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It has been a brutal few days for me to say the least!  Have a nice weekend?  I sincerely hope so. I have had next to no time to write, my cold hasn't gone away completely, and it is just one of those times in life where you are tested.

I have some pretty good momentum going with writing recently and all of this threatens to derail it. Just makes you huff and puff about it is all.

Anyway, after a taste of MMP, and the climax of EM8, I am going to be touching up another chapter in the Sebastian series.  This original version ended up being huge by the time it was done.  I will release it for you to enjoy over this and next week while I start doing some touch ups and tune ups on it.  I'd like to release it with some extra TLC in the not too distant future.

I wanted to toss out a little bit of reading for you despite the waves of text I have been tossing around here recently.  I like to keep things fresh if I can manage it.

There will be some holidays coming up for me so I will endeavor to do some writing at that time.

Please enjoy the start of Band Camp's Crescendo, the third part of the Sebastian Series and have a lovely week.

Chapter 1: Overture

The cymbals crashed as the drums sounded loudly during the build up of the current number, the final song of the performance.  Mark and Trent were on opposite sides of the xylophone and vibraphones where Scarlett was pounding her mallets furiously against the wooden keys during one of the more chaotic sequences leading to the final crescendo.  She had red hair, bright dyed flaming red hair which made her look like a rock star despite the somewhat manly clothes she wore in solidarity with the percussion section who all wore the same thing.  Mark was shorter, with dark hair and kind of muscled thanks to him playing football.  I always thought that the cymbals really suited him.  His eyes were staring intently at Scarlett, name her massive breasts, which shook and bounced wildly as she continued playing. She licked her lips playfully between each intense sequence and spared glances his way smiling and showing her teeth. His arms slowly pulled apart as he stared at her waiting for his ‘cue’ to unleash.  Every time they played this number and she got really into it, breathing hard, hot, and heavy as her chest raised and lowered, the white material of the thin button down dress shirt slowly becoming more translucent from her body heat exposing and outlining her bra, white with some pink frills, more and more clearly.  Mark felt his cock getting hard before he slammed the symbols together continuing the performance.  His good friend, Trent, was a kind of nerdy guy with glasses and long blond hair who played the drums mostly and was on his own routine now.  He also spared a few glances and more than a few longer mouth-agape stares at Scarlett’s breasts as they shook and wobbled swaying back and forth each time she struck a xylophone key.  He licked his lips and then looked ahead before him over the trumpet section to the woodwinds where his girlfriend played the clarinet.  She was staring right at him.

 ‘Little’ Analyn was a short, bubbly Filipina girl who was on the clarinet and since this particular section was focused on percussion she got a rare chance mid performance to look over her shoulder and see her boyfriend.  Unlike percussion, the dress code in the rest of the orchestra was a bit more free and she was wearing a short black skirt with black stockings and a nice white top with a dark bra underneath showing off her nice set of breasts and shapely body.  She locked eyes with Trent and caught him staring at Scarlett’s boobs, again, and shot a little look of playful anger at him and he bowed his head a little in apology before continuing with the drum routine smiling at his girlfriend.  Analyn leaned a bit towards the back to the trumpet player just behind her in the line.  A sexy Japanese girl wearing a long black body conforming asymmetrical black dress with a long slit up the side revealing her luscious leg and some of the bottom of her large soft ass as well which squished against the folding chair she sat in.  The neckline was cut fairly low and showed off her healthy bosom as well.  Up until earlier that year she would have been considered to have more of a ‘fit’ body type, but after a certain pool party with some special snacks her and her friend Ana ended up permanently making a few physical gains which Mika was more than happy to show off.  Her nipples, almost always hard during performance, poked out from the thin translucent fabric through an equally thin underlayer from her tank top allowing anyone in the right light to see almost everything she had on display clearly.  Otherwise she was braless and the shapes of her breasts were clear as day to me.

