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Greetings dear patron!

I have been given a blessing and managed to get the good work done and now you are rewarded with the mess that is this draft of chapter nine. I think I have to admit to myself that I feel I am better at the build up and slow growth as opposed to this over the time kind of climax. What do you think? Tell me in a poll I will set up a bit later on. I just think that it gets crazy towards the end here. When I got back and clean all this stuff up for proper public consumption I will be certain to put a lot of TLC into it for sure.

Experimental medicine, and Lab partners before that if I am not mistaken, were my two break out stories that kind of told me that what I am doing is resonating with people. One of the big steps that gave me the confidence to put myself out there and do commissions. To post online to reddit and other places like deviant art.

Finally reaching this point after years of delays and hiatus' from writing and everything in between is starting to get a bit emotional! Something like that.  I am quite thankful that I didn't give up on the story though. I have enjoyed working on the Sebastian series (And actually have a spinoff of Jumbo Juice in the works right now exploring some new themes, but that might not be out for a bit, we shall see.) but I think Experimental Medicine is where its at. Also, anytime I can put my self insert character into a story it is plenty of fun.

I got kind of nervous towards the final parts of this chapter since consent is really important to me and I need to make it explicit or at least very clear that everything is alright. You could argue a grey area at a few points, but please know that it is all  consensual and (almost) everyone gets what they deserve in the end.

How will it end? Well that is something that you will have to look forward to over the next few weeks or months from now. I have an outline and a few general story beats I plan on touching on, but once my fingers enter the flurry of creation sometimes I can't stop them and all kinds of crazy shit ends up on the page. When I go back and read some of this stuff I cringe so hard at the writing and sheer madness of the situations I put some of the characters in. Our fearless main character, well, you! is in for some fun.

I won't blab too much more. There were roughly 9,000 more words added on to the end of this branching from the end of the previous teasers. I just put it all in this one article for ease of reading and such. It's a convoluted one, but I hope that you enjoy it.

Without further ado, Experimental Medicine, Chapter Nine.


Day 9

It was a dreamless sleep beside a feeling of contentment, warmth, and love flowing freely into him and calming him to his core. He felt satisfied, quenched, and renewed. The buzzing of my phone’s alarm resonated from beyond until it finally forced me to try and blink my eyes. I managed to open them a crack against the brightness of the sun shining in around the edges of the pulled-down blinds. I took a few more automatic sucks on her breast and realized my stomach was full to bursting and so bloated that all I wanted to do was roll over and go back to sleep. The buzzing persisted.

I finally took the meaty milk tap out of his mouth and was surprised to see through all the gunk in my eyes that it had shrunken quite a bit. I affixed the nearby funnel to it, like I had the previous evening, and began to feel around. What time was it? Why is my alarm going off? I thought while my hands slipped around in sticky wetness on the floor everywhere I touched. That was when I felt how wet I was with a shake of my torso and wiggle of my legs. How sticky I was, from head to toe. I pulled my arms free of whatever had them on the ground and reached my fingers to my eyes to try and wipe the sleep from my eyes so I could get a proper look around at my situation. I peeled off long crusty flakes of caked-on mess that pulled eyelashes out with it giving me a few spikes of pain to recenter my focus.

“I’m in the clinic.” I said breathlessly. I looked at my phone and the alarm was still ringing. It was my auto-snooze and it had been going for a bit. “I have to go to work today. Oh shit.” I grabbed in the direction of the brightness of my glowing phone, yanking it free from a pool of something that felt like semi-melted cake frosting when the events of the evening started to come back to me. I managed to get enough of the gunk out of my eye that I could see again properly and I felt my heart start to beat faster in my chest. My mouth was agape staring down at myself. I was completely drenched in milk or cum or both and most of it had hardened. I held up a hand and wiggled my fingers watching thin translucent flakes of the stuff fall off like the crispy outer layers of a croissant onto my lap. My lap which consisted largely of testicles so big and full I couldn’t comprehend them.

They were larger than a handful each and a painful pressure came into tactile focus as I stared them down. I rubbed one with an open palm running in circles as if I was petting a small dog. It felt good and the low hum I was feeling throughout my whole midsection had a faint rise in excitement which provoked movement along my shaft, which looked like a winding road of thick flesh running between both of my massive testicles and lay cemented to the ground in an ‘s’ shape. It was totally soft save for the occasional twitch which was like a wave of gentle electricity slowly building towards the tip and it was constantly spilling an oozing trickle of cum feeding into the pool which surrounded me and was at least one or two centimeters deep.

I licked my lips, still slick with the taste of her milk, and swallowed nervously. I wiped my hands off on the tatters of my shirt which was a fruitless endeavor since it made them sticky and wet as opposed to flakey and somewhat dry. I looked up at the doctor, she was still conked out and blinked more of the crispy spunk dust from my eyes and saw my shaking finger clear the lock screen leaving streaks that the backlit screen made abundantly clear. I turned off the alarm and saw I had missed quite a few messages. Boss, Valentina, Trish, even Flo the haberdasher. After flicking through the messages Trish was seeing if I made it home ok. The boss was wondering when I was coming in, and Valentina was doing her superiors’ bidding, but with a few extra heart and smile face emojis tacked on.

‘I’m fine. I will be late for work. I will get in touch with the boss about it. How are you doing?’ I wrote to Trish, trying to play it cool as I began to wiggle myself loose from the frozen ice I had encased myself in and carefully put my knees under me to make an attempt at standing up. It felt like I was stepping in the soft wet mud of a creekbed when it wasn’t underwater because the stream was low and squished through my toes. The whole place stank of milk and cum and sweat. The low hum of the pump’s compressor hissing off or sucking in little shots of air pressure and the mechanisms making them move were the background noise as I got to my feet.

‘I am going to be a bit late. I had an emergency overnight observation at the clinic I have been treated at and need to take a shower. I am a mess right now, but will be there soon.’ Was the message I wrote to-

‘You can shower at work. I will come pick you up. Where are you? A clinic you said?’ My boss responded with fearsome celerity. I held the phone further away from me in response to it. I shook my head and began to look around for my clothes. I was wearing the shirt from the nice button-down I had when I went on a date with Trish, but must have left my jacket at home. I took a few steps with my legs wide because of how big my balls were. They were massive and hung down heavy and full halfway down my thighs. It was like I had a pair of pineapples without the green leafy bit at the top swinging around and bumping my legs constantly if I didn’t give them the space they demanded. Each time I took a less cautious step it felt like a pineapple pricked at them as tiny spikes of pressure shot around and it caused a thicker oozing rope of precum to drip to the floor depending on how bad I bumped them. After a careful walk to the exam room I saw my shredded pants on the floor and shook my head.

I was already thirsty again and began to search for some kind of cloth or a hospital gown or something. Anything I could wear instead of this sticky jizz-soaked shirt. I unbuttoned and peeled off the shirt, tossing it on the pile of shredded cloth that used to be the specialty made trousers I got the day before.

“So much for being boner-proof.” I scoffed and shook my head looking away from them. My eyes found a closet and I checked it out and it found a few sets of hospital gowns and various other towels. Something for full body exams I supposed and set a few aside on the examination bench. I went over to the sink and began to give myself a general wipe down wringing gelatinous globs of biomass into the drain from the towel I was using. I stood naked over the sink in the examination room surrounded by hardened, crisp,y condoms thrown away like candy wrappers, and an overturned barrel that used to be full of my semen.

“What the hell is going on?” I looked up into the mirror and wiped my face with my hand, and then the towel worked to get the larger chunks of gunk off of my face and body. I was still feeling totally gross, but at least there weren’t literal strings of thick ropey jelly hanging from my hair and extremities. I put a gown on and it covered me enough, but I would look like an escaped convict from a mental ward. That was basically what I was, wasn’t I? I took a few more steps and bumped the counter since my legs were out so wide and accidentally squeezed a long string of cum out of my soft dangling shaft like someone took both hands to a toothpaste tube and squeezed it all out in a single fat snake of paste. It hurt like hell and I saw points of light dancing amidst hazy darkness as the dizziness threw me.

“I can’t deal with this, give me a break here.” I was cursing to myself and began to fashion a crude device to function as support underpants. I stepped into a second gown, legs through the sleeves with the bottom of the gown trailing down before me. I grabbed the tail of the gown and pulled it up, packing my gigantic balls and coiled up my dick into a huge sack that resembled a semi-deflated misshapen basketball. I tore the gown bottom down the middle lengthways and first wrapped each of the working ends around my back like I would with a bathrobe sash and then crossed them over bringing them back forward tying off a simple bow tie with lots of slack from the remaining gown around my waist. I took a few steps and was pleasantly surprised with how effective it was. I could walk normally without needing to bow my legs in reverence of the giant balls and although they were snug in their little toga hammock, they weren’t in pain or jostling around that much. I also noted that with the head of my shaft being above my balls and kind of coiled up, it slowed the precum quite a bit.

‘Now we’re cooking.” I said to myself feeling a bit more confident in my situation. I just need to get through the next day or two and all this will go away. That was what she had said, right? And I nodded looking around for the rest of my things. I ended up needing to make an adjustment, undoing the bow tie and instead crossing the working end of the gown directly under the large genital pouch I constructed and tying them off behind my waist instead and that proved to be enough to handle walking at a regular speed. I must have looked ridiculous with a basketball-sized cloth pouch filled with a snake and some produce hanging off of my pelvis, but I could walk and use my hands again so who cares. When I threw another gown on top of the whole thing you couldn’t really notice it. At least that was what I told myself. I couldn’t find my shoes but found my keys, my wallet, and the small plastic cup of red pills. That was all I had brought in with me. I tucked the pills and my wallet into the cock toga I fashioned snuggling them in between a testicle and my coiled shaft in that pocket of space there.

I walked in and took one last look at the doctor, asleep face first on her own breasts breathing calmly and contentedly. The pumps were doing their job and I glanced over at the large shining stainless steel canisters where the milk was being pumped to. Judging based off of the length of pencil wide glass showing the volume of fullness, they looked more than halfway full. The white liquid was sloshing with each streaming wet addition to the tank and the wobbly line was between six or seven liters in each milk can. I shook my head and my mouth was open from sheer shock. She pumped out this much milk and yet her breasts were still large enough that she could rest forward on them comfortably barely needing to bend forward at all. She did end up drinking two full loads in rapid succession so who knows what is happening with those huge milk trucks. I wonder if she can even walk… I draped a gown over her shoulders and made for the back door to head to my car.

The light of the sun nearly blinded me. I hadn’t realized how dark it was in the lab. I padded across the warm asphalt in bare feet wearing the gown to my car holding the front flaps shut and jingling my keys looking for the right one. The fresh air, a cool windy breeze that sent chills across my body, didn’t reek with the heavy wet pungent funk of what happened in that clinic was so welcome. The urge to just quit my job crossed my mind and go get a job somewhere else, new people, new life, just leave it all behind. I took a deep breath and smiled nearing my car and began to put my attention onto my keys situating it in my hand when the sound of an engine at full rev echoed and peeling rubber screamed in the distance. A shiny sports car in black and white was in the distance and coming closer at an alarming rate aimed in my direction.

