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Greetings my dear patron.  Having a nice week?

I have felt busy and tired as ever. Don't really know how else to describe it, but it has felt full on for quite a while now.  I have been able to keep releasing drafts and other fun stuff regularly so thankfully my rantings here haven't been overly affected.

Normally I want to gush and talk about this and that, but not quite feeling it today! Oh well.  Enjoy the rewrite and hopefully this updated version adds a bit more depth and flavor to spice things up and increase clarity at the same time.

I am in the process of trying something new with regards to releasing these stories as books online  Either way, enjoy 10K of updated smut. It feels good to go through this story and clean it up a lot more.  Still needs a bit more TLC, but you can go over a story endlessly and you just need to let the baby bird fly from the nest you know?

Chapter One: Overture

The cymbals crashed and the drums boomed during the build-up of the current number, the final song of the performance. Mark and Trent were fellow percussionists flanking the xylophones and vibraphones where Scarlett was pounding mallets furiously against the wooden keys during a chaotic sequence leading to the final crescendo. Scarlett had brilliant and bright red hair which set her apart from the whole orchestra. She looked like a rock star despite the somewhat plain clothes the percussion section wore in solidarity to set themselves apart. The rest of the percussion section was composed completely of guys including Mark, Trent, and Sebastian. Mark was on the shorter side with short dark hair and was very muscled and athletic thanks to playing sports. His eyes stared intently at Scarlett, namely her healthy breasts, which shook and bounced wildly as she played. She licked her lips playfully between each of the more intense sequences and spared glances towards him showing a big white toothy smile. Mark’s arms slowly pulled apart as he stared at her waiting for his ‘cue’ to unleash.

Every time they played this number she got really into it and would end up breathing hard, hot, breaths causing her chest to heave and stretch buttons. All the while the thin white material of her dress shirt became translucent from body heat exposing and outlining her bra. Tonight it was white with pink frills, all the boys mused no doubt and had a small cute bow stuffed between her ample cleavage. Mark’s arousal built up in time with his cymbals crashing together as it always had. His good friend, Trent, was a tall, lanky, nerdy guy with glasses and long wispy blond hair. He played the drums and had a phenomenal muscle memory and sense of space allowing him to play without looking. During his routine, he spared a few glances and a few more mouth-agape stares at Scarlett’s breasts as they wobbled and bounced each time she struck a xylophone key. He licked his lips making sure that he wasn’t drooling on himself and then spared a look towards the trumpets and woodwinds. That section was where his girlfriend was, a clarinet player who was not Scarlett, and she was staring right at him. She played her instrument balefully, her fingers pressed painfully hard on the keys, and her cheeks puffed notes like a dragon's fire. Finding Trent, or any boy for that matter, staring at Scarlett’s breasts was like meeting a person while breathing air and Analyn always seemed to catch every ogler.

‘Little’ Analyn was a short, bubbly, Filipina girl who just got a chance to look over her shoulder to watch her boyfriend play since this particular section focused more on percussion. Unlike the percussion section which imposed their own dress code, the rest of the orchestra was a bit more free. Girls like Ana took advantage of this and she wore a hip-hugging short black skirt, black stockings, and a nice white top with a dark bra underneath showing off her shapely body. She locked eyes with Trent, her boyfriend, catching him staring at Scarlett, yet again, and shot a playful look of anger at him. He winced being caught and bowed his head a little in apology while continuing with the drum routine smiling at his girlfriend.

With Analyn’s mission complete in getting her boy in line, she leaned over towards her best friend who played trumpet nearby. She was Japanese and wore a long asymmetrical black dress with a long slit up the side revealing lots of luscious leg and a bit more than a tasteful glimpse of the bottom of her large soft butt which was currently squishing over the edges of the folding chair she sat in. The neckline of the dress was cut fairly low and showed a bit of cleavage. Up until earlier that year, she would have been considered to have more of a ‘fit’ body type, but after a certain pool party with some special snacks she and her bestie Ana ended up permanently making a few physical gains which Mika was more than happy to show off. Her nipples, almost always hard during performance thanks to well air-conditioned venues, poked out from the thin almost translucent fabric. Under the dress she only wore a gossamer thin white camisole. Anyone in the right light could just about see everything she had on display clearly which was quite a lot. How she managed to get away with it mystified her peers, but nobody really seemed to mind the fact that her tits and ass were on full display at all times. She was like a celebrity in a designer dress on the red carpet when it was performance time.

One more guy was on the periphery of the percussion section playing with glee and that was Sebastian. He was one of the central figures in this friend group and at the center of more than one series of events leading to quite a bit of excitement. Sebastian from the wild pool party with some special bagels and cream cheese. The party where things with Mika and Ana ended up getting quite intense and Mika’s family had to replace the pool filter totally after that summer. Although after that wild party and the exciting summer that followed, they mutually decided to take a break and ‘explore options’. They were still really good friends though. Around that time, Sebastian started dating a girl from the Jumbo Juice smoothie place named Jessica. After she heard rumors she decided to make him play the part of guinea pig until he was a living fire hose for her pleasure. That was a wild couple of months, but ultimately Sebastian and Jessica realized that their relationship was more a fling and infatuation more than anything else and they broke it off. The band had been in their off-season as well and when it kicked back up seeing Mika again and their mutual love of music reignited some of the passion there. They both agreed it was more of an open thing and they shared what they had to give openly, especially with each other. With that in mind, Sebastian smiled and nodded taking in the view around him while trilling a lovely segue which the trumpets and woodwinds picked up on. Mika smiled waiting for this cue and he sent it with a wink at her as she positioned the mouthpiece between her wet lips.

