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A wonderful week to you my dear Patron.

At least that is what I hope for you greatly. I did something today which took a lot of willpower. And that was backing up the data on my computer. I use an old surface pro 4 and I adore it, but they do this thing after a certain amount of time where the battery balloons up and pops the screen off. Ultimately all this precedes a total failure of the battery, AKA, a small-scale acid bomb explosion that ruins the machine for the most part if left for too long.

Why does this matter? Why can't I just read about big old honking knock knocks and wangalangs? You certainly can my dear patron, scroll onward and you have almost 5,000 delicious words for your personal enjoyment.

Why it matters, to me at least, is that my laptop screen and general case area has started bulging a bit. And not the bulging that we all love here, although I will admit that when viewed from the side, the curvature of the reflective screen is beautiful. It is the underlying doom awaiting that concerns me the most though. My desktop recently heaved a final sigh as well and I almost lost decades of data. I did lose some because I didn't have enough flash drives and didn't want to spend more and more money on these things and... Needless to say I am a bit more cautious about my data being lost and this battery thing is literally a ticking time bomb so I backed all my stuff up. Pat on the back today.

I will be scanning ebay for another ancient relic surface pro, maybe gamble and try the 5 although the 4 is so good. I will do a bit more research.  Losing my laptop would mean a main lifeline for my writing. My desktop is alright, but I'd need to change the chair or something to get in a posture good enough to type the length of time I would be sitting there.  The laptop keyboard is just so sleek and portable, of course, so I prefer it.

Let me tell you, dear patron, that your contributions will be responsible for the possibility of even getting a new laptop. I am not made of money and when I got this laptop second hand off ebay like two or three years ago I paid a good few hundred bucks or so for it and all the fixins.  It is cheaper now, but upon reflection it only lasted two or three years. Not terrible for the price, but maybe I will think about this battery thing a bit more. Anyway. Not the time nor place for that talk. Some of the money from the patreon will go towards getting me a new writing machine. Hopefully one that is a bit quicker, although I have bogged this machine down with so much data it is messy. Also, the 't' on my keyboard is funky. Just the things you deal with when you are working with machines that you adore so much.

There you have it, my headspace for the day apparently. Back up your data people! Grab a 30 something gig thumb drive and pop that sucker in a USB slot and get to dragging and dropping.

PSA over.

Please enjoy this teaser and look forward to what is to come.  The chapter is barely even half over and the best is yet to come.

Ta ta!



“I am glad you like what you see.” She reached over and patted my bulge rubbing it like a buddha belly for good luck, never breaking eye contact. “I have been waiting for you to come back for a week. I plan on giving you a bonus if you score adequately on your performance review. She gave two final pats on my bulge, stared at it with glistening eyes for a long poignant moment, and then something snapped in her brain and she looked at the road with full attention, reversed out quickly leaving broken glass from her smashed headlight on the ground, and slammed the car into drive peeling off to rejoin traffic.

To say she was speeding was an understatement as I gripped the door handle and the shoulder portion of her seat digging my nails in tightly.  Each small little bump on the ground while she zoomed between cars going down the freeway changing lanes felt like hitting a speed bump in a school zone at 60. My whole body left the seat each time and fell down with a plop, following a physical earthquake of my balls slamming into either my lap or against the front of the seat slapping around. I felt the precum gush a bit more each time and could start to smell it.  Her breasts as well were bouncing all over the place and I could see the outline of the bra cup against her breasts through the stretched fabric of the vest.

Each bounce brough that outline lower and more and more of her big round breasts were breaking free of that pathetic garment. It was around when she swerved around a semi-truck at maybe 100 miles an hour and slammed the break halfway down the offramp when there was a bit of morning traffic that her boobs jumped the proverbial ship and were bouncing loose in her shirt. She snarled a little, either at traffic or her clothing issues, I couldn’t tell immediately. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and relaxed visibly.