“THERE YOU ARE! FINALLY!” There was a person hanging out the side of the car waving a fist in the air and driving directly for me. I spread my legs trying to get ready to react when the driver slammed the brakes and the vehicle skidded sideways directly towards me. I started running and ended up dropping my keys near the door of my car. The momentum of the vehicle slowed which lowered the perceived real threat of being run down and killed by a psychopath behind the wheel and I just backpedaled a bit instead. As the car slid sideways, the driver’s eye contact was fully focused on me, and her eyes were wide open. Sharp blonde hair was a little messy like someone had ruffled her hair, and she wore a tight business suit with a black and white top showing a ton of cleavage. This was all clear because her whole top half except for the one hand on the wheel was hanging out of the car as it slid to a stop.

“B…Boss? Is that you?” I was holding a hand over my eyes since the rising sun of the morning and she leaped out of the window tackling me and pinning me to the ground, her ass snuggling right against my bulge. She wiggled it back and forth and smiled.

“You got bigger! YOU GOT BIGGER!? How is that possible!” She smiled and leaned in and kissed me deeply, her tongue was like an angry viper and she breathed deep exhaling desperate hot breaths. My eyes were still wide open and her cleavage was huge. Her breasts were as big as red playground balls and squished down against my chest. Both her hands were wringing the gown on my front as she kissed me long and deep. There was a loud crunching noise and I glanced over and saw her car, still in drive, most likely, drifted into the front quarter panel of my cheap car stopping it.

“BwAH! Haa, Haa.” She breathed hard, licking her lips, and nodded looking me up and down and getting back to her feet, legs spread over me. She was wearing a short skirt that clung tightly to her thick thighs and fat ass. From my angle beneath her standing over me, just in front of the sun, I could see all the way up her inner thighs and her panties were soaking already. “You smell very good. Get in my car. We are going to my office.” She reached down and grabbed me by the non-existent lapels on this gown and tried to pull me up. I tried to get up but wasn’t fast enough and she ended up ripping the whole front of the gown right off me. I stood up and the rest fell off me in tatters exposing me in broad daylight in this parking lot.

There was a cheap drive-through bagel, doughnut, and coffee spot on the other side of a sparse wall of bushes which was thin enough that you could see the cars waiting in line from where we were standing. The loud crunch of the fender bender no doubt drew attention and I was nervous.

“Please don’t tell me that all of that,” She was drawing circles in the air with her pointer finger at my package, “Is your whole cock and balls.” And her mouth was open, tongue running thirsty circuits around her lips.

“I… Listen this is a parking lot and I am pretty much naked and you crashed into my car. You said you had people watching my house or something? Just… What do you want from me?” I took a step back and the second I did, her eyes darted and focused on that foot and slowly traveled up the ankles, my thighs, lingered on my package, and then up my torso and chest and to my face. She walked towards me slowly.

“You lost weight. Everywhere but that magnificent cock of yours apparently. You need a shower I think. That is why I came. To take you to the shower. OK?” She was smiling impatiently and her arm found its way through mine and ushered me to her car, still running. I had my phone and looked around for my keys but they were nowhere to be found.

She put me down in the passenger seat and clicked on the child safety lock surreptitiously then got in the car herself. Buckling in, running the seat belt across the black and white checkered vest over a collared white blouse. The belt split each of her bosoms into large round spheres of cloth perfectly and when I glanced up at her eyes she was staring right at me with an intensity that made me sweat and shake.

“I am glad you like what you see.” She reached over and patted my bulge rubbing it like a buddha belly for good luck, never breaking eye contact. “I have been waiting for you to come back for a week. I plan on giving you a bonus if you score adequately on your performance review. She gave two final pats on my bulge, stared at it with glistening eyes for a long poignant moment, and then something snapped in her brain and she looked at the road with full attention, reversed out quickly leaving broken glass from her smashed headlight on the ground, and slammed the car into drive peeling off to rejoin traffic.

To say she was speeding was an understatement as I gripped the door handle and the shoulder portion of her seat digging my nails in tightly. Each small little bump on the ground while she zoomed between cars going down the freeway and changing lanes felt like hitting a speed bump in a school zone at 60. My whole body left the seat each time and fell down with a plop, following a physical earthquake of my balls slamming into either my lap or against the front of the seat slapping around. I felt the precum gush a bit more each time and could start to smell it. Her breasts as well were bouncing all over the place and I could see the outline of the bra cup against her breasts through the stretched fabric of the vest.

Each bounce brought that outline lower and more and more of her big round breasts were breaking free of that pathetic garment. It was around when she swerved around a semi-truck at maybe 100 miles an hour and slammed the break halfway down the offramp when there was a bit of morning traffic that her boobs jumped the proverbial ship and were bouncing loose in her shirt. She snarled a little, either at traffic or her clothing issues, I couldn’t tell immediately. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and relaxed visibly.

“So you are a really good driver, Boss. Where did you learn those skills?” I tried to break the tension from the semi-kidnapping taking place. Why was I going along with this anyway? The car scooted forward with an abrupt jolt and stopped again. We were locked in the dreaded bumper-to-bumper nightmare that was the One-Ten offramp to Main Boulevard. It was a tech-centric part of town and on the section of the highway between the airport and a bunch of golf courses so it was backed up every morning after seven o’clock. It was 7:45. I usually got to work by 7:20 and that was after sitting at the coffee shop nearby and having a breakfast coffee and bagel or something getting off the highway early enough to make sure I wasn’t trapped in this hell.

“I just love driving. Fast cars, fast guys. All of it.” She said in a surprisingly calm voice. She breathed in very deeply and then let out a long sigh, throwing her arms on the steering wheel and banging her head against them. Her breasts hung down leaving maybe an inch or two between the wheel and her torso proper. They hung down so low and large that there was only an inch or two from the hard tips poking through the fabric and her round gray-nylon-covered thighs.

“We are gonna be stuck here for like 30 mi-” I began.

“I know. Obviously, I know.” She said with a start. Her car jolted forward and stopped abruptly another few feet and she growled in disapproval, reached under her vest took her hands off the wheel, and began to pull her bra straps over her arms one after the other. “So I had all week to think about it, and you have to tell me. Is your semen like an addicting drug or something? One that makes girls' tits get bigger?” She looked over at me with a serious face.

“It is kind of complicated, but for the most part, yes.” I came clean. I had to.

“So if I drink more cum, will my breasts get even bigger?” She asked. “And is it permanent? They have mostly just been blowing up in the days following our meeting in my office, but I feel like they finally stopped and might even be getting smaller.” She reached up with a hand to cup a breast and tested its heft.

“I don’t know if it is permanent, like forever, but for me the more I come the smaller my balls seem to get. My dick is a bit more permanent I think, but my doctor assures me it won’t last forever. Some of the gains are permanent though, she said.” I felt like I had a responsibility to these women who were affected by the choices that I made. I didn’t necessarily expect things to end up like this, but this is where I ended up. She was nodding as the car smoothed forward another few feet and a guy on a motorcycle whipped down the shoulder of the off-ramp towards traffic. We weren’t too far from the horrendously placed traffic light which caused this mess now.

“Well. I am pretty sure you know this, but I am going to drink you dry, boy. And your work ethic aside, you’ve deserved a raise for a long time anyway. So consider it a double whammy. I have been fantasizing about our encounter in the office since I woke up that night from all the fun we had.” She shook her head and was smiling while reaching around her back arching her chest forward pressing her breasts against the steering wheel, the top half of her breasts just below the nipples jutted out as she started undoing the hooks of her bra.

“Yeah, I. I had a feeling. I have to tell you that I took one more experimental treatment that will speed up the effects of the treatment I had until now and will ultimately stop the effects. I can’t live like this anymore despite how great it all seems. I was thinking about quitting my job before you peeled into the parking lot. Anyway, I have a feeling you will be able to get all you want and more from me today. Take as much as you want. The sooner it’s over the better.” I was staring into the space in front of us and she finally got the back hook off and pulled the bra from under her vest. The outline of the cup falling away and leaving smooth round breasts with two perfect points on each breast tip was a lovely sight and she handed the bra over to me.

“I don’t fit in this anymore, but I did two days ago. That was two days after our encounter. I haven’t had a growth spurt like this in my life. And the last time my breasts grew more than a cup size in any span of time I could measure readily was back in my twenties.” She shrugged her shoulders, jostled her tits around getting comfortable and finally leaned back in her chair, one hand on the wheel, the other on the shifter between us.

“36G” I read it aloud and looked up at her. “And you said this one doesn’t fit you anymore? But it did two days ago? I mean, your boobs are a lot bigger than normal, boss what can I say?” I shrugged too.

“I used to wear a 34 DDD, although an E probably would have been better. But three cup sizes… and because of all this other weight I am gaining in my ass, hips, and torso… I can’t wear a size 34 anymore or else it’s so tight on me that there are red welts after only a few hours. I went out and got the new one and already it doesn’t fit anymore.” She was ranting and complaining as her pinky finger began to touch my thigh gently.

“I can relate, I think. I can really only wear this hospital gown at the moment. These aren’t even underpants. It’s just a hospital gown that I tied around me enough times so I wouldn’t keep banging against my own balls.” I double-checked the knots and adjusted myself the best I could. We finally pulled into regular traffic and she was more focused on driving now than she had been when we were waiting in traffic. Her hand put the car in drive and then rested atop my package casually rubbing around and seeing exactly what was situated where.

“I bet you can relate. You better start investing in skirts, nah, haha, dresses if you plan on going into public ever again.” She smiled while changing lanes and a bump sent everything flying and she enjoyed it. “Well, whatever happens, you need to introduce me to your doctor friend. I’d like to speak with her about all this.” She said, nodding as they approached the corporate plaza where our building was.

“I can do that, sure. She is an eccentric I think. All this stuff is obviously in the experimental stage so I had to sign a ton of waivers and stuff.” I said.

“Any NDAs?” She asked with an eyebrow raised. I looked up trying to remember. It was only a week or so ago, but so much had happened.

“I don’t even know. I was already naked from the waist down and she said it was basically no different than a supplement that would make me cum more.” I paused thinking of the implications of how many people I told… “Man, I am totally fucked if things go badly.” I put my hands on my head and my boss patted my shoulders rubbing my back.

