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When I was highlighting the text to paste it over into this window to share on patreon I was blown away to see that it was more than 20,000 words. Oof. If brevity is the soul of wit, this is far from a witty contribution to the content of the internet.  But if Chapter 7 seemed exciting and chock full of expansion and sexiness, Chapter 8 is going to require you to have bath towels on hand if I am not mistaken.  Part of me feels like it is too gratuitous at times, but climaxes of this magnitude must go off with a bang. I sincerely hope that you enjoy this latest offering in the Experimental Medicine series and thanks as always for your heartfelt support. Look forward to Chapter 9 in the not too distant future maybe in May or Early June depending on how things shake down.

~ Michelle

Experimental Medicine Day 8

I opened my eyes, but the images were blurry and moving. I drank way too much. Looking around I didn’t recognize this place at all. There were dried flowers hanging on one wall, the hint of sunrise creeping through the blinds peeking from behind some pink curtains. There were clothes, like a lot of clothes, laying all over the place. Bras, panties, pants, shirts, some skirts, all around the place.  A long full length mirror against one wall and a small vanity with a sparse selection of makeup and hair accessories and tools nearby both flanking the door.  I looked over and Trish was laying there, still sleeping and snoring loudly.  Her dress was pulled down halfway and her breasts were huge.  The size of grapefruits and more being held in place by little blue triangles of thin fabric. Her nipples were hard and poking out and she had one hand down the front of her dress seemingly trying to get the zipper undone…maybe. She grew so much, so quickly… I stared at her chest rising and falling with her breath and felt my dick starting to get hard again.

I sat up and slid to the end of the bed and felt extremely hot. I had to piss so badly. The urgency of that feeling was sobering me up. I tried to get my pants unbuttoned as I stumbled out the door and ended up just pulling them down taking them off and throwing them across the room towards a couch or some other large dark shape.  My head was pounding. I drank too much… ah… where is the darn bathroom at? Towards the right were dark shapes that might have been a TV and a sofa, the soft hum of a fridge beyond a wall and more curtained windows. It was completely dark otherwise not counting a few red LEDs in the darkness signaling sleeping electronics.  I looked to the left and there was a hallway that ended in a door with two more doors on the opposite wall, one right ahead and the other down a bit.  I tried the one right across the hall and it opened and I reached in and felt a bunch of soft fluffy jackets or pillows or something. A closet. I reached for my phone to turn on a light or something but couldn't find it.

I staggered further down the hall towards the end and tried the other door along the wall and twisting the handle so I couldn't open it.  It was locked or something. I swear if this is the toilet I am going to just go into the kitchen or open a window and… I gave up and tried the door at the end of the hall.  It was actually propped open slightly, a large robe hung onto it preventing it from closing and it smelled like water and soap inside.  Finally, I flicked on the light and quickly pulled the lid of the toilet seat up and yanked out my long soft cock and aimed it at the toilet bowl with one hand and braced the back wall with my other open palm. Finally….

 Nothing came.  Nothing at all.  The feeling of needing to urinate became more and more urgent and then, it passed.  I stood there for a while hoping it would finally come, but nothing did.  I just stared down at my junk and my balls were really swollen.  A night of drinking and only going to the bathroom once must have done that. How did alcohol affect my condition? I looked into the mirror which was swaying from side to side and my balls had grown to the size of plump plums. I couldn’t get my fingers all the way around them. I stared at my reflection while shaking my head.

 “I need to call that doctor. She had better of figured something out by now.” I don’t know what's going on anymore. Getting drunk urges to take phantom pisses. Man what? I drank too much. Just go back to sleep. I’m thirsty… I grabbed a glass off the sink and filled it up with water and drank.  I was so thirsty after having drank so much.  I took a mental count of how many I had and it was five or six beers and another five or high balls on top of that over the course of a few hours. I had filled up and drank a full cup of water a few times and finally felt sated enough to stumble back to bed.

 I shut off the light and held my hand against the wall to guide myself back to the bed and laid down in bed beside Trish.  She rolled over when I got into bed mumbling something and reached over with her hand straight down to my crotch and she groped around a little bit while mumbling curiously at what she discovered and then just fell to sleep.  Her hands were soft and warm and her breasts had blown up in the few hours I had been asleep. Seeing them squished out onto the bed beside me one on the other was hot.  That little bra of hers barely contained her nipples let alone any serious amount of actual breast flesh.  I felt my cock start to get hard as I drifted back to sleep.

 Dreams came to me before long, but they were hazy and intermittent. Fleeting images, emotions, and feelings that were shrouded in a drunken fog came past me like a breeze in the darkness. Memories of the fun night with Trish laughing and jumping around.  A great burger. My boss, her fancy office and that shower. The eccentric haberdasher, Flo. The doctor, looking at me with an intense glare behind those glasses of hers. The boss, so demanding, kneeling at my feet and begging for my cock, for my seed. The doctor, losing composure and giving in to her base instincts, getting me off with her giant tits.  Trish. Trish, her brown wavy locks swinging back and forth as she did her best to keep my dick in her mouth. It felt so good. She couldn’t get much of it into her mouth at first, but she figured out a way to make things work. Ahh, her lips were so soft and juicy. Mmmnnhh. The dream came into focus more, the feelings more real than before as if it was actually happening. ‘MMnnn…’  Trish let the dick out of her mouth and cooed softly while shushing me like a little baby. ‘Shhh… Just enjoy it…’ I smiled and did as I was told.  It felt so good as she worked her tongue up and down my throbbing hard shaft, sucking on the head and massaging and squeezing my balls which were full almost to bursting. Her hands went from massaging my balls to my shaft using both of them to jerk me off while she continued to sloppily lick up any precum that came out.

 ‘Mnnnfff’ I imagined her eyelids heavy as she breathed in the aroma of my amplified sex becoming entranced.  Her pace quickened and the feeling of orgasm built up as I moaned involuntarily it felt so good.  She was watching me as I grabbed onto the bedposts above my head trying to delay the inevitable even just a few seconds longer.  She got lower, propped up on her elbows, and grabbed each of my big round balls with a hand squeezing them in rhythm with her mouth bobbing up and down my shaft.  I could feel the soft pillowy weight of her breasts squishing against and falling over and between my legs each time she went down on me.

 “I’m gonna… ahh… ughnnn” She took my weak warning as her cue and moved her head back and forth to get as much of my cock into her throat as possible while nearly crushing my nuts in her grip, forcing a huge long spurt of cum directly into her stomach. More… MORE… MOOOREE… I could practically hear her thoughts in the quiet dream scape with only the sound of ruffling sheets and her intense and desperate breathing as she accepted the cum that pumped into her throat letting out a high pitched moan that faded slowly. My legs and ass clenched and thrust upward slightly with each strong spasm and she persisted in squeezing the life milk from my testicles and gulped it down readily.  While remaining latched on to my dick which was still pumping gently in the aftershocks of the orgasm, she used both hands to make a circle with her fingers around of my shaft and tightly wrung as much of my cum into her waiting mouth. Finally satisfied she got all of it, she did one final pull with her lips tight around my cock and let it loose with a wet sucking pop and took a big breath.

 “Bwahhh. Hahh.  Ahhh…” She licked her lips and sat up.  I opened my eyes and realized that it wasn’t a dream at all.  She was in nothing but a pair of dark blue panties, and her pathetic little bra pulled up above her breasts which made a mockery of the small garment.  She just looked at me and smiled.  I went to lean up, but couldn’t. My arms and legs were tied with bed sheets and rope to the bedposts and I was stripped completely naked with only sheets covering my legs.

“Good… Good morning Trish.  Everything alright?” I struggled a little before just laying back feeling my hangover.

“Everything is fine, perfect.”  She swiped her mouth with the back of her hand and gave it a lick.  “Look at these. Just look. At. These…” She held up her breasts one in each hand feeling their weight and closed her eyes just squeezing them and enjoying the feeling. “I held off for as long as I could, but when I woke up your cock was just hard as a rock and begging for it. I couldn’t resist.  I hope you don’t mind.” She looked back at me still playing with her new breasts like she was juggling grapefruit.

“So you tied me up?” I watched her playing with her breasts as my dick slowly got soft.

“Just for now.  I don’t want you to run away…” She was going to say something and then her phone on the nightstand started buzzing distracting her. “You wait here just a minute.” She stood up, stepping over me and going to the night stand. Her panties were actually light blue from the side and that dark color must have been the dampness coming from her soaking pussy. She cursed under her breath and picked up her phone. I took a deep breath and just laid there with my eyes closed enjoying the final passing pangs of pleasure from the previous orgasm.

“Hey there. Oh my gosh I am sorry I thought I put in a request for today.” She was professional and sounded a little more sheepish than she had been all night.  This was the Trish I was used to.

 “I didn’t?  I am sorry, if it’s alright then I need to take today off.  I know it’s last minute in this case, but I have been ahead of everything recently… what’s that?” It was a call from work I think.  I could hear the sharp commanding tones of our boss on the other end of the line as Trish paced back and forth at the foot of the bed.  Each step caused her breasts to bounce and jiggle, but she wasn’t paying attention to it.

