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Dear Patron,

How are you faring? I am so tired. I recently enjoyed a long vacation and popped by the beach. It was heavenly, but so hot and after two days out there, driving, staying up late, all of it, I have been down for the count all week. With Friday in sight I am still astonished I haven't collapsed yet.

There is still another good month or so of warm weather I'd say, and seeing the sea did feel great so if you have the chance, give it a look and dig your toes into the sand. I overdid it though and am still wiped. Anyway!

I got a bit caught up last week with the poll stuff and all that fun, but managed to get through another chapter of Lazy Futa.  I think its pretty hot. The chapter following this one is lava-hot if you ask me and I have a feeling that some of my best writing is coming through. Well, perhaps some of my best ideas and feelings.  This story is still playing out slowly. I really want to write chapter 8 (Based on responses from a previous poll and got inspired.), but 7 just keeps on giving and giving and ended up being an absolute cumfest. Gross and delightful in equal measure!

 Also. I have been prodded ever so slightly into working on a different project that I had on the back burner so I am going through it nice and easy. It is a sequel to a story I put out.  I also promised and hinted at experimental medicine as well. What am I to do? Post a tid bit of this and that as it comes up? (Thus disobeying my OCD in posting things out of order or all mixed up within one another...) Or do you just double down and post plenty of one story until its done and then share the other stuff (Creates relief for OCD and a desire for order, but means you have to deal with one flavor of story a while.)?

With the CYOA and lazy futa being thrown out, I am already kind of releasing things in an odd order, aren't I? Perhaps that is my answer there. Either way, the squeaky wheel tends to get the grease so let me know in the comments.

Enjoy this chapter of Lazy Futa!


6 - Breakfast of Champions

Waking up without morning wood for the first time in months if not years was an interesting feeling that freaked Peneleope out at first. But as she propped up on her elbows and looked around at the small sea of full condoms tied off and piled into small cairns of cum dotting the room she understood why she was still soft. Although looking at it all and now smelling it turned her on and she felt a jolt through her system as the first pump of blood began to make its way down the length of her body.

Snoring arm in arm, Tone and Syn were asleep and looked dead tired. Penelope felt embarrased by how much she masturbated last night and how drunk she got. She hoped her friends weren’t disgusted and was walking on tip toes picking up condom after full condom holding them like she was selling upside down balloons at a carnival. Seriously fourteen of them? No wonder I didn’t have morning wood today.

She recalled the countless evenings sitting around and just emptying load after load into tissues, trashcans, and condoms. This was actually par for the course, but for some reason she didn’t think she came that much. I drank a ton last night. The bottle on the table was around half empty. They did some work considering they went through a case of hopnectar and then some.

The weight of the dangling and bouncing sacks of semen swinging in her grip, some still slick with wetness, was heavy and turned her on. She didn’t realized she had it in her and felt how heavy her own balls were as she stepped into the kitchen to toss the spent rubbers. As she held them above the can a voice called out from the couch.

“Please don’t!” Synthia’s voice said in a sleep-filled whisper and she went to get up while throwing Tony’s arm off of her. Pen stopped and looked over at Syn who was eying the condoms, then her growing boner, her breasts, and then her eyes. Then back down to the condoms. “It’s uhm. Well, they are still good I think. Especially that big blue one.” She pointed at the one hanging and bouncing low, the size of a small melon, latex being stretched near its limit.

“Don’t…Throw these used condoms away? Usable? What do you mean?” Penelope said holding up the kaleidoscope of twirling colors in her face catching a big whiff of her own pungent scent. “What are you going to do with them?” She began running through the possibilities in her head.

“If we drink them, maybe we can change our bodies, like Futanari can.” Tony said. “There are rumors around the net. And people have proof and stuff. It’s amazing.” Synthia nodded along with his statements while keeping her eyes on Penelope like she was waiting for the hostage crisis to be at an end. She waved a hand to bring her back. Penelope did, setting the mountain of encapsulated cum on the empty pizza box, more than a few bobbling off the top to jumble around crumbs and greasy recycled cardboard.

