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Greetings my dear Patron.

The weather has been so brutal recently and I can almost hear the meter on my electricity box clicking up every minute. Things we do to survive!

Some good news and some bad news. First, the bad! My laptop, surface pro 4, battery finally expanded to the point the screen is beginning to pop off. I had watched a few vids in preparation for this moment and after a bit more googling ultimately decided to limit usage to emergencies only. Typing on my phone at the moment and I also have a home desktop PC, but my keyboard has a funky 'a' button which types like 9 A's or none at all. Annoying. And it means I need to go back and edit everything if auto correct doesn't catch it.

But yeah. Lappy is on life support basically. I can turn it on, use it normally, and it's only marginally concerning since I *think* it might expand more as I use it (Ayyy). But to be safe and to avoid explosions and acid death, I'm just leaving it off.

But where is the good news Michelle? Your implications mean that despite all this amazing time you are supposed to write, you can't? What about the dam. The floodgates. All that imagery we were taunted with!? Fear not.

First, I have been clicking keys majorly and have a small backup of goodies ready to go and will release them a bit at a time so you can soak it up. I enjoy a binge watch, but appreciate a weekly episodic much more. Personal preference perhaps, but that's how she goes. Also, I found a replacement for the surface pro 4 on ebay for like, 100 USD which is miraculous. Or perhaps just another future battery malfunction. (Which it will be, but I'm hoping it's in like 3 or 4 years rather than months or one year.) Sue me, alright? I like the 4 and they are giving them away apparently. I also have the charger and pen and keyboard and all that junk which it won't have. Pop a quick OS on there and we are back in business my dears. I want to thank you again for your support. I'm not rich by any means and you made that possible. In my day to day I'm a pretty frugal person and when those kinds of financial slaps appear they tend to destroy my normal monthly budget. Thank you.

Meantime, please enjoy the next chapter of lazy futa. We get to the good stuff now. Not just grabass all story, just slow burn in my own way. What does such a reserved and gentle spirited futa girl do when she goes shopping? Certainly keep her head down. If she can that is. Oh hoh!



3 - Cheap Street

The bike ride to Cheap Street wasn’t a terribly long one. She lived in a kind of an antique district with cheap nearly free housing, but the apartments had mostly old-style appliances and fixtures that were salvaged, recycled, repaired, and reused in this manner. When something broke, you'd give a call to the manager of the property and they would arrange for another to be brought in, typically within hours, by a drone who would also install it. Her neighborhood was made up of a lot of people who didn’t have a lot of ambition, didn’t need a lot to get by, or were staying there as a transitory point while they got themselves on their feet to move to the next phase of their lives. It wasn’t a bad place, but people who wanted more and had more would often make a comment about it so she didn’t like to make it public knowledge.

There were plenty of people lazing around and walking back and forth or going on bike rides like her. All kinds of different people. There weren’t particular concentrations of this gender or color or anything like there used to be hundreds of years prior and she smiled and nodded and waved to people here and there. The feeling of the bike seat against her bottom as her butt cheeks went back and forth felt good since she was sitting directly on her shaft. She would normally get excited at the prospect, but this way it was held at bay and she could ride her bike for a while before any kind of problems arose.

Nobody really paid her any mind while she weaved past folks and buildings that didn’t go much higher than two or three stories with the exception of the occasional large apartment complex that popped up like a weed towering over the grass below. As she pulled out of the neighborhood alongside a larger road where a long strip of commercial buildings glowed with brighter neon lights as cars, terrestrial and hovering, whizzed down the roads or pulled in and out of the various lots meant to catch potential customers like flies. There were a handful of fancy restaurants that served burgers, fries, sushi, fried foods, and sandwiches all with colorful logos and cute characters hocking their fare with gusto in the form of holographic images that seemed to float in the sky. She smiled watching them pass by as the crowds thickened up a little bit on the wide sidewalks which were peppered with moving walkways, vending units, kiosks, and food and goods trucks parked up.

The town was so alive and it was exciting to weave among it. She came up to an intersection where people were walking into a series of large tubes on the corner that admitted folks after dealing with a touch screen or after being scanned. They would hop in and be sent off one way or another above and below ground in the large tinted tubes that occasionally crested the surface in interesting patterns and spread out like fans in a variety of directions. Penelope had never ridden in a tube before and assumed they were expensive and scary, but people wearing suits and even children would occasionally be seen popping out of them.

