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Greetings dear Patron!

The main brunt of my rant-power for the week was spent yesterday and the proverbial cracks in the dam widen allowing for more and more creativity to flow already.  After today and tomorrow I should be looking at open seas and the only thing getting between those swaying waves of smutty goodness we all love and posting them here are my woefully itchy fingers. Scratching the keys and clicking mouse buttons should be a strong enough cure that will hopefully make the already hot summer weather even hotter. (Sorry if you sweat profusely while reading! Also sorry, not sorry!)

I have another offering of Nutrex for you today. Hoping to build up your protein sources with the wonderful bars and drinks they have available. How wonderful would it be to be able to take a supplement and have such fantastic slow and steady growth.  Gosh, one of the big reasons I write all this stuff is that wish-fulfillment angle. One of the reasons I think I started reading this kind of stuff in the beginning, but maybe never realized it.

I sincerely hope that in our lifetime they do come out with a supplement or treatment that can allow people to go through these changes safely, at a reasonable cost, and enjoy them protected from shame as long as they aren't hurting other people.  I am not here to debate the details, but hope that most of us feel similarly.  Modern medicine is phenomenal and already so many amazing things exist already, but at the same time potential feels like it outpaces reality at such a length you have to sit and wonder why so much hasn't happened yet.

Anyway. That yearning and hope for such a reality to come about is one of the missions of these stories and when enough minds and groups feel similarly enough then it shall be willed into reality. To inspire and encourage and of course, titillate. I hope you are titillated as the next part of this story fills your mind and hopefully paints a clear image of one possible reality that doesn't feel too far off. The conclusion shall be dropped early next week or perhaps over the weekend depending on how my schedule shakes out.



Tiffany and Tristen had been on the semi-permanent testing deal through Nutrex’s Research & Improvement program for almost two months.  Some of the new flavors were not very good, although the snacks and protein bars were more filling. They were getting dressed one Sunday morning for their mutual Nutrex System meeting and standing in the bathroom.

“I think we need to buy some new clothes, Tris. Look at this.” She turned her torso aiming her reflection at him and leaned forward a bit, hands on the counter jiggling her breasts in her bra which was starting to pinch them along the edges causing the soft skin to bulge out. The bottom of the bra was also stretched out and barely touching her rib cage as well.  “This is a 36D. It used to be my biggest one. And this.” She turned and tried to pull at the hem of her stretchy pants she always wore to meetings.”

“I can see your butt crack, Tiff. Look at this donk in training you got down here.” He gave it a playful slap and there was a ripping sound from below. They both looked up in complete surprise before bursting out laughing.  She shrugged and did a low, slow squat and let the rip in the fabric spread until the hole went from her vulva all the way under and around to the middle of her ass which was still being hugged by the leggings.

“No matter what I do and how hard I go at Nutrex, I can’t seem to lose any weight. I was kind of hoping to slim down a bit for the wedding! It’s only a couple of months away, Tris.” She had a serious expression on her face.

“Well, I think you are looking great, baby.  We do need to go shopping though. A co-worker commented that I fidget too much in my chair and she’s right.” He reached down and took a big pull of fabric in an attempt to make some space, but the pants were taut around his thighs and crotch.  She reached down and gave his package a nice squeeze shaking it around a bit.

 “At least your legs are getting bigger. You are showing a bit more than me with this stuff I think. And the sex, well, when we have the time, has been great. There seem to be a lot of hidden benefits.” She squished her boobs up with an arm taking a big handful of her larger breast making them look huge, all pushed up. She turned this way and that, grabbing her ass with her open hand and pressing it with a big squeeze shaking her head. “I was hoping to lose a bit of weight though…”

“You gotta put on some sweats or something because that ass shredded those leggings,” Tristen said.

A couple of months later, they had saved up enough money that the wedding wasn’t an issue anymore and with the help of their families on top of it things were looking good. They were starting to save up for a down payment, but going clothes shopping put a dent in it.  They were both thankful to have clothing that fit a little nicer though. They kissed each other and held hands locking eyes.  He was in some nice dark grey slacks and a light blue button down, hair styled nicely and partially tied back as he was taken by the hand, blindfolded, from the car to some unknown location.  His buddies, the ones who set up the events for the night, were laughing and telling him everything would be fine and just to relax and enjoy the ride.

