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Well, I done gone and done it.  I have written a piece of fan fiction.  What does this mean for my career as an author? This is my first introspective thought.  What does this mean for the future of the rational universe? I don't have any of the answers, but it feels like everything will work out in one way or another. Getting ahead of myself as I have been recently. How are you doing dear patron?  Did you have a long week of late nights and sleepless moments? I certainly hope not unless you are into that kind of thing. I'd rather you had a pleasant week and hope that some of this writing and my stories are more of a plus than a negative when your heart-mind is doing the calculations at the end of the day/week/month/year/eon.

I quite like how this little story turned out and was pleased with some of the new styles of imagery I was able to play with. I don't think I could write a fic for any characters unless I really understood them or was a fan of the series/game they appeared in.  Could I pop in names and use adequate descriptions and have a few proper nouns and light references? Undoubtedly, and it might even be half decent! But I will tell you in confidence that deep down I would feel like I didn't do it justice on some level.  I don't feel that way about this particular tale and honestly, if BotW had this story as a cut scene (And the mechanics and tone of the game were far different! It'd be a borderline H game!) I don't think it would change the overall plot too drastically with the exception that Link would need to visit a few extra shrines to build up his stamina if you know what I mean. Ayy.  Anyway, deadly puns on the horizon so just read the story and enjoy it.  Take care!


“It’s no use!” The bare delicate fingers crushed into a fist of rage and smashed into the frigid waters of the sacred spring of wisdom atop Mount Lanayru. Droplets of water doused the young Hylian princess wearing the gossamer ceremonial robes meant for the ceremony. A summer wind which should be bringing relief from the heat only served to cast a chill through her body covering her in goosebumps and prompting her hair to stand on end. She was standing dejected nearly waist-deep in the waters adding her own tears into that pool of hope which was eluding her despite all efforts.

He sat silently, scanning the silhouettes on the approaching dusk’s horizon for any and all threat like a vigilant hawk, or quietly stepped around the peak like a prowling wolf in search of danger. He did all of this because it was his duty, his destiny, and above all, his ultimate pleasure. He had no words since the times he tried to speak she would just use them against him. She was intelligent, kind, and wise beyond her years. The king was too caught up in everything else and had chosen the path of stern and emotionless insistence that she fulfills her destiny at all costs. The silent guardian, a warrior of prophecy, didn’t really agree with everything the king or his daughter did, but it wasn’t his place to say. And whenever he did say anything, well, he stopped talking for the most part and his silence spoke volumes and everything was better for everyone. At least she had more good days than bad it felt like, but today was not going to be a good day, or good evening either, he could sense within his heart and mind.

She sniffed once loudly, fighting the urge for her teeth to chatter, wearing naught but the wet diaphanous toga that clung to her form from the waist up. Her flaxen hair was long and waved once flaring out before finishing down at a perfect point just below the small of her back where her fair waist met her burgeoning hips and buttocks. She was a woman and that couldn’t be disputed by any other Hylian, although so many of them dismissed her so readily. Who could blame them since she was one of the people who lived in the lavish castle, was given everything, and really had wanted for nothing. She glanced at the warrior and he was already staring at her, perhaps studying the fabric floating and orbiting her half-submerged form or perhaps something else. He raised his eyes an instant too late and they saw into each others’ eyes and her normally calm and serene expression already bent into sadness and frustration flared into rage yet again. She pounded the water, soaking herself again and turned to face him although he was far off beyond the side of the pool perched on an outcropping of rock about knee height to the massive statue of the goddess which overlooked them both staring in cold silence.

“How is it going to work when you are there staring me down or prowling around like some wild animal!” Her words cut through the silence of the mountain peak and snow fell from a nearby branch with a fluffy hiss and a bird took flight. Her words echoed and before they faded she let out another barrage.

“I hope you are enjoying yourself, you glorified sell sw-. You… Ugh!” She smashed the water again looking down at her reflection. Her dress was soaked through and she could see her body beneath it and only where the cloth met in folds were their lines of white color, the rest was the color of her pale flesh besides the cherry blossom pink of her nipples. “Please… Please give me some space, I am going to try again.” her voice calmed and she took a deep breath and looked up at him. He was still staring at her and his expression changed to one of sadness and remorse before he nodded and his resolve was renewed. He bowed his head deeply in apology and took one last look at her before clinking off in his armor around and up to the peak to enjoy the view. He could reach her nearly instantly if he had to and it was about time for another patrol he thought as the image of her body danced around in his mind.