Mika in that sexy dress left little to the imagination, and always nearby her was the cute and petite Ana in making his girl look that much more voluptuous even though Ana was overfilling her skirt and top enough to catch anyone’s eye. Sebastian’s eye was caught properly and remained fixated on the pair of them for a bit as he reminisced about their pool party and the rest of that exciting and sexy summer. Also in the percussion section just on the other side of Trent was, of course, Scarlett. Sebastian felt very lucky that he got interested in drums, if only for a chance to be near this absolute babe with the biggest breasts he’d ever seen up close in real life. Even at the peak of the effects on Ana and Mika after taking the growth supplement-laced cream cheese and bagels, their breasts were only marginally bigger than Scarlett’s were naturally. It was a challenge to play the drums so close to her sometimes, he thought to himself more often than not because she had some serious melons on her chest that nobody in the building could ignore. It always seemed like she knew it too, but how could you not know it if you had literal overinflated party balloons hanging off of you for years and years? Of course, she knew and she must have loved the control it gave her over people and situations, he thought to himself leaning into some slow building drum fills.

She had a degree of control over every guy in the room, and more than a few of the women as well. Sebastian was no different and found that his cock was snaking down his thigh after her first solo and bulged unabashedly like clockwork since his hands were full with his part following right after hers. The girl just ahead of him in the French horn section used the reflection of her instrument’s bell to stare at his thickening hard-on and couldn’t help but put a little extra tongue onto those first few notes wishing that it wasn’t a mouthpiece she was blowing. She would purposely angle it to get a better look and he had no choice but to spread his legs to keep balance when playing the bass drum which ended up showing off his hardening length more and more. Each reverberation of heavy bass drum vibrated along his body allowing his dick to slink that much further down his.

After the Pool Party Bagel Incident and then the following Jumbo Juice experiment Sebastian found that his body was slowly reverting back to normal which he was thankful for since having a foot of thick, hot, permanently semi-hard cock, and a pair of massive testicles the size of baseballs in his pants made life difficult sometimes. Namely, all the time if the activity involved walking, sitting, or turning around anywhere but the most open of spaces. First off, wearing any kind of thin cloth or shorts shorter than his knee was right out. Any underwear was either laughably unwearable, or his dick just slipped down the leg giving a show to anyone nearby, or both. For months and months, his  cock and balls were pretty much on display. And this all happened during the hottest months of the year too and on top of all of that, he always seemed to be with a girl who was more than eager to show off their body over the phone or in person. He was teased relentlessly by them and found himself left with boners at the most awkward times creating a lifestyle of embarrassment and inconvenience. But at the same time such a blessing and fun thing to enjoy since he had the absolute biggest penis and balls within thousands and thousands of miles he figured. And as rumors spread a small group of ladies who wanted their shot at the beast in his shorts came and went.

It wasn’t an easy life to get used to and he went through phases of trying and failing to hide what he had in his pants and one of showing it off as well. When sitting in a comfortable chair he could lean back just a little sliding forward enough to let his bulge hang over the end of the seat and finally get a break from carrying that weight around all day. The looks on people's faces and his overactive imagination had him getting hard and cumming on the spot when the supplements were at their peak. He’d need to wear condoms at all times because the precum would get so bad he’d need to change his pants halfway through the day otherwise. When girls stared at him he’d reach down and cup the fat squishy bulge, pretending to scratch or adjust it, but instead massaged and squeezed it, letting the fabric of his shorts or sweatpants conform fully around it. Some girls couldn’t contain themselves and would approach him and make offers that he couldn’t refuse, so to speak. The exhibitionist in him came to life after a while and there were a few times when he was certain he had an audience and it thrilled him.

But mostly he enjoyed the great satisfaction of the extended and powerful orgasms along with the bliss and sheer volume of how he ejaculated. One amount he spurted out in a single thick milky cable would take a half dozen guys’ full orgasms to even compare. The pleasure of seeing his partners’ faces as they worshiped his cock and hungrily fought for their chance to drink deep in hopes that they too would grow a bit more. It had been months of such a lifestyle and while it still felt amazing, he was getting burnt out. All the muscles inside him producing and pumping out semen, and all the muscles bearing the heavy weight of his cock and balls were getting a workout nearly non stop. Though he was more used to it now than before, there were many months of just muscle ache in muscles he didn’t even know he had.

But that all kind of petered out the last few months for him and his partners who had been under the effects of the supplements. He knew it wasn’t permanent since each month he felt more bagginess in his boxers and his constant erections became daily occurrences rather than hourly ones. Still, he was massive compared to before all of this supplement-taking started and even now he boasted seven or eight thick inches with nice plump balls the size of eggs. He was and is thankful for it, but only cumming tens of milliliters at a time compared to the hundreds he poured out during the height of his growth kind of bummed him out a bit. ‘What can you do?’ He thought to himself as the orchestra began to fall silent in preparation.

The percussion solos came to an end and the whole orchestra joined in slowly building and building with all the instruments increasing in volume and intensity. Then the final note hit, the crescendo, like a giant orgasm of sound with all of them climaxing at once. This was the start of this summer’s vacation and it would culminate at the coed band camp trip and final regional performance. It was going to be a summer that his friends and he would end up remembering for a long, long time.

Chapter Two: Sonata of the Sneaky Stunt

“Woo! That was a good one!” Mark said, wiping a towel on his face and along his muscled arms. His dark hair was practically black from being wet after the constant pounding and his arms were bulging from the physical exertion. It was drawing the attention of some of the girls who smiled at each other while he walked ahead of them backstage.

“It really was, wasn't it?” Scarlett replied with a smile. “You guys really came in so hard at the end there with the symbols and drums. I felt the sound vibing through me, it was so hot.” She took her towel and wiped her neck while casually undoing one or two buttons letting out an invisible wisp of hot steam the guys could practically taste. The large round tops of her breasts and the first few inches of her cleavage shined with a sheen of sweat. She was still breathing heavily and her chest rising and falling was hypnotizing. She looked away from them pretending to be keeping an eye out for the other girls, eyelashes covering her eyes enough to let them soak in the view. Their tongues were practically falling out of their mouths and they did as they were inadvertently bade.