“So you are a really good driver, Boss. Where did you learn those skills?” I tried to break the tension from the semi-kidnapping taking place. Why was I going along with this anyway? The car scooted forward with an abrupt jolt and stopped again. We were locked in the dreaded bumper to bumper nightmare that was the One-Ten offramp to Main Boulevard.  It was a tech centric part of town and on the section of the highway between the airport and a bunch of golf courses so it was backed up every morning after seven o’ clock. It was 7:45. I usually got to work by 7:20 and that was after sitting at the coffee shop nearby and having a breakfast coffee and bagel or something getting off the highway early enough to make sure I wasn’t trapped in this hell.

“I just love driving. Fast cars, fast guys. All of it.” She said in a surprisingly calm voice. She breathed in very deep and then let out a long sigh, throwing her arms on the steering wheel and banging her head against them. Her breasts hung down leaving maybe an inch or two between the wheel and her torso proper. They hung down so low and large that there was only an inch or two from the hard tips poking through the fabric and her round gray-nylon covered thighs.

“We are gonna be stuck here for like 30 mi-” I began.

“I know. Obviously I know.” She said with a start. Her car jolted forward and stopped abruptly another few feet and she growled in disapproval, reached under her vest taking her hands off the wheel and began to pull her bra straps over her arms one after the other. “So I had all week to think about it, and you have to tell me. Is your semen like an addicting drug or something? One that makes girls' tits get bigger?” She looked over to me with a serious face.

“It is kind of complicated, but for the most part, yes.” I came clean. I had to.

“So if I drink more cum, will my breasts get even bigger?” She asked. “And is it permanent? They have mostly just been blowing up in the days following our meeting in my office, but I feel like they finally stopped and might even be getting smaller.” She reached up with a hand to cup a breast and tested its heft.

“I don’t know if it is permanent, like forever, but for me the more I come the smaller my balls seem to get.  My dick is a bit more permanent I think, but my doctor assures me it won’t last forever.  Some of the gains are permanent though, she said.” I felt like I had a responsibility to these women who were affected by the choices that I made.  I didn’t necessarily expect things to end up like this, but this is where I ended up.  She was nodding as the car smoothed forward another few feet and a guy on a motorcycle whipped down the shoulder of the off ramp towards traffic.  We weren’t too far from the horrendously placed traffic light which caused this mess now.

“Well. I am pretty sure you know this, but I am going to drink you dry, boy. And your work ethic aside, you’ve deserved a raise for a long time anyway. So consider it a double whammy.  I have been fantasizing about our encounter in the office since I woke up that night from all the fun we had.” She shook her head and was smiling while reaching around her back arching her chest forward pressing her breasts against the steering wheel, the top half of her breasts just below the nipples jutted out as she started undoing the hooks of her bra.

“Yeah, I. I had a feeling. I have to tell you that I took one more experimental treatment that will speed up the effects of treatment I had until now and will ultimately stop the effects. I can’t live like this anymore despite how great it all seems.  I was thinking about quitting my job before you peled into the parking lot. Anyway, I have a feeling you will be able to get all you want and more from me today.  Take as much as you want.  The sooner it’s over the better.” I was staring into the space in front of us and she finally got the back hook off and pulled the bra from under her vest. The outline of the cup falling away and leaving smooth round breasts with two perfect points on each breast tip was a lovely sight and she handed the bra over to me.

“I don’t fit in this anymore, but I did two days ago. That was two days after our encounter. I haven’t had a growth spurt like this in my life. And the last time my breasts grew more than a cup size in any span of time I could measure readily was back in my twenties.” She shrugged her shoulders, jostled her tits around getting comfortable and finally leaned back in her chair, one hand on the wheel, the other on the shifter between us.

“36G” I read it aloud and looked up to her. “And you said this one doesn’t fit you anymore? But it did two days ago? I mean, your boobs are a lot bigger than normal, boss what can I say?” I shrugged too.