 “Sure, yeah, I can forward that file to you later on this morning if that is alright? I have a full day ahead of me here.  Kind of starting a new diet and wanting to get one last cheat day in, you see.” She smiled, putting one hand on her tummy, closing her eyes and feeling the full roundness of her bulging gut.  She opened her eyes and looked at me and then my dick hungrily.

 “Great.  What’s going on with who?  Oh him…” She glanced at me with a nervous look. “How would I know?” She reached her hand up to grab her breast, squeezing it a little.  I felt the heat along my abs as my dick finally touched down getting softer. It reached past my belly button and was kind of threatening pointed directly at my face.

 “I can reach out to him if you’d like and give him a call if you want.  It has been a couple of days, do you think he is OK?” She laughed in silence and pointed at me with an evil grin.

 “Yeah, he seemed to leave in a rush after your long meeting earlier this week.” She nodded satisfied as the boss on the other end’s tone kind of quieted down and ended the conversation.

 “Sure thing.  Yes, I will see you tomorrow.  I will send the file, yes.  Take care now. Goodbye.” She hung up and let out an annoyed grumbling sigh tossing the phone onto the bed. “My god she never shuts up.”  She crawled from the foot of the bed towards me, her belly bulging full of my cum from her liquid breakfast and her breasts hung down swaying back and forth.

“A new diet?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Oh yes.  The only thing I am eating today is your cum, buddy.  So buckle up.  My boobs are almost as big as the bosses and I want them to get bigger.  I need them to get bigger.  I need your cum.  You still have another load in you before you need to take a break right? Does that medicine cut down your recovery time at all?”  She laid down and plopped her big soft boobs down right on top of my still firm dick which I realized wasn’t going to be getting a rest anytime soon.

“I have found out that if I drink a lot of water I tend to cum a lot more.  And yeah I don’t really have much recovery time as long as I keep stimulated.”  She smiled and licked her lips.

“Water and stimulation?  Can do.” She ran to the kitchen almost immediately.  Even her ass seemed to have gotten much bigger because her normal panties seemed to be tight and wedged in between her butt cheeks which bounced as she frolicked away giggling and laughing.  I just sighed and struggled against my bindings a little bit and one of them came off fairly easily.  Bed sheets weren’t particularly difficult to untie, even in my predicament.  She came back shortly after with a large pitcher of water and a glass.

“If I untie you so you can drink water, will you run away?” She said with a slightly authoritative tone.  I just sat up, obviously untied, and shrugged.

“Trish, I actually like you a lot. I don’t plan on running away or anything, but I just, I don’t know…” I was lost for words trying to express the fact that I wasn’t completely comfortable with being used so readily as a cum factory. Part of me really wants this. Is that me? Or the medicine’s doing?

“I… I’m sorry. I just got carried away and…” She sat the pitcher down on the side table and sat next to me with her legs crossed leaning against the headboard of her bed.  The sunlight streaked in through the curtains and blinds illuminating her from behind as I leaned over in her direction.  She cast a beautiful, sexy, and shapely silhouette.  Her stomach still looked full and bloated, and her elbows pressed her tits together as she held her head in her hands rubbing her eyes. “I can’t help myself… Just being near you, especially after you cum or even if I get a glimpse of your cock is just…  It’s too much for me to resist.  This feeling comes over me and…”  She was really having a hard time and getting these words out was no easy task.  I put a hand on her shoulder.

“I know… I know, Trish. I know the feeling.  I think this experiment has gone on long enough if you ask me.  I am going to talk to the scientist and see if I can get it reversed or at least toned down or something.  If this keeps up I won’t be able to go near people without popping a boner and being assaulted for my cum.  I am pretty sure that I had feelings for you a while before any of this even happened so if that is what you really want, then you can knock yourself out and do whatever you want with me. She was sniffling a little bit in regret and looked down at me.

 “Are you sure? I have been interested in you as well for a long time and just never found the right time to say something.” She wiped a tear from her eye.

 “Yeah, same.  I guess that is one good thing that came from all this. We finally figured out how much we care about each other. Right?” I smiled.  She smiled back.  Then not so subtly grabbed the pitcher and filled up a glass of water raising an eyebrow. I laughed and shook my head grabbing the pitcher from her hand and holding it up to my lips.

 “Be careful what you wish for, Trish.” And began chugging.  She just watched and bit her lip seeing potential pour from that pitcher into me and looked down at my limp cock getting to work right away sucking it back to full attention by the time I finished off the pitcher.

 “Another.” I was still hungover and pretty dehydrated from the alcohol and from being sucked dry half an hour beforehand.  It went like that for a while.  She would work on sucking me off and I would drink more and more water.  She sat there amazed just staring. After about three or so pitchers and 20 minutes later My cock was throbbing hard straight up and my balls were swollen and huge.

 “Seriously, even just water is like a magic potion making your balls get huge. Look at them.” And I glanced down and she was right, they were swelling ever so slowly as the water absorbed into my body and whatever that medicine did to my balls went to work.  She ran to the kitchen to get more water and I was mesmerized by how quickly the effects took place.  My balls were usually the size of plums if I held off cumming for a few hours, but they were the size of oranges now and I was still drinking water.

 “I am not the only one swelling up though, have you looked at yourself recently?”  Her breasts had already grown considerably from the previous load she swallowed wholesale less than an hour before.  She squeezed her breasts and moaned.

 “I have felt it the whole time.  They are hot and tingly, and the feeling of them filling up more and more turns me on.  I have been soaking wet since last night and want to get off so badly, but I feel this compulsion to drink your cum so strongly I can’t ignore it. UGH!” She couldn’t help herself and dove into my crotch face-first with renewed voracity.  Her desperation to drink my semen was kind of scary to watch, but I couldn’t deny how good it felt. But she was working too hard and I wanted to feel how those brand-new breasts felt wrapped around my dick.

 “Use your breasts, Trish.  Use them to get what you want. It will go quicker, I assure you.”  She looked up with a look like she was embarrassed she hadn’t thought of it sooner.

 “I completely forgot. I have never been able to do that kind of thing before so I wasn’t even thinking about it.” She sat up and adjusted her position. I directed her to lie leaning on some pillows against the headboard.

 “Here, just like that. Let me…” I got on my hands and knees poised above her and began to lick her stomach and suck on her breasts pressing my face into their soft pillowy warmth. I squeezed them and teased the nipples with my fingers and began to lick between her breasts and soak her cleavage as much as possible and then sat up and scooted forward on my knees laying my fat cock right between her cleavage. My foot-long dick was hard and quivering, slight veins working overdrive to power this tool built for sex. Combined with the warmth of her breasts which were growing before our very eyes it was hot.  I took her hands and guided them to the sides of her breasts where they sprouted from her body.

 “Hold them here, like this, and put enough pressure on so my dick doesn’t fly out of the top.  If you can hold it there well enough I bet I will cum in no more than a minute or two.”  She smiled and did as I instructed and her breasts enveloped my meat.

 “Like this?” She asked.  I began to slide forward and back trying to build some momentum but I got too into it and my dick flew through her cleavage and slapped up against my stomach.

 “Almost. Try again.” We reloaded my dick in between her pressed bosoms and she got the hang of it pretty quickly.  I built up speed and momentum and she just watched in amazement at what her breasts were now capable of. She began to lean down when a big bead of precum began to well up on the tip of my thrusting cock and licked it up, closing her eyes in ecstasy. The feeling of plowing into the bottom of her breasts was amazing and the saliva-slick skin sliding on either side of my schlong was indescribable.  Like hot pillows of air.  

 “Come on, baby.  Give it to mee.” She said starting to get a little impatient.  Her breasts felt softer and softer and it was so warm between them as her flesh continued to spread and stretch millimeter by millimeter slowly swallowing up more and more of my cock.  My balls were slapping and dragging against her stomach with loud wet smacks and she began to move her breasts around in circles like she was charging up defibrillator paddles of pleasure around my thrusting dick. It wouldn’t be long now.

 “Ah, that. Where did you learn how to… ohhh. I’m about it.” She smiled deviously and pushed me onto my back pouncing above me and sticking her mouth as far down my shaft as she could go.  Since last night she has had quite a bit of practice and was able to get more and more of  it, about 8 or so inches, into her throat.  Her thirst for my cum must have given her some kind of immunity to gagging or something because it didn’t even seem feasible, but I didn’t question it. I couldn’t question it let alone do anything about it because she had me pinned.  She leaned forward with her breast pressing onto me and grabbed my balls with both hands like she did with the billiard balls the night before and began to squeeze them again and again while throwing her head up and down on my penis bringing me to orgasm.

