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Greetings my dear Patron!
At long last, after 10,000 years I am finally free! It is time to conquer this updated version of Band Camp's Crescendo. And my goodness was I able to pack in quite a bit more detail.

Reading through it reminded me how disjointed it could be at parts and hopefully the action flows more smoothly. And the descriptions are a bit more visceral. Part of me feels like I am still holding back on some fronts and pushing too hard on others. I think I focus too much on the visual when I could put a bit more effort into the aural and olfactory sensations. I feel like texture and visual are covered well enough. I could go more into taste, but I end up lumping that with smell mentally. Anyway.

Almost 20k!  What an absolute ton of cum to be poured out in great volumes.

I hope that you enjoy it.  I should be working on Experimental Medicine going forward which will mean a teaser or two next week and then ideally a full release (ayy) shortly after that. Going from one Crescendo to another can take a toll on the fingers if you know what I mean! I hope that your precious digits are in better shape than mine.

Hoping all the best for you,


Chapter Seven: Final Performance - Interlude

The shining sun poured through the possibly hand-made wooden blinds bright and early waking them up. In succession they would yawn, stretch, get up with a start and gasp, then groan deep with regret. When they looked at each other they would just gasp and then proceed to laugh hysterically. The guys had all become a lot more toned and muscled in general, especially Mark who was already pretty ripped to begin with. Trent’s somewhat lanky form took a more toned appearance and Sebastian saw fortuitous weight redistribution and muscle gains in his core and thighs. They felt sore since they had been bearing so much weight. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and looked down at the huge mound between his legs.

He would have mistaken it for a pillow on it's side or something except he kicked his leg over the edge of the bunk and felt a massive weight pull with it. The feeling of hauling such big balls dragging across the sheets set his heart racing immediately. He slowly put his leg back and tried to relax. The blood was starting to fill up his cock and he felt a massive erection building up as the shapes under the sheet began to change and shift.

Mark and Trent were enjoying their morning surprises a bit more while peeking under the bed sheets at what happened to them. The sight and feel of having penises so large and beastly turned them on and they smiled as their dicks got big and hard before their faces. They slid off the beds buck naked and shouted to eachother.

"Dude! Check me out!" Trent said totally stoked and showed off a solid ten inches of long dick with two softball-sized testicles hanging down low and swinging around. "My cock is freaking massive! And these balls! This is crazy!" It was thinner than Mark's who brandished his girthy rod although not quite as long as ten inches. After the past few days they were all more than used to seeing each other naked and they both sat on the edges of their beds with raging boners sticking out.

"Look at this thing man. It's like a thick lead pipe." Mark said taking his shaft in one hand and slapping the end of it in his other like a weapon. His equally large testicles were closer up to his shaft than Trent's were, and didn't swing as much as wobble around with each heavy slap in his palm. By the second test slap against his hand splatters of precum were oozing out. Both of their huge sacks were swollen and filled almost to bursting with hot thick semen. "And your muscles too, man!"  Mark commented. They continued checking each other out and congratulating one another until Sebastian strained in his bed drawing their attention. Their mouths dropped in disbelief, they looked at each other to confirm this was reality, and then back to the monstrous figure under a sheet on Sebastian's bed.

Sebastian was in a similar state of distress and shook his head staring at the tent that went about as high as his face and fell back in the bed throwing his arms over his face. He was shaking his head like it was a bad dream he hoped he would wake up from. That last block of cream cheese and the chugging contest pushed him beyond every boundary he had ever set in the year or so since the pool party. The worst part was, he didn't even feel like his erection was fully hard yet. What was he going to do? His buddies just approached slowly preparing to see if he was alright.

On the other half of the bed sheet that separated their bunk, the girls had woken up, too. Ana woke up first and rolled over. She felt the weight on her chest shift onto her arms. She hugged herself and there was way more breast there than before and her eyes shot open as the events of the previous day flooded back. She sat up with a start and looked down at her chest wide eyes. She noticed her nipples first since they were thick and long like German sausages , and were hanging down at an angle over her crop top which her breasts had outgrown quite a bit. Her breasts were much bigger than her own head and were closer to the size of Mika's tits when they went to bed. She reached up tentatively grabbing a long thick nipple in each hand and felt pleasure dance through the sensitive tips of her breasts and tickle her insides. She squeezed them a bit and pulled on them realizing that they were as big as Trent's cock used to be before all the sports drink. She laughed and thought about fucking him in the ass with her nipples. Then she stopped laughing, but continued stroking her nipples to hardness while contemplating the reality of that joke she made to herself. All the while her sheets were getting soaked by the thought of it and she tossed off the top sheet to see how big and thick her ass got, matching her chest almost perfectly.

Mika heard the sound of someone jerking off from Ana's bunk and couldn't believe her friend. She looked over from a half closed eye which bolted open when she learned what she was jerking off. It was a massive nipple and it looked like it was wet on the tip. Ana had hoisted on tip up to her lips and was fellating her own nipple while she jerked off the other one greedily. She didn't care about anything and was going to town. It was hot and Mika blinked a few times getting up on her elbow. Her breasts were still resting on the bed and she couldn't feel their full weight yet. She slid the sheet back and she was almost as big as Scarlett was yesterday. Maybe not that big, but her breasts were almost as big as beach balls. Her skin felt smooth and silky, more than ever before and she touched her cheeks and lips and they felt fuller, too. 'This is new' she thought to herself and sat up. Her butt seemed a bit bigger, but instead of being fat and juicy it seemed to have toned up and the shape and firmness felt better. It had gotten so large before that she didn't know where it ended and where her thighs began, but now she had two larger fuller round cheeks that served as big cushions for her to sit on. She got up and kicked supple toned her legs over the edge of the bed watching her friend masturbate her nipples.

"Does that feel good?" Mika whispered to the bunk besides her. Ana was close and didn't hide that fact. The best she could do was nod slowly while sucking off her nipple. "Want some help with the other?" Mika offered sauntering over to her friend's bunk and sat down besides her. "I can't believe your nipples are so freaking big and long. They are bigger than Trent's cock was." Mika had her friends breast in her hand and was inspecting the nipple closely and sizing it up like she would a penis. "Bigger than Sebastian was, honestly." Ana pulled her own nipple out of her throat with a wet breath and looked at her friend.

"Just shut up and suck my nipple. Please. I am soaking down here and it feels so good. It tastes good." Ana commanded before going back to the nipple she was working on running her soft pouty lips up and down the length of the dark brown nipple sucking hard while dancing her tongue along it. Before she got too into it, she  hoisted her other boob into her friend's face practically spearing the nipple between her lips. Mika tied her hair back and licked it playfully before testing its softness with her lips and playful bites. Ana used the opportunity of a free hand to reach down and found the wet slippery mess that was her vagina under the sheets. She found that her clitoris had also gotten quite swollen in the process and began to use her thumb and fore fingers to stimulate it. Before long the pair of them were double teaming Ana's breasts and the long penis-like nipples on the tips of them.

Ana began to stifle squeaks and squeals, but Mika was too good at this and Ana found that she had become so sensitive on her nipples and clitoris that she came hard right away. Both of them were surprised when their mouths were filled with sweet hot liquid spraying from her nipples. Unsure of what to do, lips still pressed tight around the nipples which were quivering and still spraying, they locked eyes, nodded, and gulped simultaneously. They were both pleasantly surprised and began to suck with purpose. Ana felt new waves of arousal pass through her as she was milked. She was experiencing lots of new feelings and this was a good one for sure. She couldn't help but moan slightly. They continued drinking and sucking until Ana came one more time and fell back, sheets soaked with milk and her wet warmth. The shuffling of the sheets in Scarlett's bunk and complaining and growling in rising intensity drew their attention.

“This is unbelievable. I am not doing the performance. This has all gone too far at this point. Dear god.” She reached up her arms and put them over her face shaking her head clearly considering this to be a regret. The other two girls walked over, bouncing and shaking with each step besides their prone friend. Mika grabbed the sheet and yanked it off unceremoniously because she was curious how big she ended up. On instinct she reached to cover her nipples and breasts, but her arms could barely reach around each of her massive boobs. They were settled across her chest, stomach, and had bulged up near her neck as well threatening to suffocate her.  She leaned up with great effort and got to her elbows. Each breast slowly moved forward a bit taking pressure off of her neck and she worked herself to a sitting position, each of the massive hanging expanses squished over her thighs and protruded from either side of her chest as much as it covered it. She brought them together in a massive bunch clasping her hands over each nipple. Her areola were wide as small dishes, but the balance looked nice considering her tits were big enough to rest in her lap. The girls could still see most of the light pinkness between and around her fingers that tried to cover them in vain. The look of hilarity on Mika and Ana's faces told her it was a futile effort.

“They look like two big overstuffed full-size pillows.” Mika said blankly, staring at the girl sitting on the bed.

“When they were still under the sheet I thought they looked as big as full trash bags filled with cotton.” Ana added and Mika kind of nodded in agreement appreciating the analogy.

“Or maybe like, yoga balls, but those smaller ones filled with pudding or something, you know?” Mika quipped back. Ana immediately pointed at her in recognition and snapped her fingers.

“Ohh! Yeah that’s it! But instead of the rubber on the outside-.” Analyn was fired up and the pair of them were getting lost in trying to describe exactly how big Scarlett's boobs were in the presence of the girl who they were attached to. Needless to say, it didn't sit very well with Scarlett and she was fed up.

"You little bitches!" She shouted and heaved herself to her feet with more speed than any of them know she was capable of. Lurching forward  she jumped suddenly and pinned her friends down tackling them both. The wind was knocked out of them both and they hit the ground with a heavy thud and they all coughed. They were both quite smaller overall compared to Scarlett and at this point each of her huge tits was enough to physcially restrain them. Both of the girls under Scarlett, even with their thick assets and juicy features, were smothered from chest to face under the weighty, yet soft, press of her massive marshmallows.

“Do you get it?" Scarlett said balanced only on her breasts and her knees between each of her prey's legs. "Do you have any idea how heavy these things are?" Scarlett's diatribe continued while the girls who bore their weight scrambled to pull back enough tit to take a breath. "It's like I am carrying a pair of Timpani Drums with big stupid nipples on them! I'm a monster!” The mega-breasted redhead cried and her face plunged into her own cleavage with dispair. Underneath of her, her friends finally gasped for air and got  light breaths of it.

"We're sorry!" Ana said first with a husky choked voice. "We're sorry! Let us live Scarlett!" She was kicking and trying to move the girl on top of her but it had no effect.

"I can't breathe! Scarlett I ca- mmffmm" Mika said before her face was enveloped in soft pale flesh again. Even though the both of them were struggling so much, Scarlett didn't move. Or rather, she couldn't move. Panic crossed her eyes as she realized her friends were literally suffocating and this was not a drill. With a look of panic in her eyes, she grabbed as much titty in each of her arms as she could bear.