“You said it,” Trent added, “but your Xylo solo transitioning the second and third was the best I've heard in a while. Seeing you slam those keys and watching the mallets bouncing up and down so fast was exhilarating.” He shot a sneaky glance at Mark who looked up from staring at Scarlett's cleavage long enough to share a playful nod. Sebastian walked in and gave a few nods to the people in the room and joined his friends.

“But nobody was more impactful and powerful than those big beautiful bass drums, right baby?” Mika sashayed in behind Sebastian hijacking the conversation and then gave her boy toy a nice big hug. She pressed her breasts against him and leaned her chin up to kiss him on the cheek. He smiled and blushed a bit, scratching his head.

“I do what I can, you know, but the trumpet sounded amazing as well.” He humbly replied looking down at her up and down at her body in that sexy dress and all the cleavage she was showing off. The other guys had to make difficult decisions about which of the two cute girls they were going to stare at inappropriately. It was a difficult choice, but Mika being positioned under a low-hanging light illuminated her dress in just such a way that it rendered her already semi-translucent dress all but invisible. Sebastian only had one choice while she was around and took in the sight of her light brown caramel-colored nipples which poked out hard as rocks. The other guys took a break from ogling Scarlett’s big sweaty breasts to admire Mika's striking hourglass figure. Even Scarlett enjoyed the view and couldn’t believe how audacious she was on performance nights sometimes with her wardrobe choices. But she knew better than anyone that if you had it, you needed to flaunt it. Mika knew how to flaunt it, and flaunt it well.

Scarlett nodded while following the line of lightly tanned skin upwards from Mika's thin feet in their cute black shining pumps. Her eye graced the curves of her tight and fit calf up to luscious and juicy thigh where the slit in the dress finally ended giving just a glimpse of her fat round butt cheek. It was like looking through a thin triangular window and since Mika always put her weight on one leg over the other, her hips were pitched in this direction making her already impossibly large ass appear even bigger. Scarlett admired her hips and shape since her butt wasn't nearly as big as that. The booby fairy gave each of the other fairies a little bit of time with her and then unceremoniously kicked them out for good and took up residence. Scarlett could just make out the thin line of the strap of Mika's thong spanning the distance between the front and back of her thick hip. She looked up and Mika was smiling at her and did an air kiss that said ‘Caught ya’ all over it. Scarlett blushed having been caught at what was literally her favorite game, looked away quickly right as Analyn came in. Ana who immediately caught and confronted her boyfriend Trent staring at yet another woman's body this time. She walked up in front of him and puffed out her chest.

“I still think the clarinets were the ones who really led the way today on the third movement.“ Ana flowed into the conversation seamlessly while commanding Trent’s eye contact, frowning, and then unceremoniously grabbed his head pulling it down into her hot cleavage and rubbing his face in her breasts. Everyone laughed and the atmosphere eased up a bit and people were sitting around cleaning instruments and packing and cooling off. Ana released Trent who finally took a breath and had hearts in his eyes and a tent in his pants then looked to the group. “Enough about music. Show’s over we rocked, obviously. Are we going to hang out tonight or what?” She put a hand on her hip and began to look around the room for reactions.

Mark and Trent both nodded eagerly and looked over to Scarlett and the other girls and then to Sebastian who shrugged looking at Mika who nodded back at him making that decision for them who then looked back over to Scarlett who had pulled out a small cooler box and began to produce ice cold drinks. Everyone smiled and cheered for her kindness. Analyn threw her arms up wondering why nobody looked at her and began scanning the group for some recognition and found it in Scarlett who winked at her.

“First, let’s have a quick cheers and cool off a bit. I am hot and my boob sweat is getting out of hand.” She raised her eyebrows and the other girls nodded with serious looks. “And I can’t wipe down my tits with you dogs standing around with your tongues hanging out, right Ana?” Ana pulled out a towel and raised a fist at the boys playfully.

“You want to see these mga utong then you gotta put in the work, boys! Especially you!” She thrust a finger into Trent’s chest and pushed him away. “I can’t speak for Mika, though. Her boobs are pretty much free to look at any time you want. I stare at 'em all the time.” She continued to berate the boys, took a long stare at Mika’s body who shrugged and wiggled her boobs a bit at her friend. Ana licked her lips and pretended to stalk with both hands up fingers wiggling and then suddenly swung a pointing finger around to her boyfriend again getting right up in his face. "But not you!" He looked so nervous, but he loved how rough she was with him sometimes despite being so tiny. She was looking up at a sixty degree angle and then grabbed his shirt in two cute fists and gave him a little peck on the lips. She started whispering something only he could hear and his eyes went wide and he blushed.

“So like I said, let’s cool off.” Scarlett spoke up, "I am down to hang out later, but I need some time with my girls first, boys. So, uh, you guys go have a chugging contest or something and whoever wins I will let you keep my towel…” She ended the sentiment provocatively by wiping the sweat from her cleavage and spinning it around her finger. Everyone in the room gulped reflexively and part of them wanted to smell that towel for one reason or another.

“Don’t gotta tell me twice!” Mark said and then looked at the other guys, “You coming?" Sebastian gave a kiss to Mika and while they were close she snuck a hand down to brush against his package and then whispered in his ear.

“If you win that towel then you won’t be able to get the prize for coming in last, which is a deep long kiss from me on your fat dick and balls. Good luck.” Her lips were opened and her tongue was dancing around inside her mouth. She had a sultry look and pushed him away slowly then focused back on Scarlett changing her expression instantly.