 “Ohh gooddddd… UGNN”. I felt the force of so much semen coursing through every inch of my penis as she let it into her throat. The fellatio and hand job, the titty fuck deepthroat, I didn’t stand a chance and she wanted it too badly to be denied. She squeezed my testicles harder and made sure every last drop was hers. I had built up so much semen from the needlessly huge amount of water I drank and my balls, in addition to being squeezed so hard, were under such pressure that the first long stream of cum filled her throat to the point she snarfed a bit of it out of her nose with a wet choking cough.  I went to pull out since I was worried about her drowning from my spunk, but she made it clear that wouldn’t be needed as her iron grip on my balls pulled me deeper and deeper inside of her as she focused on gulping it all down. After 5 or 6 long thick ropes poured from my balls in quick succession, spasms that lasted one or two seconds each, her stomach began to fill up more and more until she had a proper pot belly.

 “Mnnffff Mnnnfff Mnnfff…” That was all she could manage as she was injected for the next minute or two.  She fell to the side causing me to roll a little bit and lay there filling up with my cum.  She wasn’t able to keep up lost in her own world and some started to dribble from her lips.  Her hands fell away from my balls and went to her stomach where she felt a big bump.  She began to let go of my shaft letting a couple of inches slide out but came to her senses or something and reached up suddenly wringing out the last thick globs before rolling onto her back completely, arms splayed out.  I was sitting on my knees by her side and pulled my cock out of her mouth and let it hang there, bouncing up and down still oozing the final bits of cum onto her bedsheets.

 “Damn, that was a lot.  I didn’t see how much it was, but it felt like a lot. Look at your stomach, Trish.  That was insane, are you ok?” She had both hands on her stomach and swallowed a few times and licked her lips clean to clean her mouth enough to form words without spitting my jizz everywhere.

 “I… I got what I wished for, didn’t I?” She said between heavy breaths and then after a moment let out a long satisfying belch and laughed a bit, her eyes still unfocused and spinning slightly. “More… I want… more... Please…” She kept talking like that but her voice was weak and she was in a trance of some kind. I leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

 “Trish, I am not going anywhere, but I need to make a phone call alright?  Just rest here, OK?” I looked down at her bare breasts, balanced on her ribs the size of cantaloupes.  Her nipples were hard and sticking straight up. They were thicker and darker than before and her areola had also gotten a bit more pronounced as well. I squeezed one of her breasts and she squealed, taken by complete surprise, and began to convulse from the waist down. I stood up and looked for my phone. I was walking around her apartment with a huge hard-on, balls flopping all around when I found my pants thrown near a chair in the living room.  I grabbed my phone and gave it a quick check.  I had a bunch of missed calls and messages.  Most of them were from the boss or other people at work, but there was a message from the doctor as well.

My boss had called half a dozen times this morning. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was already one in the afternoon. I couldn’t believe it.  The boss also sent a flurry of messages growing in desperation to know where I was and why I wasn’t picking up the phone. There were also a few calls from Valencia, the office secretary, amidst the phone calls from the boss.  There was a single message from the doctor sent just a few minutes ago that said ‘The experiment is almost complete.  I just need to see you one more time and I think I will have everything that I need on my end.  Give me a call or drop by when you can, ok? Thanks in advance.’

Almost complete.  What is there left to do that hasn’t been done already? I shook my head in disbelief and typed out a quick message. ‘Almost complete?  What else is there?  We need to talk for sure about this.  It is getting out of hand.  Do you have an antidote or something?  I might be able to come by, but not until later tonight.’  Send.

She responded curiously quickly: ‘Anytime is fine.  There are options. Talk to you then. Don’t bring any more samples. Thanks in advance.’  I just laughed. Like I even have any samples to give.  Trish is a black hole for my cum and I doubt I could wrest a single drop from her even if you wanted it, lady.  I flipped through my contacts and rang up my boss.  I took a glance back into Trish’s room and she was in there squeezing and rubbing herself in much the same position as I left her before.  The phone didn’t even finish the full length of the first ring when she picked up.

“Fucking finally.  Do you have any idea how worried I was? Where were you? Where are you?  I had someone go by your apartment but nobody answered. Talk to me. Now!” She was all over the place. Concerned, upset, angry, relieved…sending people to my …house?  What was going on here?

“Sorry, boss… I had a bit of a late night and slept in today. I am sorry that I worried you, I didn’t know that you were so concerned for me. I am out right now. I was thinking of coming back to work tomorrow if that was alright. Did you say that someone went to my house? What?”  I tried to answer all her questions in the right order but was significantly thrown off by the fact she sent people to my home.

“Don’t worry about that.  I am just glad you are OK.  I thought someone took you for themselves, I mean, uhm.  I thought someone kidnapped your d...you. So you are coming tomorrow?  In my office right? You will be here? Please? Unless you want me to come to you?” Her breathing had gotten heavier, hotter, and closer to the microphone as the conversation went on. She sounded like an addict needing to get her fix.  Would Trish end up like this? I sat down bare-assed on the couch and my cock flopped over my ballsack and further down the cushion limply hanging down with a small dot of cum still on the tip. I sighed into the speaker.

“I am sorry for all this, yeah I can meet with you tomorrow. I’m fine. I wasn’t kidnapped or anything.  You told me to take a couple of days off and I did, that’s all.  Sorry I haven’t checked in, boss.  I just needed to clear my head is all.” I told her straight and the tone in my voice told her that she was pushing too much into my personal space. Which she was.

“Alright.  Sorry about that.  I am glad you are ok and I will see you tomorrow morning.  I will bring in donuts for everyone to celebrate the occasion. How’s that sound?” She tried to backpedal a bit realizing how she came off in her desperation. “Sorry about that..”

“You are fine.  I am thankful for the time off.  I will see you tomorrow morning.  Take care and see you then.” I responded professionally.

“Absolutely.  Until then.  Have a lovely evening.” and she hung up.  I sent a text to Valencia over the work chat system app on my phone and asked what was going on and she responded that the boss made her call all those times.  She wouldn’t mind seeing me though and said that the office wasn’t the same without me with some smiley emojis. I told her I’d be there tomorrow and she sent some smiles and hearts saying she was looking forward to it.

That’s odd. I put my phone down and ran my hands through my hair leaning backward staring up at the ceiling with my eyes closed. I heard some footsteps and it got dark behind my eyelids so I opened them and I saw the bottom of Trish’s swelling tits towering over me. She looked down over her cleavage and stepped back a little so I could see her better.

 “She call you too?” She asked, walking around the couch and sat next to me. I nodded, taking a deep breath.

 “I think she is as addicted as you are. And just hasn’t had her fix yet.  She called me like, 10 times Trish.” I gave her a serious look and showed her the bunch of missed calls scrolling down to show her the full extent of the situation.  She laughed and casually reached a hand down to my soft dick grabbing it in her hand and snuggling up beside me pressing her breasts against my side.  She leaned in close and whispered.

“I want you to fuck me.”  She blushed after saying it and looked away, but her hand started to jerk off my soft thick meat, waking it up again for another round regardless of my answer, no doubt.

“I don’t know if that is a good idea.” I began and she jumped right in expecting the response.

“I’m ready for it. And I am on birth control too.” She jerked me a bit faster.

“Who knows what effect the medicine has on my jizz… maybe it can supersede birth control or something.” Why am I fighting this? I haven’t had sex in months. Had it been a year?  None of these people are willing to let a single drop slip away from them.

“Do you have a condom?  There are condoms big enough for this, mega-size, right? Or what about anal? I have never done it before, but you can’t get pregnant from anal, right?” She was talking madness and her vision was slightly out of focus.  My cock was hard again and she wasn’t even thinking clearly.

“I do have condoms, from the doctor actually. Hey, are you hungry at all?  I am starving.” I put a hand to my stomach and she did the same.

“I have been eating all morning.  Look at my stomach.” Her breasts were swollen and engorged with thick dark nipples hanging and resting over her big round belly. In the time I made that phone call and responded to those messages, a span of maybe thirty minutes, they had grown to the size of volleyballs. But she was right, she had been ‘eating’ all morning, but I was drained.

“Can I have that burger of yours from last night?” And she nodded standing up, pulling me up and taking me along with her by my dick and jerking me on the way to the kitchen.  There was a plastic bag with a food container in it and she finally let go of my junk for a minute to fill up two glasses of water from the tap and slid one to me.  And then began to set out the burger and remaining fries on a dish and tossed it in the microwave.

“This won’t take long, drink up.” She smiled and ushered me over to a small dining room table just barely big enough for four seating places in a corner by a window.

 “Thanks. I appreciate it. The burger and, you know.  A place to stay and…”

“All the blow jobs?” ‘DING.’ She smiled as the microwave alarm went off.  She took out the plate, refilled my glass of water, and set the burger on the dining room table before me.  ‘Thanks for the rocking tits and ass, man.  This is a dream come true, although I didn’t think it would be so addicting…” She leaned on the table a little bit waiting for me to get going with the burger. “I actually don’t dislike it though.  The satisfaction, the pleasure, the warmth, and the growth.  God.  It’s indescribable. I could only imagine what it feels like firsthand.  I need that thing inside me.” She filled up a big pitcher of water and set it on the table right in front of me and looked up smiling. “Stay hydrated. Ok?”

 “Will you sit down?” I kept trying to change the subject and focused on my burger.  She began to duck down under the table.