On the inner corner was one of the Palatial Play Shell franchises and as a customer left the open door the smell of pure fresh cum crossed her nose and she had to look over. A Futa wearing a jacket with shining red and black spiked shoulder pads strolled out of the front door and lit up an electronic cigarette taking a long draw and puffing it out in a purple cloud that sparkled with flecks of gold. She was wearing a similar shining black pair of tight pants and had a long thick bulge that went down to the inside of her knee. Her balls must have been the size of Penelope’s fists judging by the large package she had on display. There was a look of serenity on her face that Penelope understood intrinsically. She took another long drag of her cig and looked over her shades directly at Penelope with a leg up on the pedal showing off a lot of leg in her direction. The recently emptied Futa licked her purple and black painted lips reaching down and grabbing her balls lewdly giving a playful pump in her direction. Penelope ‘eep’ed and faced forward as her chest got hot and sweat threatened.

The lights changed and the people gathered at the walkway were antsy to get moving. She was in the section reserved for biking people and off everyone went. A lot of people wore shiny and sparkly clothing that had illuminated elements to it and looked super neat, while many others wore suits and high fashion pieces that were the cutting edge of wardrobe and technology’s merger. Plenty of people also wore more mundane clothing with little to no technology involved in their makeup. They weren’t self-washing, couldn’t link up to your wardrobe app to warn you when they began to fray, and typically didn’t change color, adjust for climate control, make sound, or do anything except be the clothing they were. It was archaic, but this was how people actually lived in the past.

Mundane clothes like that were free and worn because a person didn’t have a lot of money, had something against technology and clothing, ironically, or a mixture of the three. In Penelope’s case, it was primarily the first reason, but she also liked the look of classic mundane clothes. That isn’t to say she didn’t like the newer stuff, but she never went for it and it was expensive. A Futa could buy clothes that would actually make sure that you were regularly serviced multiple times a day, and had a healthy, easily replaceable reservoir that would adjust size based on previous output. It was totally hands-free and customizable. Penelope actually looked them up and watched countless videos and ARs about it. People sharing their settings and essentially being given a nasty sloppy blowjob for twenty hours out of the day and more. It was tempting, but she would need to save for a long time to get something that nice. It would cost her close to six months of her UBI’s recreation and food stipend budget combined for the most basic version. She had a feeling if she bought something like that she wouldn’t leave her house anymore.

The conduit she rode along hit another large conduit which she went down for a bit until she found the turnoff she was looking for. She rode through a large public park where people were playing sports, lounging around, and enjoying the early summer weather. At the far corner of the park was a large cylindrical building about a story and a half tall with windows open along the top. It was like a giant white top hat with a brick ring of walkways around it dotted with benches and a few vending units. There were a handful of people hanging around sitting on the benches. There was even one woman sitting there with her legs spread showing off a long thick swinging cock facing the rest of the park. She smiled and took a sip of a drink while barking something at one of the people approaching the doorway to the Public Relief Station and slapping her meat. The newcomer hurried in past them. As Penelope drew nearer the cat caller looked her way and muttered a few no doubt obscene phrases under her breath while staring her down.

“If you ain’t one, you should try one! Ever seen one this big before?” The woman said lounging in a pulled-up skirt and a tank top barely covering her large sagging breasts. Penelope made a face at her inquisitively and like she was listening and nodded a bit while she rode by. That was all the attention she gave to the cat caller who lost interest and directed their attention at another person heading to use the PR Station trying to have someone get them off using their dick as a lure. Penelope hadn’t used one of those in a long time. Before they weren’t so scary, but they have become kind of dangerous spots that people stay away from. Not that plenty of innocent and honorable Futanari don’t still use them, but just that every one of them had one or two of those nasty lurker-types giving a bad name to all Futanari people. She sighed since even though they looked so suspicious from the outside thanks to people like that cat-caller and flasher, the insides were very clean and the available tools were effective and felt really good. She kind of missed it thinking about the last few times she went to a PRS but snapped out of it when she felt herself start to thicken under her butt after hitting a few bumps.