“Jeez Scar, your stupid sexy huge boobs have all three of those dumb boys walking around with boners all day and doing your bidding. Should we be worried?” She looked to Ana for support and playfully stepped forward reaching out her hands like a zombie moving towards Scarlett. Analyn copied the action and the two approached Scarlett saying things like “Neeeeddd MMiilllkkkk.” “TiiiIIiiiIIiiiittssss” “Mommmmyyyyy Booobiess” and other silly things. They got closer and closer and Scarlett didn't budge and the next thing she knew there was one girl on each of her breasts enjoying big healthy handfuls. They almost tackled her and ended up undoing a couple buttons accidentally in the process. More soft, hot, breast meat emerged from the tight shirt wobbling over the edges of the bra she wore. The hazy light pink of her areola just crested the line where the bra ended. It became playful tickling and teasing and Scarlett was laughing and pawing wildly in all directions grabbing and pulling on her friends as well.

“Alright! Alright! Geez! I am so ticklish and you guys are being so rough!” She was breathing heavily again and had her hands up in a blocking form while the other girls let her relax. Ana was wiggling her eyebrows at Mika and looked at Scarlett and glanced down at her chest and to her eyes back and forth sending a message with a big grin on her face. The sound of the guys gasping on the far end of the room roiled up a bit and Scarlett looked down. Her shirt buttons were almost all open and her bra had been yanked down exposing more than half of her right breast. A big thick pink nipple was peeking over the top of the cup scrunched up. Ana reached forward and tweaked it playfully causing Scarlett to yelp as she frantically  began to gather herself together. The bottom of her bra had spillage of underboob as well. Although teasing her, both Mike and Ana were independently wondering exactly how big Scarlett's breasts actually were. They formed a small barrier around their friend so Scarlett could put her boob away and buttoned up her shirt. They had a laugh and then she passed out sports drinks and they began to chat and towel off taking turns as a barrier.

“I swear to god dude, I think that’s her nipple.” Mark said, peering through the thin glass window of the door outside the room where the band members gathered chatting it up and hanging out. Trent peered over his head.

“I think you might be right man, the girls kind of got a little rough and pulled out her titty I think. Check it out Seb.” Trent reported and Sebastian couldn't resist. He popped his head between the other two guys' in time to see Analyn reach out and grab a big pink nipple. They formed a barrier and looked over in their direction and they hid quickly.

"Are her nipples like, super big?" Sebastian asked and they both nodded readily in response to it.

"Massive dude. I can't believe we just got to see that. Pretty sure that will be a core memory of my life from now on." Mark said wistfully looking in the distance making sure the image burned deep into his brain. Trent took one more peek through the window and saw Scarlett finishing buttoning up her shirt with the girls forming a solid perimeter. The show was over.

“Mark you better get on that man, how does she not have a boyfriend yet? What are you waiting for dude?” Trent said, shaking his head and kneeling down beside his buddies.

“I have asked her to hang out so many times, but she never wants to go out with her and I. Only if it is like, all of us, as friends I think.” Mark replied with a defeated tone. “So my only chance is... with this!” He pulled the sports drink bottle up and began to chug like crazy staring at his friends with fire in his eyes and they both scrambled. After the initial subconscious call to action, Sebastian slowed down since he wanted last place, but Trent made an authentic try at catching up and ended up coughing and sneezing some of the drink out of his nose. Mark won handily.

“I am going to sleep with that towel on my pillow.” Mark said with an air of supremacy.

“More like use it to jerk off with.” Sebastian quipped and Trent laughed. The guys continued to banter back and forth about the towel, their girlfriends, and making plans for Mark to get a chance with Scarlett.

“And apparently that was what happened last November when you and Sebastian took your break,” Scarlett said to Mika. She held up a few small packets of some kind of powder.

“So this Jessica chick said that his balls were the size of like softballs and he came a gallon of cum or something?” Mika asked intrigued. His balls hadn't been that big over the summer.

“Basically. They aren’t together anymore and it was just a fling apparently, but she gave me a ton of this supplement stuff, a new batch actually she said. Kind of a ‘one size fits all’ she said, boys, girls, and everything in-between or something like that. She likes the idea and wants me to give her some info when it’s all done. Apparently, Jumbo Juice promoted her after all that stuff with Seb and she is a big deal now.

"The cream cheese was kind of different, wasn't it Ana? Can you still get that stuff?" Mika asked. It was a question she had asked many times and although there had been times of abundance in the past, recently there was nothing. Ana shook her head and looked down at her breasts and hips. The girls shared a knowing look and then Ana quickly focused on Scarlett.

“So when are you going to spike their drinks, Scarlett? Will they start to just cum buckets in a few hours or?” Analyn asked interestedly with a big smile on her face thinking back to the time her and Mika got hosed down in the pool when Sebastian got huge the first time. And to how big and shapely they got after drinking it down.

“When?” Scarlett smiled evilly and chuckled. “I already have. You too, bitches.” She opened her bottle and began to chug it down, not wasting a drop. Her friends did likewise and they all stared at each other smiling before saying in unison:

“ University Band Camp.”

Chapter Three: The Adagio of Anticipation

Over the next few days things were as they always were. They enjoyed practice together, spent late afternoons hanging out laughing and playing together. Scarlett brought out these special sports drinks with more and more frequency. She claimed she won an online raffle while shopping for sports bras and after that nobody seemed bothered where they came from. Everyone enjoyed them and the chugging contests for lewd favors and gifts that she or the other girls kept coming up with. Mark was gaining quite the collection of memorabilia. Every time drinks were handed out the girls always made suggestive comments like:

“You are going to be SO FULL when you drink it.”

“You've got to have huge balls to enjoy this stuff.”

“You get so much energy you feel like a rocket blasting so hard.”

And so on. They laid it on thick and despite how cheesy it was the girls had their fun and the guys just smiled and played along. Mark even ended up making jokes for them thinking that it was a route to get more in Scarlett's good graces. It was all really cheesy, but whatever, the drinks were good and everyone was happy to help her out.