 “Nah, I am going to have my lunch now too, if you don’t mind.” I had to laugh out loud at how casually she said it like that and a second later I felt her prop her breasts in my lap and pop the top of my cock in her mouth and start going to work. While I am eating a fucking burger?  This is something else… I just went with it and she proceeded to work for her lunch while I enjoyed a burger and drank more water.  Before I even took the last bite of my burger she had earned her desired meal and I had to put the burger down and brace my hands on the table while she squeezed the life out of me for the third time since I woke up in her apartment.  It felt as good as before, but I felt like my tank was starting to get lower each time.  As her prowess to get me off became more and more intense I was unable to return what she wanted in large enough amounts it seemed like.  She got out the last drops and appeared across from me coming up from below the table and taking a seat.  She licked her lips and smiled.

 “Thanks for the meal.  Sorry I finished before you did…” She was sheepish with heavy lids and took a deep breath sitting back. I just stared and watched her breasts grow before my eyes at a seemingly accelerated rate.  Her stomach was fuller than usual and she looked like she was a couple of months pregnant at this point, but as she let out muffled quiet burps her stomach shrank a bit more each time and her breasts ballooned up in measure. Her nipples got bigger and longer and thicker and the weight and size of her breasts, the size of basketballs or more, caused them to hang a bit lower just about covering her belly button. My cock stayed hard, head pressed against the bottom of the table drawing graffiti in precum. I just watched dumbfounded while eating the last bite of the burger as the miracle of science took place in front of my eyes.  She reached up with each hand grasping her bosoms barely able to lift them up without a concentrated effort of will to do so because they were so big and heavy.

 “I think I might have gone overboard…” She looked down at herself and had a lot of emotions crossing her face as she approached if not completely eclipsed the boundaries of living a normal life that wasn’t almost completely centered around the fact that she had big, wide, impossible-to-hide, heavy, fat breasts. What cup size could they even be at this point let alone an hour from now. She licked her lips, swallowed again, and looked back up to me.  “I went overboard I think. It’s too much.” There was a hint of panic in her voice as she started to come to her senses in this rare moment of clarity. The constant low hum of pleasure accompanying her growth had one more spike forcing her to moan and close her eyes and just feel through it. She bit her lip and opened her eyes again and found his eyes after looking around like she just woke up.

 “No, no… you are fine. Your boobs are, fucking huge to be sure, but this is still livable.  And, if it’s anything like my cock, they will shrink back down a bit after things wear off a bit more.  I actually don’t know how much of this is permanent if at all.” I explained.

 “You mean your dick was…bigger? Then it is right now?” She sounded like she was bummed out for not being able to see it.

 “Yeah.  I haven’t taken any medicine in a couple of days and the effects have kind of balanced out I think.  I have been this size for about a day or two now.  My balls kind of get bigger and expand and deflate depending on how much I save up or how much water I drink, but I think you figured that much out. She refilled my glass again. I thanked her and got to drinking. Must have been the burger, but I was thirsty and my mouth felt almost as dry as waking up after sleeping with your mouth open all night.

“Was the burger enough? Do you have those condoms?” She was like an obedient servant refilling my glass and running to refill the pitcher and sit back down. Seeing her from behind leaning forward to fill it up showed me that her ass and thighs had also thickened up considerably. She never really had much of an ass, although her legs were nice and long, she had a proper booty now. Her panties were a faint suggestion, a taut dark blue line of cloth around her thickening waist, digging into the soft flesh. She didn’t seem to mind it. She turned around, and each step she took caused her to jiggle a little bit, but she stopped on the short walk to the table and the pitcher in her hand wobbled as she shivered, knees bending.

The expression on her face was concentrated with closed eyes, biting her lip as the fabric covering her crotch pulled tighter and tighter. She took another step, placed the pitcher, and then put both palms down onto the surface of the table fingers curling slowly almost becoming fists as she exhaled hard. Her heavy bare breasts hung down between her arms past her elbows and through a window of arms and breasts and table there was a framed picture of her vagina. It looked almost painful and the wet fabric pulled tighter and tighter until the soft plump lips of her labia finally gave way and the strip of cloth split between them rubbing hard against her clitoris and digging deep between. She threw her head back and moaned as moisture gave way to wetness trickling down her inner legs. I felt like I could have flipped the table with my expectant dick flexing it as saliva filled my dry mouth. I grabbed the pitcher and began to chug.

I needed it. She needed it desperately, but I could relate enough and planned on filling her to the brim and then some. I slid back in my chair and stood up. My balls had grown so large that they hung below the chair and snagged on the edge of it flipping the seat back when I stood up. I took wide-gaited steps to where I piled my things and pulled a labelless foil square, a bit larger than a tea bag, from the pocket of my pants and held it up to her.

“Are you sure about this?” The thick round coiled-up rubber was between my middle and pointer finger and held up before me. She looked around for a minute unsure of where I was and finally followed the sound of my voice and looked at my dick and huge heavy balls, then the item in my hands, and finally my eyes. She nodded and smiled walking over while trying to hook her thumbs between her panties and waist, but was having trouble. She eventually got them in there, but failed to pull them down more than an inch or two and struggled like someone refusing to cut the cord around a stubborn package thinking the rope would stretch. She began to pull her thumbs out and panicked when she could only free one of them and began to goose step towards the kitchen grabbing the shears and carefully snaking one end under the panties.

“My ass, too?” She was hopping a little bit and even her belly shook back and forth, bloated and full of my cum. She finally sheared through the sodden seemingly uncuttable cloth after hacking away at it for a few seconds and a look of relief crossed her face, pressure released. There was a pinkish-red mark across her hip where the garment had dug in. Cutting the other side was easier to do and she pulled from the front dislodging the cloth between her thick thighs and wanting lips with a wet squelch. Some liquid wrung free from the garment and ran down her legs as she held it up, dripping.

She had a beautiful vagina and a conservative tuft of dark hair that had been trimmed above it. It was now matted and soaked, but I could imagine it dry and fluffy, inviting. Her clitoris was kind of large at a glance almost as big as the very tip of my pinky and looked like it was quivering. Her wet thighs slid against one another as she put one before the other approaching him and regaining her composure. She walked up close enough that her nipples and breasts pressed against my chest, and my cock poked into her belly button, and she looked up into my eyes. I felt the foil pack taken from my hand and I leaned down to kiss her, pressing our bodies together.

I was focused on her mouth and tongue and one of my hands went up to her breast reaching and squeezing it. It was well beyond a handful and flicking her large hard nipple caused her to pause in what she was doing. The crinkling sound of the foil pack being ripped open was the only thing we could hear besides the licking and smacking of passionate lips and hot eager breaths. My hand continued to her other breast tweaking and twisting the engorged nipple there like someone rubbing cash between their fingers. Another pause. She was reaching blindly beneath her breasts, eyes closed, locked mouth to mouth with me, desperately trying to take the disk of rubber and seat it on the tip of my cock which was grinding against her round belly and poking into her cleavage from below.

She finally started getting the condom on and I leaned forward with both hands and grabbed her butt cheeks with both hands pulling her closer inadvertently assisting her in unrolling the latex sleeve further down my shaft. She unrolled all twelve inches of it to the base of my cock and punched the tip pulling it a little to prepare the little reservoir which was apparently up to the task of handling his ejaculation. She had her doubts surely, but it didn’t matter as she finally gave into the passion and began to fight back with her tongue playing with my nipples and squeezing my ass and groping around my abs and squeezing my love handles. I grunted in response to the attention, almost forgetting that there were things that caused me pleasure besides my penis and testicles.

She pushed me forward and we landed on the couch, her on top of me and she crawled over me so her wide ass cheeks hotdogged my rod and began to twerk in slow motion. We were still kissing passionately and her huge heavy breasts, still growing, fell onto me and squished between us. I reached up and grabbed handfuls of the sides of her breast flesh squeezing out like sweet ice cream between two cookies of love. She sat up, letting our tongues and mouth take a break as the both of us breathed hard with wet lips and our tongues hanging out of our mouths. I just kept my hands on her breasts squishing each one in turn like a cat making biscuits.

Getting up on her knees at first, realizing it wasn’t enough, then standing up with knees bent awkwardly, she grabbed the stiff pole and positioned it below her. I could only imagine the flood of thoughts and hopes and fears running through her head at that moment before she bent her knees moving back and forth as the latex-covered plum that was my cockhead began to spread her apart in earnest. The heat was indescribable and she bobbed up and down very gently letting it into herself bit by bit. Seeing her lips spread and feeling the tight pressure squeezing around my cock head was unlike any of the blow jobs, tittyfucks, and countless handjobs from others and myself. She grunted as she lowered down onto it another half an inch and took in a deep breath as she let the length slide out, always leaving it just between her labia before going down again. Her clit was swollen and looked like an M&M.

“Are you alright?” Was the best I could manage. “You are so tight, Trish.” She closed her eyes nodding.