“I used to wear a 34 DDD, although an E probably would have been better. But three cup sizes… and because of all this other weight I am gaining in my ass, hips, and torso… I can’t wear a size 34 anymore or else it’s so tight on me there are red welts after only a few hours.  I went out and got the new one and already it doesn’t fit anymore.” She was ranting and complaining as her pinky finger began to touch my thigh gently.

“I can relate, I think. I can really only wear this hospital gown at the moment. These aren’t even underpants. It’s just a hospital gown that I tied around me enough times so I wouldn’t keep banging against my own balls.” I double checked the knots and adjusted myself the best I could.  We finally pulled into regular traffic and she was more focused on driving now than she had been when we were waiting in traffic. Her hand put the car in drive and then rested atop my package casually rubbing around and seeing exactly what was situated where.

“I bet you can relate. You better start investing in skirts, nah, haha, dresses if you plan on going into public ever again.” She smiled while changing lanes and a bump sent everything flying and she enjoyed it. “Well whatever happens, you need to introduce me to your doctor friend. I’d like to speak with her about all this.” She said, nodding as they approached the corporate plaza where our building was.

“I can do that, sure. She is an eccentric I think. All this stuff is obviously in the experimental stage so I had to sign a ton of waivers and stuff.” I said.

“Any NDAs?” She asked with an eyebrow raised.  I looked up trying to remember. It was only a week or so ago, but so much had happened.

“I don’t even know. I was already naked from the waist down and she said it was basically no different than a supplement that would make me cum more.” I paused thinking of the implications of how many people I told… “Man I am totally fucked if things go badly.” I put my hands on my head and my boss patted my shoulders rubbing my back.

“There there dear boy. We will turn that frown upside down in just a minute.” She parked the car in the part of the parking lot I didn’t go to often if at all. “This is the executive entrance so we should have a bit more privacy.  I have a long coat in my trunk you can wear though. Nothing fancy, but better than this diaper you have on.” She said while unbuckling herself and leaving the car to go to her trunk. I took a deep breath of her bra and it was like a jump start directly to the nerve centers in my brain wired to arouse me. It smelled like sweet redolent sweat with a still kind of new cloth smell. I pressed both of the large cups against my face and could fit almost my whole head inside of them and just took breaths from within the shelled barrier of her black silken bra cups around my head. “Here you go. Hahah! Someone is ready to go.” She laughed, getting back into her seat and tossing me the jacket.

“Normally I would be hard by now, I have been wondering what was going on. Maybe the red pill actually did work.” I said while giving my cock and ball conglomerate a shaking down seeing if a physical jump start might get me going faster.

“Don’t worry. We will make sure you get everything you need in my office. Put that jacket on and come with me.” She said as she threw on some shades, a more stylish jacket than the one she gave me, and waited for me to exit the vehicle. She locked it and we walked across the lot, with quite a few parked cars all waiting, and approached a nondescript door with a panel to the side for reading cards, chips, etc. As well as a camera overhead aimed right at them. “I have just about everything you could want in there I think. I have been planning for this.” She said and held up a hand to the glass plate and looked up at the camera taking off her glasses until there was a click in the door handle and ushered him inside.

They walked into a smallish room with a variety of cleaning supplies and cardboard boxes. She pulled out some keys and unlocked a door on the far wall and behind it was a hallway that must have run almost the full length of the building. He tried to get his bearings and when they reached about where their office was within the office complex, she stood before an elevator door with no buttons and put a key into a small nondescript keyhole.  After a few moments the doors opened and they stepped aboard.

“This is some fancy stuff, Boss.” I had to comment.