“There there dear boy. We will turn that frown upside down in just a minute.” She parked the car in the part of the parking lot I didn’t go to often if at all. “This is the executive entrance so we should have a bit more privacy. I have a long coat in my trunk you can wear though. Nothing fancy, but better than this diaper you have on.” She said while unbuckling herself and leaving the car to go to her trunk. I took a deep breath of her bra and it was like a jump start directly to the nerve centers in my brain wired to arouse me. It smelled like sweet redolent sweat with a still kind of new cloth smell. I pressed both of the large cups against my face and could fit almost my whole head inside of them and just took breaths from within the shelled barrier of her black silken bra cups around my head. “Here you go. Hahah! Someone is ready to go.” She laughed, getting back into her seat and tossing me the jacket.

“Normally I would be hard by now, I have been wondering what was going on. Maybe the red pill actually did work.” I said while giving my cock and ball conglomerate a shaking down seeing if a physical jump start might get me going faster.

“Don’t worry. We will make sure you get everything you need in my office. Put that jacket on and come with me.” She said as she threw on some shades, a more stylish jacket than the one she gave me, and waited for me to exit the vehicle. She locked it and we walked across the lot, with quite a few parked cars all waiting, and approached a nondescript door with a panel to the side for reading cards, chips, etc. As well as a camera overhead aimed right at them. “I have just about everything you could want in there I think. I have been planning for this.” She said and held up a hand to the glass plate and looked up at the camera taking off her glasses until there was a click in the door handle and ushered him inside.

They walked into a smallish room with a variety of cleaning supplies and cardboard boxes. She pulled out some keys and unlocked a door on the far wall and behind it was a hallway that must have run almost the full length of the building. He tried to get his bearings and when they reached about where their office was within the office complex, she stood before an elevator door with no buttons and put a key into a small nondescript keyhole. After a few moments, the doors opened and they stepped aboard.

“This is some fancy stuff, Boss.” I had to comment.

“Just a few perks of doing business on this scale I guess. We are on this level partially thanks to the work that you do.” She smiled over her shoulder and her arms were crossed under braless breasts propping them up like a pear of melon-sized marshmallows. The simple coat she wore did nothing to hide them and only elevated their seeming perfection by framing them. She winked and the door opened. Her hands dropped and so did her big round bosoms with two or so heavy springing bounces and then she left the elevator into a nondescript hallway. There were some cardboard boxes and filing cabinets along the hallway, usually clustered around one door or another and after turning down one hall and another she stopped before a door and unlocked it letting me in before she followed behind me closing the door and clicking the lock.

It was her office. I hadn’t really noticed the door before, but we emerged from behind a fairly high filing cabinet which obfuscated this door and it was already off to the side and behind her desk so you didn’t really look for it.

“Sneaky. That is something else. Are you secretly a spy?” I mused. She laughed and threw her jacket on the chair and summarily took the jacket off of me putting it on the chair as well. She grabbed the hem of her sweater vest with both hands and pulled it off slowly over her head, her breasts, even without a bra, were putting pressure on the buttons of the collared shirt she wore beneath.

“Nothing so sinister as that, but I guess privacy is just something they really thought about when they designed these offices. Not all of them have this kind of special access, only the big ones on the top few floors. It’s a whole thing.” She turned around wriggling the vest off and showed off how hard her nipples were and their dark outlines were clear through the white fabric. She flung the vest at me and undid one or two buttons from the top to show off her wealth of cleavage and leaned on her desk pressing a button on a little intercom without breaking eye contact with me. “Val?” She let go of the button.

“Yes, boss? Back already? I hope you were finally able to pick up our uh, I mean. You know.” Valentina giggled on the other end of the line which was cut off abruptly.

“Everything is fine. Make sure all my appointments for today are canceled and don’t bother me for at least two or three hours. Please.” She said rolling her eyes at me like this was such a hassle to deal with. She also gestured for me to put my phone down on the spot on the desk where there was a cordless charging station and I obliged.

“What? Two or three hours? What about my tur-” The boss pressed the talk button, cutting off what she was about to say, and winced, opening one eye towards me.

“Let’s discuss that with him, shall we? A bit later? I will call you when we are ready for you.” She said and looked over to me and mouthed ‘I’m sorry’.

“Fine. Glad you’re back. BOTH of you.” She giggled and Boss turned off the volume. We both blinked in silence and I took initiative on this one.

“So are you my pimp now? Already brokering chances to play with my genitals and maybe gain a cup size or something?” I raised an eyebrow and a flat smile crossed my face.

“Maybe while I was waiting for your triumphant return to work, in a bit of casual discussion with an associate or two about how and why I got breast implants three days in a row, the topic of you came up, and well…” Her hands made circles around each other like ‘yadda yadda yadda’.

“Well, I wouldn’t be opposed to it if you’d let me in on it. Obviously, I would have to make the lion's share of the profit if that were the case…I mean…” And I ended the sentiment by untying and taking off my hospital gown toga speedo and letting my cock and balls hang fully down. My wallet and the plastic snap cup with the two red pills in it fell down when my schlong unrolled and slapped against my knee. Whatever semblance of control and smoothness my boss had regained since her assault on me in the parking lot dissolved instantly and her eyes opened wide and glittered like Scrooge McDuck faced with a dragon’s hoard of treasure. Her mouth slowly opened and her tongue began to peek out swallowing drool to keep it running over her lips as water flushed the insides of her mouth.

“It’s… It’s fucking massive. I couldn’t get that thing even close to inside me and it’s SOFT.” There was a sense of wonder in what she said, but mostly pangs of regret that she wouldn’t be able to sit on top of this thing.

“You might be right, but who knows? It might still feel pretty good.” I said spreading my feet apart and doing a few gentle pelvic motions to send the whole thing swinging. It was like a wrecking ball on the end of a python hanging down halfway to the ground flapping around like a flag in the wind, the precum drizzle already starting.

“It’s fucking past your knees for goodness sake. My boy. I didn’t know it was going to be THIS big!” She smiled and shook her head speaking to herself in hushed tones. “How do we face challenges, Lucy? Face first, Head on baby.” Pep talk delivered, she took a few steps forward and ripped off her shirt letting her boobs bounce out. I was completely naked and just watched her kneel wordlessly. She hugged it and caressed it. It was longer than a Pringles can and almost as thick. If I had put a Pringles can on my cock it would go all the way to the base and the head and maybe an inch or so of the shaft would still poke out. I just enjoyed her worship of it and saw the tears in the corner of her eyes and she smiled and frowned back and forth like a happy cry moment when watching a movie.

She reached up and began to test the balls now, too. One was so heavy she needed both hands to adequately lift it. She was surprised instantly, sniffed, and looked up at me.

“It’s so heavy! And hot! These things must be super stuffed. We have to do something about that…” And she waggled her eyebrows before leaning back in to nestle and press her face against my dick. “Why isn’t it getting hard?”

“I, I don’t really know honestly. I took this red pill and it was supposed to cause some growth and have some extreme effects and then everything would be alright she said. But the main effect hasn’t kicked in yet.” I explained.

“Those red pills over there?” She gestured with a thumb towards where my wallet and the pills were laying among the toga.

“Yeah.” I nodded. She squeezed my balls and the precum oozed more. She put her hand under it and let it pool up and gave it a lick.

“Ohhhhh yeahhh. That is the stuff, baby. I missed that.” She said and brought the head of my dick up to her mouth shoving it in gripping it with her lips and began to squeeze my balls one at a time back and forth and sucking at the head of my cock. Like drinking a heavenly milkshake that sends tingles through your body, she breathed in and out really hard and her eyes rolled into her head. I could feel her tongue working overtime not letting a single drip escape. She gave one more squeeze to each ball imbibing it and then stood up, still holding my wang. She pulled it holding it at the base and stretching it.

“Owwch! What the heck?” I could only react.

“Well at least you can still feel it, right? I bet this thing gets like three feet long or something crazy like that. The red pill did this to you, you think?” She teased while lowering her head just a little to lick and suck the tip that was being forcibly stretched up past my nipples. She wasn’t joking and I started to get worried about exactly how big this thing might actually get. She let it go and it swung down banging against my balls with a slap and wriggled a bit before settling. I started to have some serious thoughts about what was about to happen and before I knew it she was holding the plastic cup shaking around the red pills with a dull plasticky clacking sound.

“The doctor said if I took two it would be big trouble. I’d need like, gallons of water or something or else I’d shrivel up, she said. I wouldn’t die though, but I might get dehydrated or something. It's about water I think. Water is the main thing with all of this. And how the body processes and stores it. That’s my guess. I kind of want to see what the real effect looks like before I go popping another one. This stuff is serious business.” I was explaining to her and she was listening intently, swallowing the precum still swishing around in her mouth.

“Well then let’s get you some water. I think whatever you and I will be doing will need a ton of lube anyway so let’s head to the showers. I can tell you have had a rough night as well so let’s get us set up.” She was so amicable. “Deal with the red pills later, right?” She shook the container in her hand and set it behind something on her desk.

We walked into her bath area and she pressed a few buttons on a remote by the glass walls and the shower kicked on immediately. Another few presses and lighting came on really nice and then music faded in. Glasses were on stands next to bottles of wine and a tray of food and snacks.

“I figured you might be hungry. Eat up. I am going to freshen up over here.” She smiled and gave me a deep kiss. I felt a twitch in my cock for a moment as I involuntarily flexed it sending a wiggle through it. She let me go and reached down grabbing my shaft again, giving it a long suck while squeezing one of my testicles and licking her lips, and raising her eyebrows playfully heading toward the toilet. I helped myself to some snacks and grabbed the water jug beside the wine’s ice bucket. I tore the top off of the water and began to chug until I had downed a liter in the space of under a minute. I finished off the rest of the water and looked around for the sink and filled it up again. I heard moaning from the toilet and shook my head. She was as bad as me before I was on this medicine and laughed to myself.

I grabbed my balls in either hand carrying them like fruit and tried to nimbly walk out to her desk to check my phone. I had missed a bunch of calls and more than a few messages as well. I wanted to go into that shower so badly, but had to tell someone where I was. Trish sent a few messages along the lines of wondering what time I’d be in and letting me know what my plans were for lunch. She made it explicitly clear that her lunch plans were me which made me laugh. I told her I might be coming in the afternoon so we could meet for lunch.

I had even gotten a message from the doctor as well. She told me to be wary of taking another red pill and call her if there was any trouble. She can’t move around easily just yet, but hopefully, in an hour or two she will be smaller than she was last night and possibly able to walk without extreme effort again. I told her I was at work now and my boss was planning on sucking me dry. That I wasn’t getting hard and wondered if the red pill caused growth, but accidentally made it so I couldn’t get erections anymore or something. She got in touch again to remind me that the red pills did work and were extremely effective. That it was a special supplement designed specifically for men who had taken the green and blue pills prior. She expressed very clearly that I had to remain hydrated at all costs or else I would suffer. And if I ran into trouble get in touch with her right away.

I put the phone down and saw my boss looking at me leaning in the doorway, pillows of steam dancing behind her near the shower stall.