He was to be betrothed, but it was all in secret. His suitress was not a Hylian and came from a very important family and they both decided that they would not be approved of much to both of their dismay. But they were in love, a love that they both decided was forbidden and had to be put off until something changed. It filled him with regret and the pressure built up within all parts of him, to no longer have this person be there for him. And now she was doing her part of the great plan to save Hyrule and they would not meet for a very long time. It had been weeks if not months since they last embraced each other. Since they said that it was time to say goodbye. He missed her, and warming her with his embrace until their body temperatures matched perfectly was like there were no barriers between them.

“Hyahhh…” He sighed aloud and felt the warmth through his body thinking about that embrace as he hiked on. He could hear the faint echo of the princess beginning the ceremony of wisdom. Her heart wasn’t in it and she had given up two or three attempts earlier. He couldn’t say anything of course, but only watched.  Was it the weeks away from his ex-betrothed? Was it pity for her? Or something else?  He reached the peak and after scanning around and deeming it to be as remote and desolate as it clearly was, crawled to the edge overlooking the head of the goddess statue where Zelda was standing in the water performing the ritual.

While it was a weak start, partway through the words she gained confidence and began to speak the words with passion and determination. She was gesticulating and moving and there was a humming all around the peak of the mountain emanating from both the goddess statue and where she was standing. A glowing light grew from her hands and became brighter which surprised her and spurred her onward. Her movements and waving arms became more emphatic and she began to put more and more of her effort into the gestures. The watching warrior, blonde hair tied back in a flowing ponytail save for two long locks which draped forward framing his face, stared down wide-eyed, poking his head up over the head of the goddess statue at the one he was charged to protect.

She continued and her gesticulations pulled her wet garment until it fell away splashing into the water leaving her completely nude, but she went on. The glow in her hands was brilliant and beaming in shades of white and yellow. His tongue wet his lips and he changed position slightly while staring at her pert and gentle breasts bouncing along with the movements and followed her hips swaying and his attention lingered near the surface of the water where her legs met unabashedly. Finally, as she was nearing the end of the ceremony, brilliant balls of light now glowing in the palms of her hands she reached up towards the goddess statue whose eyes flashed and her attention was torn away at the very last second when she saw the head of her warrior poking over the top of it staring down at her backdropped by the purples and pinks of the day’s final light. She shrieked once and scrambled while the light of the goddess shined down upon her illuminating her in a brilliant light and casting shadows on the statues and stone monoliths surrounding the spring

She instantly pressed her hands against her breasts to cover them in embarrassment and to maintain her honor. She felt the built-up light fill her chest like a swelling warmth. But as her dress floated away she realized she was completely nude and covered her front accidentally revealing her chest. Warmth entered her there and her breath was taken away for a moment. She realized it was a hopeless task and turned around facing her back to him and put her hands on her butt and scrambled towards the entrance stairs of the sacred spring where her towels and travel clothes were waiting.

After she started scrambling away he leaped down to the head of the goddess statue and climbed and jumped down with urgency to help her. He was treading through the water after her before she made it to the stairs. His speed and climbing prowess was great, but something was wrong.  She was on hands and knees near the lip of the water, still illuminated by the light of the goddess and when he approached her side she rolled over and thrust out her hands to push him away. It was a stinging blow directly to his crotch and he fell back into the water floating and paralyzed letting out a desperate ‘GYAAAAAAT’. It was as if a Wizzrobe had unleashed a ball of lightning directly into his pelvis and it crashed through his convulsing body, sparking every nerve in his body.

“Serves you right.” She said in a whisper to herself as she reached for the towel and covered herself. He lay there in the waters which penetrated all his clothing and what parts of his body weren’t zapped into total numbness were succumbing to it from the freezing waters. His teeth were chattering and the best he could do besides that was make an occasional buzzing sound.

She looked at her hands, flexing them and examining the front and back and then down at him, still completely subdued in the spring of wisdom, and smiled. This was a perfect time for a witty remark and as she opened her mouth she felt the gaze of the goddess upon her and the warmth she felt when she covered herself during her escape to restore modesty got hotter and hotter. She no longer felt the cold in any sense of the word and where she stepped on the snowy ground there was a soft wet footprint from which a ring of warmth permeated melting the snow. She began to breathe heavily and couldn’t understand what was happening. The ritual went wrong, she knew that much for sure innately, but the energy went inside of her and now it was burning her up from the inside. She began to panic and the heat was growing interminable so she tossed off the towel not caring about modesty and needing to cool off desperately plunged into the frigid waters.