“You want to…Drink my cum? It will change you?” Penelope said and put her hands on her hips. Without realizing it her stretchy pumpkin shorts were already starting to push out. “I uhm…”

“They say that Futanari can kind of ‘will’ their cum and bodily fluids to change their partners and even themselves. Some do it on purpose and others kind of on accident.” Syn explained while Antonio brought up information on his pocket suite. Penelope listened and put a finger on her chin, then gripped her temples trying to remember. She burped as her belly full of beer, liquor, snacks, and pizza roiled.

“We were kind of talking about this last night right? Sorry I got kind of trashed and the last thing I remember was you guys were cool with me having my dick out. Then I had a bunch of crazy crazy dreams about this kind of stuff and I guess that was when I came a dozen times?” She released her brow and tilted her head. The pair of them were nodding.

“Well, we kind of jerked you off a bunch of times.” Tony said while preparing a holographic plate of information that floated on the screen before him. Syn smiled and tilted her head a bit.

“And we kind of sucked you off a few times too.” She said blushing for the first time Penelope could remember.

“I have to come clean. Is it ok?” Tony said looking for permission from his girlfriend. She shrugged and nodded. “Listen, Pen. We both, well at least me, have kind of had a super huge crush on you since you moved into the building. And like, our thing that we have is kind of open if the right person comes along, right Syn?” She nodded while maintaining her composure acting almost disinterested, but was watching the Futanari unblinkingly. “And we were wondering if you’d be interested in, kind of, like. Well. Sometimes if you wanted to…”

“Let’s fuck, Penelope.” Synthia said. Penelope’s erection began to throb against her shorts pulling the waistband away from her hips. “Please let us drink from you, and help us find out if the things they say online are true or not.” She glanced down at the eager tent for an instant and then back up into Pen’s eyes. Antonio was also looking at the Futanari who was kind of mulling over the concept and rubbed her eyes still sleepy from a night of hard drinking and apparently countless orgasms.

“I, mean. Yeah that is totally cool with me. What do you want me to do?” Penelope said with a kind of innocence. She pulled down her waistband and her erection flung up bouncing to full hardness grabbing both of the Trads’ attention.

“Well, from what we read it works like this; You concentrate your emotions and hopes into a building orgasm and then when you ejaculate, those intentions kind of ride along with the orgasm and whoever drinks it kind of benefits from that.” Tony explained while slowly shuffling over in a kneeling position towards the table and closer to Penelope.

“I used a kind of subtle hypnotism technique to get you to focus and you came a bunch of times even while asleep. If the JOI worked, all these condoms should grow your breasts and cock to some extent.” Synthia kind of shrugged while gesturing to the balloons littering the table.

“Joy?” Penelope cocked her head.

“Jerk-off instruction. Its kind of a sexy guided meditation. It’s super hot and Syn is kind of famous around the net for it under a pseudonym.” Tony explained, sitting nearly underneath of the bulging hard dick close to his face. “She does it to me all the time.”  Penelope looked down at Tony, his face was totally smooth and his lips were kind of pouty.

“If you, or really either of us, drink this cum we should grow breasts and cocks I guess. Hah.” Syn laughed.

“Wouldn’t it be better to go straight from the source? If you are that thirsty and it is something I can help you with. I would be happy to help you guys.” Penelope said pulling her pants down and kicking them across the room. She slowly walked towards the sofa while pulling her top off over her head, letting her breasts bounce down wearing only a bra. “I used to drink my own cum a lot, but haven’t done it in a while. Maybe that was one of the reasons these,” She grabbed her breasts. “And this,” She began to gently tease the length of her prominent erection. “Had a second growth spurt.” She sat down in the chair caddy-corner to Synthia who just watched her and listened. Antonio shuffled in her wake, still on his knees. Penelope spread her legs wide and unhooked her bra letting her bare breasts down for all to see. The Trads were captivated at her form. “So do you need to hypnotize me again or something? What do you guys want? Tony a bigger cock and Synthia more curves or something?”