“Just a few perks of doing business on this scale I guess. We are on this level partially thanks to the work that you do.” She smiled over her shoulder and her arms were crossed under braless breasts propping them up like a pear of melon-sized marshmallows. The simple coat she wore did nothing to hide them and only elevated their seeming perfection by framing them. She winked and the door opened. Her hands dropped and so did her big round bosoms with two or so heavy springing bounces and then she left the elevator into a nondescript hallway. There were some cardboard boxes and filing cabinets along the hallway, usually clustered around one door or another and after turning down one hall and another she stopped before a door and unlocked it letting me in before she followed behind me closing the door and clicking the lock.

It was her office. I hadn’t really noticed the door before, but we emerged from behind a fairly high filing cabinet which obfuscated this door and it was already off to the side and behind her desk so you didn’t really look for it.

“Sneaky.  That is something else. Are you secretly a spy?” I mused. She laughed and threw her jacket on the chair and summarily took the jacket off of me putting it on the chair as well. She grabbed the hem of her sweater vest with both hands and pulled it off slowly over her head, her breasts, even without a bra, were putting pressure on the buttons of the collared shirt she wore beneath.

“Nothing so sinister as that, but I guess privacy is just something they really thought about when they designed these offices. Not all of them have this kind of special access, only the big ones on the top few floors. It’s a whole thing.” She turned around wriggling the vest off and showed off how hard her nipples were and their dark outlines were clear through the white fabric. She flung the vest at me and undid one or two buttons from the top to show off her wealth of cleavage and leaned on her desk pressing a button on a little intercom without breaking eye contact with me. “Val?” She let go of the button.

“Yes, boss? Back already? I hope you were finally able to pick up our uh, I mean. You know.” Valentina giggled on the other end of the line which was cut off abruptly.

“Everything is fine. Make sure all my appointments for today are canceled and don’t bother me for at least two or three hours. Please.” She said rolling her eyes at me like this was such a hassle to deal with. She also gestured for me to put my phone down on the spot on the desk where there was a cordless charging station and I obliged.

“What? Two or three hours? What about my tur-” The boss pressed the talk button, cutting off what she was about to say and winced, opening one eye towards me.

“Let’s discuss that with him, shall we? A bit later?  I will call you when we are ready for you.” She said and looked over to me and mouthed ‘I’m sorry’.

“Fine. Glad your back. BOTH of you.” She giggled and Boss turned off the volume. We both blinked in silence and I took initiative on this one.

“So are you my pimp now?  Already brokering chances to play with my genitals and maybe gain a cup size or something?” I raised an eyebrow and a flat smile crossed my face.

“Maybe while I was waiting for your triumphant return to work, in a bit of casual discussion with an associate or two about how and why I got breast implants three days in a row, the topic of you came up and  well…” Her hands made circles around each other like ‘yadda yadda yadda’.

“Well, I wouldn’t be opposed to it if you’d let me in on it. Obviously I would have to make the lion's share of the profit if that were the case…I mean…” And I ended the sentiment by untying and taking off my hospital gown toga speedo and let my cock and balls hang fully down. My wallet and the plastic snap cup with the two red pills in it fell down when my schlong unrolled and slapped against my knee. Whatever semblance of control and smoothness my boss had regained since her assault on me in the parking lot dissolved instantly and her eyes opened wide and glittered like scrooge McDuck faced with a dragon’s hoard of treasure. Her mouth slowly opened and her tongue began to peek out swallowing drool to keep it running over her lips as water flushed the insides of her mouth.

“It’s… It’s fucking massive. I couldn’t get that thing even close to inside me and it’s SOFT.” There was a sense of wonder in what she said, but mostly pangs of regret that she wouldn’t be able to sit on top of this thing.

“You might be right, but who knows. It might still feel pretty good.” I said spreading my feet apart and doing a few gentle pelvic motions to send the whole thing swinging.  It was like a wrecking ball on the end of a python hanging down to my knees flapping around like a flag in the wind, the precum drizzle already starting.