“I think I am ok. Just a little more and I will…” She stood up focused on her task and, taking a deep breath, let most of her weight off of her legs and I entered deep into her. She let out a cry, and a tear welled up in the corner of her eye, and I felt her insides so tight and hot against my cock. “Oh, god. It’s so much. I’ve never felt…I’m so full it…” She couldn’t continue on in words and needed all her concentration to keep enough strength in her legs so she didn’t accidentally impale herself totally.

“Should we change positions? Your legs are shaking.” I said, and they were. Clear rivulets of  liquid were streaming down the sides of the condom and starting to muss up my pubic hair as she kept working as much of my length as deep inside of her as possible. I didn’t want to start thrusting out of fear I would hurt her and she seemed to appreciate that. Her breasts continued to dangle lower and lower swelling larger and larger the whole time and she had to place a hand on my shoulder for balance and assistance since they were so heavy. My lips reached up like a baby bird and my tongue finally caught her nipple and pulled it to my lips and I sucked latching on. I let my tongue flick back and forth distracting her, but I couldn’t resist any longer and they just seemed to be more within the reach of my mouth than they were a few minutes ago.

I felt her bottom out as the tip of my cock hit the back of her insides and she was filled completely. Almost eight or nine inches of my thick shaft held her up and she squealed, knees and thighs shaking, frozen. I moved my face to the slide letting the nipple out of my mouth ending up with my head between her breasts which felt like they were taking up more real estate than before. I got my legs under me and slowly we shifted positions and put her on her back. I was still deep inside of her and her eyes were strained and concerned looking up at her chest on which each breast went back and forth like mammoth orbs of pudding as large and wide as watermelons. They were full and perky enough that they didn’t just flatten and sag splashing across her front and kept most of their rounded plump shape bumping into her face. It was too late now, I thought to myself as I began to pull back trying to free myself from her fierce inner grip on me. I reached down and grabbed handfuls of each of her giant breasts, stopping them from wobbling around and finally pulled most of my dick from her tight insides.

“Are you ready do you think?” I asked, pulling her breasts down enough so we could make eye contact easily. I adjusted my position on the couch on my knees causing my shaft and the head to slide around on top of her engorged clit.

“I… I honestly don’t know, but just do it.  Fuck my brains out and don’t stop until you can’t take it anymore.” She pried her own breasts apart a little bit and leaned up to look down at what was rubbing her and saw the head of my cock poking toward and away from her slowly as I moved my hips. “It’s already… that much?” I just nodded.

“I would wake up with a literal balloon full of precum for days. Drinking gallons of water hasn’t helped in that respect, but it should be alright. I am more worried about you. You are so tight, Trish.” I told her as she let go of her breasts leaning back and looking up into the ceiling with an arm over her forehead seemingly doing calculations of some kind.

“I won’t lie, it kind of hurts, but it feels so good. That fullness and pleasure pushing into every direction. I already came a few times just getting used to it. Just let me have it. Please. I need it.” She was resignation woven within the desire and desperation that brought her to this point. I wasn’t going to deny her. It was tight, but I could make it work I figured.  I just hoped the condom didn’t blow up inside of her and some weird side effect disabled the birth control.  I really did like Trish, but we were only just starting to get to know each other it felt like.  Not just the sex, but more than that.

 She impatiently grabbed the head of my dick and pushed it away bringing it down face to face with her peach. I grabbed from the middle of the shaft and began to work it around her clip and back and forth between the lips and she spread them with an open hand causing her clit to stand out even more. I had never seen one that big before, not sure I had ever actually recalled seeing one come to think of it. I plunged the head in and pushed forward slowly covering all the ground she made and let her lubrication make this exchange as smooth as it could be. I began to slowly build a rhythm taking safe strokes not pulling ou too far and not going so deep as to hit back. As my intensity build so did the sounds she made growing from whimpers and gasps to moans and grunts of pleasure.

Her breasts were shaking back and forth hitting her in the face as the intensity grew and when I thrust forward the soft pillowy masses reached down stretching nearly to my cock. Her belly was almost back to normal I noticed and pressed a hand on her stomach rubbing around while occasionally being slapped at by her bosom. My balls were so full and swollen by then that they didn’t even sway back and forth since they were just resting on the cushion of the couch. I didn’t know how big they were but they were heavy and pulled down from me hard just from the weight of them. I thrust forward, the pace still fairly slow, but was going deeper and finally hit back and she let out a squeal like she was punched in the gut. Well she was, wasn’t she.

“Do that again.” She instructed and I obeyed giving a small salvo of thrusts each hitting the back of her insides causing her to let out that squeal again and again. “More… don’t stop. Harder. HARDER!” She reached up to her own breasts and held them so she wouldn’t get slapped in the face and just squeezed, teasing herself and pulling them harder and harder. Her eyes were closed mostly but when they were open her iris’ were in odd locations and rolling all over the place. I just kept banging against her as deep as I could go with as much force as I thought was still safe, but after a few thrusts of me holding back she called for more, harder.

It wasn’t easy because she was so tight and the whole time it felt like when I was pulling me out she was gripping me tighter unwilling to let go, but when I thrust inward it was as if she was trying to push me out. Even with the condom on, this was the first time having sex with so much cock and such a tight pussy that it was overwhelming and I didn’t have long to go.  Her goading was incessant for more and she was starting to get louder to the point I was losing control of myself and wanted the full experience. I need it, I heard a voice say and began to thrust harder.

The cries for more and harder were mollified with moans and shrieks of pleasure until they were replaced with emphatic almost drunken cries of ‘YES. YES. YES.’ She reached forward around her breasts groping for something to hold onto and found my arms and I found hers and we pulled on each other desperate to get closer than either of us had ever gotten before. Her breasts were shaking wildly and slapping audibly against her stomach and face and I felt the hot tingling sensation beginning to start its unstoppable journey through the entire length of my rod and begin to explode pleasure throughout the entire appendage from the tip back down to the base again.

I was able to keep thrusting a few more times as the orgasm began feeling long pulsing jets of semen pump into the condom which I kept thrusting into causing another layer of lubrication spreading up and down the length of my shaft.

“Ohhhhh gahhhh…” She moaned letting go of me and falling back as cum flooded the condom filling her even more replacing the fullness from rough hard thrusts of my desperate need to come with hot warm semen inside of a bulging latex bubble. She seemed to have gone somewhere far away and her arms were practically limp, eyes half open lolling around like she just got off a roller coaster, tongue stuck out. As my balls ejected more and more of its contents through my shaft waves of orgasmic pleasure accompanied and I was nearly numb from the pleasure locked in place. My spitting serpent was slowly forced out of her vagina from her tightness and the fact that the cum had nowhere else to go and pushed me out. My groans of pleasure and grunts of release were fading into deep desperate breaths. The rubber was still affixed to the last five or so inches of my cock, still pumping the last spurts of semen into the voluminous balloon extending across the couch to the inside depths of my co-worker, Trish.

I pulled back and she reached forward suddenly grabbing the end of my dick which was still encased. I could see her fingers around my member moving slowly as my orgasm finally settled down. I stopped and look at her.

“Don’t pull it out. Not just yet. It’s… so warm. I am still so full, but the pressure of the fullness is different. It’s nice.” She said with a voice that was far away in her own world. “Let’s just lay here for a minute.” She finally opened her eyes after a few minutes and looked over to me refocusing her eyes, breasts heaving up and down with each breath bouncing slightly on her chest. Her nipples were still hard and poking straight up like little brownish-pink thumbs. She held onto me the whole time and only when my dick started to get soft did she take one last deep sighing breath and lean up blinking.

She smiled and squeezed both of  my balls with her sticky hands tightly and I could feel when felt like jelly pushed through my cock setting off little aftershock tingles throughout. Then she grabbed the base of my shaft with one hand formed an ‘o’ with her thumb and middle finger and pulled hard causing more of the thick cake batter remaining in my pipe to push out and into the condom, still mostly inside of her, although a considerable bit had part of my cock suspended in an orb of semen outside of her which was pinched off further down my shaft. She then expertly twisted and slid the vessel along the length of my shaft and looked up to me nodding.

 “Alright, let’s see how much you made this time.” Her eyes were nearly glazed, mouth slightly agape as she tied off the condom and began to pull it. It must have felt good judging by her facial reactions and hushed moans and exhalations. I was just as amazed watching her pull more and more of the rubber receptacle out from inside of her as opaline treasure swirled around inside it. With one final gratifying moan she pulled the thing out of her and held it up like a fisher showing off the catch of the day before her star-filled eyes. The heavy bulb was more like a balloon filled with enough of his intimate liquid gift and stretched out the rubber bouncing rhythmically. It was almost as large and full as a helium balloon you’d get at a carnival, albeit upside down and much, much heavier.

She shook her head in disbelief like she boare witness to a miracle that somewhere she didn’t believe it would come true but it did. With care she angled the heavy hanging harvest towards her and let the warm bulbous mass bounce into her face where she caught it with another hand and snuggled against it.  It looked like she was fluffing up a pillow before going to bed for the night. She breathed in deeply the aroma of the couch before setting the haul down in her lap besides what remained of her small pot belly. She fixed her legs around the sack keeping its warmth close to her and pressed its squishy membrane surface against herself keeping it warm like a mother hen and an egg.

