dove back in licking them up with relish. But she grew impatient. And thirsty. The intensity knob clicked under her finger and reached the point where it was before when the doctor abandoned me for days. It wasn’t enough for Val who wanted results now and I could only grunt and groan as I was forced to mind shattering orgasm. I felt my cock pulse forth countless gushes of hot sticky cum into Valentina's mouth. Like a person who had been stranded in a desert she didn't waste a single drop and gulped it hungrily. After the orgasm faded and she felt the spraying hose slow toa  drip, she pulled her mouth back giving it one more gentle kiss and turned the intensity down again and smiled up at me.

"So this thing can make you cum right away again and again, right? If I turn it up really high will you just keep spraying and fill me up?" She said while studying my weakly pulsing member and the controls of the device that she held up in front of her face. The tip of my cock rested right on her cleavage aimed right at her neck and all she had to do was lean her head down and she could take the tip up into our mouth and get more of what you wanted. Apparently the intensity of her sucking brought her closer to the rack somehow and I could smell her perfume, or what was left of it over the smell of my own pungent jizz.

“I mean, I could really use a break and the doctor won’t let me rest I fear so I’d really appreciate it if you could jus-” I said breathlessly, but she didn't waste any time testing her own scientific hypothesis and turned the intensity up again almost immediately. I expected that it was going to take a little bit more time than it did, but in a matter of minutes I felt the feeling of another orgasm coming at great speeds and began to groan loudly. I had no idea what level of intensity she turned it to but was blinded by the sheer force that this machine was exerting on my cock and when I finally came it was a relief. She just sat there gulping down the entire load happily and hungrily like an addict getting their fix at the end of a long day. While she was in the process of drinking it down the sound of a large metallic rack being wheeled down the hallway echoed.

“I swear to science if you two are fooling around in there.” The doctor came into the room leaving the rack to slow to a stop under its own momentum as she bolted over to us. “No Valentina, NO!” The struggle began anew and while Val was being grappled by the good doctor their tussle caused the controller to shift around and after a few bumps it shifted into nearly the max settings. After being milked raw for three days at easier speeds and despite the intensity boost from a minute ago when Valentina had been greedy for more, I couldn’t be prepared for this. The pressure was so tight and speed so quick that the whole rack I was in began to shake back and forth from the momentum. My voice rose from a loud groan to a yell as the orgasm built so rapidly precum game out in spurts. Michelle pulled the secretary off of me and I blew like a geyser over the pair of them.

Valentina opened her mouth like a puppy with a hose aimed at them and Michelle closed her eyes and mouth after a thick rope slashed across her face filling her mouth. The Doctor gave up the fight after a second spurt and stepped back like I was a burning building. She had to get away from shielding herself while Valentina leaned in and tried her best to get the head of my cumming cock back into her lips. The machine was too violent and I lost track of where my orgasm ended and the next one began. Thick powerful shots of semen became dribbling spurts and then reverted to long thick ropes again. It could have been three or four orgasms in a row, I couldn’t tell you, but Valentina basked in it. Off to the side Michelle wiped her face off and was thinking of what to do while I was in an electric chair of sex being shocked to my core as cum flowed from me freely. With a growl of frustration Michelle slipped a bit in the spraying mess on her way to the wall and yanked the plug from the wall letting out a cry in the process.

I wasn’t pleading, but as the machine’s servos slowed down and my orgasms relented only the sound of splattering and my heavy breathing cries echoed in the room. I blacked out for a bit and my head hung loose on my chest. When I came to the doctor, I was setting up a companion rack nearby in a place that was largely unaffected by ejaculation radius. Valentina was in heaven still wiping every surface within reach and bringing handfuls of wayward cum to her lips like Augustus Gloop in the Chocolate factory. My vision was hazy, but it seemed like her head was sinking into her cleavage or her breasts were getting even bigger.

“It’s still SO GOOD!” she cried with tears in the corner of her eyes unable to stop. There was a creaking and one of the wheels in her chair gave way, bending and causing her to tilt to one side. Her eyes bolted open and her cheeks were full like a chipmunk’s and she looked from one side to the other wondering what was going on. The doctor stopped what she was doing and turned around with fists poised on her hips. She had tied her sticky hair up in a bun with a pen through it and smiled a toothy grin shaking her head. She noticed me watching her and pointed at Val and then with the same hand held up three fingers and put them down one at a time. The creaking continued from Val’s chair and by the time Michelle’s final finger dropped there was a loud crash.