“I don’t know if I can even get up on my own..." She said with worry and wriggled her knees forward until she was squatting over her friends and began to stand up with all her might. The pinned and suffocating girls reached up pawing soft supple tits unable to make out up from down and as all three worked together they could finally take deep breaths. Both of the girls got their feet and hands up and were helping Scarlett by kicking and pushing the breasts away from them. When Mika and Ana caught their breath and their heads fell staring at each other in relief they shared a knowing nod. One, that they survived an ordeal together and would be sisters forever, and two, Scarlett was exactly right.

“A pair of timpani drums with nipples! That’s it!”

They cried and laughed sending shudders through the huge soft pillowy weights above them. Scarlett growled and although she couldn't see their faces beneath her she could imagine their smug smirks. She let the strength leave her arms and legs and fell forward onto her friends. Their cries of laughter quickly became cries of terror before her large round nipples plugged their mouths, and they were smothered into silence. They kicked and flailed under Scarlett who just smiled and laughed to herself. She closed her eyes as the girls tried to spit the nipples out of their mouths but only ended sucking on them and licking them more. The commotion had drawn the attention of the boys when their teasing ramped up and Mark and Trent had hobbled over still unused to the hard meat swinging and big bobbing balls between their legs. They appeared from beyond the curtain suddenly, both butt-ass naked standing proudly, but in surprise at the scene unfolding before them. Each of the boys' tips were glistening with wetness as shiny clear lines drooled down the underside of their lengths. Scarlett had both girls smothered under her kicking and slapping the at the masses trying to scramble free.

“Scarlett. Your... Your boobs are so… so…” Mark began to stutter until Scarlett snapped them out of it with a desperate plea.

“I don’t think I can get up!" She moaned softly as Mika began biting her nipple. It was a fairly hard bite, but with nipples so large it felt good to Scarlett. "Help them! I don’t want to kill my friends, not like this!” She was trying weakly to stand up, but was distracted by all the stimulation. She managed to start rocking side to side while attempting to gain purchase with her feet. Trent and Mark each took a breast and on the count of three heaved Scarlett so her back was against the bunk and her huge breasts pulled back with a loud ‘pop’ as each of her round bulbous nipples pulled free from her friends’ mouths.

They rolled on the ground gasping and saying thanks while gulping desperately. Both of their faces were soaked with a white milky fluid which dribbled across their breasts and on the floor. Another milky white fluid dribbled on the floor as well as Mark and Trent fought to keep themselves from cumming right on the spot. The small fountains of milk spritzing from Scarlett’s big pink nipples dribbled down her breasts in rivulets to the floor and spurted occasionally onto her legs. Scarlett had a slightly pained look as she tried to maneuver her shoulders and arms to help hold up her weight. Eventually Mika and Ana got up as well and were flabbergasted at the sight before them now that it wasn't the subject of mere jest.

“Oh my god...” Analyn said while wiping her lips of the milk she was just force fed, staring incredulously at the huge boob that almost killed her sitting on Scarlett’s lap.

“You are leaking milk, like, a lot of it.” Mika commented. “It was pretty good though. Better than Ana's.” And Ana put her hands on her hips scowling.

"I mean it was good, but we can't pass judge so hastily. Right?" Ana said in defense of her own milk. Scarlett looked up at her friends debating milk quality while she was immobilized on the ground before them. She felt the warm liquid spraying her knees and when she leaned to the side could just make out some spurting. She rested her elbows on the huge tit-tables and let her head fall into her hands. She pushed down on her massive milk cannons and they sprayed with the added pressure. It tickled her toes and actually felt quite pleasurable,but she was more concered about the reast of her life in that moment. She felt like crying and could almost feel sobs coming on as everyone stood in silence around her amazed at how much milk she produced.

“Somebody, anybody, do something! I am a living sprinkler for crying out loud!” She said in exasperation looking up for a moment and then went back to sulking. Milk continued to spray in multiple streams soaking her legs and feet. They boys took the hint and almost toppled Ana and Mika over to scrambling on their hands and knees latching on and sucking hungrily. Their full heavy balls rested on the leg that they straddled side by side. Ana was blown away at first that neither of the guys even bat an eyelash at her milky tits and shook her head giving up. These dumb boys were just milk zombies now she looked to Mika who was scanning the room.

“Where is Sebastian? Is he alright?” Mika said putting a hand to her mouth. Ana shrugged at her and they made her way past the milk fest towards the curtain although Ana lingered watching with jealousy. Now that Scarlett had the boys' full attention and they were sucking with desperation while pawing and rubbing and squeezing her massive breasts she let herself enjoy it. She was clearly on her way to a proper orgasm in short as her light moans built up in intensity. She reached forward just barely able to grab the back of the the heads of the two boys and pulled them in tight while she came. They muffled in surprise but continued to worship her divine bosom and drank on. Ana felt her nipples and clit firm up while watching the scene unfold and bit her lower lip before Mika tried grabbing for her arm. She was peeking from behind the curtain and her eyes were wide open staring and she wanted to know she wasn't going crazy. Ana joined her side and was soon locked in the same position as her. The both of the girls felt their stretched out panties get wet very quickly and then moved into the room approaching Sebastian's bunk.

He was sitting on the end of the bed staring at the huge hardon protruding from under the sheet. Sebastian looked up and his eyes looked dead inside as his gaze met Mika's and then Ana's in turn. They did their best to meet his eyes but were focused almost completely on the huge thing under the sheet in front of his face. Sebastian looked down at it again and sighed.

"I haven't even had the guts to take the sheet off. I don't know if I can live like this. It's too much." His voice was devoid of joy and he was in a dark place. Mika and Ana sat on either side of him and gave him a hug. Having that much tit and ass rub against you always felt nice and his epic cock twitched which made them both stare with a start at it like the noticed a wild animal moving in the woods or something. They were playing it as cool as they could, but then the girls' eyes met they were mouthing silently back and forth.

'It's fucking huge!' Ana mouthed and Mika would respond, 'I know'. 'Look at it!' Ana mouthed again and Mika responded with 'I KNOW.' Sebastian was shaking his head.

"I don't know if I can even go out in public anymore or if it will ever go soft again. It has been hard from the moment I woke up." He said and looked to Mika. She tried to make a concerned face and hugged him from the side.

"Why don't we take a look at it. Maybe it won't be as big as it looks under this sheet." She said softly and Sebastian went to do just that when Ana yanked the sheet off in one smooth motion standing in the process whipping it back like a matador.

"Yoink!" Ana smiled as her nipples wobbled back and forth  to stillness while they both looked on. Sebastian was staring at Ana for being so crass, but Mika was locked on to the miracle before her eyes.

“This is the biggest, fullest, dick I have ever seen in my life.” and licked her lips while slowly moving to the floor kneeling before it.

“I think my balls are like, bigger than Analyn’s tits I think. I don’t even know anymore.” Sebastian said following his girl the whole time she sank to the floor until she was mostly hidden from view behind his shaft. Mika gently reached forward toward one of the colossal spheres that hung inches above the floor and gasped upon touching it. It was as hot to the touch and radiated heat. There was almost no give to the surface of it and it was taut like drum, full beyond the point of comfort. Before she had much time to react Ana was by Mika's side and began lifting the other mammoth nut testing it's weight.  Mika just sat in Awe.

"They are so heavy! Like basketballs made of rubber, fuck!" Ana said and dropped the huge ball which pulled down heavily and bounced on the ground. Sebastian winched in agony and groaned as the pain subsided. Mika couldn't believe how careless Ana was, but she was more focused on touching and rubbing against this tree trunk. She pressed her face into it and began licking its surface as precum bubbled down after the impact with the ground pushed it the long way to the tip. She explored and play with the gargantuan shaft and balls between his legs. When her tongue finally got a nice enough lick of the stuff to appreciate it her eyes watered and she sat back on her ankles staring at him with a dead serious expression.

“If you do not cover me head to toe in semen after the performance tonight I am going to be disappointed in you.” She grabbed the ball that she was playing with since the other was still occupied by Ana and gave it a big squeeze with two open palms. She sat up on her knees and began to lick it all up desperately. Ana knew a good time when she saw one and followed suit, but was a bit rougher with his gargantuan nut, but was rewarded with much more of the sticky clear nectar.

"It's SO good. Oh my god." Ana said and her nipples were soon at full attention and brushing up against and wacking Sebastian nearly constantly. She sized them up again leaning back while Mika went in for her dose. “There must be a gallon... No, more than that. In each of these beautiful balls. I could make cereal for weeks and months with just your cum alone.” Ana said thinking it was thoughtful insight. Mika was nodding and stood up partway so she could get face to face with the knob on the end of it. Mika had lost it and was drooling slightly, mouth watering so profusely, and was spreading the precum around the head and shaft lubing it up. She'd slap her face with with it and rub the tip around on her cheeks and neck as well. She started whispering in tongues and even Ana was getting a bit freaked out about it.

“It will be a celestial geyser of man butter and I will be like mother nature and accept it all willingly. Each time these these mighty orbs unleashes it's gift, it will be humanity’s greatest achievement and I will be the one who bathes in the starstuff of the universe. From feeling that bounty pour over me, the warmth, the flavor, the smell, and the texture, I too will climax in return with such force. The bountiful seed of all humanity pouring over me will bri-”

“If you keep this up I think I am going to lose the contest…” Sebastian said breaking the trance. Mika, still pressed into the side of the giant shaft look up with her eyes, blinking.

“Sorry Seb, it’s just, look at this thing, anyone would give up their lives willingly to bow before it, let alone be able to touch it.” She continued to stroke and massage the precum, her and Ana both were taking turns licking at the stream of the stuff oozing down in thick lines.

“I'm obviously not the only one who grew though." After that talk of worship, he was having second thoughts about his troubles. Maybe he could try and live with this problem and see how things went before going all doom and gloom on it. "You seemed to have won the lottery as always, Mika. You're gorgeous, baby." She blushed as she continued to rudely lick him up and down like a starving person licks the crumbs and sauce off of an empty plate. Sebastian looked down at Analyn. "And you have grown quite a bit too, especially your nipples. Damn, they are like, super long. Uh..." She stood up and shoved a nipple up to his mouth quite suddenly.

"There's milk, too. It tastes like coconut, Sebastian. You just have to suck it out." Her smile while she said this holding a breast up to his face was a little disconcerting. He blinked and began to reach forward with his lips when there was a loud moan from the far side of the curtain.  They all had a moment of clarity.

"We gotta chill." Mika said and slapped the nipple away from Sebastian's lips. She grabbed the sheet on the ground and threw it back over his dick. "This sports drink is affecting all of us. We need to chill."

“ You really think any of us will be able to perform this afternoon? I don’t know if I can even wear pants anymore and I am practically pissing precum non-stop. And have any of you even tried to put on your clothes yet? How about Scarlett?”