Steam rose up around her the second her flesh touched the spring’s surface and began to cast a light mist that glowed about her in a halo of dim light. The relief was instant and satisfying as she exhaled, hot breath wisping into the brisk dusk air. She allowed herself a moment of respite before the chattering of her protector’s teeth and gibbering caught her attention. Snow was still falling and he finally recovered from the paralysis and began to claw his way towards the shore. She felt bad and waded over, surprisingly uninhibited by both her previous fears of modesty nor the freezing cold, to his side reaching down to take his arm. Her touch sent a warmth through him and he involuntarily let out a soft warm sigh and looked up at her with eyes of appreciation, service, and determination.

“Oh, come now. The ritual is ruined, let’s build up the fire and get dried off.” She said, helping him to his feet. It was getting darker and the natural luminescence of the natural giant colonnade ringing the peak of Mount Lanayru began to glow pale blue. They left the waters and he was shivering and she instructed him to strip to get out of the sodden clothes and armor while she set more wood on the fire. He stared at her and she looked down at herself, her nude form exuding a glowing golden light. She stared back at him with a look of surprise and he nodded with a smile of appreciation and congratulation. “I… I seemed to have done something. I awakened the light within, Link!” She was ecstatic and jumped up and down, her breasts bouncing and strode forward to embrace him. He was in the process of getting undressed as commanded and only wearing only a simple pair of tight black undershorts when she clutched him.

“OhhHH!” He said while the warmth of her body touching his caused a surge of raw heat to well up inside of him concentrated where she had struck him earlier. “Iyyyaaaa!” He cried as the heat became unbearable and he ran back to the Spring, jumping in, breaking through the wafer-thin coating of ice that had already begun to form on its surface, sending a puff of steam into the air. She watched on and calmly followed him into the water carefully taking the scene in and nodding.

“It seems we have been blessed by the light of the Goddess.” She held up her hands and arms examining them carefully noting that they didn’t glow nearly as much as her chest, pelvis, and butt. Beneath the clear water, it was clear that a similar light was radiating under his undershorts. “But, it seems to be localized in certain regions of our bodies. Curious. This is quite the discovery, Link!” She smiled and then almost as if in response the statue of the Goddess seemed to smile too sending down a beam of bright light illuminating the spring as they stood there staring at each other cooling off as the heat within them welled up.  Night set in fully as they got closer to one another unsure what to make of this phenomena other than being in the waters of the Spring calmed the burning.

The princess was struck by a pang of heat and stepped back, losing her footing and slipped, but her swordsman was by her side instantly with a hand on her back and another on her arm. She let out a moan and moved to cover her mouth and closed her eyes tight and made fists which still covered her mouth as the light shined brilliantly from her body. She had her balance and Link stepped back one pace as she shuddered and the bright light beamed at him. He covered his eyes and could only make out the outline of her breasts, hips, and rear swelling before him. Similarly, the light surrounding her vagina became blinding and there was the sound of a crash and a splash and the light had faded enough for him to see again. He reached down and saw her sitting there, arms behind her supporting her weight, with her now huge breasts floating in the water before her. They were the size of hydro melons and he shook his head in disbelief and blinked as his mouth fell agape.

She was in a haze and he knelt beside her to support her. She stood shakily on her feet and had trouble getting her balance. She had an exaggerated hourglass figure and her breasts hung down on her chest just above her belly button full and plump. She studied her body after the changes brought on by the light and was amazed. She twisted her hips swinging around a booty with big round cheeks as large as a pair of freshly harvested fortified pumpkins which wiggled each time she swayed back and forth. The lonely swordsman stood in amazement as she marveled at her own form as his tight shorts got tighter and tighter. The light from beneath them grew more and more intense and Zelda finally tore her gaze away from her own body and observed his.

“Link, your…” Her mouth fell open and she watched on.

“HyyyaaaAAA” His voice was quiet and calm and built up into a crescendo as the scalding light grew in his pants. The modest soft bulge swelled larger and larger pulling the pant legs up his thighs until the garment looked like glorified briefs filled with a package the size of a large hearty truffle. The pants snapped off falling into the steamy water and down flopped the biggest hunk of raw gourmet meat the princess had ever laid her royal eyes on. It was longer than a moblin’s horn and as thick as a lynel’s and could have been mistaken as the fourth primordial dragon.