“Everything alright?” She said nonchalantly. “Not planning an escape are you?” She laughed, but there was a real concern on her face that she couldn’t hide very well, and bit her lip blinking expectantly.

“No, no escape. Don’t worry. I just wanted to check with the doctor about this red pill. She said it was specifically designed for guys who took the other two pills like I did before. Anyway, where do you keep your water? I feel like I will need a few water cooler jugs worth of water by the time we are done. You look amazing by the way.” I told her while slowly getting closer and closer and reached up grabbing her soft round breasts and kissed her. She grabbed me and her kissing was ravenous for a moment then receded like a wave into calmness as her breathing slowed.

“What about this guy? Can it still get hard?” She pecked a few more kisses on my cheek and said the words hotly in my ears as her nylon-wrapped knee knocked into my soft swinging meat gently. I nodded thoughtfully as I saw the long hanging stretch of thick pipe swaying and jostling against her knee.

“I think so. Get me some water. I have a feeling that-” My voice got hoarse and a stabbing pain shot through my gut and forked out like lightning around my core and my pelvis. “Agh!” I kneeled slowly and sat against one of the filing cabinets holding my balls and probing them to see where the pain was coming from. My mouth went dry and I felt dizzy.

“Are you ok?” I heard her say before the dizziness got so bad I had to close my eyes. “Hon, are you alright?” She called to me and I waved a hand weakly and heard her stand up and run off. The sharp pains began to concentrate in my balls and started to prickle along my shaft like velcro on sensitive skin, but it was from the inside out. She rushed back and I opened an eye to see multiple Bosses with countless big round breasts swirling around before me in a hazy kaleidoscope and each of the images was thrusting a large pitcher of water toward me. I closed my eyes again when I got a hold of it and began to drink messily, dribbling all over myself.

I slammed the first pitcher and shakily handed it where I remember she was and it was replaced quickly with another.

“Thank you. I… sorry I felt weak and kind of fainted. The water is helping.” I sounded weak, but the water tasted delicious and I continued drinking and drinking. Like a fire slowly being put out with splashes of water from the edges creeping inward to the center of the blaze, the pains that were wracking me diminished. “Thank you,” I said once more as she remained there kneeling with a concerned and impatient look on her face. She put on a quick smile for me.

“I will get things ready over here, take your time getting it together. I will be in the shower. You look like you could use one, bud.” Her voice was quiet and caring and she rubbed one of my nuts gently while she spoke and then patted it twice and stood up. The pats sent two gentle waves of stinging sensation through my sack and I rubbed my eyes. She sauntered off towards the shower and left me alone.

I think that pill is kicking in. I feel like I've been drugged. I rubbed my eyes with my thumb and forefinger for a long time and took a deep breath snapping out of it and building up some determination. I carefully got to my feet on shaky legs and had some more water while clutching a small decorative planter emplacement with a smooth surface bearing the pitcher near the filing cabinets. The water helped tremendously, and it felt like I couldn’t get enough of it. My legs are aching and I realized they were tired and sore from lugging around so much weight the past few days. Although it wasn’t erect, it seemed like my penis was starting to fill out and it felt heavier and fuller. I swung my hips a little and it didn’t have the same floppy swing as earlier. Another involuntary flex of my pelvic muscles sent another weak shake along its length. It was getting harder!

I drank more water and reached down, hefting up the hot heavy flesh near the middle of its length. It bowed over my hand but was slowly getting harder, I could feel it now as the remaining dull ache blossomed into building anticipation. During this careful inspection, it was barely perceptible to notice it, but it was getting bigger. It turned me on and fear and arousal began to course through my veins and beat through my heart and it all ended up down there trapped inside of the expanding menace that my cock was becoming. I had my doubts about what the doctor said about that red pill and vowed to never take one again if I could help it.

That idea immediately felt foolish and I licked my lips taking a strong sniff of the air. My boss had just taken off her panties, I imagined, and dropped my shaft without a care and it recoiled under its own support pointing down a few feet beyond my bare toes. It swayed and bounced while I walked and my thighs juggled my balls like pistons as I went to the shower. She was fully naked and had her back to me soaking herself in the water. I paused just outside the shower to appreciate her form. There was no steam at all now thanks to some powerful vent in the ceiling between the two wide set shower heads that rained down upon her from ahead. Water off her shoulders, breasts, and hips splashed white against the obsidian background of the stone tiles on the walls. There was barely any condensation on the clear glass separating us. From this angle, she had an hourglass shape and while her arms were both up working her blonde hair soaking it through the sides of her breasts jutted out from either side. The concave line ran from her upper torso down to her waist and thickened up again into a large round bottom with chunky butt cheeks like shelves that were almost as wide as her breasts were. Her thighs were thick and round and thinned down towards the knees, which were perched atop fairly toned large calves. Her feet seemed small to me, but then again the rest of her had grown so big and thick in the last week.

Something cold touched the tip of my erection and it was the glass wall of the shower, about a pace or so ahead of me. She turned around and smiled and looked down, flashing an expression of surprise and fear wide-eyed jaw open, but it morphed into a toothless smile with her tongue slowly probing around as her cheeks pushed upwards causing the corners of her eyes to squint.

“There is plenty of room.” She said and approached the glass. Pressing up against it. “Unless you just want to watch.” Her already large breasts looked massive when they were squished up and spread out in perfect circles, her nipples and areola perfectly centered. I was reminded of the image of two large vinyl records in creamy flesh tones with deliciously dark raspberry areolas and nipples. She moved up and down along the glass enticing me and turned around pressing her ass and thighs against the glass next. Her weight spread her thickness forming an inverted pyramid with a round heart-like top that was akin to a shrine where I felt compelled to kneel and pray. Or at least make an offering… I had had enough and the tip of my cock was aimed straight ahead drawing a single solitary line of thick glistening precum on the glass. She turned around and I pressed myself against the glass to give her a show in response and the heat and warmth of this appendage almost as long and thick as one of my arms burned a line up my chest almost reaching my nipples.

She pressed up against the glass, face comically contorting as she wanted to be as near to it as she physically could. Her desperation was infectious and only spurred my cock that much closer to full hardness. It still had plenty of squishy softness and give in the surface as I pressed it against the window into the bath. She was on her knees with fingers working fast and nimble reaching inside of herself and pressing her button from all imaginable angles. The glass around my phallus was heating up and got foggy to the point when I pulled away from the glass, content to let her get what she wanted, there was an imprint so large from the bottom of my balls to the tip of my cock that I realized full circle what I had become.

The imprint itself must have been at least three feet from bottom to top and my erection got harder looking at the size of it in all of its glory from the outside for the first time. Looking down at myself the heaviness of my still filling and thickening member trying its damndest to climb higher and higher, but as it filled with blood to become more taut and stick up high it was conversely made heavier and ultimately seemed to stay about level and sticking straight out ahead of me. I had to move carefully because cutting any corners or turning around too quickly ended with me smacking my rod against some stone tiled column or a glass and metal fixture.

Her body dragged across the glass with a slow sliding squeak anticipating my entrance into the shower area and as soon as I opened the door and stepped in she was on it immediately. She brought the head to her mouth and began to suck and lick it like someone who didn’t know how to eat an orange properly. Her tongue flitted up and down the quivering eyelet and used both hands set far apart to coerce her prize from me with long jerking motions. Her hands couldn’t fit fully around its thickness and it looked more like she was trying to swallow a baguette whole than give fellatio. As soon as thoughts like What have I become? Crossed my mind, a wave of pleasure dispersed from the base of my skull, down my spine filling my heart and eventually sinking into my pelvis and bursting outward in all directions.

I leaned my back against the glass and let her work for what she wanted. It was too late to worry about any of that. I was doing everything I could to finally stop all this and hopefully return to something closer to normal. I had no idea the effects were going to be this severe though. I shook my head watching her doing calculations in her head trying to figure out how to fellate or even give a hand job to the thick bat of meat presented before her. It was kind of comical on one hand, I thought to myself, but also inconvenient. I probably couldn’t get a blow job or even have proper sex ever again in my life if this kept up. Boss stood up and squatting slightly got into a good enough angle where she could properly titty fuck the far half of my cock and suck and lick the tip at the same time. That felt good, but there was still another thirteen or fourteen inches being ignored near the base. I decided to help things along reaching two hands down to give some TLC to the lower half of my length while she worked on the upper.

“Can you believe this? This thing is massive. It has to be the biggest human cock in the whole world.” She said jerking the middle of my shaft bouncing her boobs up and down along the top of it and smooching the big round head trying to suck up any and all dripping goodness. I would be lying if I said it didn’t feel good. This red pill had thrown everything for a loop though. I felt close, but on the other hand, I felt like I could go for hours and hours non-stop. Which was it? I began to squeeze tighter and stroke faster. Her breasts were bouncing up and down, squished together with her upper arms, and propelled along his shaft from her handjob. I matched my stroking pace to hers so that it felt more like I was having my entire shaft yanked instead of it being stretched and pulled in opposite directions which kind of hurt.

The synchronization felt amazing and her eyelids got heavy as the synced stimulation kicked the production process into high gear and she needed to focus less on licking and more on swallowing. I stopped jerking and kept my hands still and started to use my hips instead, thrusting faster. She looked up to my eyes, mouth, and tongue doing their best to get all the precious fluid as possible into her mouth when the peak of my fore stroke battered into her waiting lips. There were strings and splats of the stuff connecting us together and dribbling down her cheeks to her dismay, but it was working and I was nearly there. Like the start of an earthquake where part of you has to go completely still to see if the reverberations are you or something larger than yourself, my eyes went drowsy and I had to grab her shoulders for support. I kept thrusting and felt a painful pressure in my massive sack from each of my balls as the biological engine thrummed to life and the warmth similar to an engine sent heat throughout my whole core causing me to perspire as if I had eaten a habanero pepper.

“Ohhh god.” I said with exasperation fearing that the orgasm might not feel good judging by the pain and pressure building up in my massive nuts. A thought that unsettled me greatly. My thrusting became slower and more methodical and I closed my eyes breathing through my teeth regaining my stability enough to put my hands back to jerk the lower half of my shaft. It was so hot to the touch that the water splashing around us felt lukewarm in comparison.

“There is so much precum it’s amazing. Cum for me. Give all your hot semen to me.” She said pulling her head back enough to avoid being bopped by the dripping flesh piston. She smiled and licked her lower lip going for a smattering of sauce clinging just above her chin and nodded before refocusing on claiming her prize and then the wet tight warmth of her lips and tongue were the pleasurable backboard to my thrusting yet again. She changed how she held her breasts and put more pressure on my shaft. It felt great. The welling sensation from my balls built up towards the tip until wet watery cum just started spilling out all over her face and pooled in her cleavage. It felt amazing, but I hadn’t even started cumming. She lapped it up like a dehydrated animal and used her hands to try and stop my thrusting so she could suck it down like someone using half a length of cardboard poster tube as a straw to two cum-soaked pineapples.