The boyfriend and girlfriend looked at eachother and smiled with the hint of tears in their eyes. It couldn’t have gone any better than they hoped for. Synthia smiled while shaking her head a little bit and Tony sidled up in front of Penelope, a position he seemed to like to be in, mere inches from her hard, hot cock.

“Quite the opposite actually. We both kind of want to be more like you, Penelope. Tony wants a more feminine body, and I actually want to see if there is some way for me to grow a penis.” Synthia explained simply.

“Don’t they have surgery and stuff for that?” Penelope asked. And technological advances in medical science regarding gender reassignment had come to the point where replicating and growing substitute and similar organs was astonishing. It was expensive, and far out of the reach of common UBI recipients without years and years of saving, but possible. You could pretty much get them nearly order made as well and they would be fully functional without surgically implanted mechanical devices like pumps or other artificial means of stimulation. Likewise, even sensitivity and pleasure centers were able to be connected significantly enough that these procedures were far beyond cosmetic. If it was their desire, a person born with biologically male parts could get surgery and procedures and transplants that even allowed them to carry and give birth to children in the most miraculous cases.

Women who had such surgeries would be able to have true orgasms via penetrative and clitoral stimulation. Men who got surgeries to perform the opposite functions would be able to get hard the ‘natural’ way and ejaculate as much as technology allowed for. Although the semen was real and naturally produced inside of their own testicles, the technology to enable it to carry genetic data was still being researched. Likewise for females the ability to create eggs able to be inseminated was extremely rare, although there is one case of such a pregnancy that was carried full to term. Although artificial insemination solved some of those problems. Many current scientists speculated that it would only be a matter of time until that mystery was solved as well.

For people who weren’t interested in surgery, there were over the counter and prescribed versions of drugs and hormones that would influence these kinds of changes far more effectively than in the past, but ultimately surgery was the only way to get ‘the complete package’. Even so, there were people who didn’t want that despite it all. And with the appearance of Futanari, people’s desires and ideals also began to skew and shift in a variety of ways. Attempts to replicate the Futanari condition on Traditional humans have been somewhat successful, but there were concessions that had to be made biologically and space-wise in a body while still maintaining a humanoid appearance. Use your imagination.

“I... I can’t afford it for starters and honestly don’t like the idea of surgery. If what people online claim is possible, then I want to try that. It really is amazing, Penelope.” Syn said.

“Pen, from the moment you moved into this apartment building I think we both kind of made up our minds and fell for you right away. I will confess it to you now.” Tony reached up and gently insinuated his hands amidst Penelope’s until he was the only one working her shaft and Penelope sat back while hot breath began to warm her head. She nodded looking down with a smile and Tony got to work.

“So you want to be more girly Tony?”

“Mm hmm” He muffled while working his tongue in circles. Syn’s eyes slowly bloomed to life along with a grin while she saw the magic happening.

“You want big breasts like mine? Maybe even bigger?” Penelope teased the guy who began to put a lot more effort into what he was doing while gurgling another mumbling assent. The hum of his response sending gentle vibrations through the cock in his mouth.

“Maybe if what you two believe is true you can suck and drink those breasts of yours into existence. How big will they get if you drink it all? Will your ass get fat, too? Big thick thighs? Do you want to be come kind of sex idol?” Penelope was getting into it and had her hands rubbing through Tony’s hair and encouraging him to go deeper and deeper into her lap. He gagged occasionally, but continued to press his pouty lips up and down her shaft clearly having practiced a lot. More a half of her passed in and out through his lips. He affirmed every playful jest nodding along as much as possible with six thick inches pushing at the back of his throat wanting to do down deeper. “You’ll need bigger juicer lips and to get rid of whatever is holding you back from taking all of me down your throat. What if you fail to drink it all? Think of the waste. You’ll have to start over again until you get it right!”