“I know you are pissing precum and I like it." Mika said quickly. "And Scarlett is spraying milk like a cow and those two bone heads are suckling like babies.

"Her tits are the size of timpanis.” Ana added. Sebastian wracked his brain to try and remember which of the drums were the timpani’s. He knew they were big, but wondered if it was even possible. He looked at the wet spot slowly soaking the sheet which began to form  fit the wet cloth around his cock. The tent that was there before was melting and turning into a soaking wet condom of cotton.

“Who cares about this dumb contest anymore!" Ana shouted and she eyed up the massive fountain before her eyes like she was about to end the contest right then and there. Another moan rang out and there were two large thuds followed by groans from the guys.

"Girls! Mika! Ana! Help me please. Ahnn" Scarlett said with increasing panic. Ana looked at the sheet splitting the room, back at the sheet forming a hard shell of cum-soaked plastic around Seb's giant member, and then back to the curtain sneering.

"I will be besides Mika when this geyser of fuck goes off. Mark my words." And she leaned down with a sucking kiss near the tip trying to get one more hit of the good stuff before she went to rescue her friend. Mika smiled and enticed him to follow with a single finger before she flitted past the sheet. Sebastian tried to get on his feet and took it really slow. His balance was completely off and he had to lean back a bit in order to counterbalance the sheer weight of each of his huge balls and how far out his massive shaft protruded. He did a couple of gentle knee bends and felt the immense pull on his crotch from his sack bouncing and the giant shaft going down and up in slow motion like an old suspension bridge in a windstorm. He reached down with both hands and pulled his nuts forward placing them on his thighs to see if he could walk like that. He had to relearn how to walk he thought to himself and shook his head. With each tentative and careful step his balls went forward and back propelling the shaft back and forth like it was a large machete carving a swath through dense jungle. He slid off the sleeve-like shell that was the sheet that formed a mold of his cock and set it on the bunk before making his way carefully to his friends.

“I don’t care, just do it! Please! I am going burst!” Scarlett argued. She was still on the ground, breasts preventing her from moving. Mika and Ana were protesting. Sebastian saw Mark and Trent laying on their backs, stomachs visibly bloated and full with milk. It was all over their faces and chests and they had erections that looked painfully hard, even from a distance. Analyn and Mika were just getting on their knees squatting down before Scarlett’s huge breasts when the red head caught sight of Sebastian's unreal cock floating from behind the sheet like a blimp appearing from behind a cloud. A gush of hot sweet milk came out in a burst in both the girls' faces.

“I told you I am going to burst…Please I need your help.” Scarlett pleaded. "I can't move unless they get a little smaller. Please." And they wiped their eyes and began to latch on and suck gulping down her milk in an attempt to relieve the pressure. She instinctively began to press her hands on their heads as they suckled her humungous teats. They reached up with both hands pressing on the breasts to express more milk from them. After they hit their stride and Scarlett's eyes crossed riding the first orgasm while biting her lip. Her short shorts were soaked through and she was sitting in a small pool of milk and liquid that splashed out each time she came. She got herself together enough to open her eyes and she followed Sebastian's divine rod and balls for a long time until finally looking him in the eyes with sympathy.

“My god you got the worst of it just like me didn’t you?” She said between soft moans as one or the other girls got feisty or toothy. She was rubbing and patting their heads softly letting the feeling of pleasure flow through her body and her massive milkers. Sebastian took careful steps and sat down on the bunk besides where Scarlett was resting her back. He eased himself down carefully not wanted to repeat having a nut collide with the floor again. Just remembering it reminded him of the feeling very strongly. It was like watching a rocket taking off in reverse until he finally sat down and could take the weight off of his thighs. They were so heavy it was no joke. He remembered the summer he painted buildings and carrying around heavy gallon cans of paint all day.

His legs were spread, one of them pressing into the huge breast that Mika was sucking on with her eyes closed breathing hard through her nose. His long, long shaft stretched out and was almost at her shoulder, dripping fat globs of precum into her knees. She went to pull away but Scarlett, using some well of strength she didn't know she had, held her firmly latched on. Mika's eyes flitted with fear at first to Scarlett who smiled at her and then to Sebastian who found a position nearby. He was watching her thoughtfully when not inspecting the sheer mass of Scarlett's tits.

"Timpani drums. I get it now." Sebastian said thoughtfully while nodding. Mika used one of her tit-squeezing hands to grab his shaft and work a nice big glob of cum along the pipe and wrung it out all along the back of her hand and wrist.

“It’s so hot, Sebastian.” She said muffled past a nipple almost as large as a golf ball spraying milk. She brough her wrist up trying a couple different angles and finally was able to wipe the cum off in such a way that it would find her lips between gulps of hot milk. She drank the milk semen mixture and closed her eyes humming a moan while sucking endlessly. Her tummy, and for that matter, Analyn's tummy as well, were looking quite full. They went back to their work relieving their friend of excess milk in hopes she could walk again soon.

"I want some of what she had." Scarlett said and did her best to put on the sexy eyes. At least as best as a semi-immobile titty monster could muster. Sebastian shifted his position throwing a leg on the bed and slid back a bit. He lifted the big heavy balls up onto the bed one at a time. His nutsack had stretched out so much since he woke up that it was actually something that was possible to do. And he tilted his hips back to angle his drooling mega-mushroom tip just above the start of her cleavage. Drips of spunk fell down in hot plops and she stuck out her tongue hoping to catch one. She finally did and let out a moan of satisfaction. She caught another and another and her legs spasmed a bit and both the girls at her nipples suddenly coughed out huge mouthfuls of milk.

They began to fight a bit harder but Scarlett still held tight insuring they kept drinking. Getting a taste of Sebastian's precum clearly opened the floodgates as Mika and Ana fought to keep ahead of the volume pumping into their mouths and down their throats. Scarlett was in heaven and leaned back as much as she could and squirt out a stream of her womanly juices between the girls milking her. Mark had actually been laying in a heap in that general vicinity and caught the brunt of it in his face and upper half. It woke him up a bit, but he burped loudly and rolled over. Scarlett's eyes rolled up into her head and she finally let go of her friends' heads as orgasm transported her to another plane.

Despite their newfound freedom, after a few breaths of fresh air and a couple of sudsy milky burps, the girls went back to sucking and drank more and more. They clearly liked it. By the time the girls got full, Trent and Mark woke up and they took turns on one nipple while Sebastian reluctantly began sucking on another. It turns out he had a voracious appetite and ended up drinking for a long time. They even managed a system where they would spray milk into a large canteen and hand it off to Scarlett so she could taste her own supply. The morning went on like this for another hour or so until all six of them were full of milk to the point they didn’t even need breakfast.

The extreme milking and multiple orgasms for Scarlett managed to shrink her breasts down to a size where she could stand up and walk unassisted. Granted they were still bigger than beachballs, but weren't under painful pressure anymore. Only the girls could say that though since all the boys, precum dripping or not, were on the edge of insanity with how backed up the felt and how full their nuts were. Thankfully there was a shower room in the bunk and they took turns cleaning up while the others threw down spare sheets and old towels to help soak up the small pools of cum, milk, and womanly squirt on the floor. Mark and Mika, the ‘least abnormal’ of the group, managed to get the director to understand that we all ate something funky last night and weren’t feeling well. That they just needed to rest a bit more and it should pass hopefully. They would be ready for the performance that night. They got the OK and apologized for the trouble and were told to head back and rest right away. Then they all began the long trying process of trying to put on clothing and play their instruments at the same time. It was a lot of trial and error and more often than not it ended in underwear, pants, shirts, and bra's shredded into worthless thread on the ground. They didn't give up and got creative alll dedicated to the final goal which was the performance and then on to the fabled contest.

Chapter Eight: Final performance - Crescendo

Late afternoon came after much tribulation and the six of them were on their way to the performance hall. The guys ended up being able to fit into their khaki pants, but looked like they were smuggling various produce between their legs and against their thighs. In Sebastian's case, however, each massive nut was down a pant leg and his full soft length was wrapped around his waist. It looked ridiculous, but all the percussion performers wore the large oversized camp shirts to appeal to the camp that sponsored the event. They also did a good job of covering the various lumps and bumps which would make audience members raise their eyebrows.

The girls on the other hand had a different set of issues to deal with. Both Mika and Ana wore the tight black leggings they got the previous day and although tight and stretched to their limit, they fit. They were showing off every single curve, dip, and soft round protrusion they had on full display, though. The ribbing in the fabric shot lines  up along shapely legs that ended in thick meaty thighs. Their shape was perfect thanks to the tightness of the leggings, but they would wobble and shake with each step. Unless they had been standing still for a few seconds, their asses were seemingly in constant motion. Although the pants did fit, they couldn't fully cover the rotund tops of their butt cheeks which were fighting their way out of the pants at all times.

Ana ended up cutting up and curling a large t-shirt into a skirt stretchy enough to accommodate her booty. It also helped to hide her obscenely juicy camel toe and the small bump of her enlarged clitoris. Mika was pleased to find that her traditional long black China dress was actually wearable, but quite lewd. It was more stretchy than she realized. She liked it that way and wanted to show off as much as she could to entice the boys and girls. She just liked showing off her body and she certainly was.

Scarlett had borrowed a pair of oversized Khakis from the much taller Trent and somehow managed to pour her lower half into them. Each of her long thick legs fit well enough, but her thighs and butt were all bunched up near the top having run out of space to cram in there. Her whole butt stuck out like a pair of bongos waiting to be played. She wore a belt which managed to keep the pants on tight over top of her huge ass-shelf, despite some protest from her booty. From the waist down, Scarlett was the most decent person in the room actually. But from the waist up was a different story.

Scarlett managed to work a sports bra around her breasts which would cover her nipples. Support for a chest that size would need scientific break throughs that they didn't have time to research. What it was good for was holding the sanitary pads in place that would soak up excess milk. It had been a constant drip when she could finally walk again and had a shower, but slowed down dramatically after the multiple orgasms earlier that morning. While the bra and pads didn't offer proper support, they held her breasts tight enough to lessen how far out her nipples poked. It also mitigated some of the more extreme bouncing and swinging each time she took a step or turned more than forty-five degrees. Above that, after doing some hasty phone searching they found a way to create a bra using fabric that was only tied with knots. Small and unused t-shirts were torn, tied, and eventually fashioned into a crude toga bra hammock device. It helped bear some of the weight and gave her better posture overall which was a great relief when they finally got the hang of putting it on. It also supported her boobs so that they didn't hang down past her waist which was a personal preference. And lastly she wore another shirt, the biggest one they had, over everything. It was large enough to hang down to her waist and cover up the belt versus butt battle and mitigate how overtly sexual her profile was.