It was after a week or two of the sports drinks that the guys started to notice how much more sexy the girls were. Clothes they wore at practice all the time and outfits from performances started to fit differently. On the bus ride from the last performance before band camp started was when the guys decided to speak up about it.  They knew something was going on and had a bro-meeting about it.

“Dude, I have been nutting like crazy thinking about Scarlett recently. I swear to god her tits are getting bigger." Mark said enthusiastically while they looked down the row of seats over their bandmates towards where the girls were sitting. Mark shook his head, unable to contain his libido. "That towel I won is as hard as a board I used it so much.” Both Sebastian and Trent reeled at the comment and groaned.

"TMI, Mark." Sebastian said with a laugh. "But I gotta agree that I think all three of those girls are gaining a bit of weight or something."

“Dude that is a lot of masturbating,” Trent said, biting his lower lip, “But I have had the opposite problem. Ana has been teasing me a lot lately and although we have lots of fun she says I can't cum. She keeps saying stuff like ‘You need to save up’ and that she wants me to bukake her like crazy after band camp.” Trent reached down cupping his balls after a particularly big bump in the road. "I feel like my balls are huge, dudes." His blonde head leaned against the window filled with dirty thoughts about the girls.

“Yeah, that is strange now that you mention it.” Sebastian said, taking a gulp from his sports drink. “Mika has been doing the same thing, and like, edging me close to getting off, but never letting me cum. I feel you bro." He patted Trent on the shoulder and reached down to his own sack which was sore from fullness before continuing. "She keeps walking around my apartment in a bra and panties, or a bikini at her pool and showing off her tits. I don’t think I can handle it much longer without blowing to be honest.”

Trent nodded thoughtfully and offered words of empathy while they shared mutual pains every time the bus hit a pothole. Mark scoffed a bit since he was enjoying himself as if he was making the discovery of masturbation for the first time all over again.

“Well that sucks.” Mark lamented. “For you guys! Because I can’t get enough of seeing Scarlett's beautiful body and just thinking about it makes me want to-”

“Jerk off? Thinking about these?” Scarlett appeared suddenly from behind their seat and leaned over it letting her breasts hang over the backrest on Mark's shoulders. All he heard was the sound of buttons being undone as his buddies sat on either side of him staring at the show. The big warm fleshy orbs began to surround his neck and head eventually covering his ears partially. She stopped unbuttoning once her bra was fully out of her shirt, but it was still propped up putting her boobs on display. Soft pale flesh spilled over every side of the overstretched bra and the cups looked like little hats on a head too large for them. She hadn't said anything for a good fifteen or twenty seconds and smiled contentedly scanning the engrossed looks of the boys. She took a deep satisfying breath enjoying her control over these feeble males. All they did was follow the movement of her chest as it went up and down. Mark began to turn around carefully to keep as much contact with her chest as he possibly could since this was a landmark event for him.

“D..Did...you hear us just now?” Mark stuttered a bit still coming to grips with the fact he was semi-motorboating his crush.

“Of course I did, Mark. I love when you dorks obsess and talk about my breasts. I love seeing all three of you," she took well practiced glances at all three of their poorly hidden erections and awkward bulges, “Staring at these big fat titties of mine and trying to hide your hard little cocks in embarrassment.” She sat up and crossed her arms under her breasts. There were a few well timed pot holes and her breasts tried to pop out of her shirt, but it was too tight to do more than dislodge the top half of her nipple. She continued to watch them and their quivering pants as their semi-hard penises started to harden fully. She looked like she was balancing a pair of volleyballs under her chin as her heavy breasts hung over her arms bouncing with the bus.

She pointed out with one hand. “Right there. Not too bad, Trent.” She said, motioning to Trent’s crotch and gesturing its general angle. He blushed a fierce red in response. She pointed to Mark. “And there, always down the left leg, Mark. I'd never miss it.” She smiled as he brushed his hand down clearly revealing its modest length through the cloth of his shorts. “And you, Seb.” She glanced over to Sebastian pointing and drawing a long outline in the air like a long thick ‘U’ literally tracing it from a distance with one eye closed. He was enthralled and could imagine her finger outlining his sensitive cock and felt warmth fill him utterly as she teased. He flexed his boner suddenly and it fought the fabric of his pants pushing prominently outward. More than Scarlett, both Trent and Mark all stared down at Sebastian's crotch and opened wide. Sebastian went to cover the obscene bulging outline which got longer and thicker making its way down his thigh towards his knee.

"Dude..." Trent and Mark said in a whisper simultaneously while Scarlett blinked her amazement away and reached for control of the situation again.

“Well. Uhm. Yours is a bit easier to spot, especially now. Mika is a lucky girl and so was Analyn once, I heard.” She said and another series of bumps brought their attention back to her bouncing breasts. Trent kind of glanced over at Sebastian who shrugged and made a 'my bad dude' face.

“It was a summer or two ago, It was only once or twice. You guys weren't going out I thought. Sorry man.” It didn’t seem to bother him and she shrugged with his face.

“And one of you might be a lucky boy with me, too, if you can win.” Scarlett alluded, building up to something mysteriously.

“Win what?” Mark said instinctively. “What do you want me, I mean us, to do?” He was desperate, hard, and she loved it. She let her eyes linger on his own bulge which was flexing desperately in his shorts.

“Well, if after the final performance at band camp, you can cum more than your two friends here, I have something that I want to give to the winner.”

“Which is?” Trent said reaching down and tugging at his pants feeling his hard on poking out and trying to resituate himself.

“Well, two things actually.” She said seductively as she reached for the front clasp on her bra and let it open. Her huge melons bounced down and were both capped with thick pink nipples like thimbles meant for thumbs. Mark was the first to reach down and start rubbing himself through his shorts and whether they knew it or not, the other guys were doing the same.

