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Back in the saddle again! Greetings dear Patron!

The week is almost out and that means, hopefully for most, that days of rest are afoot. With that rest I offer the work in progress snapshot of my draft for Experimental Medicine's penultimate chapter, Chapter 9. Believe it or not, the climax has yet to come by any means and there is still plenty more delicious build up to go to the next stage. Some of this chapter is actually influenced by a few suggestions posted as comments on my older stories by some very 'energetic' fans of my work on reddit.

This particular teaser post doesn't have much in the way of actual expansion, but there are plentiful descriptions of big round objects which set all our hearts ablaze.  And the return of a fan favorite character as well in wonderful form.  Everyone is reaching their breaking points and it seems like this medicine's effects are far more potent than anyone could have guessed. And with the introduction of the third pill, the red pill (Dun dun dun!), anything is possible.

Please enjoy this teaser while I continue to clickity-clack out the rest of this chapter in the meantime. The latter chapters have grown in length and plenty of care is being taken to really highlight the fun stuff and zoom in lenses on detail to the point you need a towel on hand at all times to keep it clean. And then the sanitary wipes.

Until next time,



It was a dreamless sleep besides a feeling of contentment, warmth, and love flowing freely into him and calming him to his core.  He felt satisfied, quenched, and renewed. The buzzing of my phone’s alarm resonated from beyond until it finally forced me to try and blink my eyes.  I managed to open them a crack against the brightness of the sun shining in around the edges of the pulled down blinds.  I took a few more automatic sucks on her breast and realized my stomach was full to bursting and so bloated that all I wanted to do was roll over and go back to sleep. The buzzing persisted.

I finally took the meaty milk tap out of his mouth and was surprised to see through all the gunk in my eyes that it had shrunken quite a bit. I affixed the nearby funnel to it, like I had the previous evening, and began to feel around. What time was it? Why is my alarm going off? I thought while my hands slipped around in sticky wetness on the floor everywhere I touched. That was when I felt how wet I was with a shake of my torso and wiggle of my legs. How sticky I was, from head to toe. I pulled my arms free of whatever had them on the ground and reached my fingers to my eyes to try and wipe the sleep from my eyes so I could get a proper look around at my situation. I peeled off long crusty flakes of caked on mess that pulled eyelashes out with it giving me a few spikes of pain to recenter my focus.

“I’m in the clinic.” I said breathlessly. I looked at my phone and the alarm was still ringing. It was my auto-snooze and it had been going for a bit. “I have to go to work today. Oh shit.” I grabbed in the direction of the brightness of my glowing phone, yanking it free from a pool of something that felt like semi-melted cake frosting when the events of the evening started to come back to me. I managed to get enough of the gunk out of my eye that I could see again properly and I felt my heart start to beat faster in my chest. My mouth was agape staring down at myself. I was completely drenched in milk or cum or both and most of it had hardened. I held up a hand and wiggled my fingers watching thin translucent flakes of the stuff fall off like the crispy outer layers of a croissant onto my lap.  My lap which consisted largely of testicles so big and full I couldn’t comprehend them.

They were larger than a handful each and a painful pressure came into tactile focus as I stared them down. I rubbed one with an open palm running in circles as if I was petting a small dog. It felt good and the low hum I was feeling throughout my whole midsection had a faint rise in excitement which provoked movement along my shaft, which looked like a winding road of thick flesh running between both of my massive testicles and lay cemented to the ground in an ‘s’ shape. It was totally soft save for the occasional twitch which was like a wave of gentle electricity slowly building towards the tip and it was constantly spilling an oozing trickle of cum feeding into the pool which surrounded me and was at least one or two centimeters deep.

I licked my lips, the taste of her milk, and swallowed nervously. I wiped my hands off on the tatters of my shirt which was a fruitless endeavor since it made them sticky and wet as opposed to flakey and somewhat dry. I looked up at the doctor, she was still conked out and blinked more of the crispy spunk dust from my eyes and saw my shaking finger clear the lock screen leaving streaks which the backlit screen made abundantly clear. I turned off the alarm and saw I had missed quite a few messages. Boss, Valentina, Trish, even Flo the haberdasher. After flicking through the messages Trish was seeing if I made it home ok. The boss was wondering when I was coming in, and Valnetina was doing her superiors’ bidding, but with a few extra heart and smile face emojis tacked on.

‘I’m fine. I will be late for work. I will get in touch with the boss about it.  How are you doing?’ I wrote to Trish, trying to play it cool as I began to wiggle myself loose from the frozen ice I had encased myself in and carefully put my knees under me to make an attempt at standing up. It felt like I was stepping in the soft wet mud of a creekbed when it wasn’t underwater because the stream was low and squished through my toes. The whole place stank of milk and cum and sweat. The low hum of the pump’s compressor hissing off or sucking in little shots of air pressure and the mechanisms making them move were the background noise as I got to my feet.