I grunted and felt the actual orgasm starting and there was a pleasurable pumping sensation as spasms built up, but the watery precum was all that continued spilling out the tip. Like a hose with no pressure after the spigot had been turned off, but the spigot had just been turned on. Or more likely, the old well pump was being primed and I could only grunt, wince, and exclaim meaningless syllables when finally the orgasm began in earnest.

“It’s so much! I can’t belie-” She said, fully mistaken about her assumption as a thick opaque braid of sticky whiteness blasted her face with such force she had to recoil and close her eyes. Her mouth opened as well in response and the latter gush of the stream hit the back of her throat and forced its way inside her. Her face was covered and dripping wet sloppy cables of semen hung off of her eyebrows, nose, ears, chin, and breasts. Her breasts fell away and she reached out blindly to try and regain control of my penis, but it forced a continuous torrent of cum at her face and chest again and again. It dripped down her shoulders and between her cleavage in slow sheets quickly coating her front half. While she flailed trying to control it, wayward shots hit the back walls and ricocheted into the ceiling. My vision blurred into whiteness like I was running a marathon and I couldn’t see anything and just groped at the glass I was leaning against to have some concept of bearing while my full focus was dominated by my body finally releasing all that built-up cum and my legs were numb with pleasure. I sank to my knees and leaned back and could feel both of the huge hot balls between my thighs oscillate in size forcing ounces at a time through the full length of my cock pulling a scintillating cloud of spiking pleasure along with it each time and letting it all go ahead of great pressure.

“Oh my gahh–” She shouted while semi-successfully deflecting beams of mayo until she finally wrestled the thing and got it pointed straight up blasting straight into the ventilation system sucking all the steam from the shower up with extreme efficiency. She carefully took one of her hands off of the thrashing penis which wouldn’t stop like a geyser on one-second intervals. She wiped her eyes hastily, regaining sight, and then wiped her nose and exhaled hard through it to see if she could still breathe nasally. She could if she was careful. The cum that was not sucked up directly into the vent, which was starting to make strange noises, splattered on the ceiling and was falling in big golf ball-sized drops all over and splashing into the semen on the floor.

“It’s still cumming. I can’t stop. It’s too much. I’m… I can’t… Help…” I said as consciousness began to fade and that was the last I remember besides the constant and continual orgasm which caused me to faint. Everything went dark.

The darkness that swept me up and embraced me felt tender and almost like a blanket that got warmer and cooler in time with each orgasmic spasm. Wrapped in the warm covers on a cool winter’s morning after the snow had freshly fallen. A refuge away from trouble and cold and suffering. It was cozy and complete. How long have I been here? I opened my eyes in the darkness and could see brilliant colors pulsing each time a wave of bliss crashed upon my shore. Intensity turned up, a brilliant spectrum of color rimmed my vision and warmed me like the sun shining from behind a cloud, and then the intensity was turned down again, although less warm than before, still comforting and nice.

I wanted to be there forever. But it could not be. I felt wet. There was a cacophony far in the distance and I heard the sounds of animals feeding hungrily. There was a squabble and yelling. Women were yelling. My head hurt and I groaned, reaching for my head.

“You killed him! How could you!” A shrill voice shouted and there was a scuffle.

“Like you need any more, you walking blimp hangar. You bitch.” A sarcastic and acidic voice chided in return.

“You’re just jealous, you psychopath. And as a matter of fact, I think I may love him…” The shrill voice calmed down and ended in a whisper. A third voice, very close to him, smacked their lips, burped, and exhaled hard swallowing.

“I don’t know what you two are worried about. There is a literal treasure trove here. I gotta catch up to you two girls. How long does this take again?” The third voice said and then the sound of something plunging into liquid and gulping followed.

“He’s waking up! He’s waking up!” It was Trish’s voice. “You are so lucky you didn’t kill him. I wouldn’t have forgiven you.” She was upset and there was loathing in her voice.

“Quit being so sentimental and let’s help the guy up. Are you ok?” My boss said, her voice getting nearer. I tried to open my eyes but they were sealed shut. “Haven’t you had enough yet Val? You won’t be able to walk!” She laughed.

“Yeah right, like that is even possible.” Her secretary Valentina said through gurgling sticky lips sloppily slurping something up mid-sentence.

“Anything is possible. Look what happened to our office. It’s an orgy out there. How I managed to keep everyone out beside you two is a miracle.” The Boss said.

My head was starting to clear up and I managed to breathe a few dusty breaths and wheeze out a request for water and they came over at once after they pulled me out of the pool of cum I had been laying in. It felt like I was an alien being birthed from primordial ooze as they pulled me out of the ooze, clinging to me in long thick strings. They dragged me across the floor and propped me up against a wall. With the help of the women, they began to peel off and clean my face and eyes with warm damp towels, or maybe their tongues, to melt and thaw the hardened crust on my face. That was when I realized my cock was still rock hard right in front of my face. In fact, I had to look up a little bit in a sitting position to see the very tip of the thing since I was leaning back. It was painfully hard and sticking straight up, bulging with veins from the base to the tip. I drank water which felt like lifeblood returning directly to my system.

“You look pretty pale, dear.” The boss said with a pouty face when I was looking at her. She was still stark naked except for two bath towels. One wrapped around her waist and another around her breasts which were the size of pumpkins. It was a really big fluffy towel, but there was cleavage above and below the crude, but luxurious, wrapping. Each of her breasts already was much larger than before and seemed so full and tight. When she knelt down to check on me I caught a long clear glimpse of her vagina and her clitoris. She caught me looking and smiled, waggling her eyebrows as I met her eyes again.

“I think I am alright. How long was I out? What happened? What time is it?” I rubbed my head and looked to my right side and Trish was there. Her breasts had grown as well and she had trouble moving around normally due to the size of her breasts. She had been big, much bigger than our boss was right now when I left her at the apartment and she hadn’t stopped growing since then. She stepped towards me, still wearing some dress pants that were stretched tight over her shapely legs and thick thighs. When she knelt down I thought I heard the seams of the stretch fabric creaking and she held a hand to my face cupping my chin.

“Hey, babe. There were screams from the boss's office and few people came to check out what was going on and after that some strange gas or smell started pumping out of the climate control vents and people started acting crazy.” Trish said. She sat down on her knees, unable to bear the weight of her large breasts which rested comfortably on her lap. She strained to move around comfortably and had to adjust her position using both arms to shift her bosom to a better spot. They covered her torso completely, clothed only in a huge button-down shirt that draped over them like a poncho, the bottom of her cleavage exposed clearly on the fabric of her legs. “The women began to loosen buttons, men began to adjust belts, and… and…” She trailed off.

“Apparently everyone just started going crazy and it all erupted into an orgy. Just listen for yourself.” Trish said standing tall above them both to their side. Looking up, her chest obscured most of her face and she was peeking over the shelf her huge breasts formed looking down at us. I could just barely make out a smile as I held my hand up to block out the light behind her on the ceiling. I reached for the water which she gave to me and I continued to drink. Each sip was revitalizing and I felt like a plant that had been abandoned to the sun for days finally getting that life-giving fluid just before I was spent for good. As I drank all the girls looked at me with loving eyes while I glanced around still taking it all in.

“After you came, the orgy started, and we broke in here and barred the door behind us, it must have been an hour at least. Maybe two.” Valentina added between gasps for breath spitting strings of sticky whiteness without even thinking. The poor girl was on her hands and knees drinking like a wild animal at an oasis. Her stomach bulged out and looked full and plump like she had been drinking the cum in the shower that whole time.

I continued to drink water as Trish and my Boss flanked me looking with pleading eyes. With increasing frequency they would lose focus and shake on their feet, waves of pleasure visibly spreading through them. Each time they would reach down and grab their own breasts and close their eyes feeling the growth while I watched it first hand. Flesh spreading and fattening through their delicate fingers as their posture fell forward unaccustomed to the weight. They were all standing with a slight hunch when they weren’t paying attention and were constantly correcting it and making circles with their shoulders.

I heard the moans and rhythmic thudding against walls as I strained to listen and my consciousness focused a bit more. I noticed the heavy weight of my balls spreading my legs apart and the still painfully hard erection standing nearly straight up. I was face to face with the head of the thing like it was challenging me to go against it. It must have been longer than two feet and thicker than Trish's or my boss's arm. A steady spilling stream of precum was dripping down the length of the pillar before me in shining rivulets.

“So, I came an hour ago and the smell went into the vents and now everyone is having an orgy outside?” I said looking up at my boss, and then down into the eyes of Trish. They both nodded and absent-mindedly refocused their attention on my cock and balls.

“Did you drink enough water? Ready to give us more?” Trish said smiling and upon saying it Valentina looked up from the pool she was in, face covered in hour-old cooled spunk. My Boss raised her eyebrow at the sentiment and looked down at me, cocking her head a little bit. I shook my head and put a hand to it. The girls inched closer and began to put their hands on me, and before I knew it six hands were stroking its full slick length.

“It won’t take long. It feels good right?” The boss said. “Just keep drinking water.” She purred while licking her lips and patting one of my fat balls jostling around on the ground. “Just keep cumming for us, darling.” And she leaned in, licking up and down. Trish finally got into position and scooched right up against me and her breasts enveloped almost the entire length, but unlike the taught overfull breasts of my boss and Valentina who were growing before my very eyes, Trish’s chest had settled enough to have a more natural shape and feel.

“I need your help, girls. There is no way I can do this alone.” Trish said while fruitlessly trying to lift both her breasts at once. It wasn’t happening. So the girls pitched in, Boss on my right, Valnetina on my left, and they began to press in from both sides and lift Trish’s breasts up and down at an asymmetrical pace. The pain of my erection began to fade out as the pleasure of having such soft warmth envelop me and the bouncing of my balls promised release yet again. I leaned back and continued to drink more and more water. My bladder should have been full to bursting, but it didn’t feel like that at all, and rather my thirst was still unabated. “Good job girls, he likes it. I think it’s working.” Trish said in a sultry voice. The girls put aside whatever differences they had as the promise of fresh seed tickled their noses.

“Ohh yes. It’s flowing more.” Valentina said, the reflection of my fist-sized cock head in her glittering eyes. She had a beard of cum on her face that wiggled each time her chin moved. She leaned in and heaved the breast she was manning with more gusto and shifted around trying to reach forward enough to get a tongue near the tip of my rod. Not wanting to fall behind, my boss also kicked up into overdrive. They both looked like people who finished a full meal doing intense exercises and that was because they were! But the feeling was building again. The gentle, but sharp pokes along my balls climbing up to my tip that heated and started blossoming into bursts of pleasure. I felt my eyelids get heavy and my heart started beating faster and faster to the point I could hear it in my own ears.