She turned off back onto a less clustered conduit and found her way to Cheap Street. Cheap Street was a store that combined recycle shops, thrift stores, and dollar stores in one. And instead of a regular-sized store, they took up the space of a small strip mall, nearly a full city block’s length of a street with meandering aisles of endless goods, trinkets, and primarily plastic junk. It was a haven for people who didn’t have a lot of money or subsisted on UBI alone and wanted to get that thrill of spending. But more and more it was gaining the attention of the more wealthy as well who wanted to cut corners just a tiny bit more than usual to make sure they had money for other things. They also sold some of Penelope’s favorite foods and drinks in bulk for next to nothing so it was the one place she went to the most often.

There were countless entrances along the length of the place and while she would normally spend most of the day there and take her time walking all the way around in a circle, she didn’t have as much time to fool around today. Riding under the large clear acrylic awning that was tinted in pinks shading the people milling around beneath it she weaved back and forth slowly between walkers, behind other riders, and was keeping an eye out for an open spot nearer towards the center of the complex. It wasn’t too busy today, but the after-work crowd was already starting to file in. There were countless spots and she didn’t have to worry about that, but wanted a good one since she was under a time constraint. She parked near one of the middle clusters of bicycles, motorbikes, and various single person transports that were too large to fold up and compact into a carriable form. Pushing the front wheel into the linkage, the little boot that clipped on to the tire automatically secured it and she gave it a small shake and walked in.

She lived on the outskirts of a large city and this was one of the outer metropolitan clusters that was much smaller compared to the city’s heart, but still huge, expansive, and filled with people. Frankly, the sheer amount of people freaked Penelope out quite a bit and she was more of a shy type that liked to keep to herself. But she wasn’t at the point of becoming hikikomori, which was common among lots of people around her age. So much was automated and there was very little that people could do that robots or AI couldn’t take care of more efficiently, albeit with a bit less personal charm than actual dealings with people.

She watched the people around her, some engaging in conversation and exchanging greetings while others quietly proceeded quickly to and from the wide expanse of bikes approaching one of the large clusters of moving racks and choosing theirs to ride off without saying a word clutching their goods tightly.

It was hot today, but thankfully the awning and misters were going and it felt pleasant as she made her way to one of the landing walkways that funneled into the nearest entrance. There were no cars since they all parked on the roof and in a large garage hangar, but sometimes people got wild on their low gravity scooters and boards and you still had to keep an eye out. The slapping of her flip flops against her heels accompanied her as the AR and advert systems scanned her and began to target ads according to her preferences to her softly and gently.

A tiny pink fox swirled around in the distance shooting like a star calmly and evenly through the sky like a tiny pink missile and approached her until it floated just off to the side of her vision above her shoulder. ‘Welcome back, Penelope. I’m here if you need me!’ a translucent pinkish text bubble popped up. ‘I am glad I left this thing on mute.’ She thought while smiling and nodding to it and passing through the doors which blew down a cold wind that fully disinfected, cooled, and dried her in the process.

It truly was a haven, but it was also a cacophonous nightmare every time you walked into the place. The AR images floating over products spouting advertising, directing people down aisles enticing them, and menagerie of messages and comments and feedback spilling over every item nearly blotted out the view of the actual things they were selling. Sadly, this was a feature you had to modify every time you came here even if you were a regular customer. That was how things worked these days. The cheaper and more accessible a place it, the more flagrant its intrusiveness on your AR suite was from the get go. You could disable it though and she did with a few simple adjustments after pulling out her device from her bag and going through the associated Cheap Street AR app.

Like leaves falling from trees in a late fall breeze, little review bubbles, coupons, obnoxious advertising animations, commercial videos, and so much more mind-numbing input fell away into pixelated dust. Penelope took a breath and opened her eyes again. It looked like a huge industrial warehouse filled with junk spilling out of boxes into the aisles where people wandered, staring up at the bright lights flashing in their AR contact lenses. Cleaning drones were zipping around with scoopy hands and pushing or picking things up and shoveling them onto nearby little conveyor belts that ferried the goods off behind the goods on shelves to be packaged. It was more like they were redeposited into the top of the dispenser which fed down to the hopper where the item, box, or goods was dispensed.