“By Hylia’s grace…” Zelda said under her breath while the light filled the swordsmen of legend’s bag and his typical Hylian Chickaloo tree nuts began to glow within his sack and swell up to the size of Armorath blossoms and then some. He was dazed and held in place as the changes took hold and all she could do was watch him with a look in her eyes that betrayed over a hundred years of unspoken thoughts and suppressed feelings and emotions. The kingdom’s most private of places had already been moist, but now it was dripping wet and the tears of the kingdom that fell were offered into the spring and splashed like golden droplets of light which rippled in the cold silent evening.

Link finally overcame the transformation and was breathing heavily with his body bent over hands on knees. His cock hung down low enough for the tip to skim across against the surface of the spring creating ripples to rival those that the princess was creating and the two met causing light waves while the commotion of moaning and yelling calmed down and other their wild breath could be heard in the night carried on the winds.

Just then the light from the goddess faded and only the glowing blues from the luminescent columns remained and the waters they stood in had been warmed by the blessed light so much it became a hot spring.

“I… I’ve always…” She began to say with quivering lips. Her eyes were darting back and forth between the eyes of one whose destiny had been intertwined with hers for countless generations and times untold across time and space, and his hardening cock which pumped full of blood more and more as she struggled to get the words out. He smiled and nodded insisting that she go on. “I have always loved you, Link. It always felt like it was never meant to be. There is always something more pressing but I can’t wa-” Link had waded over and his semi-erect penis slotted nicely between her knees and thighs and he held a finger up to her lips shushing her while the other reached around her back pulling her close. He nudged up against her and her tears of the kingdom began to drip down his shaft and he leaned in for a passionate kiss sparing her the need to explain it. If anyone understood her feelings he was one of those people who would understand.

The kiss was sensual and poignant for a moment and then once the moment of tenderness had passed it became a savage affair with the both of them grabbing desperately and twisting around in the water and thrashing barely taking the time to breathe.  He groped at her breasts and tugged and tweaking her nipples while sliding his hard thick cock between her thighs and labia grinding as deeply as he could manage given how hard he was and the difference in height she was on her tiptoes and had to hold on to the back of his neck and his side to keep from falling off of the beast. She kicked her legs up around his thighs and began to hump forwards and back along the top of his thick and vein-bumpy shaft digging her engorged clitoris along it and bringing herself to orgasm while they kissed.  He supported her weight by reaching down and letting each of his hands get enveloped and overtaken by the considerable thickness of her ass. It was like trying to juggle two Chuchu’s slippery with spring water and the copious holy water from within her that flowed freely.

Orgasm rocked through her body like a bolt of lightning in a Faron Jungle thunderstorm and their lips finally parted as she leaned back and squealed with tears in her eyes that also glowed and dripped into the spring. Link continued to focus on her until she recovered enough to dismount his hips and drop back into the water finally letting his dick unsheath from her thick wet thighs and spring up aiming right at her neck. She smiled and licked her lips reaching forward putting her hands on his tool and began to rub her fingers and hands along it finding ideal places to get a tighter grip and start pumping to see if he could join her in pleasure.

“We will need to consider how this will affect our prowess going forward, but for now we should just accept the blessing and continue the ritual…” She said trying to save face or perhaps explain what all this was about to him as if he needed or wanted an explanation. He reached a hand down cupping her chin and guiding her to look up to him. She was still figuring out the full map of his sensational tower. It was so massive and she got lost in it until he demanded her attention and his smile melted her heart and told her all she needed to know.  “I… Thank you, Link. Thank you, always.” And she blushed looking down but continued to use both of her hands to try and stimulate the full length and thickness of his divine rod of dominion. She whispered one more time under her breath, ‘Thank you’, and then stood up and began to lick and suck on the tip while bringing her huge breasts up and rubbing them along his shaft and squishing them as tightly as she could to get what she wanted from her protector.

It didn’t matter how much heart he had and how much resolve brought him to this point, nobody had the stamina to withhold from submission to the power she wielded in that moment. The warmth from within her transferred directly from her large sliding breasts which engulfed his rod almost totally and he was soon blinking red from exhaustion and gave in.

He let out a cry and thrust upward one final time as the force of pure light swirled through every fiber of his being and concentrated into his balls and spewed forth in geyser-like bursts high into the air falling down into the water and on rocks lining the shore of the pool with wet sticky splats and splashes. The princess leaned her head back as brilliance shined forth and his semen, glowing with holy light, spilled forth in serpentine ropes all over her face, hair, neck and breasts. It poured forth and dripped down in gobby thick strands like countless hives of courser bee honey were broken open directly over her head. She cooed and yelped in surprise at the sheer volume between swallows of the stuff which she tried to prevent from escaping.