Penelope had a wild look in her eye as she pushed down on his head forcing another thick meaty inch of hard hot cock into his throat and he reached up grabbing her thighs with both hands clutching them. Tony took the onslaught feeling her rod get harder and taughter in his own mouth, the aroma of her precum reaching his nasal cavity while it coated the inside of his throat. There was drool and saliva coating her cock glistening in the morning sunlight peeing through the window as Tony fought his gag reflex while his throat protested. His clutching hands on her thighs were now locked into fists grabbing their own thumbs tightly.

“How big will they get, Penelope? Tony’s breasts. What shape will he become?” Syn added using lightly hypnotic tones to try and keep her focused. She had done much worse to Tony herself using toys, but there was something primal about how Penelope handled her boyfriend that concerned her. They didn’t even discuss a safeword, greedy little boy. But he was more than ready for it and didn’t give in, occasionally forcing himself down as much as possible nearly taking it all down his throat. That dick was thicker than any of the toys Synthia used on him for oral training purposes so it wasn’t easy, but he wasn’t gagging as much as when he was caught off guard.

“Oh as big as he wants. She wants? Big soft fat tits to wrap around this meat and give your poor throat some rest, perhaps? Or are they going to wrap around Synthia’s big long cock before long? Your lips will get rounder and fuller and it won’t take nearly as long to get your fix next time I am sure. You are going to need to buy a new wardrobe because of how big and wide your ass and thighs will get, Tony. Get ready and make sure it’s all worth it, baby.” Penelope pulled his head down as hard as she could and opened her mouth throwing her head back. She closed her eyes as a penile orgasm shot zaps of pleasure through her rod of command directly down Tony’s throat. Each bolt of gooey cum carried the promise of the body of his dreams. As the orgasm subsided Penelope let go of her suitor’s head and leaned back in the chair taking a big breath after that rocking orgasm.

“If how good that blowjob was any indication of how feminine you will end up, things are looking good for you, Tone. Whew.” She huffed another hot breath while Synthia watched on amused as her boy toy continued to swallow down and gently bob his head up and down slowly pulling and sucking up every last drop as commanded. Once he was satisfied he let the full ten inches of semi-soft pipe from his throat and fell back from his knees onto his ass to the side landing back to the couch between Synthia’s knees. The breath he let out was one of desperation like a deep sea diver miscalculating air supply and finally reaching the surface a little too late as coughs and sputting breaths eventually calmed.

“Oh my freaking god, Pen. It was so much! I feel like I drank a whole milkshake or something, damn girl.” Tony said while wiping his lips with his fingers and licking them clean looking back to his girlfriend. “Did you see that? She nearly fucking my neck off, baby.” He rubbed his throat and smiled while nodding at Penelope shaking his head in disbelief, surprise, and muted elation. “I will come down here every morning, noon, and night for that.” He was staring at the curving menace that he just pulled from his gullet before looking up at Penelope’s eyes which seemend to be considering the offer seriously. He quickly looked over his shoulder up at Synthia whose hand had creeped onto his shoulder very close to his neck. “If you approve baby. Obviously. Sorry.” Syn smiled and nodded in response.

“Let me think about that, and let’s see how Penelope feels, Tony.” Synthia’s voice was calm and her calm, cat-like nature seemed to return as her eyes went back to their more ‘sleepy’ appearance. “Would you like that, Penelope? If Tony comes down here and services you three times a day?” Penelope smiled and scoffed a bit at the preposterous question.

“As long as I keep saying stuff like, ‘You’re tits are getting huge, your ass if fat’ and whatever and he drinks it all up, you guys are good on your end right?” Penelope said and her dick bounced up and settled back down once as she flexed it, a bead of postcum welling up. The reflection of that tiny swelling droplet reflected in Tony’s eyes and his tongue slowly began to probe the air like he could taste it from across the table. Synthia nodded with a slow blink.