She wasn’t the only one who wasn’t ‘all in’ with the AR movement and everyone had their own preferences, but as a more ‘conscientious’ Futa, she was overly aware of how much stimulation she had coming in and in the back of her mind she was worried about things that most people wouldn’t even care about. She walked down the aisles where packaged foods and drinks were being picked up and loaded onto carts. There were a few futanari holding up cases of beer in triumph clearly planning for some major drinking. Their semi-hard cocks hung down poking out of cutoff shorts covered in designer-made ‘modesty socks’. They were braless and wore tank tops which hung loose affording a casual view of their breasts in their entirety.

Penelope couldn’t help but steal glances, but they didn’t pay her any attention as she skirted by. Getting that close to the merchandise on the shelves triggered a handful of the AR commercials to come to life and although it was dim and at low volume, the videos and onslaught began until she distanced herself.  She went further down the aisle and knelt down grabbing a case of beer herself.

“So glad you came back. Penelope.” A woman whispered from behind her ear. Penelope got tingles up her spine instantly despite knowing she was going to be there. “Only one today? If you bought a second one you would save more than five percent. Think of what you could get with that much…” The woman slid through Penelope deforming and reforming with depixilizations wearing only a string bikini and laying in front of her at eye level. The long blonde hair with streaks of golden brown running through it fell down behind her neck and around the arm and elbow supporting her head. She winked and blew a kiss to Penelope looking down her body and then her own.

“Don’t you want…more?” The bikini woman said and they both focused on her chest which swelled up, breasts held by yellow fabric triangles emblazoned with the logo for the drink - ‘Hopnectar’. Her previously average perky tits slowly expanded and swelled until they were as large as her head, nipples standing at full attention through the fabric right in front of her face. Penelope hated and loved this commercial for a lot of reasons. “Or maybe, you are interested in this. Instead. Today?” They glanced down the thin waist which curved down and back up as her shapely bottom became the focus of the advertisement and Penelope’s attention.

The bikini woman sat up, almost as if she were on an invisible shelf at shoulder height to Penelope, and spread her legs open revealing a perfect cameltoe just under the ‘Hopnectar’ logo on the bikini bottom. Penelope grabbed the case and stood up, the entire advert remaining directly in front of her as if she hadn’t changed her facing.

“Grab another case, you know you want it. You know you’ll drink it. Think of how much fun we can have with two big cases. Penelope.” They way the hologram said her name always felt off, but she just watched as the hologram leaned back on her invisible platform producing two cases of Hopnectar and her chest swelled to the size of the cases forcing the bikini to pop off as her huge heavy and plump breasts rested on her stomach next to the two cases. She leaned forward, the impossible breasts dangling right in her face as the whisper tickled her ear. “Two cases are better than one.” And the sound of a kiss in her ear was the last thing she remembered.

“Oh yeah baby. You busy tonight? We are having a throw down not far from here.” The high pitched masculine voice called. Not the voice of the beer ad which had slowly faded back into the poster hanging above the pallet of cases beneath it and just winked down at her, breasts their normal size again. Penelope looked around and saw the previous group of revelers, their cock-socked leader in cutoffs holding a case on each shoulder showing off her arm muscles.

“M-Me? Are you talking to-'' Penelope started holding two cases in her hand and turning to face the questioner. They passed the case off to one of their friends, a more girly futa wearing a tight sundress which had a not so hidden secret waving back and forth beneath it. She put the cases into the cart watching her friend.

“Yeah I am talking to you, cutie. You like Hopnectar?” She walked up and leaned against the ad which began to play but the newcomer pressed the cancel button on it without even breaking eye contact with Penelope. They crossed their arms and smiled looking over some sleek sunglasses. They had medium length blonde hair combed, but not quite slicked back and a nice demeanor. “You are way hotter than that beer bitch.” They said in a sweet voice. She presented more towards the masculine for sure, but enjoyed her feminine traits as well. “I’m Shay. They/them, he/him, she/her, call me whatever you want as long as you call me, girly.”

“I mean I, yeah I drink it sometimes, but tonight I’m kind of busy with things and…” Penelope felt awkward and looked down and just noticed her raging hard erection pushing her shorts forward to their absolute limit. From where Shay was standing they could see most of her thick shaft pulsing and maybe even feel the heat from it where they stood. Penelope felt what little blood she had to spare in her body, flush her cheeks and she looked up to Shay’s waiting wide-toothed grin.