Ana and Mika both borrowed bras from Scarlett and while Ana could wear one comfortably, it wasn’t the case for Mika. Ana managed to look fairly normal and after padding up her nipples like Scarlett had. It helped with the abnormal nipple shape and the dripping milk as well. She put on a halter top and just threw a small shawl over her shoulders and was ready for the concert. Mika was dead set on wearing her sexy dress with the slit on the side revealing her shapely muscled legs and a large portion of her ass. It was a full length dress a month before and now it barely covered her ass. Wearing 'saftey' leggings or not, she was erotic to behold. The bra she borrowed managed to cover her nipples and areola for the most part, but her boobs were bursting out of the top showing cleavage for days if not months. She opted against a halter top since she was already wearing a bra which she didn’t like doing, but this was an emergency. She pulled the straps over her shoulders and positioned the dress as best she could so the more opaque fabric covered most of the bra. She was still concerned about how she looked and her style for the performance and did her best, but the bra was so tight it she was spilling out of all sides of it. The straps were digging in and it looked like she had four big breasts in a row above the strangling garment and two big round ones below. A quick jiggle test, though, found that despite the fabric complaining and straining, it held. Ana and Scarlett did the same and were likewise pleased with the results. The guys as well did some shaking and wiggling and everything seemed set into position enough. They spent a little time practicing the motions of their instruments checking to make sure nothing bumped into anything else unintentionally which would affect their playing. They felt confident despite it all.  They were going to make it.

It was a sight to behold. The six of them walk-waddling, tip-toeing, and hauling all their extra weight and sexy parts in late afternoon sun. The director raised an eyebrow in general, but was more concerned with their health and well being. They explained themselves well enough and soon did the same to the rest of their band mates. People were oogling, but most were nervous about the performance. There was a large outdoor hall set up in a natural grass bowl with seating cut into the large slope surrounding the stage area. There was a set of tarps and tents where the band gathered for the final preparations while the audience was being seated. After reassuring their friends that everything was alright they met up again each in a different state of relief or brand new panic.

"How we managed to not get into trouble with the director or the camp staff is beyond me." Ana said smiling shaking her head drinking some water. Mika nodded.

"After the amount of times you two showed off your tits and dicks?" Mika quipped and Scarlett and Sebastian looked at one another and then put their hands into their palms shaking their heads.

"Dinner last night was pretty intense too. Pretty sure you almost killed that chick, Seb." Mark said leaning back against a support pole drinking.

"She was fine though. I actually caught up with her later on. I think she actually might have a crush on you Sebastian." Trent added thoughtfully. Ana sneered at her boyfriend who fraternized with another female that hadn't been 'approved' yet.

"Right, Gail.  I am glad she is OK." Sebastian said and looked around the tent and found Gail staring right at him but looked away quickly. He smiled to himself and saw Mika staring. She mouthed something silently that he couldn't catch and then quickly looked up as the director made themselves present.

“I am really stoked that you guys got over that food borne illness. We actually had one or two of the horn section wake up and it was, well, I'm not going into it. I'm just glad you are feeling better. We need you out there. Especially you woodwinds. Blow like pros tonight OK girls?" They stood there and blinked nodding. The director smiled and sweat a bit realizing what they just said. "Anyway, just keep it professional, you guys, ok?” Everyone nodded. The director continued to snake around the tent encouraging the troupe.

They had all made it to their spots with little trouble besides a few bumps, brushes, and a knocked over music stand or two. Mika was doing her warm ups and burped suddenly. A pretty big juicy one and flecks of it spittle landed on Analyn’s neck in the section just ahead of her. it surprised her more than Analyn who looked back with giggling.

“You alright girl? What the hell was that?” She asked. And Mika looked at her rubbing her stomach.

“I am still so full, and my stomach feels weird.” She said with her eyebrows up in concern and pouty lips. She was doing some arcane math only a human with potential stomach trouble knew. Ana nodded, mimicking the response.

“Yeah, me too. I think it was because we both drank like a gallon of breast milk for breakfast, dude.” Ana quipped. "Why do you think I kept going outside for a breath of fresh air?" And they laughed together. A few of the nearby brass and woodwind players shot questioning glances at the pair after the loud sudsy burp gave everyone an excuse to stare openly at Mika. She was clearly way underdressed. Not in quality, but quantity of dress considering how huge her breasts were and how flagrantly they bulged against the fabric. Every guy who could see her, regardless of the angle they were looking at her, was sitting with a proper hardon and doing their best to keep it hidden. The girls had been checking out Mika as well, but less than her pair, it was the other pair that people couldn't ignore.

Scarlett was having a rough time with the xylophone. She couldn't practice properly in the cabin since her instument was always kepts under lock and key or at the stage. As it turns out, she couldn't see the keys at all and was mostly playing from muscle memory. Mark was encouraging her from the side.

“You know the music and after the first bit of the concert it's mostly free-form so you can kind of wing it. You sound great. You're beautiful! Don’t worry.” Scarlett felt relieved to hear his words and continued to work on strategies. She began to work out a system of shifting her chest in time so that she could see the keys before she hit them. When she swing right she could see where her left hand was supposed to be positioned and vice versa. During warm ups she started to get the hang of it fairly quickly and was happy with the results.

Trent and Mark tried to do as the director bade them, but with Scarlett swinging those mega-bongos around back and forth they had to bite their lips and stare down at their drums unless they planned on ripping through those pants. The prospect of Scarlett shaking her huge tits back and for a solid 45 minutes filled their minds. Their cocks began to strain against the fabric of their pants before the performance even started. Sebastian was getting into the zone like he always did. He was going through his routines and patterns in order trying not to let his mind wander back to any of the cum contest mess. He couldn't ignore his cock belt or the painful pressure pressing against his balls in his pant legs, but the music helped him focus. This whole thing, the 'contest' which was some veiled game Scarlett was playing and the crazy amounts of supplements she had been feeding us all. It was crazy on too many levels.

He blinked his eyes shaking his head and just then the director, who was naturally the conductor of the orchestra as well, tapped the baton onto the music stand. Everyone in the orchestra took one final deep breath. The audience had been filing in and out, murmuring, and the heat of the day faded into the evening as it got cooler with the sinking sun. There were citronella torches set up casting enough light for the audience and keep the bugs away too. Parents, industry people, campers, tourists, and generally whoever found out about the concert was in attendance. The pavilion under which the orchestra was set up had a lighting rig which shined down on them allowing them to read their music and be seen clearly. Only the buzzing of the lights and a few coughs and the shuffling of chairs and clothes could be heard in that moment.

The first sounds of audible straining fabric came from Mika’s dress straps just before the opening number started. She began to breathe shallowly and blushed. If she was going to play the trumpet she would nee to take big deep breaths she thought nervously. Her and Ana exchanged a look and the director tapped again signaling starting positions. Everyone got into performance mode and it began. The concert kicked off in fine fashion and everyone played well.

As it turned out, having a huge cock and balls didn't affect playing the bass drum, snares, or symbols either.  There was quite a bit of jiggling and shaking around in the process, but the beat rolled on. Even Scarlett had gotten into a grove and her pure skill with the mallets combined with her new tecniques saw her playing proudly and she was largely unaffected. But Scarlett’s playing had quite the effect on all three of of the guys in the percussion section and most of the audience as well. There was no way they could ignore it despite how hard they tried. The Xylo got a lot of play early on in the first part of the symphony and she was still working out the finer points of her system. She had to compensate for that with a lot of sudden movements to double check her hand placement and her breasts were bouncing all over the place.

She was sweating way early with the additional weights she bore and the additional swinging to see what she was doing. It looked rough, but while she was on the rest of the percussion section waited on her cues and had to watch her intently. Oh and they did. Long cylindrical bulges began to unfurl and harden putting pressure on zippers and buttons. Sebastian felt his belt of thick meat slide down his backside and his thigh until it was hanging down to his knee. Well it would have hung that far down if it weren't for the massive testicle blocking the way.

Spreading stains of precum began to darken their khakis since although innocent, everything Scarlett did was erotic even at a glance. And they were at ground zero and could even hear the slapping of her breasts against her stomach and arms even over the music. They could smell her pheromones from her sweat mixed with her perfume which glistened on her bright curves in clear shining droplets under the bright lights. During a short break between songs Trent leaned over to the guys.

“We need to keep it together. We are almost there.” He whispered. while gesturing to Mark who looked like he had nearly wet himself from the knee down. Sebastian was in a similar predicament and Scarlett was catching her breath and toweling off between her sections.

We all nodded and Scarlett said that if they didn’t want hard cocks they didn’t have to watch her play since their words were clear as day to her. She adjusted the sports bra and makeshift hammock they contrived for her chest that slipped during the opening number. The guys had a laugh and kept doing their best to focus on the music, but it wasn’t meant to last.

In the Trumpet section Mika was breathing deeply and felt her straps straining more and more. The little stretching rips of fibers and sudden loosening of support here and there continued. When possible, Mika looked over her shoulder to see if her bestie was alright and in general she seemed ok. Analyn checked herself as well during longer breaks and inconspicuously brushed her hand against a breast and felt wetness. That excited and alarmed her and she pretended like she had an itch and kept checking again and again. Her considerable nipples began to harden despite being folded gently under the makeshift milk sponges. The pressure from her hardening nipples began to squish milk from the sodden pads in tiny streams. She was shifting in her seat as little trickles began to spout from the tightening bra, tickling her chest. Her nerves were starting to get to her when she heard an audible tearing of fabric behind her.

It was only one or two songs from the finale and she heard it during   a quiet part where the flutes and woodwinds took precedence. Ana's clarinet was in her mouth when the rip sounded and she almost tweaked a note. She could feel Mika beginning to panic behind her. She was playing a particularly intricate part which she felt was one of the most prominent clarinet parts. She had to ignore how wet her top felt, but couldn't stop imagining the no doubt obvious large dark 'v' of cloth spreading down her front. She dared a glance while taking a breath and confirmed her fears and a bead of sweat issued from her forehead. Her breath quickened as the sponges covering her nipples were pushed further forward against the cloth and the wetness began to reach her lap. She must have been leaking a lot. Could drinking Scarlett's milk have done this? She silently prayed she would last the concert.

Mika found herself in a similar predicament and as the clarinets and woodwinds gave way for a triumphant trumpet declaration. It was the biggest longest note and it set the audience to prepare for the crescendo. She took a huge breath and as she blew the note in unison with her fellow horn players, the left strap of her dress blew open. What little she allowed the imagination to wonder about came forth and all but her areola was now on display. It was held in place under great duress by the bra Scarlett lent her. She was still holding the note feeling her lungs and muscles straining while thinking to herself, 'I can work with this. Strapless dress. Yeah, that’s it.' it was an asymmetrical dress and having a single strap was easy to play off. It was a costume change to add flair to the moment. She was thinking all this as she took another deep breath for the transitionary section.