The doors opened and the smell of stale smoke and dry spilled beers mixed with sweat and perfume hit his nostrils. The beating bass from a cool ’70s tune throbbed in his ears and the chatter of guys and girls could be heard on the edges of the din.  The announcer said that the special guest had arrived and was being brought to the stage.  ‘Oh no…’ Tristen thought to himself as the guys all cheered around him. He walked up some stairs and walked a few steps across smooth plastic before being thrown into a chair and tied to it.

 “Here’s Mr. Lucky!” The announcer said and people cheered. There were footsteps on either side of him, and a soft, gentle, feminine voice, whispered hotly into his ear.

 “Do you have a safeword?” A hand rubbed from his shoulder down his chest to his thigh, and then his inner thigh pressed against his package. Before he got a chance to register the question, his situation, and what was awaiting him, the voice continued. “Looks like you don’t need one then. Good.”

 The music changed and the brightness from beyond his closed eyelids went black, and then one point of white light beamed at him he felt. Shadows crossed in front of it and footsteps walked around him as something, like a stick or a piece of cloth, like leather, began to travel around his body in circles with light smacks here and there provoking reactions. There were two points of contact dancing around his body and then a third one joined as the footsteps continued.  Then the smacks got harder and he visibly cried out ‘Ouch!’ more than a few times and the crowd laughed and cheered.

 His shirt was unbuttoned and pulled back and they undid his belt and the top of his slacks as well.

“What have we here?” Another voice said, feminine, yet husky like she smoked too many cigarettes.  Fingers played across his abs and chest and nipples. He didn’t have a six-pack, but his core was pretty toned after half a year or so of going to Nutrex.

“Yas. Get him hard already.” A new voice said. It sounded like a gay man and a shoe slammed against the rim of the chair he was seated on, dangerously close to his package and he felt the shoe begin to press into his bulge. Still, there were two points of contact from the sticks with cloth, maybe… riding crops? And now a pair of hands playing with his neck, shoulders, and chest.  Then he felt warm lips and a hot tongue on one of his nipples and felt the blood start to rush toward his penis. Like an unsure driver wavering on the gas pedal, the foot pressed into and off of his bulge slowly coaxing it to life.

“Finally.  He’s a fighter, this one.  But he won’t last.” The voice attached to the foot said.

“I uhm. I’m to be wed in a few days from now. So don’t, uh, please don’t do anything that will make me live with regret!” Tristen spoke up, finally, seeing where this was going. The foot voice pulled the foot away, there was the sound of someone dropping to the floor, some squeaks on the plastic, and the clatter of some heavy rubber objects before the girl sat down in his lap pressing their ass against the bulge in his pants.

 “Regrets?” She leaned back, soft hair brushing on his chest. “The only regret you will have is if you tell us to stop. Now show us what you’re made of, stud.” She leaned back far enough to lick his cheek and bite his ear. The crowd cheered and clapped. The sound of crumpled paper balls could be heard around him patting onto the floor like the first few drops of rain before a storm.  The girl got off his lap and the handsy one jumped right back in and began to suck and tweak his nipples. It felt amazing and his boner was undeniable. Flashes of grimace interrupted the obvious expression of pleasure that he had been failing to conceal.

 “Do you want me to make you more comfortable?” Handsy said while tugging at his pants. He nodded and she began to kiss his chest, abs, and stomach while pulling down his pants. At that moment two sharp whip-like sticks slapped against his chest giving him a start and then he heard the foot voice again.

 “Out of the way.” Handsy retracted. The music got sensual and slow, saxophones and synth as the crowd let out ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ A foot, slippery from stocking or tights, began to probe his ankles and calves, slowly working up around the thigh, dangerously close to his cock and then went on a roundabout tour of his top half before finally coming right back down and practically grabbing his balls with her toes. “Almost there, big boy.” She began to resituate his junk using only her toes and feet until his shaft was poking straight up out of the top of his blue and white striped boxers. She rested her heel right on his stretched-out sack between the balls and the sole of her foot began to wiggle back and forth against his hardening shaft, big toe curling down and teasing the tip of his dick.

