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 Greetings dear patron! Hope you are keeping cool. I find myself needing to educate the people around me how managing airflow and air conditioning works on a daily basis. For a person like me, cool air is a must in this sweltering heat where I live. Likewise for my ballooning laptop! (Thankfully hasn't shown signs of expansion recently. Only time I will ever hope for less expansion, right?)

The last few polls I put up about EM9 are quite enlightening. I am very glad I put them out there and very very sincerely appreciative of your feedback on that front. Don't hesitate to share your ideas because that feedback may very well have completely reshaped the narrative conclusion. For the better of course.

(No spoilers per se, but vague allusions to what will happen. So don't read on if you are super sensitive about spoiler-adjacent vague implying. Otherwise don't worry about it. It's just my classic brand of dirty smut and you will still be able to enjoy it regardless.)

I look at things from a very selfish point of view when I write these stories and have the idea in my head that the MC has done more than a few things that weren't very kosher to some characters in the story. That is why I went with the direction I went in, but after hearing the feedback, I think it would do justice to many characters if I changed a few things around.  

Granted, only about five or six people have responded to the poll so far from what I can tell so it is very early doors as that is barely an 8th of the amount of people who could. But the trends often come out sooner rather than later in these situations.  It inspired me and I think I have something nice drawn up for the conclusion. Sets up nicely for what I have planned after EM as well. I had an idea before (See the ancient 'Oh I felt some inspiration!' rant) and I will still go ahead with that idea, but now there is a different angle I think. At least I will be able to go along with my idea and I think it should be enjoyable.

It will still be first person perspective, but the main character will swap out.  By the end of Experimental Medicine I am fairly certain that I will 1, have crossed well well well within the grey areas of my preferences and 2, have done so much to the main character that I hope you will be understanding enough to give the poor bastard a break.  

Any more than I have planned for him already and you might need to look into someone who writes material a bit darker than me because I felt bad writing down the basic outline of the thing.  I will admit though, it is a bit of a happier ending than I originally planned for him.  But why not right? The best part about having a self insert character (perhaps the reason this series is so popular!) is being able to enjoy things from their perspective.  I can't let my own self insert (the doctor, obviously) get TOO much of a leg up.

Nobody likes a full blown mary-sue. So I think although my previous ending planned (I will share the outline with you after I release chapter ten and end this Novel (Full blown novel, yall. 80k + words. What a world.) and you can decide for yourself which you would have preferred.  I think I need to play it smart and also appeal a bit to my dear patrons and the many readers of my material. Anyway, I will get what I deserve and even do the reader the justice of spilling all the beans regarding some of the meta and mechanical and plot medicines and such in the story.  It will all be smooth and none of it too forced, so fear not my dear.

The poll and your feedback have helped me greatly and offer a new view point. I know I am the one posting the means for your interaction (In the sense that I write the responses patrons may click on), but you are the one choosing them.  I try to prepare a fairly wide variety of responses so you don't have to bother typing anything in, but ultimately your comments and clicking those responses are the best I can get.

Random IRL segue here, but I don't get a lot of feedback on my work so having this kind of outlet is very satisfying for me. And it's all online and allows me a chance to passively take it all in and think about things. So thank you.

Anyway! Please enjoy Chapter 9 if you haven't already and please consider answering the polls if you haven't. I check them just about every day believe it or not. I think I will be posting a commission that I did a while back over the next week or two while I crack on with Experimental medicine.  Got inspired by seeing the poll and need to do a bit more draft writing on my newer ideas.

Stay cool and thanks as always for your support.


~ Michelle


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