Scarlett let down her fiery red hair and shook it out, her breasts swaying back and forth in time slapping Mark in the face a bit since he was so close and then she grasped them firmly, she squeezed and played with them. When squeezed like she was doing they looked even bigger than they were. She teased both of her nipples between the thumb and curled forefinger of each hand kind of roughly. She moaned softly while maintaining eye contact with each of them in turn. “Oh my goodness I can’t wait to see you boys shoot off those loads. I need you to jerk off those big cocks for me and cum all over these..." Her voice was hypnotizing and she continued her bewitch her desperate targets. They didn't care about anything any more and just unzipped right there side by side in the bus seat pulling out their cocks. There were people nearby, but it was late after a really hard performance and most people were sleeping. They were as quiet as possible and just stroked listening to her make her demands and tease them. She nodded, taking care to look at each of their penises and they all took stock of each others' situation. Although Sebastian was certainly the biggest, the other two guys had respectable rods as well and Scarlett had to bite her lip in anticipation of the proposal she made.

“Your balls must be so full and need release… Sebastian, your cock is huge and so are those balls." She moaned softly. "You look like you are going to win without even needing to try…” The guys looked and Seb's nuts were pretty fat, although Trent also had a pretty big nutsack as well. The three of them stroked their painfully erect penises and precum began to form on their tips. Scarlett was still playing with her breasts right in Mark's face and moaned. Mark grunted and came against the floor of the bus in a dozen quick short spurts. Scarlett smiled since she had a feeling one of them was close and she was right.

“Of course you're the first to go. You have been jerking off non-stop to me. To these haven’t you?" She leaned forward and booped his nose with her hard nipple. He let out one or two more desperate spurts of cum and groaned. She pulled her breasts back before he could get his lips on a nipple. "For enjoying yourself so much, that is still a decent cumshot, Mark. Maybe you have a chance after all? To put that,” She pointed at his cum-slick rod still dribbling fluid all over his balls and soaking his shorts, “Between these?” she shoved her breasts into his face slowly and began to playfully suffocate him. His eyes rolled up into his head and he came again, hard, coating the bottom of her breasts with hot seed. She smiled and glanced over at Trent who had sped up his pace and was stroking furiously. He was clearly close and had a pained expression on his face and gritted his teeth. She released Mark from her grasp and his body fell limp, spent of its energy. Trent watched the cum dripping from her breasts and his spent friend and held his breath letting loose one long fast rope which slapped against the side of her tits and a second splashing against her side soaking her shirt and bra. A few more shot off some hitting Mark and the rest dribbling on his own clothes. She looked at him through strands of red hair as he was still spilling seed in shortening spurts on his own lap.

“Impressive. Analyn wasn’t joking when she said that she was making sure you held back. Now I have to get this shirt dry cleaned before our next performance. At least Mark was kind enough not to dirty my clothes,” she commented with a wink at Mark's inert body before looking over to Sebastian. She focused on his thick meat as he stroked it slowly and slowly shook her head in disbelief. Sebastian was still taking his time while the other two guys were down for the count. Mark came back to life and the two of them just watched amazed that he was able to hold off ejaculating in the face of such sexual power.

“Are you even close?” She asked him while sliding around the bus seat and shooing the guys to the seat she was in a moment ago and sat next to him. She puffing out her chest holding a large bosom in each hand bouncing them up and down presenting them. Sebastian was experienced, but after a few days of saving up he was no hero and Scarlett was dangerously sexy. “Do you need...help?” She whispered, leaning forward close enough that thick drips of the still warm jizz dripping from her breasts spattered onto his leg. She looked up at the boys who were watching the whole scene from the seat behind leaning over just like she had been a moment earlier. Both of them had one hand on the setback and one pumping their still erect cocks slathered in a slippery mix of cum from their previous orgasms and precum from the next one building up. They no longer had control over themselves and were lost in this moment of absolute lust. She looked back down at Sebastian's prominent rod, thick with light veins standing bolt upright and got closer still. She leaned down resting her tits on his legs and looked up into his eyes. He just smiled in response, still masturbating at the same slow pace staring at her eyes.  He smiled and sped up his pace a little bit at the prospect and the new aerial view of her breasts.

“I don’t think Mika would mind, but I wouldn’t win this little jizzing contest and get a chance to titty fuck those massive boobs of yours.” He said cooly and she made no reaction other than to smile and reach a hand towards his balls. They were full and bounced around on the seat while he teased his shaft in her face. He could practically boop her nose with its slick tip, she was so close to it and was licking her lips thirstily. Her breath was hot against his tip and her plan had worked and he couldn't resist any longer. 'Might as well give these guys a fighting chance' he convinced himself and resolved to show her what a proper cum shot looked like and grinned. “Are you sure that you are ready for it? It's been a good few days since Mika started teasing me and forbidding me from coming. Does that have something to do with your game?” Sebastian raised a brow while narrowing his eyes slightly at the mischievous girl throwing herself at him. Mark looked like he was about to blow again and clutched the seat with a death grip. Trent was mesmerized at the interaction before him and continued to focus in on Scarlett's wet lips, cum-caked breasts, and unavoidably, Sebastian's thick swollen rod and fat heavy balls bouncing around.

“Maybe it does. Maybe this is the only way we can make sure you guys are all on ‘equal footing’ before the main event.” She said while  picking up the bead of precum off of the tip of his cock on a fingertip and bringing it to her tongue. She didn't even look at him as she spoke the words and sucked her finger seductively. Mark grunted and shot thick strings into the back of the seat and had to brace his forehead on the seatback to remain upright. The look on Trent and Sebastian's face at the audacious provocation this woman was capable of was a canvas of confusion, desperation, lust, and helplessness. Sebastian had to clench tightly to prevent himself from blowing right then and there and let go of his cock to focus. She smiled and laughed seeing his reaction. Sebastian tried to play it cool and managed to master himself long enough to offer a challenge, unwilling to be so easily bested.