“That was amazing.” She cooed while squishing and pawing the large condom balloon beetween her legs. “Thank you.”

“Yeah, don’t mention it. It was amazing.” I was genuinely drained after that. Something about the intimacy was just different than all the hand jobs and that orgasm had taken it out of me.

“I’m. I’m sorry I tied you up earlier. I didn’t mean to-”

“It’s cool.  I get it. Something is going on with me that I can’t really explain and that kind of reaction is getting fairly normal.  I wonder what will happen at work tomorrow. I have a feeling that the boss will pretty much do to me what you did all over again.” I said frankly while standing up and looking for my things. Her eyes were fairly clear now, like the blindness had passed and she was more cognizant of her surroundings. We had both just snapped out of it. I pulled up my boxer briefs and coiled up my mostly soft penis and managed to get my balls sorted as well. My bulge was huge and despite jiggling and shaking and tucking flesh and cloth to make it all fit, the best solution still ended up having my shaft and the top of my balls visible from the pulled down waistband from the tension caused by the cloth stretching down from the weight and bulk of my testicles.

“Yeah, I don’t think you can avoid it.  I will be there too so hopefully I can help you.” Trish said with a smile. Her breasts were still getting bigger and one of her ass cheeks had grown to the point it was starting to spill off of the cushion she was sitting on, while the other was pushing away couch in all directions.  She didn’t even seem to notice.

 “What are you going to do about clothes?  Do you have anything that even fits?” I was genuinely concerned.  “I don’t know if my biggest button down would even fit on your frame anymore…”  She smiled with tight lips in response to that nodding her head slowly as the realty dawned upon her.

“Yeah, I overdid it big time. Hah!” She laughed slapping the condom in her lap sending it jiggling and hefted it up with one hand supporting it from the bottom with the other. “I have an idea.  I am pretty sure I can get same day delivery on a few items at least so I can go out in public again.” She walked into the kitchen and looked at the clock while setting the condom next to the pitcher on the table. “Yeah we are close enough to the depot that if I order in the next hour or two it will get here before nighttime so I can actually go outside without having to make a toga out of bedsheets or something crazy like that.” She laughed shaking her head while bringing over a second pitcher from her bedroom and nodded before turning around. “How about you?”

“I think this may have gone on long enough.  It is getting out of hand and my life is going to be dedicated to ejaculating and pleasuring people if I don’t get a hold of things soon.  I need to see the doctor and have a serious talk.” He pulled on his shirt and pants while talking about his plans. He gave a light sniff and a reaction of disgust crossed his face. “And I need to take a long shower I think. One where I am not clogging drains with cum for once.” She smiled at that comment and was untying the condom on the kitchen table. I went into her room to grab a few things and when I came back out she was carefully pouring the second half of the condom’s contents into a pitcher.  There was a full one right besides it with a long fat globby trail down one side, pooled near the base of the pitcher.

“Will you be, uh, alright? If I go I mean?” I had been here all morning and should have left after breakfast. She smiled and finished pouring out the last of my previous load into the pitcher and went to lick the end of it when she looked over to me with an embarrassed look. She patted the top of the closed pitcher.

“Oh yeah, I will be good for a while I think.  I will see you at work tomorrow, right?” She said walking over to me, still completely naked and reaching up embraced me pressing her breasts against me leaning up for a kiss on tip toe.  I obliged and we shared a passionate tongue dance and finally broke it off.  Her hand was already rubbing the front of my pants and she was going for the zipper when I stepped back keeping her at arms length.

“No, you’re right.” She said blushing. “Sorry about that. You should probably get out of here. I can’t help myself around you anymore.” She looked up sheepishly with her pretty eyes and I was just smiling, but there was an exhaustion behind my eyes that wasn’t just from the nearly non-stop sex.

“I’ll see you then, Trish.  Have a great night and if you run into trouble with your clothes or anything let me know.” I had gathered all my stuff and checked my phone to see how close my rideshare was. She smiled and walked over to the door, careful to stand behind it while I snuck out. We kissed one last time and I was headed downstairs to hit the street and look for my driver. They pulled up and I flagged them down with a wave.

After getting home and doing some chores and taking a nice long shower I shot a message to the doctor letting her know I was going to stop by. She responded fairly quickly saying anytime was fine and I drove over. The office was closed and had low lights on which was often the case when I came by later it seemed. I knocked and there was a sound of clattering and finally she came to the door. There were shades and blinds so I could only see vague shadows until she got right up next to the door wriggling the old handle.

“Hang on, I will unlock it, but you need to open it from your side after I step back from the door. Sorry about this.” Her voice said muffled badly. I could barely make out the words, but did as she said and after two or three loud clacks and metallic scrapes her silhouette retreated back into a vague shadow and she said “Ok! Come on in”. I opened the door, pushing inwards and stepped in cautiously.  It was pretty dim in here.

“The lights are on in the office, but I didn’t want to attract any attention after hours, you know.” I heard her voice, but her back was to me and she was pushing a cart around. “I need this cart to move around now. I got a little carried away.” From the back her hair looked message up and her lab coat was flared out hanging down almost draped over the cart she was pushing towards the back door.

“Are you ok doctor?” I asked closing the door behind me and moving slowly as the scrolling of the wheels along the linoleum flooring with an occasional squeak cut the silence. “Because I have been having quite the tough time and I am pretty sure that this medicine of yours is to blame.” I was getting heated already.  She gave some oofs while the cart bumbled over a door jamb when passing through a door frame carefully into the light of the office beyond. I followed.

“You aren’t wrong, that is for sure.  I have made a few mistakes as well as you see.” She said.  In the light I could see she was wearing a mask with thick rubberr straps around the back of her head messing up her normally razor-sharp black hair.  She wheeled the waist-high cart around and held up her arms in a big shrug. She shook her head back and forth and the military-grade looking gas mask on her face rattled slightly as she did it. The cart, roughly as long and wide as a simple work desk was completely covered by her gigantic breasts. My jaw dropped and I stared in mad amazement.

“Holy cow, doctor.  How did you? How? What… Is that… from… And the mask?” I stammered like an idiot and she held up a hand. She carefully shimmied her shoulders and managed to take off her lab coat and tossed it over the back of her chair. Everytime she pulled on them too hard while reaching for a sleeve she kind of winced and it made me think of my balls when they were the biggest and fullest they had been since starting the medicinal trial.  But at the scale she was at. Each one was as wide if not wider than her torso and the pushcart was barely enough to hold them both.

“I know. I know.” She was shaking her head and sighed. “I didn’t think it would get this bad, but I fell prey to my own experiment and ended up like this.  You remember the last time you came here, right? The box of samples? I…” She trailed off.

“Drank all of it?  ALL of it?  That was like, gallons of cum!” I was shaking my head in disbelief while my eyes flitted from her sullen posture, masked head staring down in shame, and the gargantuan knockers attached to her chest.  She had both her hands on the edges of the cart again and leaned down to let the weight off of her back. She pointed in a direction of the room and I started looking around.  There it was. It looked like an addict had a full blown binge with an upturned barrel and tons of expended condoms that were dried and empty. I kicked one a couple times and finally chipped off and clicked against the floor hitting the back wall with a flakey tap. I could hear her sniffling under the mask behind me and the sound of the wheels moving around.

“I have been here for days, since you were last here. You left, I was taken over completely by the musk and woke up a day or two later with breasts the size of beach balls and managed to get up and move over to my desk so I wasn’t sleeping on the floor anymore surrounded by dried empty condoms.” She started and I could see her struggle from the evidence on the floor. Upon closer inspection the discarded hardened rubbers formed a crude outline that went in a slowly growing half circle from a central point where she must have been sitting. I looked over my shoulder and she was facing away already doing something else at her desk, slowly trying to transfer to the chair without yanking one of her boobs off the cart for fear of it falling to the ground.

Her ass was tremendous and her normally long dress was stretched near to bursting and looked like a mini skirt stretched over two prize-winning pumpkins. There was no way she was going to sit down on that chair without collapsing it. The fact she wasn’t immobilized was a miracle.

“Can I help you with anything? I’m…Sorry…” I sidled up besides her and tried to hold the chair steady. Despite thinking I was standing back she bumped into me with her ass constantly and managed to sit down in a strage way where she shoved some of her butt into the seat of the chair, and sat on that wedging herself between the armrests, while the rest of her ass kind of bulged over the sides or resituated down along her thighs. She had to wriggle a bit to get into position but got it after a while and picked up her phone.

“I am fine, thanks. This should wear off enough that I won’t need the cart in a couple of days. There are also other avenues for me to, well, knock off some of the excess if I was in a desperate situation.” She nodded and sniffed. Her voice was shaky and a little teary. “I have been in worse situations than this before, believe it or not.  It is the nature of my research, you know.” She finally got herself in a position where she could use the desk from a sideways position and started typing on her computer with one hand. She shook her head again after entering some data into a spreadsheet and comparing some written notes before looking up to me through the mask. “I am most disappointed at how badly I gave in to…it. Into the serum.  It has never affected me like this since I started the research which is why I said the experiment was nearly finished.”