The other shoulder strap burst open and one of the male trumpeters near her played a series of mistaken notes staring at her boobs with bulging eyes. Her dress was well and truly strapless now and an amount of cleavage that none in the audience had seen before spilled into view. The trumpeter vouyer got his act together but was spending as much time looking her her still bouncing breasts as his sheet music. Murmuers in the crowd seemed to be in response to the mistaken notes more than her chest she told herself. Everyone was far away anyway so there was no reason to freak out about it. 'Stay professional', like the director said. She was still silently freaking out about the whole thing when Analyn looked back at her. Ana blinked seeing her titties all but out, hanging on to the edge of the dress and bra by virtue of how hard her nipples were. The thick bra was hooked on them and wetness began to issue from her breasts as well soaking the bra slowly.

Scarlett was in no better a situation as the concert approached the drum-focused section of its final number. This section where percussion would go wild and danced between written and freeform sections. She was too into the playing and was too lost in the music and the winging technique had taken its toll. The shaking pushed her innermost bra to its limit and it snapped. The two milk-drenched pads slipped from her makeshift shirt bra as it soon untied without the support of the sports bra. Slipped unsummarily from her shirt bottom the pads slapped on the ground with wet juicy slaps. The milk splattered out around them on the concert floor forming snowflakes. A few of the nearby players took notice and strained to see what fell from her shirt and some people in the crowd gasped a little. She knew it, but it was too late to do anything and just kept playing. Jiggling and shaking wildly under a single t shirt, what milk didn't begin to soak the front of her shirt fell down in spraying streams.

Trent, Mark, and the other guys surrounding her couldn’t ignore it anymore after those wet slaps. They stared as her hard nipples stuck out swinging back and forth spreading wetness everywhere they touched from milky spray on the fabric. Their own dark spots spread on their khakis as cocks snaked down pant legs and bulged against fabric with more desperation. Sebastian being near the back corner of the whole orchestra had a view of Scarlett and Mika and tried to remain focused, but it was too much for him to ignore. is already stiffening member began to fight a battle against his belt and the pressure was on.

Scarlett was too into the music by now and slamming the xylophone wildly, arms going up and down, her breasts bouncing - and spraying- more and more wildly. Her shirt was a completely different color from the others around her, dark and sopping wet with milk and sweat. There were small puddles on the ground around her which she stepped in when changing her footing. Ana was playing her part as well while nipples were streaming milk out that soaked her entire front and had her sitting in a puddle on her chair. The discomfort mad her move around and each time she shifted in her seat her bottom half was lubed up with more milk. Her nipples were fully erect and stabbed out from the halter top, cardigan throw or not she couldn't hope to hide them. Mika's growth had seemed to have reached a limit and although she was starting to soak up a bit, she managed to keep it together.

It was time for the crescendo as the whole band geared up for the grand finale. Breathing as hard as she could Mika blew her final note. With all that pressure milk began to squirt through the thick bra and spray forward onto her thighs and knees to the surprise of all around her. The feeling of so much milk passing through her breasts and the exhilaration of the sound and release brought her to climax from the sexy experience. Ana was soaked from the milk totally, sitting in a puddle which was spilling over the edges of the chair like a pavilion in the rain. The wet fabric tickled and stimulated her overly sensitive nipples to the point of no return and she orgasmed moaned through her clarinet producing unique notes and sounds. In the cacophony of the crescendo it fit right in.

Scarlett reached up with both hands way up high for the final flurry and the bottom of her breasts and nipples were fully visible to the crowd. They were spraying milk in wide thick streams all over the expensive xylophone and the necks of a few members of the brass section’s in front of her. It was not unsimilar to a performance by the famed blue man group when they cover their drums in paint. Each powerful flurry of notes send white splashes of milk into the air and everyone in the percussion section caught more than a few droplets. The audience was captivated and there was too much to listen to, too much to see, and too much to experience and they didn't know where to look. This proved to be the saving grace for most of them.

Mark and Trent did their best, but the display of milk spraying and destruction of clothing revealing more and more of the girls was too much. Belts, zippers, and buttons all snapped, broke and went flying as the hardware bounced off of trumpets, drums, and other equipment. Through torn fly holes and pant legs or over shredded hems, underwear bulged forth as cocks throbbed for freedom. Sebastian found that his cock destroyed the top of his pants and swung out with intense force slamming down onto the bass drum with a resounding bang. It felt good to finally be out of those tight pants and he just went with it going back and forth between the two held mallets and the occasional syncopation from his third meat mallet.

The French horn before him being played by Gail blurted out crazily as she took in what was happening. She had been taking in the whole performance when she could watching him, but finally seeing it in the flesh did her in. She was overtaken by lust and began blowing on the horn wildly while screaming into the mouthpiece wracked with pleasure. There were some people in the crowd who must have seen what was going on and more than a few of them, mostly ladies, were cheering wildly. The show was at its peak and the soundscape exploding around them and the countless displays of vulgarity and lewdness were legendary.

The director stood wide eyed, mouth gaping open looking in one direction contemplating the damage to instruments, and then another blinking wildly at the inhuman sizes of the men and women in the orchestra. Guys and gals were distracted and playing off notes and generally losing their cool. The director had been trying to gather them all together and began to pull them towards the same point of focus. Once achieved he silenced them all and then gave the direction for the final note. The orchestra fell silent when commanded and the carrying on in the audience and a few yelps, cheers, and more than a little bit of colorful commentary could be heard.

Finally the ultimate note sounded, was held until the director gave the final flourish and they went silent. The band stood up, more than a few of them spilling a variety of liquids in the process, and took a deep bow. The bass drum and the xylophones could be heard in that moment and the crowd stood up and began applauding. It was triumph. Leaning forward caused all three of the girls' breasts to break loose and fall out of whatever still held them at bay. Along with the releasing of these mammoth knockers was a steady stream of milk pouring out. The guys found whatever vestiges of their pants still functioned then were rendered useless and their cocks fully broke out of their pantal prisons.

The six of them scrambled as the orchestra stood up and began to move of the stage area back to band's staging area. The guys were pulling down their shirts and holding up their pants, hands full, to maintain as much decency as possible. They grabbed their instruments, symbols, drums, and various horns and their cases using them to cover up as well. They made their escape flanking the girls. Large drums were turned upside down and Scarlett and Mika had popped their breasts inside of them carrying pairs of bongos and other large drums in lieu of having anything to wear and cover their tops. They looked normal enough, although the pitter patter of milk spilling into the drums was audible, they looked normal enough. Just some orchestra members carrying some drums they told themselves. The director had run up after most of the group were off the stage and complimented them. They had gotten to a state of temporary decency and just about to escape with the director hailed them.

"Percussion. You guys really knocked it out of the park. There were some improvisation towards the end there which really added a unique flavor!" The director said clapping their hands. "What are you doing with those drums?"

"Just uh, going to do a cool down. You know, reflection on the performance!" Ana said while holding a drums containing one of Scarlett's breasts

"You guys. Always taking it the extra mile. You go to your bunks, get cleaned up, enjoy that cool down and reflection, and we'll see you at the dinner party afterwards!  See you in an hour or two! You've earned it!"  The group were thanking the director and waving mid-flight.

"Unique flavor! Hah!" Sebastian quipped while holding the shreds of his pants with a full on erection bobbing around in his shirt against his chest and the fabric.

"Smooth talking, Ana." Mika said while holding a pair of floor toms over her chest. The skirt around her hips was just about halfway down her butt and sliding up as they raced on. Ana and Mark were carrying the big bass drums that Scarlett was using to cover up her rack and they awkwardly headed in the general direction. Trent took off his outer shirt and draped it over Ana and was doing his best to be a look out and point man letting them know when the coast was clear. Sebastian had the toughest time and could only waddle since his balls had gotten so big. Running too fast caused them to bounced and smack hard against his knees and thighs which hurt like crazy causing him to stop and get his breath. everyone ran off without him.

Everyone was laughing and ran ahead in a mad dash to the bunk. There was milk splashing out of the drums before they even made it to the door. The scene at the stage when the crew came in to collect the chairs and other equipment was wild. It looked like someone had spilled gallons of milk all over the back corner of the preforming area and soaked multiple seats. They didn't know what to make of it, but someone was going to be paying extra for that.

Sebastian finally made it to the bunk waddling and wincing due to how many times he kneed his own balls. He was seeing stars and dizzy from it and opened the door huffing and puffing. The girls were sitting and waiting impatiently. Trent was deepthroating Ana’s nipples and Mark was sucking hungrily on Scarlett’s. They were gulping milk and all pretenses of the ‘prize’ clearly seemed off at this point. Sebastian laughed to himself shaking his head. The drums had all been removed and upturned in various parts of the room, some still with milk in them.

“Look at this right now, Sebastian.”  Mika blurted out drawing his attention to her. She leaned back stretching her shoulders and took a deep breath. The thick bra she borrowed from Scarlett exploded open and her breasts popped back out dripping milk. Scarlett winced at her bra being destroyed, but Sebastian didn’t need any more invitation than that and ran forward planting his lips right on her large nipple. As he sucked she began to undo the rest of his pants which involved taking his hands off of the waist letting them fall. A few strong tugs and at last his huge hardon and massive nuts were revealed. The other girls did likewise stripping and stroking their boys enjoying relief of having the pressure in their breasts milked away. “That one's good now, baby.” Mika said and pulled the nipple free from his lips replacing it with her other. He drank greedily having lost a lot of fluids in the concert and needed to rehydrate. They all did. The girls had been milked enough that their constantly spraying and spilling breasts now only trickled slightly. The pressure of the performance had been relieved.

The girls were all topless and what shirts and throws they had on were ripped up and tattered. The leggings they wore were at their limit and they would need to be cut out of them they were so tight. Ana walked around, her obscenely long hard nipples bouncing on the ends of her large perky breasts. She gathered up the drums pouring out the milk onto the floor unceremoniously and set three of them in a line before the boys. They looked like giant bowls and the guys all wiped their mouths and burped after their milky feast and rehydration. The girls had all stopped spraying milk with the exception of Scarlett whose breasts were still leaking, but it was to be expected given her situation. Mark was still working on it and looked like he was in heaven.

“It’s time boys.” Scarlett said. She tore off what remaining tatters clung to her neck and used to be part of the shirt and bra from that night. She threw the bits across the room and gently pushed Mark away and squatted down quickly. The leggings and stretch pants she was wearing shredded and ripped right off almost in one smooth motion. Her ass was so large that you could see it both sides of it despite staring at her straight on.

"Damn!" Mika said seeing the bold move and decided to follow suit kneeling down in a quick motion and her pants blew off as well. Her ass stuck out even more and she posed turning her hips back and forth letting her huge pumpkin cheeks wobble. Ana did her best to shred her pants and managed to tear them off with a bit of help. Her little skirt was still intact. The guys, just wearing t shirts all stood there with full blown erections and heavy, full balls. Each of the girls was soaked from their inner thighs down to their toes and were licking their lips like wolves ready to feast.