The lithe but muscled torso of the hero was rapidly expanding and contracting as he fought the remain upright throughout the duration of his orgasm and powerful ejaculation. When he opened his eyes Zelda was there looking up at him, coated in the stuff still dripping down and falling into the sacred spring, its glow mingling with the natural glow the water began to take on since the princess’s tears started to rain forth earlier. It looked like they were surrounded by inky amoebas of glowing light and they were both illuminated from below by the brilliant shades of gold and white, and above by the hues of azure and moonlight. He looked about and finally found her eyes and smiled and nodded.  But she had a look in her eye like it had only begun and grabbed him by the hand and dragged him through the pond to the pedestal where offerings and prayer took place. It was low enough to the water to be a perfect place for her to make her final claim.

She was beneath the great goddess statue sitting back against the space between two massive stone toes and spread her legs. Link’s impressive penis was getting soft and started to dip downwards toward the water again. A sticky string of cum slid down her cheek slowly and she snapped it up with her tongue and reached out her hands, inner thighs exposed revealing her sacred realm which was weeping tears of light before him.

“We can’t turn back now, Link.” She said with a serious look on her face and he approached her, his cock finally calmed down and hanging down swinging and he began to grab the limp shaft, but she held his hand firm and reached down with her other and clutched it near the base and gripped tightly. He winced from how strong her grip was and then opened his eyes wide as a glow emanated from her chest and flowed along her body to her shoulder and passed down her arm and through her hand directly into his penis. The fire that lit within his body then was indescribable and he felt it expand inside as light filled his balls and shaft with light forcing him to a full erection fuller and harder than either of them had ever seen before. He was surprised and the hard-on was almost painfully big and tight and his balls swelled to the size of apples and then closer to the size of palm fruit and the weight pulled down heavily on him. He feared he would never fight in battle again, let alone do a routine move like a backflip or side step without these things getting in the way. He gulped nervously and looked back to the princess who was already admiring her handiwork.

“This will do nicely. Allow me.” She said calmly and with the hand that wasn’t glowing she grabbed a hold of his brilliantly glowing shaft of light unable to wrap her hand around its full circumference and with the last vestiges of glowing brilliance reached down her to vagina and spread it apart with the pointer and pinky and stuck the two middle fingers deep inside letting the remaining light flow out of them and inside of her. She moaned and closed her eyes leaning forward as the glow filled her and blessed her with a divine ability to handle what was to come. After the initial waves of pleasure passed she pulled his rigid cock down which fought against her it wanted to point straight up so badly. And she guided it to the temple door and looked up to him. And he braced for it as they both knew, they both felt that this was going to be something altogether different than either of them could imagine.

He helped her and began to push the big orb that was the head of his penis against and parted her lips and put his hips into it. She was tight and wouldn’t allow entry so easily. He pressed forward and put all his heart into it, feeling his life force being tested not unlike the day he pulled the master sword from its pedestal in the Sacred Grove of the Great Deku Tree. He pushed and pushed and she even helped by spreading her legs more and pulling on the shift trying to force it within, but this was a test from a goddess and only the goddess would decide if he was worthy of her royal snatch or not. He cried out ‘Hyaaaaa!’ and just as the last ounce of his power was about to wink out, he passed the gate and thrust in the first few inches and Zelda let out a scream of pleasure like the emergence of a great fairy from her fountain when happened upon by a world weary traveler. The princess threw her hands out to either side gripping desperately as her swordsman, freshly blessed by the goddess, began to ease inch after thick veiny inch deeper inside of her.

He had a variety of expressions on his face conveying more emotion than she had ever seen from him, but could only study him through eyes closed tightly and gritted teeth. He pulled back from time to time to reset his position and let her take a breath and then pushed forth harder expecting to hit back, but after the length of an endura carrot was plunged into her and there was no back to be found, just more and more length of tight wet heat to greet him, he figured there was some magic involved and he was meant to sheathe himself up to the hilt in the one he was sword to protect. He did just that as Zelda braced and tears streamed from the corners of her eyes smiling at him.

“It’s so much. I could never believe that something like this could be possible, Link.” She bit her lower lip and when he was close enough to grab she grabbed his sides and pulled him in until she felt the heat of his huge heavy balls pressed against her ass and her breasts filled whatever remaining space was between them squishing between arms and abs as their lips met. They kissed for a long time, she full of him, and he full of her light. She pushed him back and he took a step or two backward pulling out until only just the tip of his holy genitals remained within her and she nodded and smiled.