“Do you want some more where that came from?” He felt confident. She saw through him and squeezed her breasts together resting them on her arms and cupping both hands where her cleavage would undoubtedly pour her sought after prize. She was ready and waiting and put a devilishly innocent look on her face.

“Do you think this is enough room to catch it all?” She looked down at her expansive cleavage leading to her waiting hands then looked up at him with doe eyes. “Or will I need more space to handle the much rumored mega-ejaculaculation of Sebastian the 'Cumblaster' as Mika jokingly calls you?” She opened her mouth wide and stuck out her tongue in a lewd manner. It was so long and could touch her own chin easily. She slid it back and forth like a hypnotizing pendulum. A weak yelp emitted from behind the seat where Trent was paralyzed as orgasm electrified him. More ropes against the back seat and slid down the fake brown leather joining the pool started by his friend. Sebastian couldn't take it anymore and after a wayward bump in the road causing them all to jump up and down he reached his limit.

He took in a sharp breath and made a guttural squeak and her victory was easily won. She grabbed his shaft and directed it right at her face forcing the first long twisting burst of cum to stream into her mouth, on her cheeks, and all over her face. She couldn't believe it and immediately reveled in the feeling of finally getting his hot built of spunk sprayed all over her. She was addicted, but Mika boasted so much and for so long and never shared. It was rude and given how much all the boys slobbered over her, and how Sebastian never made a move was incredulous. She had to take what she wanted and finally, at long last, had it. She was busy gulping a mouthful of his batter as the second long thick stream painted her face and forehead. Sebastian grunted as it loosed and she closed her eyes and smiled moving her head back and forth as if she was in a hot shower after a long hard day. She angled his pulsating member back and forth making sure to coat her face and aiming into her mouth when she had swallowed and taken a breath. Anything that didn't end up on her face or in her throat dribbled down onto her neck and breasts which was funneled down the into her waiting palm.

Besides involuntary winces after ricocheted droplets from the high pressure impact of the first few ropes, Trent and Mark watched unblinking in surprise, envy, and disbelief at how much thick cum their friend was pumping onto their shared focus of utter lust. Sebastain looked almost pained as his backed up balls pushed the rest of their contents onto her breasts. When she felt the first few thick gloppy drips overflowing her palm on her pants she let go of his rod and cupped a second hand with her first. It was like a waterfall from her chin onto her cleavage and slowly flowed along it like a stream of thick white jelly into a waiting pond. Her cupped hands were filling at a slow and steady pace and she opened one eye tentatively to see if it was possible or not and watched eagerly. Her eyelashes had little strings dangling from them, but she could see and liked what she was seeing.

“Dude what the fuck..." Mark whispered to Trent and himself.

"That was...amazing.” Trent said in a similarly quiet tone and they looked at each other out of the corner of their eyes.

“Holy shit man, how did you do that?" Mark was shaking his head as Sebastian still continued to pump surges of semen down his shaft which bobbed up and down with each orgasmic aftershock.

"That was like, anime level…” Trent couldn't believe his eyes but he had to. Scarlett was soaked as if someone hit her with a bucket of the stuff. The smell of it began to waft around them. Scarlett was hunched over leaning forward a bit and shuddering while still carefully filling her palms full. She was squealing to herself and shook once and awhile like she had the chills, but it was far from the case. She would take a deep breath forcing the bouquet of the pool in her hands deep into her nose and lungs. It was intoxicating for her and she exhaled a long hot sighing breath as she finally came.

“Oh my god, Sebastian. That was...amazing." She looked up with an impressed smile on her face and sheer admiration. Scarlett had experienced something just then that she wouldn't forget for a long time. "Thankfully for those two today isn’t the contest because that tidal wave of cum just, well, just made ME cum!" She brought her hands to her lips and took another pair of deep breaths followed by deep sighs and began to drink it greedily in unrefined gulps. A renewed set of cum streamed down her cheeks.

The guys looked on from behind the seat, and were still jerking off. She was fiend for the stuff and it dawned on them both. How into it she was, how thirsty for it she was. She finished drinking what was in her hands and wiped face and neck like a squeegee sending another sticky gush down her cleavage. She wasn't paying attention to anything else. Sebastian just sat there and took a deep sigh as his orgasm finally abated.

"Oh god I am absolutely covered. Oh my goodness, I had no idea that... Mika and Ana weren’t joking, but like, this much?" She let out another soft moan as she finally got her next decent handful ready and cupped her mouth and threw her head back, closing her eyes in ecstasy. Her other hand reached her soaked pants and rubbed just a little bit to kick herself over the edge and she shuddered once more letting out a short sharp moan that rang through the bus. She stifled herself as soon as she regained control, but it was too late.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now? After I had been teasing him for days?  That's MY cum, Scarlett!" Mika said from behind with a fierce look for someone who just woke up from sleeping for an hour. Sebastian winced and looked up sheepishly. Scarlett opened her eyes, still caked with trying gelatinous globs of his cum and licked her lips. Mika stared down at her big round breasts and the trough of semen that slowly poured down it. She was shaking her head. "Those balloons really just let you get away with anything, don't they? Was the plan of teasing them up all week just so you could get bukakae'd by my boy's super balls?"

"Why is jizz the first thing I smell when I wake up?" Analyn said coming up behind Mika. "And why do I like that so much?" She laughed to herself and then saw her boyfriend literally wanking off at Scarlett's exposed and cum-covered breasts. "Wut?" And the look on her face was like that of fire and thunder Trent looked over his shoulder at her meeting her deadly gaze and his face collapsed in pleasure as he came a third time. Ana's angry visage turned to one of lament as days of keeping her boyfriend from cumming went spurting out in half a dozen ropes against the bus seat. She nodded and smiled. "Not bad baby, but you are in deep shit." Trent nodded and was quickly grabbed by the arm and dragged to the back of the bus where she had been sleeping. She gave one last glance to Scarlett and then one to Mika. "You handle this, alright? I am going to see what I can get out of this guy before I throw him out the window."