I couldn’t get over the fact that when she was sitting down and kind of curled up a little, her breasts reminded me of big fleshy bean bag chairs with pink nipples nearly as big as cans of energy drink.  Even in all the porn of the internet had I never seen breasts as large as that.  Beyond the level of even the most extreme implant models you can find and most macromastia cases. This was beyond macromastia, maybe even gigantomastia. And she was so calm about it. So casual.

“Well you aren’t alone.  I woke up tied to a bed with a woman who spent most of the day desperately trying to get me to cum more so she could drink it.  When I left her she was about as big as you were when I met you over a week ago.” I explained. She scoffed nodding. The Doctor’s breasts were so big and soft looking that I couldn’t keep my eyes off of them. My mouth watered and I felt my dick start to writhe and shift around in my pants.

“Yeah, I know exactly what she is going through…” She said speaking like a war veteran. She was so knowledgeable and seemly been through this before. I felt warmth along the side of my thigh as it unfurled starting to peek out of the bottom of my underwear.

“And my boss, the first one who got a taste of me after the medicine took effects was calling me non stop since last night. She is losing her mind…” I continued as the warmth on my leg began to get hotter and longer and harder.

“And that is how you end up… Unl-...Nevermind.” She spoke more introspectively kind of talking to herself and glanced at my package raising an eyebrow and then refocused on her monitor and started typing away. She kept adjusting her position because either her breasts started to slide or roll off the cart and she had to stop it. Or she would slip up in the chair and need to recenter herself with a bit more balance on top of the masses of assmeat filling and overflowing the chair she sat above.

“So what’s with the mask then? Does that protect you from my, uh, musk as you call it?” I leaned on the examination bench across from her. My slacks were stretching from the inner seams as my hard on began to test the thread of my pants. I could do nothing.

“Pretty much.  I don’t want to get any bigger than I already am if I can help it.  I am just about at my limit before I need to take desperate measures.  So anyway, I asked you here for a reason and that is to say that the experiment was a success.” She carefully wheeled the cart so that she could face towards me directly on and smiled widely showing her upper teeth. ”We did it.”

“What did we do?  What is this all about.  I am thankful you got me a huge cock and balls, but it is too much.  What am I supposed to do?  Is all this permanent? I didn’t think I was going to end up becoming cursed with a sex aura that drives everyone crazy. I can’t interact with people anymore without them wanting to suck my dick and swallow my semen.” I ranted while getting up in her face. She swallowed hard and slight feathers of condensation began to swell on the lenses of the gas mask as she exhaled. My erection was desperatly trying to rip through my pants it was so hard. What was it about this woman that always drove me crazy?

“I’m. Very sorry. Unfortunately to get what you wanted there were some side effects. The effects are not permanent, I don’t think.”

“You don’t think?  Should I just quit my job ahead of time and start charging people for orgy organization services?” I had my hands on my hips and the sound of fabric straining was overshadowed my by hard tone. Completely unperterbed, the doctor continued.

“If it is anything like my breasts, give it a few weeks, maybe a month or two, and everything should return to normal.  Some of the gains will be permanent, but the other effects will largely wear off.” She struggled to get closer wheeling nearer to my face. Watching all her fat shift around deformed into that chair was too much.

“Alright.  Well at least that is good news, then.  Maybe I will just take a few weeks off and return to my normal life after that.” I said with a smile and leaned back up. The threads stretched further and I tried to ignore my desperate erection more concerned about my life being controlled by my penis.

“I am glad you think so.  Really there aren’t any other options exce-” The sound of my pants ripping was pretense to my cock flying loose from my slacks and my dick whipped up with such force that it hit to mask so hard it came unstuck from her face. On the down swing it planted a little pre-cum kiss on her cheek and she shrieked in surprise. The mask had flung off her face and sent her glasses flying and got caught up on her hair.

“Get that thing out of my face, I told you!” She scrambled unable to do anything and grabbed the mask off of her head clearly holding her breath and readjusted the mask putting it back on her face and double checking the batteries and fit making sure she was in the clear. “You are so lucky that meat bat I gave you didn’t launch the mask across the room.  Look at this thing.” She gave it a playful backhand looking at me through the lenses which were fogging up slightly and the condensation swelling and faded in quick short bursts.

“Sorry, I have just never seen breasts this big. Seriously. Like even in porn they don’t even have breasts this big. At least with real people.” I was right back to being in awe. “I guess my dick just couldn’t handle it and broke free.  I will have to sneak back to my car when I head home.”  I got closer to her chest, droplets of precum forming on the tip of my rod starting to dribble down towards my balls.

“Why don’t you touch them if you are so enthralled? I couldn’t stop you if you tried anyway. I am basically immobilized here.” She said not even looking in my direction, but the light of her computer monitor reflected brightly against the lenses which were almost totally fogged up. She was leaning forward to peek out of the tops of the lenses at the monitor. I couldn’t resist.

I rounded the cart and got face to face with her breasts propped up on the cart, her seemingly hanging off of them instead of the other way around. I poked a few times playfully and blown away by the reality of how hot, soft, and squishy they were. After the exploratory prods I sank both hands into the tops of them pressing down and running my palms and fingers around the sides and near the bottoms of them squeezing them together and seeing how deep my hands would go.  Her nipples were quivering and I gripped one in either hand and began to lick and suck on them gently. I glanced over to the doctor whose mask was purely fog and her breathing was getting louder and harder. She wasn’t typing on the keyboard anymore. I went back to sucking and licking. They were long and hard, but still soft and squishy to an extent. Like hot spongy flesh nubs that had more give and elasticity than I expected. I could bend them quite a bit and they popped right back to their previous position seemingly unharmed.

The feeling of her long hard nipples running down my tongue and filling my mouth must have been what girls felt like when they first made the decision to let someone’s cock in their mouth.  It was an odd sensation, but I did enjoy it and began to try things with my tongue that I thought might feel good if it was my cock and soon the doctor’s heavy breathing gave way to quiet moans as she exhaled letting pressure be replaced by pleasure.

“Doctor, is the mask still working?” I asked while sticking my arms into her cleavage up past my elbows, letting one nipple out of my throat and changing arms and catching the other massive nipple between my lips and tonguing it playfully wrapping my lips around it and letting more of it into my mouth. She pulled up her mask, resting it on the top of her head, and looked at me.

“Something went wrong. I think some of your semen splashed me when the mask knocked off.” She reached up and touched her face carefully and a slender finger topped with a light pink, well-trimmed nail found a sticky blemish of precum which she wiped away and examined more closely. She shook her head. “What a rookie mistake. FUCK.” Her anger manifested and disappeared in that one single outburst. She took a deep breath and glanced in my direction out of the corner of her eyes, annoyed, and then licked her finger sucking it seductively.

“I am sorry to hear about that.  Will you be alright? Should I stop?” I toyed with her. I couldn’t help it. I kept squeezing and hugging the giant breasts on the cart waiting for her response.

“Can you stop? Even if you wanted to?” She responded while reaching a hand down between her skirt. “I am doomed.  If I wake up tomorrow and can still move around with this cart it will be a miracle.” She let off a little moan and exhaled an impatient breath. She muttered to herself shaking her head and frowning before her expression changed instantly, outer eyebrows falling and mouth opening, but stifling the cry she wanted to let loose. Instead her hands and arm began to move with more haste. “Just get it over with… And don’t waste a single drop. You know the drill, boy.”

I smiled. She was the most in control of all the girls I came up against since the experiment started. The doctor really knew her stuff. I started to wonder if I was the first person she gave this medicine to, but she threw a condom at me which smacked against my face and landed on the shelf that was her giant chest. I looked up to her almost in protest and she snapped back at me before I could say a word even though her eyes were closed tight.

“Unless that massive prick of yours can reach through my cleavage so I can drink it directly, you’ll have to fill up that condom and leave it here for me instead.” She came. Her legs shook a bit causing her body and breasts to shake as well and the cart moved a little bit. Her breathing was erratic, gentle breathing moans honeyed with orgasmic glee.

I took her words as a challenge and stuck my dick towards her cleavage and plunged it in fully expectant to poke through with ease. Instead, my penis was surrounded utterly by hot soft breast meat from my tip all the way to the base of my shaft. I felt my cock harden and excitedly began to undo my slacks and take the rest of them off letting my balls fall out pulling heavily on my crotch. I began to thrust between her breasts with increasing desperation. She was leaning back, the weight of her breasts keeping her upright and one hand reached up patting and rubbing one of her mammoth breasts like she was petting a horse, while she reached a third finger between her leaking lips and worked her clitoris like a control stick. She sucked hissing breaths in between gritted teeth as I plowed as deep into her cleavage as I could slapping my thighs loudly against her flesh and ripples reverberated along her expanses of flesh like the solar cover of a pool over water.