“Oh shit…” was all he could say as the reality of how hot this was began to override his thoughts and he felt his dick stiffen fully.

 “There’s a good boy.” The foot voice said. “And you are bigger than you look. You were saving that last inch until you were sure, weren’t you, little boy?” The foot stroking his cock felt good and he tilted his head back in pleasure until the whips came back slapping him right across the nipples. The crowd laughed, then hot warm lips, two sets, immediately came in and licked his nipples sucking on them tenderly as the foot gained more purchase on his shaft wedging it between the big and ‘pointer’ toes giving a proper footjob and increasing speed. His balls began to bounce a bit with the increased intensity and felt hands reach down and tug at his balls. His breath quickened.

 “Are you ready folks?  Let’s all count together. If you can count that fast, that is.” She laughed.  The girls were rough on him and the blindfold slid just enough so he could see out the bottom of the cloth just enough to see the foot against his hard cock and the nose and lips of the girls sucking on his nipples. He was covered in red lipstick kiss marks and pinkish welts from where the crops struck him. He was about to come and held it for as long as he could and then blasted.

“1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8….9….10!” They all counted as he felt the spasms of pleasure that was sperm jetting from his balls through his cock and into the air. The girls on stage giggled and laughed and let out a squeal of surprise as he blasted. It was a righteous orgasm. All while blindfolded. The crowd was hooting and hollering as he sat there, hard-on still glistening with spilled cum.

“Time to clean this mess up, big bachelor boy.” The voice said and the foot came back and wiped up the cum spreading it around on his chest and drying it. “You have a pretty big cock, you know that? I wouldn’t mind playing with it a little more, but it looks like your time is up.” The foot voice said as she finished giving the cum on him a light wipe down.  He was unceremoniously untied and thrust off the stage into the arms of his friends, without pants on, semi-hard dick hanging out, and quickly brought to a section of the lounge which was designated for them.  They finally took off his blindfold and Tristen had a lot of different emotions and thoughts flooding through his head. Just as he was about to protest, after finally shoving his cock away and putting his pants back on, the shots hit the table and the whirlwind kicked up again.

 He slept all day Sunday and called out of work on Monday as well.  He was a mess. When Tiffany had time to sit down after coming back from dress-fitting for their nuptials, they had a talk about it and he came clean about what happened.  She laughed but was pretty cool with everything overall after a little bit of protest.  Glad that they talked about it. And the fact he couldn’t see anything the whole time was mysterious and frankly scary to her. He agreed.  

“It seems like the experience was actually good for you. You seem I don’t know, more confident.” Tiffany said causing him to roll over to face her directly and lean up on an elbow.

“She said I had a big cock. I never really saw myself as a person with a big cock. I mean it’s not that big is it?” He asked and pulled the blanket down showing off his soft weenie. She snuggled up her hand underneath his soft snaking shaft twiddling her fingers and ticking his pubic hair a little bit. The warm length of his flesh twisted along her fingers and beyond the palm of her hand as a little bead of precum touched her inner wrist.

“Hmm… It does seem bigger, I don’t know why I havent noticed it sooner. I remember it was only barely longer than my hand a few months ago, but, now it’s…” She straightened out his soft, now thickening penis along her hand and it was already a full head or more beyond where she seemed to remember it. ‘It’s not even hard, either.’ She thought to herself and gave it a playful flick and kissed him.

“Well, I would never do anything like that to hurt you.” He said regaining her attention.

“I know that. Of course. Besides, it was a bachelor’s party, you think a wife-to-be isn’t expecting some debauchery?” She smiled. “And maybe your dick is getting bigger. We may have to test that theory out a bit on our wedding night. Only a week away right? Are you still sure I am the one for you?”

“Do you remember that time I gave you a ride home one night from Tim’s place? We were just sitting around watching TV or something and I dropped you off and you texted me something like ‘I forgot my phone in your car.’” He began to tell the story. She smiled a little and rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, I remember.  You were all pissed off that you had to drive back since I waited a good five or ten minutes to send that message and you were practically halfway home by then.” She added.

“First off, how did you text me, right? How did I not realize that?” He stopped and laughed. “It was from your number for goodness sake. Of the phone that you thought you lost in my car. So my dumb ass drives all the way back there, you were waiting outside and I rolled down the window and asked where you left it.”