“He’s about to pass out again. He’s cumming!” The boss said with a smile on her face, picking up the pace more. The girls all found a rhythm in that moment and brought me past the brink. I took a deep breath and groaned as stars flashed through my vision and I felt pure bliss pump through me in great volume. The girls around me were screaming and laughing as it splatted onto the high ceiling and fell down in big globs onto all four of us. They opened their arms and held open their mouths letting it rain down on them. I did all I could to remain conscious as my lower half pulsed and spasmed independent of anything I tried to do. For endless seconds at a time, I felt so much cum twist through my insides spreading crystalline gems of orgasmic ecstasy and losing control of the rest of my body. My intense groaning fell away to a gentle and easy series of weak flowery moans.

“He looks so happy!” Trish said, “It must feel so good.” Her head tilted a little as a hot pearl syrup poured down from on high soaking her through. After a minute or so the spasms calmed down and my boss and Valentina were standing and slipping in the goo that was all over the floor spreading out. I was just breathing hard having ejaculated another marathon of semen. The water pitcher beside me was more than half full of my own cum and I had to drink or I felt like I'd die. I began to crawl away from the frenzy of them scooping up handfuls of sticky sperm and gobbling them greedily. I was able to clear the radius of my orgasm’s aftermath after pulling my lower half since it had gone numb overall and only pleasurable waves remained.

I made it to the sink and beside the girls in a feeding frenzy, I heard the sound of pounding on the door that they apparently barricaded. I managed to get to my feet and feeling the full weight of my balls and fully hard cock is unreal. After two such powerful ejaculations I looked down and they felt even heavier and looked bigger than before. The testicles hung down low like a pair of grapefruits stretching the nutsack around them to its limit. I wanted to sweat and felt the heat behind my brow, but no moisture came. I wiped it instinctively as I reached the sink and turned on the water and stuck my head under it drinking with desperation. I had to hook my huge wang under the floating counter in order to even get close enough to drink. I remained there for a long time until I couldn’t drink anymore.

“They are getting bigger. Bigger!” My boss said behind me. She chortled to herself, no doubt smiling. There was a gasp beside her, no doubt Trish.

“You’re right. They just keep swelling up! Keep drinking baby!” She said in an energetic voice. There was a long rude burp from around the corner and it was Valentina who finally met her match and drank too much. After perhaps five or ten minutes of chugging the pure running water, I felt like I could walk without collapsing. Water spilling from my chin I stood up and looked about. My Boss and Trish just stared at me expectantly and I knew why.

“I... I need a break. I need to make a phone call. Just a minute.” I said and began to walk towards them. They grabbed me and began to paw my flesh when I turned the corner. It didn’t seem like my erection was going to go down anytime soon even after being hard for two hours straight and two monumental orgasms. I saw Valentina on the ground flat on her back. It looked like she was pregnant and her already large breasts seemed to be swelling right before our eyes. She was almost as big as the Boss had gotten and was catching up fast. Her eyes were rolling around in her head and she burped every few minutes patting her tummy. I managed to not slip on the cum-slick tile outside of the shower and made it to the office area where I found my phone. I had missed more than a few messages from the doctor, who I wanted to talk to very much.

Her messages generally started with more explanation about the red pill and what it was capable of, but I had found out most of that the hard way. Also, it sounded like I was going to be fully erect for the foreseeable future until the initial effects of the pill wore off. That meant roughly another five or six hours depending on water intake. The warning to drink water also was repeated often and nearly nonstop with each message. Lastly, she said that if there was trouble or doubt, she would be able to administer treatment and could maybe devise some kind of counterdrug or antidote. But he would need to show up there. She warned him.

He sent a message saying he would work his way there and see if he could get a ride. She said she regretted she couldn’t give him a ride herself, but would be there waiting for him. That was when his boss and Trish came out. Trish's breasts bounced down below her waist with each step while the bosses were still filling out and were more like smallish beach balls protruding from her chest. I turned around quickly and started by their appearance.

“Not planning on leaving so soon are you?” The boss said. And Trish added to the comment with a pouty face. I felt my non-sweat come again.

“I actually think I need to see that doctor again. Do you think one of you guys could give me a ride back there? I have a feeling there might be a problem.” I started to explain and they just approached me slowly.

“No problems here, big boy.” My boss said as a huge crash sounded against the door to the room. The people on the outside were getting wild and it looked like things weren’t going to last. Another crash and the double doors were breached pushing back a desk and a few chairs that were haphazardly barricading it. After the door cracked open there was a gasp and the sound of people breathing deeply and the fervor renewed.

“I think that might be a problem. We need to get the heck out of here.” I shot back at her as arms began to push through the gap and slide the desk back.

“What if they try to take him from us?” Trish yelped in fear. The door buckled again and the people began to force their way through. They were all naked except for shreds of shirts pulled apart and off hastily and pulled-up skirts and pants hanging on by miracles alone. I took one glance in that direction and met eyes with one of the girls near the front of the orgy throng. Her makeup was ruined and she had wild eyes as she stared back.

“It’s him! I can smell it! I know it! He’s the source! It’s him!” She began to shout and shriek and the rabble renewed their desperation and the chairs fell away and the desk was soon pushed back. The boss and Trish formed a barrier in front of me holing up near the back of the room where the secret door had been as their orgy-crazed co-workers closed in.

“Everything you could ever want is back here, boys and girls. Urp.” Valentina said, stumbling forward from the side room. Her shirt was off and her bra was stretched to its limit as her growing breasts now as large as their bosses rested on top of her rotund overfull stomach. She got the throng's attention and they could smell the purity of the sauce on her and ran in her direction, trampling her in the process forcing more burbs and groans. The sound of splashing, licking, and groaning followed dealing with a majority of the group, but still more piled in.

“There are like forty people in this part of the office. Were they all affected?” the boss mused as the stragglers came in and smiled stupidly taking uneven steps towards the two extremely curvy women protecting me, or rather, my penis. I didn’t want to stick around to find out and began to step back, grabbing my boss's keys off of her desk and reaching for the unassuming door we used to enter her office. My boss growled at me and shook her head. “Don’t you leave me here with these cum zombies.” She looked back when two or three of her lessers began to press up against her, fondling her breasts and pulling off what little clothes she still had on. Another group of guys did the same to Trish until they were stripped. They soon had guys and girls licking them up and down for a taste of the ‘source’ as it was quickly becoming known.

Girls from the office grabbed a hold of my dick while I was backing up and began to lick and fellate it in desperation, rubbing their bodies against it and squeezing and rubbing the huge balls between my legs. I couldn’t get away if I tried with this two-foot-long weapon jutting from me and these pendulous wrecking balls full of pure sexual madness-inducing gold. Three members of the accounting department, a graphic designer, and I think one of the lunch staff were worshiping my phallus, and against all their passion and desperation I couldn’t win. I’d never been with three people before an hour ago and now was up to double that and they weren’t going to take no for an answer. I saw Trish and my boss smiling as they pushed thirsty co-workers down between their legs and enjoyed feeding them directly. Seeing their smiles turned me on as much if not more than the six maidens working me up and down and my orgasm started again.

There was a great cheer as they continued to jerk my ejaculations up to their full power and I began to hose down the room in ten-foot lengths of hot cum at a time. It shot through the far double doors, it splatted against the walls, soaked the floor, and generally drew anyone else who hadn’t had a proper sample to come for the feast. Like ants clearing up a mess in nature the entire office began going over every surface of the room starting with the thickest deepest pools until they were hunting for mere droplets. The orgasm was amazing and once my powerful semen began to spray it was like children playing in an open fire hydrant and the orgy was renewed once again, this time claiming Trish and the Boss in the process. My hands started shaking and as soon as I regained control over my legs I began to slip out of the building as fast as I could.

I was leaving a trail of cum behind me no doubt since I still felt my balls pumping out cum as I waddled bow-legged at as high a speed as I could to the boss's car. I didn’t care about anything and just knew that I needed to get to the doctor and she would make everything better again. I had to believe that as I ran fully naked, a huge raging erection bobbing, and with fabulously large balls bouncing all over. I made it to her car and sat down. After I carefully pulled my balls in setting them over the edge of the car seat, I also pulled my erection in front of the steering wheel after it knocked around the turn signals and windshield wiper controls. I couldn’t even get into a car normally anymore…

I slammed the petal to the metal and realized how thirsty I was. At a red light, I looked around for any kind of drink and found a plastic bottle half full of hot sun-baked water and threw it down with glee. That was all I had for the twenty or so-minute drive back to the clinic. I felt pangs of regret for leaving everyone behind but I had to get out of there or who knows how long I would have been trapped there. Who knows what was going to become of them, I thought when my mind wandered.

My thirst was maddening and I felt like I was drowsy or drunk or something as the thirst began to go away. There was only one thought on my mind as I sped down the highway and that was the doctor. The doctor and her huge breasts filled with live-bringing milk. I don’t remember much after locking onto that thought and the next thing I knew there was a crash and the sound of the car’s horn.

“Oh gosh! Are you alright?” It was a voice from far away. Familiar and kind. My lolling head pulled up enough to refocus from the whiteness that pervaded my vision and showed a general silhouette. “Oh no… It has come to this. I need a gas mask.” There was mumbling after that and after a moment I felt the belt around my waist click and I fell out of the vehicle. The pavement was hot and I scraped my arm, elbow, and legs in the collapse. “Can you walk? Come here.” It was a woman’s voice and She grabbed me, helping me to my feet. She smelled so good. She smelled like home. “Sit here and take a breath. I will bring you some water. Please tell me you are still thirsty.” I don’t even know if I responded. I must have been breathing or growling or hyperventilating or something.

I felt her hands put a glass of water into mine and she brought it up to my lips. I didn’t even respond until I felt a drip on my tongue and began to drink ravenously. She brought more and more until I had had enough.

“MILK!” I said and blinked my eyes. It was the doctor after all. She seemed shorter, or I was taller. I changed my stance and my rock-hard phallus aimed right at her face. “Do you still have milk?” I twitched and my neck spasmed a little bit. She was wearing a large red sweater and her breasts had shrunken quite a bit. She could stand on her own again after all. The lab coat couldn’t be closed and she was wearing a gas mask too.

“I… I am not lactating anymore if that is what you mean, but I do have the milk. You want milk?” She said with more than a hint of nervousness in her voice. I nodded and licked my lips flexing my cock and pushing out some globs of precum onto the floor of the lobby area where she had tried to seat me. She walked off and came back a moment later wheeling out a small container that had condensation on it. It was rigged up to a hose like the one I had left her hooked up to the night before. She checked the piping and held one end to me with a shaky hand and slowly loosened the valve letting the milk flow. I began to suck eagerly immediately and finally, it hit my lips. “There’s a good boy. Drink up. You will feel better soon.” She cooed, putting her hand through my hair while her other was poking the hot taught vein-laden surface of my penis. Then my testicles as well. “I didn’t know they could actually get this big. I underestimated a lot of things.” She said to herself as I sucked down milk at an alarming pace.