“Shame to hear about tonight, but what about now? There's a PRS a few aisles down. I’ll carry your beers for you, maybe even pick up one of those cases if you give me a little drink. I’m thirsty and…” Shay looked down at the open space in Pen’s shorts and saw two fat balls pull free. Shay licked her lips, poked up her shades, nodded to her friends, and leaned forward grabbing the cases from Penelope. “Let me carry these for you, darling.”

“I- I am kind of in a rush, but… uhm… ok…” Was the best she could do and she followed Shay who walked with a powerful gate, muscled arms and shoulders going back and forth. Shay looked over his shoulders and smiled.

“It doesn’t look like this will take long anyway.” Shay said while glancing down at the obnoxiously large erection Penelope was trying to obscure with her cute clutch bag that wasn’t doing the job by a long shot. She hurried up in his wake as they approached one of Cheap Street’s Public Relief Stations, a variety of voices and sounds echoing from beyond its tiled walls. “Follow me, sexy. Take my hand.” Shay held out their hand, the hefty biceps had a faded tattoo of a tribal pattern, covered in a sparse field of thin blonde hairs. Penelope hesitated for a moment and then slowly reached her hand forward into Shay’s who took it and pulled her along. Even under the intense pressure of her shorts, Pen’s cock bobbed up and down as he balls bobbled around while they entered the PRS. Her first time in months to enter one of these, first time in almost a year since she came in with another person. Her chest beat in time with her unrelenting boner.

This PRS wasn’t so bad. Most of the ones in actual shops weren’t as depraved as the ones in parks and on street corners. It was the nature of public facilities anywhere you went and trads didn’t really care what happened in these places since they mostly stayed away and there were Futanari staff in all businesses who took care of these stations. After turning the winding tile corner where only a few used condoms were discarded near the side of the path, it opened up to a main area where there were sinks, paper towels, electric dryers on one wall while on the other there was a series of fixtures made of porcelain like short, stout, urinals that were set deeper into the wall around waist height. ‘Cum Catchers’ they called them and it was immediately apparent why. There was a Futa in a business suit jerking off an average-sized penis and grunting softly as ropes of thick cum shot into the catcher. They had a free hand braced on the wall breathing hard and didn’t even look at the pair walking in. Another futanari, a cute girl in a short skirt had her ass and pussy up against one of the dryers almost touching the nozzle shooting hot air waving her behind back and forth. Hands on her knees, her twin blonde ponytails flipped back and forth as she looked over at the couple and winked before catching a glimpse of Penelope’s erection and licked her lips. Her soft cock began to get hard as they walked by.

Shay led them to a series of stalls and found one that was unlocked. The sound of poorly muffled sex was heard from the other two occupied stalls on either side.  Sometimes a PRS was basically a pit for unfettered orgies, but more often than not Futa would enter, take care of their urges, and get on with their day. Despite the obvious cheeks getting clapped and muffled moans and grunts, it was fairly quiet and the sound of the dryer blowing was the loudest thing in the room when the catchers weren’t blowing pressurized water to clear the cum from their basins.

Shay opened the stall door, gave it a quick look, nodded, and ushered Penelope in. Shay spoke in a low husky whisper which Penelope tried to copy, hushing in a gentle soft voice. It was about the size of a trad ‘all purpose’ restroom cubicle reserved for people with special needs. There was a small saddle-like fixture in the center of it, a catcher off to one side, and a small sink/basin combo to the other. Embedded in the wall was a vending unit with a variety of tools and toys used for stimulating oneself to an exciting climax - beads of various shapes and sizes, plastic dildos, silicone sleeves, lotion and gels, sections of rope, and condoms of every conceivable size. Besides the unit was a large bin filled with blue sanitizing fluid with a mostly array of the previous devices in various states of use with a small sign stating ‘Disposal/Free Use’. What a world.

The saddle was actually three or so different sections and their height could be adjusted into a variety of positions and Shay stood next to the saddle arranging it how he liked it with the two front sections down, and one up in the back.

“Why are you so nervous, cutie? You must be the most popular girl in town waving around a weapon like that after watching the Hopnectar chick’s tits balloon up. Can I?” Shay beckoned Penelope with a finger and she slowly and cautiously approached and asked for permission before reaching to the waistband that was more desperate for relief than the two of them combined. Penelope nodded, hanging her clutch on a hook over the luggage space.