“Oh, maybe it fell off the console? Get out of the car.” She said from memory. “And then I kissed you.”

“That kiss. The sky seemed to disappear and it was like a galaxy formed behind my eyelids. After we finally stopped making out…”

“I told you I loved you.” She chimed in.

“You told me you loved me, and I saw your sparkling green eyes staring up at my brown ones, and I knew that you were the one.  I’m pretty sure I knew before that, but that was the moment any doubt left my mind.” He said and embraced her.  She looked up at him and whispered, ‘I love you.’

The lead-up to the wedding had been drought with a variety of disasters, but none were as grievous as the day of when Tiffany was trying on her dress and nothing seemed to fit.  She was fighting back tears and a team of bridesmaids was there like a barrier of protection and support for her.

 “You got it fitted a week ago and it doesn’t fit now? What gives?” One said.

“Get the tailor over here NOW!” another one of her friends cried to one of the handlers.

“Tiff, babe, your tits are all over the place hon, even your bra doesn’t fit. How did we get here?” Her friend from her junior high school days flew out to see her a few days before the wedding and was her maid of honor. Tiffany just sat there, the top of the dress was being held barely by two hooks from the bottom and couldn’t go up at all. Her breasts were in the way preventing anyone from closing the dress up without crushing her chest.  They got the corset off and she was sitting there in a lovely white bra, boobs hanging out almost painfully so as her girlies looked on.

Meanwhile, the guys half of the equation were having a fun time as well, some of them smoking cigars or having a few drinks on the outdoor patio. They were laughing it up about the bachelor party and someone let it slip that all the girls were drag queens.  He didn’t know about that, but it didn’t matter anyway.

 “Speaking of which, you keep grabbing your dick, dude.  You better not pull that when you are up at the altar.  Can’t wait to throw her one after the ceremony?” One of his buddies quipped.

“I don’t know what the deal is, but it’s nerves or something. I just can’t seem to get comfortable.” Tristen replied doing a few short hops hoping things would settle into place.

 “That’s what happens when you shove socks down your pants to make your cock look big, Tris. You overheat the balls and it gets all sweaty. You know?” Another guy chimed in. One of his gay friends.

 “I didn’t. What are you even talking about?”

“Listen, we all saw your dick a couple of weeks back at the gay bar when the drag queens gave you a footjob of a lifetime on stage.  You aren’t kidding me with whatever you have shoved down there that’s obviously not supposed to be there judging by how much you touch and adjust the damn thing.” His friend said matter-of-factly. Tristen didn’t really have a rebuttal for that one that wouldn’t end up with him whipping out his cock in front of the groomsmen, which he wasn’t particularly interested in doing.  He joked and the atmosphere lightened and Tristen made a mental note to stop touching his dick so much, even though it had been leaking precum since that morning.

“How big are your boobs, Tiff?” Her bestie asked.

“I got them measured a couple of months ago. We’ve been working out and my old size didn’t fit. I’d always been a 36 C or D. They said I was a 34 DDD.  So it should be a 34DDD.” Tiffany said as her friends dabbed tears away from her eyes strategically to make sure her makeup remained intact.  Her bestie inspected the tag.  

“It says 34DDD right here, but…” She leaned over her shoulder and poked her friend’s big breast. “Clearly it’s not even close to being enough. Are you on your period or something? Birth control?”  Tiffany just shook her head and had no explanation.  She started to cry and then was surprised by a tingling sensation and reached up holding her breasts and looking around in astonishment.

 “What is it, Tiff?” “What’s up, girl?” “What‘s going on?” They started asking anxiously and Tiffany slowly pulled down her bra cups swallowing hard and blinking not entirely sure what to anticipate when her large nipples popped out, both of them dripping wet with a clearish-white liquid. One of the bridesmaids towards the back fainted outright and two more stooped down to help her and peek back between girls in identical robin’s egg blue dresses.  Mouths dropped agape as her nipples began to leak more milk in small trickles down into her bra and on the front of her dress.  Girls scrambled to get a towel so she wouldn’t have to move. She just looked up with a face that read ‘What the actual heck is going on here?’, but remained silent.