“It’s fucking past your knees for goodness sake. My boy. I didn’t know it was going to be THIS big!” She smiled and shook her head speaking to herself in hushed tones. “How do we face challenges Lucy? Face first, Head on baby.” Pep talk delivered, she took a few steps forward and ripped off her shirt letting her boobs bounce out. I was completely naked and just watched her kneel wordlessly. She hugged it and caressed it. It was longer than a pringles can and almost as thick. If I had put a pringles can on my cock it would go all the way to the base and the head and maybe an inch or so of the shaft would still poke out. I just enjoyed her worship of it and saw the tears in the corner of her eyes and she smiled and frowned back and forth like a happy cry moment when watching a movie.

She reached up and began to test the balls now, too. One was so heavy she needed both hands to adequately lift it. She was surprised instantly, sniffed and looked up at me.

“It’s so heavy! And hot! These things must be super stuffed. We have to do something about that…” And she waggled her eyebrows before leaning back in to nestle and press her face against my dick. “Why isn’t it getting hard?”

“I, I don’t really know honestly.  I took this red pill and it was supposed to cause some growth and have some extreme effects and then everything would be alright she said. But the main effect hasn’t kicked in yet.” I explained.

“Those red pills over there?” She gestured with a thumb towards where my wallet and the pills were laying among the toga.

“Yeah.” I nodded. She squeezed my balls and the precum oozed more. She put her hand under it and let it pool up and gave it a lick.

“Ohhhhh yeahhh. That is the stuff, baby. I missed that.” She said and brough the head of my dick up to her mouth shoving it in gripping it with her lips and began to squeeze my balls one at a time back and forth and sucking at the head of my cock.  Like drinking a heavenly milkshake that send tingles through your body, she breathed in and out really hard and her eyes rolled into her head. I could feel her tongue working overtime not letting a single drip escape.  She gave one more squeeze to each ball imbibing it and then stood up, still holding my wang. She pulled it holding it at the base stretching it.

“Owwch! What the heck?” I could only react.

“Well at least you can still feel it, right? I bet this thing gets like three feet long or something crazy like that. The red pill did this to you, you think?” She teased while lowering her head just a little to lick and suck the tip that was being forcibly stretched up past my nipples. She wasn’t joking and I started to get worried about exactly how big this thing might actually get. She let it go and it swung down banging against my balls with a slap and wriggled a bit before settling. I started to have some serious thoughts about what was about to happen and before I knew it she was holding the plastic cup shaking around the red pills with a dull plasticky clacking sound.

“The doctor said if I took two it would be big trouble.  I’d need like, gallons of water or something or else I’d shrivel up, she said. I wouldn’t die though, but I might get dehydrated or something. It's about water I think. Water is the main thing with all of this. And how the body processes and stores it. That’s my guess. I kind of want to see what the real effect looks like before I go popping another one. This stuff is serious business.” I was explaining to her and she was listening intently, swallowing the precum still swishing around in her mouth.

“Well then let’s get you some water. I think whatever you and I will be doing will need a ton of lube anyway so let’s head to the showers. I can tell you have had a rough night as well so let’s get us set up.” She was so amicable. “Deal with the red pills later, right?” She shook the container in her hand and set it behind something on her desk.

We walked into her bath area and she pressed a few buttons on a remote by the glass walls and the shower kicked on immediately.  Another few presses and lighting came on real nice and then music.  Glasses were on stands next to bottles of wine and a tray of foods and snacks.

“I figured you might be hungry. Eat up. I am going to freshen up over here.” She smiled and gave me a deep kiss. I felt a twitch in my cock for a moment as I involuntarily flexed it sending a wiggle through it. She let me go and reached down grabbing my shaft again, giving it a long suck while squeezing one of my testicles and licking her lips and raising her eyebrows playfully heading toward the toilet. I help myself to some snacks and grab the water jug besides the wine’s ice bucket. I tore the top off of the water and began to chug until I had downed a liter in the space of under a minute. I finished off the rest of the water and looked around for the sink and filled it up again.  I heard moaning from the toilet and shook my head. She was as bad as me before I was on this medicine and laughed to myself.