“Whoever comes the most is the winner.” Scarlett said, “As simple as that. And the winner will get a prize. But of course there will be participation prizes as well.” She cooed as the guys took off their shirts and began to jerk their cocks over the drums laying at their feet.

“Participation prize number one…” Mika said leaning down over the drum before Sebastian taking his dick into both her hands. She gave it a few double handed strokes staring at the mammoth thing before her and felt its girth and heat between her fingers. She planted her lips on it and it was like pressing the soft round head of a peach against herself and she breathed in his aroma like a drug. She started to suck hungrily and tongued all around the head and his urethra which began to spill pre cum in a steady stream which she was all to eager to lap up. She would have had to dislocate her jaw to get the thing into her mouth fully, but was using her juicy lips and tongue deftly. She was a bit dehydrated from the performance as well, after all, and made sure she could get her fill.

“Prize number two…” Ana said before positioning the drum closer to Trent and kneeling down slightly before him. She brought up her healthy breasts and he stepped forward sliding his respectable length between her ample bosom. Her nipples wobbled as she squished and slid her breasts up and down his length while she smiled and looked up at him. After every few energetic pumps she would press her chest down as far as she could squish it exposing its tip to reach down and lick up the blob of cum from it. His balls were shaking back and forth and swinging from how much energy she put into her performance. Unlike percussion, she didn't use her arms very much and had a lot of energy saved up.

“Prize number three….” Scarlett said as she knelt down barely needing to hold her breasts together. She glanced down to her endless cleavage and nodded to Mark who couldn't believe that this moment had come. He stepped forward reaching with trembling hands softly sinking his palms into her breasts. She smiled seeing his reverence as he kneaded and rubbed them all over. He had grown quite and bit and she eyed his eager twitching tool waiting for him to finally put it in. "Don't dawdle, Mark. Go ahead." She said while jiggling her breasts together impatiently. He bit his lip and thrust all nine of his beefy inches into the abyss of softness and pleasure her massive breasts promised. He was not disappointed and when the guys got going the girls looked at each other out of the corners of their eyes wondering if there might be an upset. Heavy breathing began to turn to grunting and weak whimpers as the guys built up to the weeks-denied orgasms they had been charged with delivering.

Trent came hard, as Ana's technique was impeccable and she was still able to adequately suck on his cock while it slid between her chest. A long steady stream of hot ropey jizz filled Ana's mouth spilling onto her cleavage. She swallowed some of it while the second stream splashed against her closed eyes falling down her face. The semen was rolling down her cleavage into the drum and she let out a surprised shout. Not since the pool party and that summer had she seen such a massive ejaculation. She turned her head away and managed to get a hold of and direct his cock down towards the snare drum at his feet watching as rope after rope filled the drum bottom. He was shivering and shaking forgetting about the rest of his body parts as pangs of pleasure vibrated around his cock as his balls pumped out more and more. He had wiped her face with a free hand and began to cheer her boyfriend on as he kept cumming while staring at the drum filling up. All he could do was hold on to her shoulders for dear life while moaning with each of the long streams of sperm.

Mark was living in a dream, titty fucking the girl he had a crush on all summer and most likely since the first day he laid eyes on her. She had had the biggest breasts at school, but now perhaps the biggest in the entire country. All the build up in his mind and her teasing at every corner finally paid off. He barely lasted a minute and when his face screwed up in a rainbow of emotions she knew he was almost there. He pumped awkwardly a few more times between her mountainous mammaries and let loose hard. His overzealous final thrust and the tightness he was grabbing her breasts made him slip out from the top just as orgasm greeted him. The first couple high-pressured shots from his wildly cumming cock flew across the room hitting his cymbals he had used to hide her while coming back. It sounded like a jazzy drum solo as splatter on the cymbals sounded them softly. Scarlett managed to get a hold of it and tried to fight it down like a spitting viper. A few ropes got caught up in her hair, splatted on her face, and funneled into her cleavage before she got into the rhythm of milking him. Before he was utterly frozen in orgasmic ecstasy like Trent had become, he reached forward grabbing as much breast flesh as he could. Each squeeze produced milk which warmly splattered all over his legs and mingled with his thick cum in the snare drum at their feet. Although starting late and getting off early, he had already matched the depth of Trent’s snare drum partially in thanks to the bonus milk she sprayed in there. Nobody was concerned about such a distinction and Mark only knew he was still cumming hard as a freight train.

Sebastian had been in situations where he was asked to edge and was teased and expected to build up a huge load before. His ex was all into that and he enjoyed it almost as much as they did. He thought he was over his limit before with the Jumbo Juice business and now looked back on that as nothing compared to this. It was unbearable and his nuts were so big that after Mika's jerking found a rhythm she was knocked over when his balls swung and bumped into her breasts. They reset and she changed her positioning so now his humongous balls bounced up and down causing his knees to quake bearing so much weight. His breathing quickened and hissed through gritted teeth. Mika looked up with a smile and her eyes lit up with promise. It was a pained expression that broke into one of absolute relief as Sebastian nodded to her.

"Do what you want with it, baby. I don’t care about this little game.” He said as shivers ran up his spine and he closed his eyes calling out loudly. She just smiled happily, took a deep breath, and jerked him off faster and faster anticipating the explosion. She was obliged almost instantly.

The first blast came forth like a geyser in such a thick steady stream that she screamed as it coated her face and sounded like she was underwater. Mika's hair blew back almost immediately drenched with his first offering and fell down her face, neck, and onto her breasts in thick sheets like melted cake icing. It had had such force and lasted three or four seconds and she barely had a chance to take a breath before the second long thick burst erupted. Her hands were opening and shutting as dozens of ounces at a time pumped through the beastly hose she was using to shower herself with. She sat there with a smile of sheer joy, at least that was all you could see under the thick creamy torrent she was being subject to. Carefully she slowly directed the huge jizz cannon methodically making sure she was coated head to to with semen. After the first two or three big long spurts the job was nearly done. Her laugher and squeals were a muffled gargle since her entire top half was coated in hot sticky dick milk.

Sebastian went cross eyed feeling his monolithic balls rise and fall as the muscles in his body strained to keep up. The pressure and intensity of each of the initial blasts took a physical toll like doing hundreds of kegels at once. Orgasmic pleasure emanated from all parts within him, even the tips of his toes and fingertips, and it coalesced in his massive ball sack and shot like lightning out of the burning hot meat rod. He had the chills and shivers from how transcendental the experience was and felt like he might be hallucinating at some points. The orgasm rocked through him like a thunder and lightning storm that would not let up. The long and volume of each liquid bolt of lightning became lesser, but the pace quickened and his inner machinations were pumping faster and faster. Each shot only going for a second or so, but were as intense as the longer ones and they just. Kept. Coming.

Mika was leaning forward trying to both coat her entire backside in his glittering glaze and try and shunt some of the mess into the bass drum she leaned over. His balls were still the size of large fruits despite having cum so much already. They still felt so full. So incredibly full simply pushing and pushing out more and more cum. He knew of nothing but pleasure and was practically blinded and taken to a different plane of existence as if the touch of a divine force grabbed him and was shaking him.

After the first dozen or so long wet sticky ropes had coated her and was slowly pouring into the bass drum she had enough wits to start playing around. Ana and Scarlett were coaxing the final sticky ropes from their boys who were still paralyzed in their own worlds of pleasure. But seeing and hearing and smelling Mika getting the full-bodied facial of a lifetime had to bare witness. Mike was laughing and grabbed for her trumpet shaving the mouthpiece up to the relentless ejaculating cock and put her hear to the bell. With each burst of seed there was enough pressure to make audible ‘Br. Br. Br. Br. Br.’ sounds. Mika was delighted it even worked and looked to the side where Ana and Scarlett, both covered in semen, watched on. The trumpet sounded more and more gurgly and began to shoot out of the bell right into Mika's ears. She waved it back and forth rea3lizing she could direct where he came through the trumpet and began to harass her friends.

She shot a few blasts of cum into Scarlett’s face and arced a few over her head managing to even reach Ana on the far side. The girls couldn't believe their eyes. Such distance and it was through a freaking trumpet on top of it. Mika cautiously set the instrument down in the pool of jizz inside the drum at their feet letting the excess run out. His cock was still shooting seed more weakly at this point which is to say it was on par with a normal human's penile orgasm. She wouldn't accept this and pumped the tiring cock with fervor and it was like it woke back up again, streams of cum spilling all over her tits. She brought it back up to her mouth, licked her lips, and began to gulp it down like hose in the summer. It sprayed all over her, but she was just happy to finally taste Sebastian's semen again. It had a taste and texture she missed.

The other guys had begun to regain their wits and were staring in absolute amazement at the feat they were witnessing. This was after a paltry few weeks and it was still coming. Despite having ‘wasted’ so much of the semen shooting and covering Mika, blasting through a trumpet, and feeding Mika, he had come a ton. The drum at his feet, the large bass drum at his feet was almost a quarter full, while the smaller snare drums before those guys were only half full. For their part the guys figured that their job were done and the contest was over. For the girls, they renewed their vigor and immediately began to push their cum factories into chairs and begin blowing, jerking, and titty fucking them relentlessly.

Mark and Trent made a weak appeal in protest, but were quickly rendered senseless and were thrust dick first in a new world of pleasure as the competition got serious. The girls looked at each other with fire in their eyes and then at the cum baths before them. The rules of the game changed and unspoken they agreed that was the case between the three of them. The men were just means to an end for their playful squabble now.

Mika was confident beyond a doubt and she had right to be. Sebastian had just about entered the second leg of his orgasm after she geared back up. His vision and senses returned just about fully by the time Mark and Trent were brought to another orgasm, cocks both spraying semen in fast thick ropes that splorted into the pools at their feet. Everywhere you looked there was semen. The three girls looked like statues made of wax with wild eyes and licking slurping tongues snapping at chunky wayward globs of cum. The guys could grip chair rests or fondle huge milky breasts at their best as they were milked for all they were worth. Some even began to reach down and squeeze their own balls in an attempt to force more of the white gold from those heavy reserves. Sebastian was in a daze when he was thrown into a chair of his own still catching his breath. He looked about and felt and heard the snap of a tight rubber band around his member. Mika was there using both her hands to unroll a novelty condom labeled the 'Giga-Magnum’ down the length of his rod. She managed to stretch the thing almost a foot down the length of his massive dick, not quite halfway down it's full length.