‘I am going to be a bit late. I had an emergency overnight observation at the clinic I have been treated at and need to take a shower. I am a mess right now, but will be there soon.’ Was the message I wrote to-

‘You can shower at work. I will come pick you up. Where are you? A clinic you said?’ My boss responded with fearsome celerity. I held the phone further away from me in response to it. I shook my head and began to look around for my clothes. I was wearing the shirt from the nice button-down I had when I went on a date with Trish, but must have left my jacket at home. I took a few steps with my legs wide because of how big my balls were. They were massive and hung down heavy and full halfway down my thighs. It was like I had a pair of pineapples without the green leafy bit at the top swinging around and bumping my legs constantly if I didn’t give them the space they demanded.  Each time I took a less cautious step it felt like a pineapple pricked at them as tiny spikes of pressure shot around and it caused a thicker oozing rope of precum to drip to the floor depending on how bad I bumped them. After a careful walk to the exam room I saw my shredded pants on the floor and shook my head.

I was already thirsty again and began to search for some kind of cloth or a hospital gown or something. Anything I could wear instead of this sticky jizz-soaked shirt. I unbuttoned and peeled off the shirt, tossing it on the pile of shredded cloth that used to be the specialty made trousers I got the day before.

“So much for being boner-proof.” I scoffed and shook my head looking away from them. My eyes found a closet and I checked it out and it found a few sets of hospital gowns and various other towels. Something for full body exams I supposed and set a few aside on the examination bench. I went over to the sink and began to give myself a general wipe down wringing gelatinous globs of biomass into the drain from the towel I was using. I stood naked over the sink in the examination room surrounded by hardened, crispy condoms thrown away like candy wrappers, and an overturned barrel that used to be full of my semen.

“What the hell is going on?” I looked up into the mirror and wiped my face with my hand, and then the towel working to get the larger chunks of gunk off of my face and body. I was still feeling totally gross, but at least there weren’t literal strings of thick ropey jelly hanging from my hair and extremities. I put a gown on and it covered me enough, but I would look like an escaped convict from a mental ward. That was basically what I was, wasn’t I? I took a few more steps and bumped the counter since my legs were out so wide and accidentally squeezed a long string of cum out of my soft dangling shaft like someone took both hands to a toothpaste tube and squeezed it all out in a single fat snake of paste. It hurt like hell and I saw points of light dancing amidst hazy darkness as the dizziness threw me.

“I can’t deal with this, give me a break here.” I was cursing to myself and began to fashion a crude device to function as support underpants. I stepped into a second gown, legs through the sleeves with the bottom of the gown trailing down before me. I grabbed the tail of the gown and pulled it up, packing my gigantic balls and coiled up my dick into a huge sack that resembled a semi-deflated misshapen basketball. I tore the gown bottom down the middle lengthways and first wrapped each of the working ends around my back like I would with a bathrobe sash and then crossed them over bringing them back forward tying off a simple bow tie with lots of slack from the remaining gown around my waist. I took a few steps and was pleasantly surprised with how effective it was. I could walk normally without needing to bow my legs in reverence of the giant balls and although they were nug in their little toga hammock, they weren’t in pain or jostling around that much. I also noted that with the head of my shaft being above my balls and kind of coiled up, it slowed the precum quite a bit.

‘Now we’re cooking.” I said to myself feeling a bit more confident in my situation. I just need to get through the next day or two and all this will go away. That was what she had said, right? And I nodded looking around for the rest of my things.  I ended up needing to make an adjustment, undoing the bow tie and instead crossing the working end of the gown directly under the large genital pouch I constructed and tie them off behind my waist instead and that proved to be enough to handle walking at a regular speed. I must have looked ridiculous with a basketball sized cloth pouch filled with a snake and some produce hanging off of my pelvis, but I could walk and use my hands again so who cares. When I threw another gown on top of the whole thing you couldn’t really notice it. At least that was what I told myself.  I couldn’t find my shoes but found my keys, my wallet, and the small plastic cup of red pills. That was all I had brought in with me. I tucked the pills and my wallet into the cock toga I fashioned snuggling them in between a testicle and my coiled shaft in that pocket of space there.

