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I caught a cold for the first time in over a year.  Obviously being sick makes me tired and irritable and unmotivated, but I am mostly upset that I got sick at all. Work has been busy this week as well with the powers that be coming in for observations and such as well. Nothing like that additional pressure to keep you looking busy and smiling, right?

Either way, I have been plugging away at a few things in my spare time and am making good progress on Experimental Medicine Part 9.  I want to keep that momentum going since it is about to get real, but part of me wonders if any surface in that story will make it out undefiled. I doubt it.  And then there will be chapter ten after that!

 I think I will hand out a little bit of that for your perusal this week.  I have another commission or two tucked away, a bit of something new and a bit more of Sebastian as well.

I have been sleeping as well as I can and feel like I am over the hump in terms of ailment and working towards wellness. Here is hoping for more free time to write and under ideal circumstances where I don't need to blow my nose desperately every three minutes.

 While I am thinking of it, that poll has been enlightening and I am very very happy to see the results so far. Gives me food for thought on things to come.

Hoping your week is going smoother than mine. Thanks as always for your patronage and support.

Take care,



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