She pulled out a recording device and began to take a video of me and start to narrate the situation while I drank milk staring at her the whole time. I couldn’t stop drinking no matter what and didn’t care anyway. She just slowly circled me and went around zooming in and reaching out to touch and squeeze and test all the surfaces noting details and making comments along the way. She would ask me yes or no questions which I nodded to or held up a number of fingers corresponding to hours or days or times or the rough number of ropes I shot when I came. That took a few tries before she understood what I meant.

“With more stimulation, the subject should finally see an end to priapismic symptoms, but only time will tell. The testicles, as stated before, have become swollen and the intake of water and fluids is directly affecting semen production. Let’s take a closer look.” She knelt down holding her phone up very close to one of my testicles, the sound of milk gulping in the background, dripping from my mouth down onto the swelling nut. “It is actually growing before our eyes, oh my goodness, if you just take a look. And. Do you see it? I can’t believe progress has come this far. And you only took one red pill, right?” I nodded at her question. She reached a hand up and felt the ball giving it a squeeze on camera. “Diameter of the testicle must be at least twenty to twenty-five centimeters and growing. Weight, or should I say the volume of each one must be nearer to two liters rather than one.” She shook her head as she said it, feeling the weight of the balls in my sack swelling between her fingers. “And growing.”

She looked with a thousand-yard stare and then cautiously looked up at me. I was staring at her directly in the eyes as I spit out the hose, not a drop wasted. A sudden look of fear and panic ran across her face and she stood up slowly and began to back away.

“I am still thirsty,” I said in as calm a voice as I could tolerate. “And I am tired of drinking from the can.”

“Like I said, I don’t think I am still. That I could even…” She began to protest walking backward slowly as I followed her footstep for footstep, huge balls and cock swinging closer and closer to her. She was backed against a wall still holding her camera and I stepped forward, the tip of my cock just perfectly at the height of her mouth and we were both standing. The gas mask blocked the way and I slid forward a tiny bit more using the quivering head of my monstrous penis as a crowbar and flicked the mask off replacing it in her mouth and splitting her lips apart. I squeezed my balls together hard and ran both my hands from the base of my shaft all the way to the tip, wringing out a thick gelatinous build-up of precum from my pipe right into her mouth.

“Maybe this will help,” I said slowly as she swallowed the precum without much more provocation. Her nipples got visibly hard after the first swallow so I squeezed my balls together again and repeated the process giving her a few more mouthfuls until I noticed her nipples were poking out from the sweaters so far I was surprised and smiled when the wet spots started to form. “Look at that, Doctor! A miracle!” I said and she smiled weakly still trying to keep up with the precum I was feeding her wholesale. She seemed scared, but she shimmied her shoulders dropping the lab coat on the floor, and reached down grabbing her sweater hem pulling it up slowly waiting for me to pull my cock back to let her disrobe properly. She wasn’t wearing a bra and her nipples looked like D batteries as the tiniest streams of milk were squirting from her.

“This is what you wanted right? My milk?” She asked, smacking her lips and trying to swallow the rest of what I had given her. I smiled.

“I think the milk is just better for me than plain old water. There is something about your milk, doctor. Something about your milk that seems to really get my engine going.” I stretched my neck and shoulders as my penis slowly wedged its way between her cleavage and aimed straight up under her neck drooling precum. “I think you turn me on more than all of them. You are the only one who remains calm. Remains human, you know? I don’t think I have ever seen you turn into a cum zombie like the rest of them. Do you?” I squeezed my balls and wrung my hands along my length again smearing a sticky mess across her face. Enough that it oozed down in lazy cords. Her eyes and mouth were closed and she must have been holding her breath. I started laughing when something stabbed me in the gut.

I felt a pang of pain and almost doubled over. The feeling spread out and I stepped back and had to stand up to stretch out. It felt like I had done a hundred crunches suddenly and my whole torso was convulsing. I let out snarling breaths trying to compensate for the pain and began to scream with rising intonation. She took the opportunity to reach for her phone again and aimed it at me. The pains were cramps mixed with extreme hunger and thirst. I had pretty much always been thirsty for the past few days, but this was something else. My tongue went dry and I began to look around in desperation. I felt sweat that wasn’t there pouring from me as the pains swelled in my balls and along my erection.

“Subject has ingested one or more of Formula W17D. Within the last twenty to thirty minutes. Showing signs of painful reaction, heightened arousal, sexual gnosis…” She was recording a video or something. Rattling off science talk. I felt them grow. Like before, but faster. So much faster. My arms were out to the sides, fists clenched, and naked from the waist down. My cock was harder than it ever felt before and I looked down with each pulse of blood I felt more and more pressure pushing into my shaft and it stretched and swelled outward getting thicker, longer, and heavier. Growing a few centimeters in only a few seconds. The pain of the stretching was paired with the weight slowly tipping my balance forward.

“Oh shit. Ohh shit… Ohh…. Oh my…” I was saying the words breathlessly just staring down at my cock getting longer and thicker. That was when the swelling in my nuts sped up as well. Like filling up water balloons with a hose I could feel all the water and milk I drank being processed in my body faster than it ever had before. I felt feverish and was breathing hard as my body was working in excess of its normal capability. My knees started to bend involuntarily as the weight shifted towards my balls, expanding them visibly. I looked down and past the stalk of my throbbing phallus and couldn’t believe my own eyes as the orbs beneath them grew larger and rounder.

“Subject’s phallus has extended multiple centimeters in roughly 15 seconds. Overall length has exceeded sixty, maybe seventy centimeters, and growing. Diameter roughly ten, approaching fifteen centimeters. And still… growing.” She paused her little report to take deep hot breaths as my schlong hardened and extended closer towards her, a steady oozing drip of thick precum dropping on the floor. The main wave of pain subsided and I could stand upright again and everything was tinted with rose color. My focus shifted to her and the trickles of milk squirting from the long thick nipples standing atop the pair of beautiful shapely breasts. They were still bigger than Trish was despite shrinking so much from being big enough to immobilize her the night before. She began to look around nervously holding her hands up but I approached.

“More.” I intoned and my cock flexed involuntarily flinging a spindling branch of swirling cum in her direction. It slapped across her face and the wall behind her. “Drink more and make more milk for me,” I said using one strong hand to guide the tip of my behemoth towards her lips again. She put her hands against each wall of the corner she was backed into and slyly turned the phone on us both. One slow and rough fore stroke gave her enough so she needed to gulp twice or thrice. Just precum. A wave of pain shot through me again, but it didn’t matter at that point. I smiled as my balls swelled up to the size of my own head pressing against my thighs. The pressure building inside and the stretching of my nutsack stung, but it was going to feel amazing when I finally let loose again. Better than I ever imagined. Better than any person had ever known. I felt my cock pressing against her more and more even though I hadn’t stepped forward and lavished in the pain which felt more like pleasure as my cock grew a few more centimeters. It stretched out from my body so far that it felt almost like a third leg pulsing with its own powerful needs.

“The condom. Please.” Was the best she could do, cum smattered across her cheeks and lips she licked desperately. She was falling prey to my pheromones no doubt, like they all would. “For science, please. We need this to make you better. That is why you came here right?” She said in a calm, yet shaky voice while holding out a large foil square at me she produced from a pocket. I smiled and shook my head, obliging this flight of fancy, and unraveled the thing down the entire length of my shaft until it couldn’t go anymore. It hadn’t even reached halfway down to the base of my shaft and felt very tight. Her expression seeing that was one of pure surprise bordering on horror. “Those are… are… forty centimeters long…”

I said nothing and began jerking off with two hands feeling the weight of the heavy volleyball-sized weights swinging between my bowed legs and came very quickly. Although protected by the condom, the doctor felt the force and heat of the ropes that would have coated her head completely as the pressure from behind the rubber smacked her countless times. Her mouth opened instinctively trying to catch it, but the welcome meal was snatched away by a barrier of latex. The speed, volume, and intensity of the orgasm and gushing semen paralyzed me temporarily. It felt amazing, but not like a true orgasm before with the girls at the office. This was more like a pre-ejaculation just to get the excess out. I fell to my knees, cock flexing wildly and with anger and urgency ejecting my balls for its own safety. I was grunting loudly as the jets of cum continued to fill the condom fuller and fuller sliding it further and further off my spasming rod. She closed her eyes breathing hot and felt the warmth of the swollen bulb drag between her breasts and down her torso until I hit the ground. The globe on the end of the condom grew fatter and fatter until there was nearly a bucket’s-worth of hot sauce hanging off of the peach-sized tip of my vicious anaconda.

When the spasms began to slow and just as the vessel threatened to swing off the end of my tip she reached forward and snatched it, tying it off quickly and grabbed the end of my cock and brought it to her lips and sucked. It had been about a minute since my orgasm began and there was still plenty for her to enjoy. Somewhere within me, there was a strength and a desire I couldn’t ignore and my ability to stand and walk returned to me. As my balls were pulsing the final squirts of seed into the doctor's mouth I guided her down and slid back until she was on her hands and knees drinking from me. It didn’t even look like she knew where she was at that moment as she drank and drank. Her breasts hung down low enough that her large nipples brushed the floor, coating it in milk which was now spraying in a stronger stream than before. Her phone was off to the side aimed up at us by some chance of fate, but I didn’t care about anything but cumming. I had to ejaculate. That was all there was for me.

I slowly sat her down until she was on her back underneath her large wobbling breasts. They rested partially on the floor so she wasn’t being crushed and could still breathe from the looks of it. I started to thrust gently between her breasts, my balls pressing against her thighs. I started undoing the button of her pants when it burst open sending the button flying across the lobby and the zipper began to pull apart. My semen was having an effect already. She moaned and groaned shifting back and forth and I heard the ripping of her pants as her ass and thighs broke free and the cloth lay in tatters underneath her. Her relief was apparent and she let out a honeyed sigh as her panties were pulled into an interconnection of taught strings digging between her moist lips. My balls were hot against her thighs and vagina and my entire length ran up her stomach, between her breasts, and ended just near her mouth.

“What are you going to do? There is no way that thing will… No way in hell, buddy.” She was protesting. I was already there, standing above her looking down at her spread legs and soaking, welcoming, pussy. Her nipples were still spraying milk and soaking my penis completely. I used the lubrication and thrust back and forth on one knee, needing the extra leverage to slide a proper distance along her front side and smear cum everywhere. I started to slow the head down closer and closer to her vagina with a cruel smile on my face. I couldn’t help it. The thought of finally having sex with someone after size denied me would be something amazing. She was reading my thoughts, though.

“No. Not there. Not yet. I would need another injection for that.” She was firm and insane sex drugs or not, I knew she was right, but saw a solution to all of our problems. I went back to my previous position between her breasts.