“I don’t care, but I need this giant weapon inside of me no matter what. Get ready baby and hold on tight.” Mika said as she stood up, cum falling off of her like someone who got up from being buried in the sand on the beach. Milk sprayed from her breasts wherever she was facing and with wobbly legs clearly having cum who knows how many times, she turned around bending forward. Her huge ass and pussy were shoved right into his face. He began to stand up a bit from the chair and started to hot dog her massive butt cheeks a little bit. She wasn't having it. "Foreplay is over, Sebastian. Shove that thing inside me and fuck me until I pass out if you have to." It was a command of the highest order and he was not nearly high enough a rank to question it. Her hands were grasping the sides of the almost half full bass drum in anticipation and fear of what she had just consigned her self to. The pungent stink of over a gallon of his fresh hot semen was steaming in her face. Sebastian stood up stretching his shoulders and working his neck around and took a few careful steps forward, sliding the entire deadly length of his weaponized meat between her lips and sliding it against her belly. Even with her giant tight ass cheeks in the way he was still ticking her belly button and her grabbed tight on to her ass cheeks taking big deliberate squeezes. He took a deep breath blowing it out hard.

"I hope you know what you are doing, Mika. You see how big this thing is." He began trying to talk some sense into her.

"Fuck me." She said and looked over her shoulder and nodded. Sebastian began to slide forward and backward teasing her labia and clitoris coating himself with her juices which flowed almost as freely as his precum would. It was like slathering hot butter along a giant cob of corn and he fully coated himself in her lubricating juices before long. I was working up the rhythm and kept squeezing and playing with her huge butt watching my hand nearly get lost in how soft and squishy the cheeks were. I took two hands and guided my bulbous rubber-laden head towards her dripping wet pussy and pressed against her. She gripped tightly and began to shake her rump back and forth working herself onto it  until letting out a yelp when it finally penetrated. She took in a deep sharp breath like freezing water splashed on her and tried to stand up straight, but  couldn't since she was speared. She recomposed herself and Sebastian began to poke a little bit more in a slow and steady way.

It was too much and they both knew it, but she wanted it. Although the gals had gotten off here and there in the intervening time the guys were forbid from cumming, they weren't having any sex. And Mika loved it. Sebastian wanted to play it safe in a surprising moment of clarity, but seeing this pillar of fucking plowing into her made him think of her health above all. She was in mortal peril if they did not be careful. She grumbled impatiently and backed up knocking him into the chair forcing him to sit. His balls were propped up on the seat as well from the force of being pushed back. He was just reaching up to grab her ass and thighs when she hopped up and back, cock still in her, and impaled herself as deep as she could go onto it. Never had anything tighter, hotter, wetter, and more pleasurable been wrapped around so much of his cock at once.

She screamed out in pleasure and her entire insides clenched up so tight on his shaft. She was almost halfway down it's length suspended seemingly in mid air waving back and forth a little bit. Her eyes rolled up into her head and hot wet fluid spilled forth from her all over the giant cock she was speared upon and she slid down another few inches as the clenching eased up with the world shattering orgasm and the shaking of her legs. She slid down until her considerable ass cheeks pressed down on his giant swollen aching balls. Sebastian felt the pressure on his nuts and cum was forced through his system instantly like drop of the green flag at a rally race of lightning through his privates. The orgasm that followed put both of them in a world of mutual sexual excess.

The others had paused their efforts to fill up snare drums with the bounty being squeezed from Mark and Trent when Mika screamed. They couldn't believe their eyes seeing her, tips of her toes barely brushing Sebastian's thighs supporting her as her weight pressed down on him. She was stretched to her absolute limit and her eyes were spinning in all directions while her body shook atop of him. On the floor near her the contents of a box of condoms spilled in their direction and the other girls scrambled for them. They threw them on the still standing and dribbling rods in front of them hastily. These preposterous contraceptives hung off of the guys like plastic bags on flag poles, but they would do the job. Similarly to Mika's first position, Ana and Scarlett braced on the drums and beckoned their suitors to enter when they were ready. Scarlett's breasts hung down spilling milk into the floor while Ana's nipples flicked across the ungrasped edges of her drum.

Sebastian felt his orgasm building to great intensity like an engine  forced to it's highest gear from first. Mika's weight on his balls forced a continual stream of cum in one long orgasmic blast through him accompanied by electric pleasure. Although his body tried, it didn't get a chance to stop flexing and pushing sperm and he had to yell, wracked by such an extreme spasm.

"UGH. It's filling me! I'm so... Oh god" Mika was straining to get the words out and flailed her arms behind her clutching for Sebastian's arms, shoulders, anything to grasp onto. "SO FULL! UGhhnn. I can't take any..." She gave up grabbing for his arms and began to slump forward taking him along with her. She was still clutched so tightly in orgasm that he fell forward still inside of her. Finally his prostate got a chance to unflex and it burned with a muscle ache he never knew before. She crawled on her hands using the bass drum and floor boards to try and pull off of him. So much semen was being pumped into the condom inside of her and she felt her stomach bulging from fullness. Whatever length wasn’t trapped inside of her was now being hot dogged by her large soft butt cheeks. The feeling was incredible and Sebastian's orgasm flooded her unrelentingly. They were balanced precariously penetrating directly over the bass drum when she stopped fighting and came hard. Like a bucket being filled with a hose at full power, womanly juices sprayed into the drum as she cried moans of pleasure.

In the span of time that Sebastian and Mika were in a state of constant orgasm, Mark, Scarlett, Ana, and Trent had come and gone. The guys were laying back in the chairs like they just went through ten rounds of boxing. From both of their semi-hard knobs hung long stretched out rubber condoms linking them to their girl. Both of them were still wincing weakly with each of the final spurts of jizz that slid slowly down the length of the latex. The girls had just hit the ground, thighs and asses still quaking and wiggling from orgasm. They each groped around semi-successfully trying to push thigh fat, a huge booty, or both out of the way in order to pull the condom out of them. Scarlett and Analyn pulled the condoms and each birthed a balloon of cum the size of a grapefruit. They let out sighs and squeals of relief free of the loads watching them dangling on the end of the slowly wilting schlongs. The weighty rubber sacks bobbed up and down in the snare drums, full to the brim with milky cum, sending ripples through it with wet splashy plops.

"Oh yes." Said Scarlett nodding while rolling on her back back and forth. Ana was nodding along side of her also on her back. They were both breathing heavily and licking their lips in recovery.

"I don't think I have ever felt so full in my life. Damn!" Ana said in reflection. She looked over to Trent and Mark sitting on the chairs completely spent and with smiles from ear to ear. Mika, just across the room moaned with an intensity that matched how hard her orgasm and fell limp on the ground. With a heaving groan Sebastian gritted his teeth as another wet blast of womanly juice spilled around his member. That lubrication alongside her unconsciousness finally loosened her inner grip on him and his cock slowly slipped free of her. He let out a moaning sigh of great relief while he continued to gush more cum into the condom which was stretched thin between he and her.

The two girls recovered on the ground got to their hands and knees when they saw that their guys had been spent, and Mika's guy had just become vacant since she decided to take a nap. They had hungry looks as they crawled over, dragging milk-spraying breasts and long hard nipples across the floor, soaked head to toe in sticky semi-dry semen. They smiled nodding to one another and Ana reached for her Mika's gaping vagina to grab the condom while Scarlett put her hand around Sebastian's cock head securing the condom. It was like a master of legerdemain's endless handkerchief trick as Ana pulled more and more cum-plump condom out from the inside of Mika. With one final careful pull the thing fell loose and formed into a large crystal ball swirling in Ana's lap. Scarlett stared at it, captivated, while still holding Sebastian's dick which was still spilling spurts down the stretched out latex tube.

"It's so heavy and hot, feel it." Ana said while carefully holding up the flopping heavy balloon in two hands. Scarlett put a hand up to it, noticing at a glance it was almost as large as Ana's breasts. Scarlett closed her eyes and let the warmth fill her heart as she nodded smiling. She looked up to Sebastian's cock.

"He is still cumming. Where does it all come from. Look at this!" She was shaking her head and pointed out the bass drum more than half full of semen, milk, and vaginal juices.

"Probably from these big boys." Ana said handing off the hot rubber blob to Scarlett and taking the side of each of Sebastian's nuts in her hand and squeezing them together like clonking coconuts. She pressed hard and Sebastian cried out as a thick gloppy gush surged forth in response to her squeezing. "Let's save that. Give it here" Ana reached up grabbing the mouth of the condom from Sebastian's dick and tied it off quickly. Scarlett set down the burden carefully and thoughtfully in the bass drum and it floated gently. Sebastian let out a long sigh of relief and opened his mouth.

"I don't think I could-" He started and Ana Straddled his lap quickly snuggling his cock against her ass and shoving a long thick nipple in his mouth silencing him.

"We will be the judge of that, Sebastian. Now suck." He looked up with slight concern and fear in his eyes and she made a face that implored if she had to repeat herself there would be trouble. Sebastian sucked lightly and licked until finally the milk began to come out in a trickle. While he was repriming the milk on her one side, Ana looked over her shoulder and winked. "Let's wring this sucker dry." She said with a laugh and reached behind Sebastian's head pulling him into her chest harder until he could barely get a breath in through his nostrils. "More tongue. More lips. Yes, there you go." Ana whispered to him and began to shift her hips up and down along the base of his shaft putting enough weight on it to push it almost horozontally aiming right at Scarlett.

He felt like a tool at this point. An entity built to bring pleasure to women and to ejaculate semen until he was no longer needed, he felt. Analyn was pretty scary and he wondered how Trent put up with it. But when he was doing what she asked and sucking her nipple correctly, she was so kind and gentle. He actually liked it. How he was treated and the whole business of being a human sex toy. The feelings of that first prolonged orgasm hadn't even faded full before Ana was already on top of him hot dogging his shaft for more.He felt two large weights on his lap and knees and tried to move his head to look but Analyn looked down severely and wagged a finger shaking her head.

Scarlett was shimmying in pressing her tremendous breasts around his rod and most of Analyn's back in the process. Analyn's ass was on the bottom half of the shaft and Scarlett was on the underside of it rubbing against her. They were just getting some momentum going when Mika stirred off to the side. Her eyes were still swimming in her head and she looked up at the scene unfolding before her.  Ana was twerking on him and switching from one nipple to the other shaking her head severely. Scarlett's breasts were so sticky and cum-soaked that she could actually hold them without them slipping all over the place and was starting to slam them up and down with more and more force titty fucking him. Sebastian couldn't focus on anything else except Ana whose attention was drawn to Mika. There was an exchange of glances, sneers, smiles, and head shaking.

"You were asleep, girl. Can't let this kind of thing go to waste. Besides, we broke our toys." She said with a smile and tilted her head cuteley. She snapped her attention back at the nipple sucker who was using too much teeth. His momentary expression of apology using only his eyes was quickly erased and he returned to focusing on his occupation. He sucked carefully and as she instructed. The thing was almost as thick and long as a sausage and more than he was used to, to say the least.

"How long was I-" Mika began and Sebastian grunted, mouth full of nipple and milk.