 Ah yes, of course I can’t forget to introduce myself.  My name is Sebastian.  You may have met me before when I had a wild pool party with some special bagels and cream cheese with Mika and Ana that ended up getting quite intense.  Or perhaps the time when Mika and I went on a break and I started dating Jessica who worked at Jumbo Juice for a bit and had me playing the part of a guinea pig until I was a living fire hose for the next few months after that.  It has been a bit, but I ended up getting back with Mika since our love of music kind of overcame other things, but it's more of an open arrangement really.  I enjoyed all the views around me, Mika of course in that sexy dress, the cute Ana in her short skirt always nearby my girl and just making her look that much more voluptuous, and in the percussion section with me, Scarlett.  Seriously, her breasts are the biggest I have ever seen up close in real life, even compared to before the dramatic effects of the bagels wore off on Mika and Ana.  Like, she has some serious melons on her chest and none of us in the percussion section can keep our eyes off of them and I feel like she knows it.  She certainly has a degree of control over my cock which is always snaking down my thigh after her first solo performance and causing an embarrassingly huge bulge. I swear that the girl in the french horn section just in front of me is looking at it using the reflection of the horn’s bell.  She purposely angles it to get a better look and I have no choice but to spread my legs showing it off since I play the large bass drum and need to keep my balance.  Each reverberation of my heavy bass drum hits vibrate along my body allowing my hardening cock to slink that much further down my leg.

  After the Bagel incident and then the following jumbo juice experiment I found my body slowly reverting back to normal which I was partially thankful for since having a foot of thick hot, almost always semi-hard cock and a pair of massive testicles the size of baseballs in your pants made life difficult sometimes.  Namely, all the time if the activity involved walking, sitting, or turning around in anywhere but the most open of spaces. First off, wearing any kind of thin cloth or shorts shorter than my knee was out.  Any underwear was either laughably unwearable, or my dick just slipped down the leg or both.  My semi-hard cock and huge balls were on display for months and months. It felt like in the hottest months of the year too and my girlfriend at the time, either one, were more than eager to show off their bodies over the phone and it was just a living embarrassment and inconvenience.  But at the same time such a blessing and fun thing to enjoy.  As I sat down in a comfortable seat I could let my bulge hang over the end of the seat and finally get a break from carrying them around all day.  The looks on peoples faces practically had me getting hard and cumming on the spot.  When girls stared at me I would reach down and cup my bulge, pretending to scratch or adjust it, but instead massaging and squeezing it, letting the fabric of my shorts or sweatpants just conform fully around it.  Not to mention the countless times I coated my girl’s face and breasts in the nearly endless supply of semen I had.  But that all kind of petered out a few months ago when the effects started to revert.  I knew it wasn’t permanent since each month I felt my length getting a bit less and my balls getting a bit smaller, but I was still massive compared to when I started and even now, about 7 or 8 inches and plenty thick with nice and plump balls, I am larger than I had been before all this happened.  I am thankful for it, but only cumming like 10 or 20 ml compared to the 100’s of ml during the height of the experiment.  But what can you do?

 The percussion solos came to an end and all the orchestra joined in slowly building and building with all the instruments increasing in volume and intensity.  Then the final note hit, the crescendo, like a giant orgasm of sound when all of us climaxed at once.  This was the start of my summer vacation and the trip to the band camp performance.  A summer that my friends and I would end up remembering for a long time.

2. The Lead up
“Woo!  That was a good one!” Mark said, wiping a towel on his face.  
“It really was, wasn't it?” Scarlett replied with a smile. “You guys really came hard at the end with the symbols and drums.  I felt like the sound was blowing me away, it was so hot.” She took her towel and wiped her neck and undid a pair of buttons to do the top of her chest too revealing her heaving cleavage in the process.
Trent added, “You said it, and your xylo solo there at the end was one of the best I have heard in a while.  Seeing you slam those keys and watching the mallets bouncing up and down was exhilarating.”  He shot a sneaky glance at Mark who looked up from staring at Scarlett's cleavage and smiled back at him.

“But nobody was more impactful and powerful than those beautiful bass drums, right baby?” Said a bouncy Mika who came in behind me and gave me a big hug pressing her breasts against my back leaning up to kiss me on the cheek.  
“I do what I can, you know” I humbly replied looking at her up and down in that sexy dress, her cleavage equally on display and standing under a low hanging light essentially rending her semi-translucent dress all but invisible as I took a peek at her light brown caramel colored nipples hard as rocks.  The other guys took a break from ogling Scarlett to look at her dress just as Analyn came in and caught Trent staring at a different women’s chest this time.  She walked up in front of him and puffed out her chest.
“ I still think the clarinets were the ones who really led the way today on the 3rd number of the evening. “ she added to the previous conversation. “But enough about music, show’s over we rocked, are we going to hang out tonight or what?