“Fill me with your light, like I have filled you.” She smiled and wiped the tears away from her cheeks cleaning up a wayward smudge of his cum in the process and he gave her a big thumbs up. From then the thrashing of the waters could be heard echoing through the mountains as they tossed and tumbled around the sacred spring and he filled her slamming in and out with desperation trying to reach ejaculation with all his being. His testicles were skimming the water and banging against the prayer pedestal with loud splashes. He was shouting and grunting and she was squealing and calling out phrases in ancient Hylian that she barely understood but it was the first thing that came to her mind and as they approached the climax of the ritual the entire bath was glowing with the light from their luminescent fluids and blessings of holy light from the goddess whose eyes glowed and showed down on them.

There was a sound of a holy sacred chorus and notes of music from beyond time as they moved in slow motion together, he pulling back as far as possible and then thrusting forward with as much speed and intensity as they could handle. The bulge of his entire length ran up through her core and disappeared just past her belly button to somewhere neither of them could know. She was gripping his arms with white knuckles and her breasts were bouncing and jostling back and forth cupping her head up to the ears when they weren’t slapping her in the face. The princess threw her head back and let out a scream and Link did the same as the roar of Naydra could be heard in the distance crying out into the night that shattered all silence. They both came simultaneously and his first thick voluminous gushes of seed came forth under such pressure that she was filled almost instantly and her belly bulged from the injection. Her fluids also rushed forth filling any remaining open space and by the second or third of his powerful spasms of ejaculation his penis was forcibly ejected from her due to the dheer pressure and lack of room. His rod sprung up letting out countless fast hard jets of semen which blitzed the lower half of the goddess statue, some wayward ropes coiling as high as ten or fifteen meters high and decorating the front the sacred effigy with glowing strings of cum.

What didn’t get caught on the statue came down over the both of them like a rain of light coating them both and coming down in heavy dollops displacing water with loud wide spreading splashes. The both of them were covered and the final dozens of spurts glazed her breasts completely and drizzled down her stomach and met with her gaping vagina which was still loosing gluts of glowing jizz into the sacred waters. His penis was losing steam but still pulsing and kicking up every few seconds with the final bursts of orgasm as the last goopy drops of sperm fell into the water. He was breathing hard and sat beside Zelda on the prayer pedestal, his emptied balls now a more reasonable size, although his thick long shaft even soft was flopped over his thigh and his head buzzed with the receding feelings of sex and illumination. She was on her back, legs spread out, belly still quite full of his cum and she had her arms over her stomach like she had just dined at a goron banquet. She patted her stomach groaning sweetly from the fullness and pressed down forcing even more of the white glowing seed to cascade out in a syrupy rippling stream.

They lay there, their hands having found each other and stared into the night sky where the glowing blue tendril of Naydra flew far far overhead crying into the night. She sighed quietly under her breath, ‘Revived’. At last a chill swept through both of their bodies and the heat and passion of the blessing began to wane ever so slightly.

“I wonder what the others will think…” Zelda mused aloud as they stood up and waded towards the stairs on the bank of the sacred spring. Her shape was far different than it was when she climbed the mountain and she had more hips than the shapeliest Gerudo warrior and undoubtedly the largest breasts in all of the kingdom besides those of a great fairy, but any Hylian with a chest that large wouldn’t be able to move unless pulled on a wagon by a team of horses. Link as well didn’t change very much in overall proportion, but would have to walk with a different gait and retrain now that he had gained the blessing of the goddess from Zelda. They laughed as they put on their clothing, Zelda thankful that hers was mostly a large flowing piece of cloth that used to go down to her ankles, but hovered closer near mid-thigh as the fabric was needed elsewhere now. Link was able to stretch his tights on and feed his pipe down one pant leg and arrange his balls in such a way that he could walk without squishing them between his legs.  Zelda tossed a furred and woolen cloak over her shoulders that draped down to keep her warm enough, but she couldn’t put her hiking pants on without modifying them she concluded.

Link was by the campfire and cooking up a supply of spicy meaty rice balls so she could make the journey without incident. He would clear the path of any monsters and roaming wildlife that imposed any threat on them. She smiled sitting on a nearby rock adjusting her gown and trying to figure out a way to cover herself in a way that didn’t make her look ridiculous. It wasn’t likely going to happen any time soon and she smiled watching her hero, the one chosen by the sword that sealed the darkness and her sworn protector tirelessly serving her and the kingdom.  He glanced up and saw her staring and smiled at her and nodded. Both of their hearts were full.

The end.


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