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Hello my dear Patron. That's right. Teaser 4. With many more to come. Still, another just about 2,000 words of tasty content. This was a logical breaking point in the story before things shift back to MC.

This week has been busy for me and my desktop PC at home just bit it. Turns on, but nothing sent to the display. Dr. Debug tells me that its something with memory and I got the whole thing used, built by some rando on an online marketplace so the ram looks cheap as anything. After troubleshooting for hours last night the current conclusion is it is a RAM issue so now I am on the hunt for more memory. Did you know that Michelle was into computers like that? Maybe it is my age showing, but having a nice desktop PC just feels good. Also I am addicted to the cyberpunk genre and need a rig to run that beast of a game. I have been on the fence about getting the expansion sooner rather than later, but this pretty much settles that. Needless to say, I have been spending my nights squished up under my desk with my phone's flashlight turning a computer on and off again countless times with hopes and fears floating behind me like angels and demons. Yeah I am tired.

By the time I pulled out my old PC, ol reliable chan, next thing I know I fell into an Uncle Roger hole and it was two AM. Sometimes you have those nights, right? I have been excited about Halloween coming up though. I haven't been to a costume party in ages and made some tentative plans to join one. I have a light history in cosplay, the thrifty and totally busted-looking DIY type, and gathering this and that to pull a look together has been fun. Nothing too exciting. Just going as a cute devil, but hoping the look comes off alright.

Anyway. Experimental Medicine is progressing fairly smoothly. I keep writing and editing and going over stuff. I forgot how much of this I actually put down using recitation. In other words, how completely garbled and messed up it is. It basically means rewriting from the ground up, but it has been enjoyable.  As I write I have been bumping some sizes up and increasing intensity for this or that so things will be pushed a few more notches than before. Making interactions a bit deeper and even more tasty. Playing around with head hopping which opens up opportunities for brand-new scenes and situations.  It has been a lot of fun. But it is going to be an absolutely mega-long chapter. It should be split into multiple chapters, but for some reason in my head I just want it to end on ten.  Who knows. When I eventually edit all this up for publishing down the road I might break things up in a different way, but we shall see.  Amazon is so touchy and scary about stuff so this might just have to be the freebie I leave to the world. But it is well past 20,000 words at this point and editing and rewriting is pushing that number even more.

I must admit, I have taken a liking to the boss character quite a lot. She is very interesting and has this attitude that started as a caricature but feels like it has grown over the chapters and now, as you are reading, she is one of the driving forces trying to find our precious MC. Poor Valentina, right? Silly Trish... But the Boss. We will see how things go for her as they continue to duel with the clever and devious doctor.

Hope your week is going well, dear Patron.



“Sure. Sure. Fine.” I said in a short voice already done with this conversation. Then it dawned on me. I was so desperate to get that cum into my mouth I hadn’t even thought about the most obvious angle. “But what about us? And the rest of the people in my office? And my business in general which is on temporary leave while countless people recover from what happened?” I stopped and put my hand son my hips and she stopped too, her hand just short of the door handle. “Is there anything we can do in the meantime to maybe slow down our growth or perhaps reverse some of it in the case of our friend Valentina here? I'm sure you can see that she won't be able to live on her own until she can walk again. She is almost at the point where she is getting too heavy to push uphill.” That got her attention. She turned around running the tip of her tongue along the inside of her lower lip which she was about to bite.

“Oh I don't mind being this big it feels so good but I'm so full all the time and all I can do is think about him and that semen of his. Goah. Smells so good it's like a drug to me. Do you have any? Did he give you like any samples or anything like that that I can just, you know, have right now?” Valentina hadn’t recovered her faculties in the least despite it being days after the incident in my office. Her voice was genuinely hopeful and innocent and the doctor just tilted her head and made a face like ‘I don't know about that’. And then her expression changed suddenly and she smiled and nodded.

“Well, we have in the past had not unsimilar situations to those that your friend was in. And we might be able to do something for you, Valentina was it? But this would be this would be something that involves signing a contract and dealing with some red tape. Again, kind of a similar rehabilitation service which we could render after confirming she was actually affected by the experiment directly. But we would need her full cooperation, and I guess, your blessing if you're vouching for these two and speaking for them.” Her attention was split between Valentina and me during the explanation, but she spoke in a kind of a respectful tone to us both. Valentina was already nodding her head smiling shaking her wheelchair in the process and sending ripples along her expansive breasts.

“Would I be in the same rehabilitation facility as him? Maybe that's how I could check and see if he's okay!” Valentina said with even more hope in her voice as she looked up to Trish and me. Trish and I and looked back to the doctor. I cocked my head a little bit wondering if this is a good idea or not and I glanced down to my immoble secretary recently bound to a wheelchair with breasts that weighed as much as the rest of her whole body. Images of her struggling to take a shower on her own, go up stairs, or even get dressed flitted through my minds eye twisting my dissatisfied frown into a scowl. How long could we take care of her? She needed help. I didn't want to take care of her even though she was my secretary and I couldn’t speak for Trish, but at least she could still walk around. My gaze fixed upon the doctor once again.