Mark and Trent both nodded eagerly and looked at Scarlett and the other girls and me.  I shrugged looking at Mika and then she nodded and looked to Scarlett who pulled out a small cooler box and offered drinks to everyone.

“First, let’s have a quick cheers and cool off a bit.  I am down to hang out too, but I need some time with my girls first, boys.  So you guys go have a chugging contest or something and whoever wins I will let you keep my towel…” She ended the sentiment provocatively by wiping the sweat from her cleavage and spinning it around her finger.
“Don’t gotta tell me twice!” Mark said and looked to the other guys, “You coming?”.
I smiled and gave a kiss to Mika and she snuck a hand down to brush against my bulge before whispering “If you win that towel then you won’t be able to get the prize for coming in last, which is a deep kiss from me on your fat dick and balls.  Go have fun.”  She smiled, licking her lips and pushing me away then focused back on Scarlett. “Jeez Scar, your stupid huge boobs have all three of those dumb boys walking around with boners all day and doing your bidding.  Should I be worried?” SHe looked to Ana for support and playfully stepped forward reaching out her hands like a zombie moving towards her breasts.  Analyn copied the action and the two approached Scarlett saying things like “Neeeeddd MMiilllkkkk.”  “TiiiIIiiiIIiiiittssss”  “Mommmmyyyyy  Booobiess” and other silly things before they practically tackled the girl, squeezing her chest and tickling her.

“Alright! Alright!  Geez I am so ticklish and you guys are being so rough!  Look at this.”  As she mentioned down to her shirt which was open by a couple more buttons due to the play and one of her breasts had half come out of the cup showing off a light pink nipple.  Her friends formed a small barrier, but not before Analyn flicked the exposed nipple with her finger smiling.  Scarlett sat up and put her boob away and buttoned her shirt, stood up, and passed out sports drinks and talked to the girls.

“I swear to god dude, I think that’s her nipple.” Mark said, peering through the thin glass window of the door outside the room where bandos were gathered in friend groups chatting it up and hanging out.
Trent peered over his head. “I think he might be right man, the girls kind of got a little rough and pulled out her titty I think, check it out Seb.”  I pulled over and peeked in and saw Analyn reaching in to touch Scarlett’s chest before they formed a barrier keeping lookout.  Behind them and over their shoulders I am pretty sure it looked like Scarlett was putting her shirt on or something.
“Damn!  Mark you better get on that man, how does she not have a boyfriend yet?”
“I have asked her to hang out, but she never wants to go out with just us, only as a friend I think.” Mar replied kind of dejectedly.  “So I am stuck with this….!” He pulled the sports drink bottle up and began to chug like crazy and Trent joined in trying to catch up.  Just for appearances I made a show of joining in as well with the intention of losing of course.
“I am going to sleep with that towel on my pillow.” Mark said.
“More like use it to jerk off with.” I quipped and Trent laughed.  We continued to banter on a bit like that talking about all the sexy stuff we wanted to do to our girlfriends, Mark to Scarlett, and so on.

“And apparently that was what happened last November when you and Sebastian took your break.” Scarlett said as she held up a few small packets of some kind of powder.
“So this Jessica chick said that his balls were the size of like softballs and he came a gallon of cum or something?” Mika asked intrigued.  
“Basically.  They aren’t together anymore and it was just a fling apparently, but she gave me a ton of this supplement stuff, a new batch actually she said.  Kind of a ‘one size fits all’ she said, boy girls and everything in between or something like that.  She likes the idea and wants me to give her some info when it’s all done.
“So when are you going to spike their drinks, Scarlett?  Will they start to just cum buckets in a few hours or?”  Analyn asked interestedly with a big smile on her face thinking back to the time her and Mika got hosed down in the pool when Sebastian got huge the first time.
“When?” Scarlett smiled evilly and chuckled. “I already have.  You too, bitches.” She opened her bottle and began to chug it down, not wasting a drop.  Her friends did likewise and they all stared at each other smiling before saying in unison:
“University Band Camp.”


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