“Tony may have a few more detailed requests, but that is generally the idea. As long as it isn’t a nuisance to you, would you be amenable to such a relationship going forward?” Synthia’s voice danced between them winding with wanting tucked behind the request. Pen smiled almost from ear to ear.

“It would be a pleasure. And trash day would be so much less troublesome in the process.” She looked at the mountain of floppy colored sacks piled up on the table. “I have plenty to spare and you guys have always been good to me.” She looked down to the ecstatic expression on Tony’s face. His hands her covering the whole bottom half of his face and there were hints of tears on the corner of his eyes as he looked up pleadingly to Syn who nodded reverently. He screamed and jumped up and down hugging Syn who only patted a shoulder rolling her eyes and jumped over nearly tackling Penelope giving her a huge hug saying ‘thank you’ over and over again. After a good ten or fifteen seconds of this celebration when Tony let out a wet cummy belch Syn held up a hand.

“Please go upstairs, darling. Clean up. I have to talk to Penelope about something private.” Synthia’s voice changed again, a tone that would not be denied. She shifted her voice again after watching the stifled, but still silently elated Tony smile wave goodbye, and skip out of the apartment. She looked over to the other person in the room sitting fully naked and smiling. “Sorry to keep bothering you with all this.” She rolled her eyes at the door closing and the further shout of elation outside followed by every footstep running down the walk, up the stairs, back along the veranda above them. The stomps from jumping continued and Syn reeled fingers around waiting for it to play out until she let out one restrained, but audible call through the ceiling. “Enough, baby.” Silence followed.

“You guys are seriously interesting to me, but I think I am starting to see how you go together.” Penelope said a big smile on her face.

“How do we go together then, Penelope?” Syn responded quickly and low. Her eyebrows were raised slightly. It caught her friend off guard for making assumptions regardless how near or far from the mark they would be. Pen quieted up and shook her head changing her posture a bit from less of a leaning back ‘manspread’ to a relaxed, but conservative lean against the sofa arm between them.

“Well, you don’t mind him coming down here three times a day to suck my cock so that pretty neat. I shouldn’t assume anything though, I’m sorry Synthia. I just kind of got all excited seeing how happy he was after you gave him permission. And also getting three blowjobs a day is going to be awesome. He’s good.” Penelope started.

“Because I trained him well.” Synthia finished.

“So what do I owe you for such a generous offer and lending me your boyfriend? Do you want to suck my-”

“Not at all. Never. No offense to you, but it isn’t me.” Synthia left no room for debate and her expression was bordering on disgust at the concept. Before Penelope could begin to apologize Syn held her hand up and waved it off shaking her head. “It’s fine.” She reached forward taking a drink off the table from the night before she had left there. “I think what I need will be more complicated because of that fact though.” Penelope raised an eyebrowat the confession.

“You guys said you both want to change things and need my cum to do it and I will do what you want me to do. I am seriously happy to do it and not to be too blunt or anything, but I really like having orgasms as you can see. I have to have orgasms.” Penelope leaned in and her cock finally began to wilt hanging off the end of the sofa cushion.

“I won’t drink semen. I think it’s gross. But, I read about something. This woman’s clitoris ended up growing pretty big from being cum inside.” Syn continued. “I understand that futanari can’t really impregnate tradwomen and there have been no records of it taking place either so I am not really worried about that.”

“You want me to, like, have sex with you and cum inside you? While talking dirty about how your clit will be a big as this one day?” Penelope held up her limp inches like the end of a thick boat rope. Synthia thought about the image that her friend had in her head and gritted her teeth a bit and tilted her head then bit her bottom lip sending signals so mixed to Penelope she wondered if she said something wrong again. The series of expressions ended in a calm nod and a finger a pair of fingers knitting an invisible scarf before her lithe flat chest as she worked something out.