I walked in and took one last look at the doctor, asleep face first on her own breasts breathing calmly and contentedly. The pumps were doing their job and I glanced over at the large shining stainless steel canisters where the milk was being pumped to. Judging based off of the length of pencil wide glass showing the volume of fullness, they looked more than halfway full. The white liquid was sloshing with each streaming wet addition to the tank and the wobbly line was between six or seven liters in each milk can. I shook my head and my mouth was open from sheer shock. She pumped out this much milk and yet her breasts were still large enough that she could rest forward on them comfortably barely needing to bend forward at all. She did end up drinking two full loads in rapid succession so who knows what is happening with those huge milk trucks. I wonder if she can even walk… I draped a gown over her shoulders and made for the back door to head to my car.

The light of the sun nearly blinded me. I hadn’t realized how dark it was in the lab. I padded across the warm asphalt in bare feet wearing the gown to my car holding the front flaps shut and jingling my keys looking for the right one. The fresh air, a cool windy breeze that sent chills across my body, didn’t reek with the heavy wet pungent funk of what happened in that clinic was so welcome. The urge to just quit my job crossed my mind and go get a job somewhere else, new people, new life, just leave it all behind. I took a deep breath and smiled nearing my car and began to put my attention onto my keys situating it in my hand when the sound of an engine at full rev echoed and peeling rubber screamed in the distance. A shiny sports car in black and white was in the distance and coming closer at an alarming rate aimed in my direction.

“THERE YOU ARE! FINALLY!” There was a person hanging out the side of the car waving a fist in the air and driving directly for me. I spread my legs trying to get ready to react when the driver slammed the breaks and the vehicle skidded sideways directly towards me. I started running and ended up dropping my keys near the door of my car. The momentum of the vehicle slowed which lowered the perceived real threat of being run down and killed by a psychopath behind the wheel and I just backpedaled a bit instead. As the car slid sideways, the driver’s eye contact was fully focused on me and her eyes were wide open. Sharp blonde hair was a little messy like someone had ruffled her hair, and she wore a tight business suit with a black and white top showing a ton of cleavage. This was all clear because her whole top half except for the one hand on the wheel was hanging out of the car as it slid to a stop.

“B…Boss? Is that you?” I was holding a hand over my eyes since the rising sun of the morning and she leapt out of the window tackling me and pinning me to the ground, her ass snuggled right against my bulge. She wiggled it back and forth and smiled.

“You got bigger! YOU GOT BIGGER!? How is that possible!” She smiled and leaned in and kissed me deeply, her tongue was like an angry viper and she breathed deep exhaling desperate hot breaths. My eyes were still wide open and her cleavage was huge. Her breasts were as big as red playground balls and squished down against my chest. Both her hands were wringing the gown on my front as she kissed me long and deep. There was a loud crunching noise and I glanced over and saw her car, still in drive, most likely, drifted into the front quarter panel of my cheap car stopping it.

“BwAH! Haa, Haa.” She breathed hard, licking her lips and nodded looking me up and down getting back to her feet, legs spread over me. She was wearing a short skirt which clung tightly to her thick thighs and fat ass. From my angle beneath her standing over me, just in front of the sun, I could see all the way up her inner thighs and her panties were soaking already. “You smell very good. Get in my car. We are going to my office.” She reached down and grabbed me by the non-existent lapels on this gown and tried to pull me up. I tried to get up, but wasn’t fast enough and she ended up ripping the whole front of the gown right off me. I stood up and the rest fell off me in tatters exposing me in broad daylight in this parking lot.  

There was a cheap drive through bagel, doughnut, and coffee spot on the other side of a sparse wall of bushes which was thin enough that you could see the cars waiting in line from where we were standing. The loud crunch of the fender bender no doubt drew attention and I was nervous.

“Please don’t tell me that all of that,” She was drawing circles in the air with her pointer finger at my package, “Is your whole cock and balls.” And her mouth was open, tongue running thirsty circuits around her lips.

“I… Listen this is a parking lot and I am pretty much naked and you crashed into my car. You said you had people watching my house or something? Just… What do you want from me?” I took a step back and the second I did, her eyes darted and focused on that foot and slowly traveled up the ankles, my thighs, lingered on my package, and then up my torso and chest and to my face. She walked towards me slowly.

“You lost weight. Everywhere but that magnificent cock of yours apparently. You need a shower I think. That is why I came. To take you to the shower. OK?” She was smiling impatiently and her arm found its way through mine and ushered me to her car, still running. I had my phone and looked around for my keys but they were nowhere to be found.

She put me down in the passenger seat and clicked on the child safety lock surreptitiously then got in the car herself. Buckling in, running the seat belt across the black and white checkered vest over a collared white blouse. The belt split each of her bosoms into large round spheres of cloth perfectly and when I glanced up at her eyes she was staring right at me with an intensity that made me sweat and shake.


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