"Oohhh, can’t waste any of this...” Scarlett was talking to herself and found another cache of cum pooled in her lap and collected it into her palm to take another shot.

"What the heck Sebastian?" Mika asked her boyfriend in a hurt tone. "I thought that was going to be for me?" And Sebastian shook his head a bit while Mika stood there leaning on the sticky seat just above the spunk-drunk Scarlett with one hand on her wide hip. She was wearing what were supposed to be fluffy and loose pajama pants but were more like cotton tights with little hamsters on them. A camisole that showed more breast than covered it and a light zip up sweatshirt were all else she was wearing. There were some pangs of regret, but he took a look down at Scarlett and then back up to Mika and felt a little manipulated. But then again, he was also sitting there jerking off and she barely touched him.

"She was, uh... Very convincing and insistent, and, I'm.  I'm sorry Mika." He managed to say while trying to unsuccessfully shove his semi-hard prick and balls into his pants which had a rude wet spot around the crotch. Mika shook her head at him and then looked down to Scarlett giving her a wink and the red head looked like she was in a daze still and held a thumbs up. Sebastian was curious about that and thought back to the first thing she said when she came up and caught them. "I have a question, though.  What did you mean by 'plan for teasing us all up?'

Scarlett and Mika opened their eyes and snapped a bit more to attention at the question glancing at each other and back to Sebastian who was using some napkins and tissue to try and wipe himself off. Scarlett was licking her fingers clean, but kept finding little globs of cum like one finds large cookie crumbs and snacked on them.

"The girls and I have a little plan.... Scarlett sounded like a mob boss and looked over nodding at Mika. "...For band camp."

"That involved the guys not jerking off and having sex? But all busting loads on you in this bus?" Mark piped in suddenly, seemingly taking Sebastian's side. Seb nodded at his buddy and stood up grabbing his bag from the rack overhead fishing out a towel and a rag.

"Well, she wasn't supposed to steal all your cum from me, though." Mika said, crossing her arms with a hurt expression. "Like you need any more tits than you already have now." Mika's eyes fixed on a long thick globby strand of cum in Scarlett's red hair and picked up eating it without a second thought. She closed her eyes as if having sampled a delicacy, which to her it very much was, and smiled.

"I wanted to even the playing field is all. Why not have a little fun and a small snack in the process. Besides, you were taking forever to finally lend him to me and I couldn't wait any longer." Scarlett protested right back in her face. She looked ridiculous and was still spattered with spunk and her makeup was running a little bit from being so wet. Her black pants were ruined and the threads were saturated with pearly goo. "There will be a contest between you boys. A contest to see who can cum the most." Just then Mark handed Scarlett a towel he got from his bag following Sebastian's lead and handed it to her.

"I am excited for that contest. And, just so you know, this whole thing right now has been the hottest thing I've ever done in my life. Here, your, uhm, boobs are still..." Mark said while helping Scarlett out who was clearly unprepared for the aftermath of what she brought about. She took the towel smiling and wiped up and between her breasts trying to get most of the sticky wetness that settled there.

"Thanks, Mark. That's really sweet of you." She continued wiping up and then clasped her bra together which was under considerable pressure. Mark was just staring at her fighting to shove her tits back into her brassiere. There was a weak moan from the back of the bus where Ana had taken Trent.

"So I am guessing you meant by making us all bust a nut on the bus here we would all start from zero for the contest?" He asked while pointing out where cum was for her. She nodded confirming his suspicion and finally got herself sorted out after a little while.

"Well, let's just say that whoever wins will get a chance to play with these," She jiggled her breasts up and down in her hands waggling her eyebrows at him, "And maybe more." She started straightening out her shirt and doing up the buttons laboriously.

"I don't mean to brag, but Sebastian is on a slightly different level than you and Trent so you guys need to stop jerking off right now because if any of you cum at all before the day of the contest, you will lose for sure." Mika added. "On the last day of band camp after the final performance."

"That's like two weeks away!" Sebastian said in protest. "I will burst before then!" and he sat forward looking pleadingly at Mika who stuck out her tongue playfully.

"Hopefully all over my face and down my throat, baby." Mika added. "You owe me for," She waved her hands, spread fingers all pointed down, in a circle over Scarlett, "All this. Not mad though, just thirsty."

"Not me!" Analyn said kind of loudly walking up the aisle holding a cooler box with Trent following behind her. She was licking her lips and smiling while patting her belly. Trent looked pale and spent behind her leaning on the bus seat when they reached the group. "I just had my midnight snack. Two of them actually." She raised a playful eyebrow and elbowed Trent in the side. She looked at Mika and Scarlett. "You two tell these guys the deal yet? I told Trent."

"Then it's settled. Hold off until after the main performance and then there will be a contest to see who can cum the most. And the winner will have free reign of my breasts and a bit more than that as well depending on how things go." Scarlett said, fully dressed at this point besides the dark wet sticky spots which would dry before the bus stopped hopefully, so she was decently put together. They all nodded. Mika and Analyn sighed, shaking their heads, but laughed knowing that it was going to end up a bit differently than she predicted. Scarlett continued, “So you guys better stay hydrated and keep your fluids up at all times.” She motioned for the cooler that Ana brought with her and handed out a pair of bottles to each guy. “And it is going to get really hot so us girls will be staying hydrated too.” Grabbing a bottle for each girl, too.

“Drink up, boys and girls. You are going to need it. Every. Last. Drop.”


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