I grabbed my balls in either hand carrying them like fruit and tried to nimbly walk out to her desk to check my phone. I had missed a bunch of calls and more than a few messages as well. I wanted to go into that shower so badly, but had to tell someone where I was. Trish sent a few messages along the lines of wondering what time i’d be in and to let me know what my plans were for lunch. She made it explicitly clear that her lunch plans were me which made me laugh. I told her I might be coming in the afternoon so we could meet for lunch.

I had even gotten a message from the doctor as well. She told me to be wary of taking another red pill and call her if there was any trouble.  She can’t move around easily just yet, but hopefully in an hour or two she will be smaller than she was last night and possibly able to walk without extreme pain again. I told her I was at work now and my boss was planning on sucking me dry. That I wasn’t getting hard and wondered if the red pill caused growth, but accidentally made it so I couldn’t get erections anymore or something. She got in touch again to remind me that the red pills did work and were extremely effective. That it was a special supplement designed specifically for men who had taken the green and blue pills prior. She expressed very clearly that I had to remain hydrated at all costs or else I would suffer. And if I ran into trouble to get in touch with her right away.

I put the phone down and saw my boss looking at me leaning in the doorway, pillows of steam dancing behind her near the shower stall.

“Everything alright?” She said nonchalantly. “Not planning an escape are you?” She laughed, but there was a real concern on her face that she couldn’t hide very well and bit her lip blinking expectantly.

“No, no escape. Don’t worry. I just wanted to check with the doctor about this red pill. She said it was specifically designed for guys who took the other two pills like I did before. Anyway, where do you keep your water? I feel like I will need a few watercooler jugs-worth of water by the time we are done. You look amazing by the way.” I told her while slowly getting closer and closer and reached up grabbing her soft round breasts and kissed her. She grabbed me and her kissing was ravenous for a moment and slowly calmed down along with her breathing.

“What about this guy? Can it still get hard?” She pecked a few more kisses on my cheek and said the words hotly in my ears as her nylon wrapped knee knocked into my soft swinging meat gently.  I nodded thoughtfully as I saw the long hanging stretch of thick pipe swaying and jostling against her knee.

 “I think so. Get me some water. I have a feeling that-” My voice got hoarse and a stabbing pain shot through my gut and forked out like lightning around my core and my pelvis. “Agh!” I kneeled down slowly and sat against one of the filing cabinets holding my balls probing them seeing where the pain was coming from. My mouth went dry and I felt dizzy.

“Are you ok?” I heard her say before the dizziness got so bad I had to close my eyes. “Hon, are you alright?” She called to me and I waved a hand weakly and heard her stand up and run off. The sharp pains began to concentrate in my balls and started to prickle along my shaft like velcro on sensitive skin, but it was from the inside out. She rushed back and I opened an eye to see multiple Bosses with countless big round breasts swirling around before me in a hazy kaleidoscope and each of the images were thrusting a large pitcher of water towards me. I closed my eyes again when I got a hold of it and began to drink messily, dribbling all over myself.

I slammed the first pitcher and shakily handed it where I remember she was and it was replaced quickly with another.

“Thank you. I… sorry I felt weak and kind of fainted. The water is helping.” I sounded weak, but the water tasted delicious and I continued drinking and drinking.  Like a fire slowly being put out with splashes of water from the edges creeping inward to the center of the blaze, the pains that were wracking me diminished. “Thank you.” I said once more as she remained there kneeling with a concerned and impatient look on her face. She put on a quick smile for me.

“I will get things ready over here, take your time getting it together. I will be in the shower. You look like you could use one, bud.” Her voice was quiet and caring and she rubbed one of my nuts gently while she spoke and then patted it twice and stood up. The pats sent two gentle waves of stinging sensation through my nut and I rubbed my eyes.  She sauntered off towards the shower and left me alone.


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