“No, but yes, kind of, but like, with conditions. Sorry, but I am really particular about a few things and its a bit confusing, but, well, let me explain.” Synthia went on talking about how things would work, outlining rules, terms, timetables, and in such perfect detail that Penelope felt like she should be taking notes.  There were positions, timings, calls and responses, and really more than she thought people went through to just have some sex. She took a walk through the supermarket and basically got laid a half dozen times. Were tradhumans really this complicated?  After nearly an hour of discussion with a few breaks to send texts to Tony reassuring him it was still all good, Penelope and Syn stood up from the chairs. Penelope had a raging erection again but nothing physical had gone down between them, only the explanation of what was to come.

“I mean, I hope I can handle it all. It is a lot to remember, but I will do my best.” Penelope said, her fully nude form following Synthia towards the kitchen and the vestibule doorway. Syn smiled.

“The fact that you listened is enough for now. If you are as willing as you seem, then I have a feeling we will all enjoy ourselves quite a bit.” Syn smiled authentically and it shot straight through Penelope’s hearet. “My only other request-”

“Besides the like, full instruction manuel to a four hour board game” Pen quipped raising an assenting grin from Syn who was zipping up a pair of mega long boots.

“My only request besides memorizing the full instruction manual of a four hour board game.” She smiled turning around to face her hostess. “Is to try your best to lay off jerking off all day and night if you can manage it.” She place the soft tip of her finger directly onto the glistening tip of Penelope’s erection while staring directly into her eyes. Pen went to look down. “Never break eye contact when we are in physical contact, Penelope.” Syn immediately said in a voice Pen had never heard her use before. A wet drip welled and began to tickle down the inside of her thin finger. Penelope immediately looked back into Syn’s eyes and she was directly in her face their lips less than a breath away from each other.

“I’m-” Penelope’s utterance was summarily silenced as Synthia’s lips pressed against hers and a passionate kiss followed by a sensual stinging nibble pulling Pen’s lip between them. Eye contact still locked on, Penelope had no idea what was going on but just did as she was told. The finger on her cock was covering her urethra was making small circles of precum, but she couldn’t look away at the girl staring her down right in her face and threatening to pull her lip off with her teeth. Synthia’s sensual circles stopped and she firmly pressed her finger against the tip and in the slightest whisper said the word ‘cum’ into Penelope’s mouth letting the lip go as she formed the mouthshape for ‘m’ giving the pained and suffering bitten lip one final kiss before it sling shotted back to it’s neutral position and she came immediately.

She went to look down at her cock as cum sprayed in all directions like a kid pressing their thumb on a spraying hose. But was meet immediately with the same phrase as before.

“Never break eye contact when we are in physical contact, Penelope.” Synthia’s voice was a bit louder and more commanding than before by some indefinable degree, but Penelope knew that build up had consequences and she immediately looked back into the eyes of the person forcing her to have such a strange ejaculation. They stood. For minutes they stood until the ejaculation ceased, eye contact only broken for milliseconds by blinks, and Penelope’s cock got soft enough to fall free from the pressure that Synthia put on it. Synthia immediately looked away facing the door opening it suddenly. Penelope could only take breaths, mind blown at what just happened.

‘What the heck just happened?’

“This is nothing, Penelope. Please do your best. Look forward to your three-a-day from my pet.” Synthia said over her shoulder looking into the distance, not even glancing in the direction of the naked futa girl in the vestibule. “And… Thank you.” The door shut unceremoniously and footsteps trailed off. All she could do was stand there blinking her eyes for a while until Synthia had gotten settled upstairs received with a small fanfare by Tony, and finally she snapped out of it. Looking around, her freshly cleaned doorway vestibule, the washing machine, part of the fridge, and basically all of her shoes and flip flops had cum all over them. It was a total mess and she let out a long sigh but it wasn’t filled with any negative emotions and she laughed grabbing a paper towel and a rag and getting to work cleaning the place up starting with the cum-slick surfaces left as a present for her by the first tradgirl she kissed in years and years.

Her heart was still beating a million miles an hour.


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