"Here we go, baby." Scarlett said and she smiled as the massive rod shot cum straight into the air. It fell down in loud wet plops and slaps against floor, furniture, and on the three of them. One wayward rope drew a thick squiggle from Mika's hairline across her face and down to her neck and cleavage startling her.

“How long was I out?” Mika demanded with a little agitation. The two girls flanking Sebastian's cock just held their heads up tongues out hoping for cum to fall on them like they were catching snowflakes. She growled at the lack of a response and stood up,  slipping on the makeshift ice rink of jizz, cum, milk, saliva, and everything in between, that the floor had become. "Get off of him!" Mika shouted at Ana who held up a finger while patting and rubbing the back of Sebastian's head with her other hand. She bit her lip and her free nipple sprayed milk onto his shoulder while he gulped frantically. Ana sighed and slowly dismounted from Sebastian dripping wet as his last powerful spurts became a steady dribble. He breathed heavily finally able to get a full breath without a nipple down his throat when his eyes met with Mika's. She looked like the girl from the ring if she had been soaked completely with cum instead of well water.

"Maybe ten or fifteen minutes baby. I was ready for a break when these two came up and-" Sebastian said panting now that he could answer her question.

"Thanks, but you won't be taking a break." She responded and looked through an opening in her hardening bangs at the other two girls. "Triple team, let's go." And they got into position forming a triangle of titties at different angles around his still dribbling dick and balls. Mika and Ana were on either side of him rubbing their breasts up and down the base of the shaft and slapping against his balls. Ana's nipples were sliding all over the place and the pair of them were dribbling milk the whole while. Anytime they caught a glimpse of shaft or the head of the thing they would reach out tongue lolling for a taste. Both of those girls were big breasted at this point, but about half of his shaft was still protruding from the top which is where Scarlett came in. She brought up her mammoth breasts and dropped them down, each one eclipsing the total size of the two girls' chests and pressed together. They proceeded to tittyfuck it as much as they could all encouraging each other that they'd get more and more out of him.

Sebastian was in paradise as six massive breasts were rubbing the entirety of his length up and down. He reached out with one hand to Ana, another to Mika, and forward with a foot to Scarlett in an attempt to masturbate all three of them simultaneously. Mika and Ana were enjoying it, but he wasn’t overly successful with Scarlett. She was resourceful and besides pressing her tits together, had Mika and Ana to do the heavy lifting. She braced my foot against the drum and started grinding against his ankle while still giving him the titty fuck of his dreams. Milk was spraying in a constant shower in all directions soaking and lubing them all up. They had found a strange state of sexual perfection and closed their eyes biting their lips and feeling an intensity build within them all.

It started with the increase of milk flow on them all which had their hearts beating from the primal sweetness and warmth. The girls felt that warmth from deep inside and Sebastian's cock got harder with renewed vigor. Everyone's nipples stood at attention and added the element of playful tender nibs as they massaged each other in passing. Scarlett moaned and sprayed milk from her nipples coating his face and wetness splashed from her pussy and her knees buckled. Ana soon followed with a screaming moan, nipples erect and blasting Mika who in turn had yet another orgasm. Surrounded by such debauchery and drenched in milk and womanly nectar he couldn't hold it any longer and let loose the most massive ejaculation he had evern comprehended. Everything went white. The girls’ screams and moans faded into nothingness, and there was  silence as pleasure so great overwhelmed him, overwhelmed them all in that moment.

Chapter Nine: Outro

How much time had passed could only be imagined. It could have been minutes, hours, or days for all he knew. Sebastian's breathing was shallow and his ears were ringing like a grenade or loud firework went off right next to him. In actuality, two went off right in his balls with such force he was overwhelmed into unconsciousness. This was one of those 'breaking the matrix' moments where humans accidentally supersede all known capability, but he survived. From far away he heard a muffled sound become clearer.

“Dude... Dude. Dude!" It was a voice and it sounded like Trent. Sebastian stirred and groaned. "You alive man? You OK?" He was  asking seriously and tapped hard on the prone figure's shoulder. He shook his friend until Sebastian cracked open a single eye and his blonde buddy came into focus.

"What...?" Was all Sebastian could manage before Trent smiled, fully naked and kneeling very close. His relatively normal sized nutsack was swinging perliously close to Sebastian's face. He was soaking wet, covered head to toe in sexual fluids and his long blond hair matted to his skin. Sebastian tried to open his eyes and reach up, but his arms and hands laying at his side felt cemented to his side.

"Glad you're alright dude. That rocked! I'm gonna check on the others." Trent said pumping his fists and then patted a wet sticky hand on his shoulder that sounded like velcro tearing apart when he let go of him. With effort Sebastian pulled a hand free and could wipe whatever covered his whole face and most likely his whole body. It was dark in the cabin and only the ambient light of the moon and lamps outside illuminated general shapes as he got his bearings.

"Where are we? What happened?" He wrung his hands and flicked his fingers of the sticky gelatinous mess that had accumulated on him. His eyes also adjusted to the darkness and the light in the room was actually more than enough see what was going on in the room. And what he saw amazed and terrified him. An absolute sex apocalypse had taken place in this room. Looking around more carefully he recalled what happened as it came back to him. His cock hung limp over the chair, the head of the floppy club was submerged in a lukewarm mud of some kind. He looked closely and saw the bass drum, overflowing with cold congealing cum and fluids like an unholy baby pool. One of his feet was also in the thing submerged up to the lower calf. He wiggled his toes and felt how pruney they were. 'How long had I been out?' he thought to himself shaking his head.

His balls and prostate ached like they were on fire. His whole core from his abs down to this thighs was sore. He sat up in the chair and pulled his foot free from the slimy basin and shook off some of the globby wads he fished up with it. His nutsack was still pretty big by his standards and he was almost as big as both of those guys had been when they walked in the cabin after the show.  At least he could wear clothes again, but his cock stretched out like a length of rolled up bath towel.

Mark was with Scarlett massaging her breasts with a full blown hard on milking her gently. He doted on her every move and spoke very softly saying ‘Does this feel a bit better?’ She nodded and smiled while giving him a gentle hand job. He shot off a few ropes into the pool of gelatinous sexual fluid they were both resting in. Then he snuggled against her and they closed their eyes holding hands.

"Mika? Ana?” Sebastian called out trying to take to his feet, but finding that they felt as gelatinous as the general surroundings and he couldn't stand up yet. He was content to sit there and stretch his legs thumping his thighs with his fists to wake them up.

“I’m here...” Analyn’s voice sounded from a pile of equipment off to the side of the room and Trent began to search with more purpose. He found her and helped her get to her feet. She said a few kind words to her boyfriend and then looked over at Sebastian shaking her head. “You are fucking nuts man. That…” She pointed at the deadly thick python hanging from Sebastian. “And those…” Her gesture towards his balls was obvious. "I just can't anymore. It's too much sometimes, you know?" She shook her head looking around when another commotion occurred on the opposite side of the room.

Finally, Sebastian was able to stand up shakily pulling free from the chair like he was glued to it. He took unsteady steps in the mire following a trail of cum and other mess that trailed away from ground zero. The weighty swing of his balls coincided with the flapping fourteen inches of his long soft dick between his legs. After a few swings it eventually wrapped around and got stuck onto one of his legs, still coated in the man-made cement. Laying by the bunk, partly on the way to the shower room, was Mika laying face down and on her side. She looked up from under her hair which had hardened into a shiny shell and smiled. Sebastian knelt down, his cock came unstuck and proceeded to coil on the ground, balls touching down lightly behind it. She laughed to herself and began to get up on her elbows. Sebastian reached a hand down to her and she took it standing up wibbly with him. She gave him a sticky hug and a cummy kiss on the lips. It was like kissing through a jellyfish until their lips finally touched.

“That was awesome.” She said. “Next time how about we all add cream cheese to the regimen instead of just you huh?” She laughed and slapped my cock which swung back around his thigh getting lodged under his butt cheek. She held up her breasts, a bit smaller than before but still leaking milk, which was to be expected after the sheer amount she expressed during the orgy. She squeezed them expertly prompting small trickles of milk to shoot out on him and the floor around him. “Cumming from your tits feels super good. You should try it, Sebastian.” She said with a wink.

“Yeah right. You should try cumming from one of these then.” He quipped back, peeling off the thick hose and slapping one of her tits with it. It stuck there until the spurting milk loosened it letting it fall down. She had an intrigued look on her face and smiled. he took her by the waist and walked back to the group and they all took a deep breath. They all shared a laugh looking around the room and the chaos. They all just sat and relaxed a while as the final aftershocks of orgasm faded into nothingness and their heartbeats returned to normal. Looking at the clock they had been at it for a few hours. The party was in full swing by then. There was a sound of footsteps and heavy knocking on the door.

"You guys in here?" The director said. They commented under their breath how badly it stank. "You guys getting cleaned up or something? Someone said there was screaming a little while ago." The door creaked open slightly and a hand reached for the light switch. They all panicked and looked around.

"Sorry! Just taking a nap. We were going to take a shower after how hot we got after the performance but all fell right asleep. Is the party still going?" Mark said totally smooth while squeezing Scarlett's breast, casually shooting milk on their legs.

"Oh goody! That is what happened!" The smell must have been their dirty clothes then. "Well you get cleaned up. Sorry to wake you up from a well deserved rest!  We will be down in the lodge, you know.  Everyone's waiting! See you then!" The director was cheerful and flapped off in the dust and grass in flip flops. The six of them took a deep sigh of relief and everyone gave thumbs up to Mark who nodded and waved it off like it was nothing.

"What do we do about this?" Trent said gesturing to the sexpocalypse that surrounded them.  They all looked at each other in doubt and nobody wanted to admit what needed to be done. But Ana stood up.

"I will suck off anyone who does my share of the work in cleaning this up!" She said and looked pointedly at Trent, then Mark, and then Sebastian waggling her eyebrows.

They all laughed. Trent stood up and walked over to her smiling saying he would do her part happily and Mark looked to Scarlett who nodded. The two girls began to go down on their boys to get out of doing the work. Sebastian and Mika just stood up, took deep breaths, and began to haul one of the snare drums to the large communal bath area emptying it's contents into the drain.

After a few blow jobs, a LOT of mopping, and someone on constant drain-unclogging-duty (It was Ana standing under a hot shower stamping the more gelatinous thick chunks of spunk through the drain grate) they got the room into a state fit for human eyes. They doubted the smell would go away for a long time, but managed to get cleaned up, dressed, and head to the party  just after it kicked into full swing.

They enjoyed music, chatted with their friends and bandmates, and did more than a little explaining about all the happenings over the past few days. More than a few of their fellow band mates had their own idea what was going on and there were many fantastic rumors. They would just shrug and insist everyone enjoys the party and congratulate them on a great performance. But besides those six, there was one person who knew what really happened at band camp's crescendo. And that person began to plan a personal crescendo on their own.

The End.


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