“I don’t normally use PR stations. They actually kind of scare me.” She said quietly. Shay’s eyes shot up like she uttered heresy and even paused in the middle of pulling Penelope’s shorts down to get a look at her tool. In the silence that followed the gentle clapping in the next stall stopped, the pair grunted together, and there was a good deal of wet splashing on the tile floor. Some of the droplets from the splashback under the stall separator even tickled Penelope’s ankles drawing her attention to their neighbor’s climax.

“You don’t use them? What do you-? I mean, how do you? With all this between your legs?” Shay was floored, nearly literally and steadied herself on the saddle back sitting down on it using the backrest she set up for support.

“I just take care of myself at home, like, a lot, before I go out anywhere. I really don’t leave the house that much. I am so scared of just… ISM. You know?” Penelope’s honesty broke through to Shay. The young lady sitting on the saddle nodded thoughtfully while slowly continuing with her work finally pulling the shorts down revealing the glorious erection before her.

“I see. Well, you can’t believe everything they say. Only the truly depraved end up that bad. What have you got to worry about? Whether it’s at home or in a PRS, we all gotta get off, baby.” Shay said with seemingly flawless logic while she nuzzled and smelled Penelope’s cock and began to kiss and lick it up along the shaft ignoring the head and back down, smooching the balls and giving them a suck.

“You might be right, but I guess I just had a scary experience and it kind of changed me. I used to be a lot more outgoing. I used to do this kind of thing all the time, Shay.” She had to stop and reach back for one of the bars running along the sides of the cubicle while Shay’s kisses transitioned into sensual hot licks. The engorged cock in her hands and under her tongue began to pulse and they knew it was a matter of moments. “You. You’re really good. Oh gosh…”

“I’m thirsty, for everything this big fat cock has to offer. These big fat balls of yours have a lot to offer I can tell. Mmm. Give it to me.” Shay went for it and quickly throated almost all of her ten inches twisting her neck and tongue and lips back and forth as best as she could but it was too much for her to handle. She got what she wanted though and as Penelope’s hand pressed on the back of her head she began to gulp down the hot seed she knew was waiting for her. Not a single drop escaped her lips and she made sure that Penelope enjoyed every moment of it. Not waiting for her to finish she began to bob her head back and forth with a sensual intensity that Penelope hadn’t enjoyed in what felt like ages. Shay’s sunglasses fell off and clattered onto the floor for her efforts and Penelope had to let go and hold onto the bar unable to keep balance as her knees and legs began to shake being pulled towards a second climax with such proficiency she started to take Shay’s logic into account.

A sweet guttural moan signaled Penelope’s curling toes twisting in her flip-flops as another round of ropes were withdrawn from her ball bank in record time. Shay Drank eagerly, her tongue just able to reach the pumping testicles and tickle them while sliding back and forth along the base of the shaft. Shay’s breath was hard and hot going through her nose while she drank and drank and drank. After she was satisfied she let the quivering meat out of her mouth an inch at a time. Penelope’s breaths were quick and short like she just recovered from an attack. Shay looked up and smiled. They had eyes that were a bit more innocent and gentle than Penelope expected given their tough demeanor.

Shay stood up and stripped down to a pair of boxer briefs, throwing their clothes on the bench quickly flexing into the full-length mirror nodding and looking at Penelope through the reflection.

“You are more than I bargained for, miss. Oh yeah.” She liked what she saw. Shay’s own erection was standing full and she continued to swallow the remnants of the two orgasms down her throat as completely as possible.

“You weren’t kidding about being thirsty, Shay. I haven’t been vacuumed like that since, well, a long time. Thank you. Let me return the favor.” Penelope said, coming up behind the nearly naked bronzed statue of pure Futa form and placed her hands on her shoulders before reaching a hand down and going to grab the cute cock sticking out a good five inches hard as diamonds after the meal. Shay blocked the hand and shook her head in the mirror catching Pen’s eye.

“Not there. I don’t bother with that. It’s all about these babies.” She kissed his muscles, flexed, and burped. “That is why I drink as much protein as possible. Futa cum is muscle milk to me. I don’t know what it is, but I feel like every few loads I swallow saves me weeks of bulking up. You ever get something like that?” Penelope tilted her head in thought while Shay glanced down at the still unwilting erection rubbing back and forth against the side of her toned thigh.