“Tiff, there’s milk, you. You’re, um lac. Are you pregnant?” Her bestie asked after explaining the obvious.

 “I don’t think so, we don’t use condoms or anything, but we haven’t had any luck either.  I don’t know what this is about.” As she got a little more stressed the milk started to spray a bit more and the trickles got a bit more pressure behind them and spurted outwards a centimeter or two. Her bestie had an idea.

 “You may not like it, but I think I have a plan. That tailor isn’t showing up and I think we can shrink these milky tits of yours down in time for the ceremony.  But you have to trust me. Trust us.” Her bestie really was the best and she broke down that they would need to milk her enough that her boobs would be small enough to fit into the bra and corset.  They all agreed and began to take turns milking their friend. Tiffany was turned on by it almost instantly and having the hands of half a dozen people caressing her and squeezing her boobs, the let down of the milk, the feeling of satisfaction as the spritzy-trickle became a more prominent flow, all of it was turning her on.

 “More… MORE… Harder!” Tiffany called out, covering her mouth the second she said it almost ashamed. But she knew what she wanted, what she needed. Two girls were working the breasts and nipples sending milk flying, but it was inefficient. And they were getting milk all over and it made their hands slippery. The next two girls in line were sitting on their knees at eye level with her heavy breasts and Tiffany grabbed them both by the back of the head, jutted her chest out, and plunged them onto each bosom forcing them to latch on and suck. When they finally stopped fighting and sucked, when the milk really started flowing, she came right there in her wedding dress, soaking her perfectly white panties and shuddering.  She began to fall backward, two wet milky tits popping out of the mouths of her good friends who wiped wet, white mustaches from their upper lips. They moved her to a love seat where she could lay down and two new girls knelt down on either side of their friend expectantly.

 “Please. Hands aren’t enough. Please suck it out.” Tiffany said bright red with embarrassment and the afterglow of orgasm.  The girls began to suck her milk hungrily and when their lips hurt or they felt full, two more were ready and waiting to suck until about an hour later the six bridesmaids were all sitting on chairs or leaning against the wall. Some with hands on their bellies.  Tiffany’s breasts had shrunk down enough so they could get the dress on and the tailor burst into the room holding cloth, threads, and a variety of other tools.  The girls all groaned. In the meantime, one of her friends ran out and got a couple of pregnancy tests since they all wanted to know, but they came out negative. All of them. At least she could drink, they all reconciled her.

The wedding went well, everyone was happy and excited and thrilled, and that night when they were finally able to be together alone, her dress and corset practically burst off of her, breasts bouncing.  They had both had a fair amount to drink, but kept it together enough knowing that they wanted to enjoy their honeymoon as opposed to just being hungover for the start of it. The foreplay was nice since they had a lot more clothes to take off and by the time it was just underwear to go, he was rock hard and she was wet both on the top and the bottom.

 “Did you spill something on your bra during the reception?” He asked curiously why her bra was wet.

 “Well….” She explained and his eyes shot open, genuine fear about being a father before they were ready to make that happen, elation at the prospect of a kid, curiosity that she showed no other signs of being pregnant. She explained about the tests she took and that it just sort of happened.  And to stop wasting time and drink up.  He didn’t waste time and got to work going face first for the nearest breast and sucking hungrily. Her nipples were larger, a darker shade of pinkish red than before, and hard with beads of milk welling up on them. She grabbed near the base of his cock and felt its heat along her inner arm, almost up to the crook of her elbow. She pulled him closer, her hand sliding along it’s length towards his head with both hands and pushed him deeper onto her and his hard cock naturally probed the general area of her stomach and vagina, dripping precum in a small trail of wet pearly drips. A feeling of slight panic crossed her mind since she didn’t realize how big it had become hard. Would she be able to take it?



I will love to see them continue to go to the more and more advanced courses and noticing that as they get more advanced the people are better endowed. They are advancing quicker because they are taking the experiment nutrex. But maybe there is a rivalry with an other couple that is also advancing quickly. Either way I am loving the story so far keep up the great work!


That is a really fun idea and I am super happy to hear that you like the story so far. Let's hope that the next part will be satisfying! The growth is starting to pick up now! And things are looking brighter than ever for these two.