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Taking a glance at the results with roughly a day to go, the poll's responses are holding steady (Male MC, Hetero Interactions, Modern Setting, PE and BE main) but the style of writing seems to be in a kind of deadlock between 3rd person and 1st person. 4 wanting 1st person (focused or bouncing around heads), 3 wanting 3rd person, and 2 wanting a mix of both.

 If you have a stronger preference one way or another, consider changing your votes! Although considering a blend of both will be a fun exercise. I actually am doing something similar to that with the upcoming chapter of experimental medicine. I think the effect will be kind of fun, but I have read books where head hopping can be tiresome and confusing as well so keeping the 'inhabitable characters' numbers low, and also having a narrator at the same time is a tricky proposition to do in a way that isn't confusing.

(This is where the comment on the poll ended when I decided to turn it into a rant. Look out!)

Perspective in stories. I am not a classically trained writer by any means although as a hobbyist which is blossoming into an amateur (Dare I say semi-professional? Ehh.) writer it is something that I want to consciously consider. As it stands while I write this, the main parts of the story are just about where I kind of figured they landed. Although I am glad there is interest in potential other types as well, I will just have to enjoy those fantasies and write stories along those lines as time goes on.

The one answer that is quite intriguing to me are the ones I put out regarding perspective and how you have responded to those.  (See attachment)

2 for 1st (MC only), 2 for 1st (Some head bouncing), 2 for a mix of 1st and 3rd, and 3 for 3rd only.

Looking at them all as separate, 3rd person wins. Looking at them in blends, it could be 4 v. 3 as well.

My understanding of first person is basically forms the bulk of the experimental medicine story, although towards the end there will be some head bouncing if some of that hasn't popped up already. In EM, much of the narration as well treats the reader like they are being talked to directly as opposed to just 'telling the tale' to the ether beyond using a bit more passive voice. My natural writing style is more of a cobbled together mish mash of everything since I am a discipline-less mongrel with a keyboard and some passion, so I end up slipping plenty of third person and such in for descriptions, have some narration where it *really* "should" all be from pure first person perspective.

And the result is kind of a mish mash with me wanting to go back and edit (Especially those earlier chapters) confirming that I am writing in proper first person. Or rather, more clear first person so there is less ambiguity and hopefully much more immersion as the words in your head come from your voice instead of some unknown narrator.

I think the biggest benefit of 1st person is that immersive sensation. But it is tough for me to stick to it. Experimental medicine is my absolute best attempt at it to date.

I haven't written much 1stP with head bouncing up until this point besides the upcoming conclusion of EM, although it is a fun prospect and I have read a series of novels where it is used extensively and really enjoyed them. That is where I picked up the habit of writing 'thoughts' in italics, actually. But the head bouncing threw me off especially when it happened in the middle of conversations from one half of the conversation to the other and back again. On one hand it is a very clever way to guard plot information, and spoilers for big reveals down the line, while still allowing for very personal confrontation down the line. I am experimenting with it in EM, and I will start a poll about that when it is released and you have had a chance to soak it in. I think I am doing it pretty clearly, but there are a few jarring jumps and I won't know if readers mind that or how much it will distract from the story itself. I am excited to see what you think.

Minor diversion here, but I will probably release one more chapter of Lazy Futa before starting to drop teasers for Experimental Medicine again. I am adoring writing Lazy Futa and it is getting into some really fun stuff as it unravels before my eyes, but I can see how on another hand I am getting a bit into the weeds of my 'world building'. Either way, it will be fun. Secondary Minor diversion! The person who responded to the poll first before everyone gave responses that inspired me immediately and it will ultimately become a chapter in Lazy Futa. I hope you like the Anna Miller's restaurant. As if anyone even remembers that place anymore. The last one closed down in Japan not too long ago. Better believe the 'F' button on my keyboard has been pressed hard. The memory shall live on in smut no doubt.

Where were we?

Third person. The gold standard, right? Any first person dealings are typically dealt with using quotation marks for direct speech and thoughts and that is about it. It is the easiest for me to write and no matter what I do, it sneaks in all other forms of writing. For a reader being able to sit back and enjoy the dance on the stage before you and connect with whatever characters you like kind of allows for a first person experience in your imagination based upon the responses and reactions you have to the descriptions in third person.

Whelp. I think that is all I can say about this and I just ran out of mental batteries on this subject and can't stop thinking about the waitress outfit from Ana Millers now. You will say you don't know what it is and then if you google it you will be like 'Ohhhh, That one. Oh yeahhh' and then put Penelope in there and dial the restaurant that would have Futa in such a position up a few notches and you might be able to see where I am going. Granted, there are two more (unreleased) chapters between that tantalizing treat which I have envisioned and where you are now in the story, but there is lots of fun in between.

The growth in the story is taking longer than I imagined it would and I am leaning more towards this slow growth and long term stuff recently and another hit of Experimental medicine should give the die hard big growth fans their fix before we get into the build on Lazy Futa.

Until we meet again!

Thanks for your responses on the poll, and look forward to the responses on that as well. I think three days might be a bit long so I will leave it to two next time so the turnaround can be a bit quicker. Also there will be a lot fewer choices so it shouldn't be as difficult a decision or so many decisions.  That I will write up as the info comes out and hopefully it is enjoyable for you. You will be guiding it. Guiding me.

Thanks as always for your support and I wish you a wonderful week.




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