“You don’t, like, jerk off? Or have sex?” It was Penelope’s turn to be surprised, but then again to each their own she supposed. Plenty of futa enjoyed all of their parts and all the ways you could enjoy them, but some ignored and outright disliked some parts of themselves, even to the point of pursuing surgery. It would outwardly make them resemble Trad Humans in a lot of ways, but their sex drive would still be relentless, which was the Futanari way. It was rare, though.

“If you want to have sex, I have been soaking wet since I first caught a deep whiff of that jack hammer you can't stop humping me with.” Shay hopped onto the saddle, knees up on the lower part and pushing her chest against the taller backrest sticking out her tight and toned ass showing off her pussy which was literally sending a shiny slick of wetness down both of their inner thighs. A cute nut sack lay just beyond it while her butthole stared her down in the moments after her utterance. “If you still got some left in the tank, just let me drink it up before you come, if that’s ok?” Shay said over her shoulder. “Muscle milk, you know?”

“Still thirsty are you? How thirsty?” Penelope smiled and nodded with closed eyes.and stepping up and grabbing hold of the tight ass cheeks becoming her and gently lubed herself up against the wet waiting lips.

“I would drink gallons of what you have to offer-. Uhm. Don’t think I actually caught your name hot stuff.” Shay reached an arm back and spread her lips open telling Penelope that it was time to get on with the show.

“Penelope. Pen for short. She/her.” And thrust in. The feeling of a hot tight vagina while gripping the hard toned muscles did something for her and Shay clenched tight the moment Penelope was more than halfway in. “Don’t give up yet. We have a long way to go.” Shay was strong though and her body did its damndest to slow the intrusion, but it could only delay the inevitable. Shay was so wet and horny and Penelope was starting to get into a rhythm and enjoy it.

“God damn. It’s so thick and big. Jeez, Pen. Unf. Unf.” Shay had to brace the backboard with both hands while he got pounded deeper and deeper, the tightness only encouraging Penelope to thrust harder. “Re. Mem. Ber. Mus. Scle. Milk. Unf. Unf.” It feels so freaking good to finally fuck again. What the heck have I been doing? I must be so backed up, I feel like I could go for days. Penelope got lost in the moment while Shay’s tight grip triggered the seatback to fall to the lowest setting, sprawling her out on a flat saddle, ass and pussy in the air. Penelope slowed her strokes getting over her initial excitement to be enjoying intercourse again and slowed down trying to put as much in and pull as much out while still touching as possible.

Shay got used to the pounding enough and kicked a leg out and up high, completely rotating on the saddle so she was laying back, erection and balls bouncing back and forth with each pump. Even though he was mostly muscle he had small pert breasts which joined the motion as well.

“Aw baby you are so big. I’m so full. Fuck why don’t I have a girlfriend like you in my life. Fuck, ahh. So much cum. There is no end of it from those fat swollen nuts, is there?” Shay continued to taunt Penelope throwing her feet on her shoulders giving a better angle for the dicking he wanted to go deeper. Shay grunted and tightened up a bit and his little bouncing prick began to shoot quick short bursts of cum into the air right at Penelope’s face. She was focused on thrusting, tongue hanging out waggling and more than a few of the fast flying blobs of cum found their way into her mouth which she swallowed happily. Cum. How long has it been since I tasted cum? Despite the two big orgasms minutes prior, she was almost there again after going up to the hilt in Shay’s tight wet slot for a dozen deep thrusts while being buffeted by orgasmic clamping the whole time. Shay’s words filled her head. Muscle milk. Drinking the cum saves me weeks of bulking. So big and thick. Balls so full. She pulled out and before she could bring her hand down to her own dick on the cusp of blowing Shay was there lips and throat at the ready sucking a third orgasm from her new friend.

They were both caught off guard by the sheer force of the orgasms and volume of the cum being pumped down Shay’s throat.

“Those big muscles of yours are nothing compared to what they will be when you get more of this down your throat. Suck, you mountain of muscle. Suck because other than being a strong mountain of muscle, Sucking is all you are good for.” Penelope said in a whisper towards the ear of her partner and Shay came again, harder this time and Penelope made sure to drink as much of it as she could manage while the two of them spoke strange mantras.