She screamed and fell down with a wet splash. Her breasts and ass had broken the armrests on impact sending them in opposite directions and the wheels crumpled and flung off as well rolling away. Now that they weren’t being compacted in her lap and wrapped in a sheet or anything like that I could see that she was doomed. Only the doctor could save her now. She sat there with her legs sprawled out on the smooth cement floor which was still covered in semen. Her breasts were on her lap overflowing both sides of her thick thighs and onto the floor. She was using all the strength in her arms, which looked pathetic, to prop herself up from behind. Her hand slipped and she fell back towards her elbows, but she remained suspended in the air. Her chest was so heavy that it was an anchor for her torso in the seated position that she could lean back completely tethered by her tits.

“I will admit, You were quite resourceful Miss Valentina." The doctor said finally finishing what she was doing, adjusting the rack besides mine. She adjusted the heights and lengths of what appeared to be a chair and some points where legs and arms could be fixed to little metal brackets. It was a similar design as the one that I was in. A large metal ring that you sat in the center of and there were two very large metallic bowls or concave dishes where presumably her breasts were going to sit when she was moved into that apparatus. Valentina wasn't even paying attention to what the doctor was saying since now she had a new source of semen to pull from to sate her needs. Despite the cold gelatinous nature of the stuff, she scraped it into her hands and scooped it down her gullet making a crude snow angel in the process. She must have drunk liters of the stuff since she was wheeled down here an hour or two ago. “But your greed is going to take a serious toll on your body unless this treatment works. I told you so about the chair if you’ll remember.” She giggled with a sinister edge to it, shaking her head as the girl used all her strength to pull and move her breasts around enough to gain access to untouched parts of my ejaculate radius.

“What about me?” I asked weakly, finally catching my breath. “Can I take a little break? She told me it’s been three days.” She blew a thick sticky strand of hair from her face and it stuck to the side of her head out of the way and adjusted her glasses.

“You my dear, could use some rest. And I could use some help getting Valentina into this rack. She clearly can’t be left to her own devices, at least around your semen.” She licked her lips and saw that Valentina was going to need some time to complete her grazing and stepped up to the rack securing me. She adjusted a few hoses and clamps and loosened various parts and after releasing a few final locks on the caster wheels of the fuck machine she slowly wheeled it back, and off of my penis. I was raw and sensitive and the feeling of finally ‘pulling out’ was enough to make me cum right onto her chest and dress. She looked up with a face that said ‘Oh come on now.’ while pushing the machine away on its wheeled cart.

“Oh thank god. Thank you. Ahh…” I breathed out and felt, for the first time in days, the full weight of my cock. My balls as well had shrunk enough from the constant orgasms that they actually hung of their own volition as well just above the metallic dishes that cradled them before.

“How’s that feel?” The doctor asked while making a face of relief and nodding at me. “Can you believe that she had you up to a six? How did it feel? Was it too much?" She looked at Valentina after she questioned me. "How many times did you make him come while I was preparing the rack?" Val just rolled around managing to get her legs underneath her into a crouching position and roll herself forward a bit bobbing up and down on her yoga ball-sized tits like a buoy in the bay. Her hands could reach a lot more easily now and she continued to rapaciously claw anywhere she could for even a fingertip worth of my phallic frosting. Michelle gave up and looked at me. “You have any idea?”

"Two times before you stopped her. Then maybe two or three when you went down the hall? But when she turned that thing up I pretty much blacked out and felt like I was cumming non stop.” I was blinking and my head lulled down just staring down at my cock which was finally curving downward as it wilted slowly.

“That is quite a bit…” Michelle sighed and stared around the room all the way to the vats and back to me. “We have lost quite a lot.” I reached up and took pulls of Michelle’s milk from the tube hanging above me, finding that it was gone with an audible sucking straw sound. I went for the water and began to drink desperately realizing how thirsty I was. “But maybe we can make up for it… Hmm…” Dr. Cuunis said while watching me gulp thirstily to prevent myself from becoming dehydrated. When I had finished drinking the water my dick had finally gone flaccid for the first time in three days. It hung and swung like dark pinkish thigh high stocking filled with steak. It hurt now that it was resting and I wasn’t blinded by the waterfall of endorphins and serotonin I had been submerged under. Exhaustion hit me like a freight train and immediately my lids felt heavy and dropped over my eyes like lead-lined shutters.

“I’m going to rest. A little… I think.” Everything went black as I fell into limp unconsciousness.


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