“Can I have a look at this contract as well? Just to make sure everything's kosher?” I raised an eyebrow and was curious to see what her response would be. She nodded very slowly and cautiously and asked us all to sit down in the waiting area while she went and printed out a copy for Valentina and I to look over. They just had one laying around apparently. Was all I thought as I took a load off and sat down after wheeling Val to the general area.

Dr. Cuunis shut a door behind herself hurriedly and when we knew the coast was clear, enough, we had a pow wow.

“I smell something fishy here and I don't know what it is, but Valentina maybe you're right and this might not be a bad way to get some help for you and also check up on our friend.” I said.

“I'm pretty sure that my growth slowed down enough that I'll still be able to walk, but Val went way too far and I have a feeling she might still be growing.” Trish said with a look of concern on her face as Valentina stared off ahead smiling with a air of excitement around. She was completely oblivious to the fact that she'd become pretty much an immobile rolling pair of tits.

“But let's have a look at this contract and see how shady it is because I don't know if I trust a word that woman says.” I said under my breath while we waited for Michelle to come back. We continued chatting about the situation and I shared my concerns with them. Soon enough after another few minutes she came back out of one of the nicer wooden doors with a packet of paper in her hands and held it out Valentina. There was also a pen looped through a pinch on the side of the clipboard that secured the contract. The writing implement fell through the loop almost immediately upon being handed to her, but she picked it up in her other hand and began reading.

I watched over her shoulder studying the document she had shoved right up in her face resting on top of her two mammoth breasts. I knew contracts and had made plenty myself, but after seeing her leaf through a few pages I could see exactly how dense it was and  would have felt more comfortable having my lawyer look through it. After a preventing Val from just skipping to the signing page over a dozen time I managed to ascertain that the general synopsis is that she would be given a treatment that would induce lactation and her milk would be kept as a sample to be used for future study. There were many clauses that talked about a variety of different methods of obtaining the milk which involved taking special medication, using specialized, machinery, and being kept for a close observation which necessitated a stay in a rehabilitation facility that would last at least a week if not more if what I read was correct. There were a lot of other clauses and great detail but Valentina skipped over a lot of the pages and rushed to sign the document smiling.

“So they're going to induce lactation and make milk come out of my breasts?” She looked up at the doctor who was smiling and nodding amicably. “Does it feel good to have milk come out of your breasts? I've never been pregnant so I don't know what it's like. I do know it feels really good to grow and be so full but I've never lactated before.” Her hands which had the pen in them the whole time were creeping towards the dotted line and I had to put my hand on hers stopping her from signing right away and looked up at the doctor.

“Where is this rehabilitation facility and is it the same one that he's in? Will we be able to contact her? Will she be able to contact us? Is that written anywhere in here?” I said having to put more strength in my hand to stop Valentina from signing without knowing any of those details. From a certain point of view and with good enough lawyers she could be shut away forever. The doctor shrugged and kind of look shook her head left and right bouncing off her shoulders a little bit deciding what she was going to say.

“There is more than one rehabilitation facility and upon signing the contract I would have to contact them and see which one was the best fit for her and then we could go from there. For the duration of the initial rehabilitation, which would be one week, she wouldn't have access to social media or her phone due to the sensitive nature of the treatment.” She held up her hands defensively after breaking it down and waited for my response that she was clearly anticipating. I looked down at Valentina and then back up at the doctor and kind of growled out sigh of impatience. I felt my hands I felt the hand on my hip I felt my hand digging into the soft flesh and it even hurt a little bit. Something told me this wasn't right, but it wasn't my choice to make and my secretary did desperately need some specialized healthcare that I didn't know I could offer her or not. I took my hand off of Valentina's hand and she signed it without a second thought. Dr. Cuunis took the contract gently and tucked it under her arm carefully.

It was done and there wasn't anything we could do at this point so Trish and I helped wheel Valentina into one of the side rooms where the doctor was going to perform a check on her to confirm she was indeed suffering side effects related to his case. After a simple saliva sample she had all she needed and explained using a computer monitor and a digital microscope that her saliva carried traces of this and that and I zoned out. I wasn’t a scientist and she was just blowing smoke up our asses finally telling us everything was fine and that we could go. Valentina was going to get all the help that she needed and in about a week's time she should be around the size of Trish with some luck. Trish and I looked at each other with a bit of skepticism but we shook our heads knowing that there was nothing further we could do at this moment and that the two of us couldn't take care of her and there was no telling if she's going to stop growing anytime soon cuz she must have drank liters and liters of the stuff to make her grow this big.

"And we will be able to see her in a few days?” It was my last ditch effort to confirm if the doctor was being sincere or not. To that she smiled nodded and assuring us both that everything was going to be fine. She told us that Valentina would be in touch in a week and we took it at face value and turned our attention back on our original goal which was finding where our boy toy went. That was the last we saw Valentina while leaving tha clinic and seeing the door shut behind us I couldn’t help but feel like we made a mistake. Hopping back in my car, I rang up the number from the back of the card and put the address to the rehabilitation facility into my navigation system and we set off.

The sound of the engine revved up and exhaust belched into the air as the pair took to the road to find their man. But they were fooled, utterly, by the clever doctor. Every kilometer that they zoomed away from the clinic was another kilometer further from him they became. Only Valentina was going to get her wish, but she had to sign a contract and a week if not more of her life away for that chance. Down beneath the clinic, he was right where she left him.


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