Shay let the cock out of her mouth for the second time and laid back on the saddle. Penelope walked beside her, running a finger from her upper thigh, along her hips and abs, over a hard nipple, and all the way up his neck into his lips. Shay looked up, muscled chest heaving when he looked down. Shay cleared his throat a bit while kissing and sucking the finger in his mouth.

“I was so focused on sucking you dry I didn’t even notice how big and nice your breasts were, Penelope.” He snickered a little, throwing a hand over his eyes shaking his head back and forth.

“How could you miss them? They are nearly as big as my head.” Pen countered while walking around to the head of the saddle where Shay looked upside down at the looming figure above him. At the looming cock above him that didn’t look any smaller than before.

“Maybe because that thing is almost as big as my head. Does it ever go soft? I know we are Futanari but, it’s been three times in like ten minutes. You must be backed up girl.” Shay said, opening their mouth wide and sticking their tongue out. Pen didn’t waste time and slowly slid the still hard cock back into the open throat watching the bulge of her thick brutish cock creep along distorting Shay’s neck.

“After about four or five times, it does. This one ought to do it. Still thirsty?” Pen posed. Shay nodded despite the six inches already impaling her. Penelope was going nice and slow, balls draping down across the forehead and bridge of Shay’s nose resting in her eye sockets before dragging back off again. Face to face with Penelope’s wet vagina inspired Shay to reach up with two hands and begin to tease her feminine parts as well. The second she did her throat felt stretched and tighter and Pen’s pace picked up slowly.

“I haven’t drank hot cum like that in a long time. Are you sure I can’t have a little more? It might feel good.” Penelope said pressing the previous issue and Shay shook his head no while jabbing thick middle and ring fingers as deep as possible into her and rubbing Pen’s inner walls roughly. It felt amazing, but the message was clear. “Ahn. I will just have to hope you have good aim then. Here comes your Muscle milk, bitch.” The thrusting became rough immediately and Penelope didn’t hold back grabbing a tight muscled pec in one hand and steadying Shay’s jaw with the other. Is this who I am? Is this what I am? What am I doing? Shay didn’t seem to mind one bit and was slobbering her tongue all around pushing her to orgasm quicker and quicker. She muffled something and looked down to her cock while reaching to grab the hand on his own breast to bring it down. Penelope whispered ‘thank you’ silently and leaned forward almost at the point of orgasm reaching her lips to the quivering cock before her.

I hope that this load blows up these muscles of yours until you are the exact image you want to be. This should save you months and months of bulking up. At the moment that the fourth orgasm rocked Penelope’s body, each hard sticky gush of cum in Shay’s throat caused her to cum in response and they both drank deeply. After a few minutes of just laying there, dicks in each other’s mouths sucking cum like newborns at the nipple, they finally stirred and rose coming to their senses.

“That thing finally calmed down. I can barely believe it.” Shay said with a grin as Penelope pulled her shorts back up. She was soft, but the bulge was still pretty meaty even after a hasty tuck.

“It’s still calming down after that wildfire you set in my balls, hah.  You are looking buffer already, Shay. I will think about what you said.” Penelope said, handing the tanktop to her still topless friend as he leaned down to pick up his shades. “Also, sorry about some of those things I said. I don’t know what-”

“It’s fine. I liked it. And I am sure you will keep getting bigger yourself if you keep at it like I do. I am telling you. I can’t explain it any further than that.” Shay tapped his head with both middle fingers. “Wanna swap deets? I want to get to know you a bit more and, well, wouldn’t mind sucking you off like, all day. What’s good slugger?” Shay’s mannerisms made Penelope smile and shake her head, getting shy all of the sudden. She pulled out her phone and flicked her contact information at Shay who checked and and responded likewise with a big smile. “I don’t know what I was going to do if you didn’t spit roast me on that baseball bat of a cock ever again. Damn, thank you Penelope.”

“Don’t mention it. You might have sucked me out of the shell I have been stuck in for a while. I should also be good to finish shopping without worrying about getting hard, too.” She stepped in for a hug and then they both checked the mirrors and gave each other the once over to look for wayward cum or other stains. They were all clear after a few casual wipedowns, took a breath, and headed back out into the main area. As they walked out a voice came from another stall ‘That was fucking hot as hell.’


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