“I won’t, don’t worry. But that injection sounds interesting. We need to try that sometime. But it’s time you got to drink from the source. I’ve been watching you get off fingering yourself this whole time and though sex is out of the question, I have an idea.” I said while pumping between her breasts working my way forward on my knees and sidling up between her legs. My shaft was directly against her vagina, spreading the lips apart as thick bulging veins played a slow drum beat across her clitoris. Her legs and crotch were so wet that after a few good thrusts, it spread all the way between her cleavage and I was fucking her thighs, grinding against her vagina, getting a titty fuck, and if I wasn’t mistaken, the beginning of a blow job simultaneously.

She wrapped her legs up and around my shaft like she was hanging from below a rope and climbing across a river. The sheer amount of milk, lubricant, and precum coating us both essentially turned every surface of her into a slippery mess that clung to me as tightly as possible while I thrust. She was sliding back and forth on the floor since it was so slippery and wet and I couldn’t stop. The cold floor against my bare feet and balls, the wet slippery heat of the doctor, and the fire from the engines of flesh burning inside me all coalesced into this moment.

The pangs of pain gave way to thrilling pleasure as the pent-up energy and pressure that strained to break free finally began to splash over the levy within. My ears popped and my breath quickened as torrents of cum instantly coated the doctor’s upper half and the entirety of the walls near the corner she was in. She had to let go of me in the interest of self-preservation and covered her puffy vagina up as tightly as she could with one hand and her nose and mouth with the other. She was trapped in a downpour as my relentless orgasm propelled countless blasts of thick hot cum all over her. The force was so strong that I felt myself sliding back on the milk and cum-slick floor I was kneeling on with each pulse. It must have looked like a firehose being sprayed upon a fresh prisoner as she scrambled to her hands and knees in an attempt to get away from the constant flow of cum.

I on the other hand lost all concept of time and my body beside the white hot glow of pure ecstasy as each spasm taxed the whole of my being in exchange for orgasmic glee of the highest purity. I was crying, I think, while my body fell backward hanging limp as it was slowly propelled backwards. Only my balls and penis were active then as the peak orgasm of my entire life reached its pinnacle and all went white in my eyes and the room itself. I was floating in a space of white warmth and the pulse of an orgasmic burst at intervals was all I could feel, all I could hear, all I could smell, and all I could taste. There were muffled sounds below the clouds which I was sailing above in that realm of light, propelled upward by the intensity of these feelings that just kept coming and coming. I was in that place of light for a long time until I began to feel drowsy and closed my eyes to blink. The instant I opened them I was laying on a bed in a completely different room than I remember I was in.

I was still naked and there was a condom on the tip of my cock which was still pumping out semen slowly filling the bag. My dick was actually partially soft and orgasming itself to softness. The slow pulses of gentle orgasm were my new heartbeat as I looked around the room. It was a small windowless white room that looked like any other clinical doctor's room. There was a strange pattern of foam egg crates on the wall in large square panels from about halfway up the wall to the ceiling. It was completely silent. I saw my arm which had an iv drip installed and taped connected to a very large bag of some kind of saline or other isotonic fluids. I was thirsty, but it wasn’t a situation of desperation anymore. I tried to lean up but found my neck was actually held fast to the bed. So were my arms and also my ankles. I struggled for a moment and calmed down.

“Hello? Doctor?” I called towards the door. The single rectangle of fluorescent lights above me was my only source of entertainment since I couldn’t even see more than the top third of the door on the far wall. I called out a few more times and then held my breath intent on listening. The pulsing in my ears in time with the orgasm was annoying, but I thought I heard the sound of footsteps once or twice. I sighed and lay back enjoying the feeling of my receding orgasm as my mammoth prick finally began to get soft.

I don’t know how much later it was, but I was completely soft by then and the silicone bag on the end of my soft cock was filled with a load the size of a gourd. It ended up resting against my leg and it was hot and I could smell it even through the condom. It was so pungent. I thought I heard footsteps again and listened carefully. I think there was a scream or a laugh or something, but I couldn’t be sure. I sighed and looked back up at the ceiling for a while when I heard her voice. Doctor Michelle Cuunis.

“You are awake? That is a miracle. I thought we lost you.” She said jovially, closing the door behind her. I caught the merest glimpse of what looked like old brick and darkness in the room beyond. She was clean, dressed up in her lab coat and a fresh sweater and skirt, and approached me. Her nipples seemed huge and misshapen or something, but otherwise was the same doctor I always knew. There was a rhythmic mechanical ‘whrr whrr whrr whrr’ that followed her in as well. She seemed as happy and smiled at me as she approached my bedside.

“Thought you lost me?” I said. “Is that why I am chained to this bed? Where am I?” I gave a play struggle and she patted my head and without a second thought snatched the condom from my limp dick that had fallen in a coil of flesh between my thighs, knees, and calves. She held it up and smiled before tying it off. I noticed something stuffed into her nose, but she looked down at me from behind her ruby red frames. The ‘whrr’ing sound was louder as she stood over the bed and I could see that the shapes over her nipples were moving one after another and there was a small hose trailing from under her shirt to a sizeable container attached to her hip on a belt.

“That orgasm that started in the lobby has lasted…” She checked her watch and arched her eyebrows. “Five hours.” She said it so casually, but I couldn’t believe it. I mean, after my previous big orgasms they would go on for minutes at a time, maybe tens of minutes, but five hours? I instinctively tried to lean up and look at my cock but was held back again. “Sorry about that. Allow me.” She said and leaned down to unhook a few locks and my head was free. She also loosened up the length of the restraints around my wrist so I could scratch my nose and even my knees if I stretched in a weird pose. I was still chained to the bed, though.

“Is this necessary?” I held up my cuffed hands. She nodded.

“I don’t know if you remember, but you were on the very edge of reason towards the end there, my dear. Watch this.” She said while holding up her phone which looked like found-footage horror of me, red in my eyes, approaching her with a cock the size of a torpedo ready to try and impale her. She took it away and when I met her eyes she had a very serious look on her face and I felt like I had been scolded without a word being said.

“I…I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.” Was all I could say as I looked away.

“Thankfully, nothing too bad happened and you weren’t too far along. You must have drank enough water to delay the worst of it until you could get to me and then my milk ended up bringing you back from the brink just in time. Thanks for this by the way.” She said pulling up her sweater where two large pumps hung from and sucked away at her prominent nipples, milk flooding the cups back and forth. Her breasts were larger than they had been when my orgasm started. “But I hope you understand that until we progress further along in the process of rehabilitation you may need to be restrained.”

“That. That is probably for the best. You are right.” I sat up in the bed and arched my back a bit. It hurt to stretch. “My body aches so much. It’s like all my muscles are on fire.” She nodded with understanding while putting her sweater back down and patting my shoulder.

“I can help you with that. Now I need you to sign this release form and we can go forward with the rehabilitation.” She held the clipboard she had been guarding in her hand to me. There was a pen slotted through the clip and the only document on it seemed to be this waiver form. I was still a little hazy from the orgasm and who knows what else. I just wanted to get better and back to normal again and couldn’t contend with the letters dancing across this page.

“You haven’t done me wrong before despite all the times I have messed things up with you. Do you think you can get me back to normal again? Like, able to rejoin society without causing orgies within a mile of where I cum?” I said weakly, holding the clipboard and pulling out the pen. She smiled and nodded.

“It won’t be easy, but that is the goal. You went a bit too far with the red pill I think, but everything is ultimately temporary and we can work on reversing some of the effects. Some others will be a bit more permanent. We will have to see.” She explained jovially over the constant rhythmic ‘whrr’ing. “And it’s all you can eat and drink while you are down here!” She quipped and shook her head. I liked the sound of that and signed on the line handing her the clipboard casually. She grabbed it and double checked everything and nodded in approval.

“Thanks, doctor,” I said and she put her hand on my shoulder easing me to lay back again.

“Thank you. Let’s get you better. Now this is just a waiting room, so let’s get you to your rehabilitation area, shall we?” She smiled and I smiled and then she quickly tighten the restraints around my arms, ankles, and neck again kind of harshly.

“Doctor, that’s kind of tight…” I began and she let out one laugh. She rounded the back of the bed and soon the shelf of her huge breasts was all I could see above me as she wheeled the bed towards the door.

“I’m sorry about that. I will loosen them up in a little bit. Let me get you to your place as I said. Please don’t question my methods, it could affect the length and efficacy of treatment” I couldn’t see her face, but saw the bottoms of her breasts under her sweater and the pulsing of the pumps sucking milk from her full breasts.

“I… I see.”

“Just lay back and enjoy the ride. If you are a good boy then you might get out in a month or two.” She said it so casually as she opened the door and pulled the stretcher through. The hallway was immediately dark and dingy. The sound of water dripping, the humidity and heat coming from the pipes lining the ceiling and walls, and everything was very unlike any kind of clinic I could think of.

“Is this actually a…”

“Oh yes. Just busy doing a remodel. For some reason, the workers can’t get any work done.” She answered my question pulling me along and there were audible screams and cries echoing down the long hallway. There were doors along the wall inside brick alcoves on either side and most of them closed, but I could see out of the corner of my eye a few that were open and there were other men inside of them with erect penises almost as large as mine had been. There were wires and other things attached to them and they screamed and buckled in their beds as if they were being forced to ejaculate or something. I felt true fear.

“What happened to that guy? Did he take the pills too, or?” I was taking in sights and sounds that made me worry. I looked at the clipboard tucked under her arm. With my signature on it. What did I just sign?

“Oh, he took a much older version. Hopefully, if we restart his treatment with the information we learned from your trial, he will be fit to go out again. All he cares about is cumming cumming cuming, though. So I give him what he wants and he seems fine with it.” She looked back smiling. “You are special though. I will need to make a special setup for your ‘rehabilitation'’” she said while holding up her fingers and making air quotes before letting out a cackle. The smile and glance she made at me at that moment told me all I needed to know.

The hallway opened up into a large open area, still all brick walls and pipes. There were a few large silver tanks set up and what looked like a variety of piping and machinery and other hardware. Crates and other boxes also lined the area and there were echoes of water dripping, mice squeaking, and whatever yells made their way this far into the dungeon I found myself in. She kicked the lock into place and walked over above me lifting her shirt over one large breast.

“Thirsty?” She raised an eyebrow. “Your IV is running low and I won’t be able to come back for another hour or two so you might want to drink up. What do you say?” She held a hand up to her soft breasts and bobbed it up and down gently. My focus went blurry and I just opened my mouth as she leaned down and let me suck. It tasted so good. I felt a prick on my thigh and soon began to dream of sucking her breasts and making her proud of me. The dreams comforted me and all my fears and worries about what I saw in the hallway and the screams fell away.

She was going to help me get better. I drank deep of the sweet cream that she let down just for me. Everything was going to be alright.


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