Her moaning and erratic shaking signaled another orgasm and I wasn’t much further behind her.  Most girls fumbled around and my cock would slip out from between the cleavage or be barely held by interlocked fingers.  Girls with large enough breasts could trap my penis within the cleavage rubbing against the flat hard chest bone, but that was nothing compared to when a skilled titty fucker found the right amount of pressure to keep my thrusting rod comfortably cushioned between two warm pillows of soft breast meat. And without effort, in fact, completely focused on her own orgasm, I was treated to the titty fuck of a lifetime completely engulfing all twelve inches and more of my penis with pressure put on it in all directions from nothing but perfectly balanced soft fleshy texture.

Although not entirely comparable to the actual sex I had with Trish earlier in the day, there is something to be said about going balls deep into wet warmth, whether it is from passionate sweat in the heat of the moment like right now, or the hot wet innards of a vagina or mouth.  They all had their differences, but I was in heaven and closed my eyes thrusting while holding on to those breasts like I was hugging two large round friends at the same time. I shoved my face and head into the top of her cleavage shaking it back and forth and there was still enough room from the top to the front that I didn’t even have to stop pumping my meat in and out of her cleavage, slippery with my precum which began to permeate the room with it’s musk.

“Put that condom on or else I am going to give you the red pill.” She said between grunts as she worked towards orgasm yet again. Her hands were dripping wet with her own juices. “Your dick isn’t big enough to poke all the way through and I won’t let you waste any. You can’t. I need it.” Her normally straight and perfect hair was tied up in a bun that was coming loose with stray locks of hair coming down in wavy lines and she looked over her glasses with a serious look. I could barely hear her since I was neck deep in her cleavage holding my breath and kept pumping away. She sighed rising to a half-standing half-crouching position and flicked her hands to her sides casting off some of the nectar before reaching for the rubber still perched upon her bosom besides where my neck was. I came up for a breath while she opened it up and held it in my face. “Put it on.” She said through a tight-lipped scowl

“Did you say something about another pill?” I geared down slowing my rhythm and started going side to side getting my cock all up against that sweet sweater meat. She awkwardly reached over a breast and reached her hand into her cleavage eventually finding and taking hold of the head of my cock, grabbing it like a person catching a fish in a river with their bare hands, and pulled it loose getting another arm up and parting her cleavage with her elbows leaning forward to get a decent angle on my penis to strap the condom on.  She stood on her tippy toes and threw her body’s weight on top of her breasts like she was balancing on two yoga balls and pivoted forward to lovingly lick and suck the head of my dick for all the pre cum dripping from it before wrapping it up tight.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” She said with a fake sneering expression as she tilted back onto her feet finding her balance again and giving her breasts as big a squeeze as she could. “It felt really good when you were sucking my nipples. They haven’t been this big before and they are so sensitive…” She said coyly and I obliged her instantly reaching down with both hands and taking a nipple into each like they were grips on bicycle handlebars. I knelt down partly and pulled them hard so they were both in front of my face and licked them back and forth.  She reached down with her hands again and began to work her front like a synth piano going wild on the modulation wheel. “Suck them. More…” She said while leaning back enough to sit down on the chair pulling her breasts back far enough that her obscenely big nipples pointed upward making it even easier for me to start sucking and tonguing them.

Even with the light break from getting scolded about the condom it only took a few more pumps into those endless creamy boobs and the sensation of her nipples in my mouth to bring me back to the brink of orgasm. The closer I got to cumming and the more the tingling orgasmic pressure built up at the root of my penis the harder I thrust putting all my weight into it shifting and knocking the cart with her breasts backward which pushed her on her wheely chair against the wall.  She was pinned there with her legs underneath the cart while I pounded harder and faster eager to cross the line and blow my load. The edge of the cart pushed into her arms which shoved her hands and fingers against her mound her eyes started rolling around and her tongue hung out as she came yet again.

With a last few awkward wonky pelvic thrusts, I let out a huge gasp of air along with the first long hard spurt of semen, and then many more followed. I leaned forward with a hand bracing on each breast as my swollen sack gushed out all the cum it had left to give and I saw the bulb of the condom peek out from the far end of her cleavage.  The small bulb was filling up more getting closer and closer to her face as the volume increased. I threw my head back still fully extended forward letting it all surge out, the actual creamy spunk itself and the euphoria permeating up my spine into the base of my neck along a trail a shivering pleasure. I finally let go of the fierce grip I had on her tits and watched the red impressions of my hand and fingertips fade back into the creamy color of her skin again before finding her eyes.  She was staring at the fishbowl of sloshing semen resting against her face and reaching both wet hands up began to feel it, seemingly unsure that it was really there.

“Oh thank science…” She said with sighing relief and began to root around in her cleavage again feeling along my shaft for the end of the condom and began to dislodge it the best she could without losing any. “Sweet sweet science…” She held it up. I wasn’t even a concern of hers judging by how she looked at the full bulging condom of the scientific miracle that was my ejaculate. “More than I expected since you haven’t taken a pill in a couple of days.” She placed the end of the condom in her mouth and upended the recepticle without a second thought and began to chug the thick sauce slowly and methodically. She breathed through her nose hard and her eyes rolled back into her head. She made a sound like a high-pitched whining that broke into a sighing moan broken up by each grotesque gulp as she lazily sucked that ivory lazerus into her.

After she got lost in that haze I took a step or two back letting my semi-hard rod hang down lazily like a branch bearing heavy fruit. I wiped my face finally feeling the exhaustion of the day and went over to the examination table to sit down eventually lying on my back as I slowly went flaccid. I lay there for a good five or so minutes and then asked the doctor a question.

“What does the red pill do? Is it a cure? Does it stop all of this?” I wasn’t particularly forceful, but she had avoided answering me twice already.  She just finished off her fourthmeal and threw the depleted latex sheath off the side licking her lips and blinking slowly. She burped under her breath, but it was a long one and she finally looked over to me as I leaned up waiting for her answer.

“The red pill?” She said with a hazy tone and shaking her head a little like she was finally starting to see straight. “You are hoping that it will solve your problems? Haven’t you had enough?” She burped again and leaned back in the chair holding her stomach with both hands. “I have had enough. This is what I know because I am a woman of science. But I can never get enough, not when it gets into my mind. When I feel that heat all over my body and logic and common sense fall away and then you end up like this. Like me.” She slapped one of her gargantuan tits and it echoed off the walls of the small exam room. “I swear if I can’t leave this room when I wake up tomorrow morning I am going to be upset. But I can’t blame you can I?” She shook her head and stood up re-adjusting her posture to better steer her boob cart around the room and cleared her throat loudly a few times and swallowed.

“You didn’t answer my question, doctor.” I slid my legs off the exam bench and walked over to my pants and underwear putting them on. She ignored me and wheeled herself into the other room.

“Excuse me for a moment will you?” She said wearing nothing but a soaking wet skirt, too tight for her and a pair of ruined panties around one of her ankles.  Her hair was a mess, glasses smudged and spattered with any number of bodily fluids, and her expression was slightly pained as she negotiated the door frame with the cart and headed into the lobby of the clinic. I had had enough and followed her out after snaking my member down my remaining intact pantleg, still hot, against my inner thigh down to the knee. The other pantleg I let hang in shredded ribbons for the time being and pursued the woman who did this to me, or rather, who I let do this to me.

“Please answer my question. I need to know.” where there was a larger gender-neutral restroom which also accommodated people in wheelchairs, and conversely, people transporting breasts as large as ottomans on lab carts. I stood in the darkened lobby as the silhouette of her mostly naked form was backing into the large rest room. She was pulling the cart having trouble negotiating it through the door since it would only fit sideways normally, but she needed the full width to accommodate her blown up knockers. She blew a stray hair out of her face and looked at me over her glasses and the slowly unfolding scowl on her face aimed in my direction. She took a deep breath and barely squeezed in, the breasts rubbing and squishing past the door frame on one side and her round fat ass and thighs squished between the other door frame and the cart.  She would have fallen over if she hadn’t been tethered to the cart and managed to regain her balance and sat on the toilet.

I could see from about her stomach to her ankles through the empty space under the cart’s top shelf.  Everything else was obscured by breasts. Her ass hung over both sides of the toilet and she leaned over to grab some paper.

“Obviously this can’t seem to wait, or maybe you are into watching people go to the bathroom?” Her voice sounded far away since it had to travel around the masses in between us bouncing off of the walls. “If you take the red pill, I can guarantee that you will go back to normal eventually. But there may be one last period of growth and potency as the majority fo the active ingredients from the previous treatments are expended at an accelerated rate.” She said and then proceeded to wipe herself sighing and stood up, pulling her skirt down in a vain attempt to feel like less of a sex monster comprised of all tits and ass.

“So I might grow a little bit more and then it will wear off?  No more people turning crazy thirsty for my jizz?” I said in a louder voice since I didn’t think she would hear me.

“You don’t need to yell. They aren’t actual mountains, you know.  Yes.  There will be a bit more growth and a bit more potency, and then after a while it will all go back to normal.” She said and washed her hands and took out a bunch of paper towels and started to clean herself up after catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror. “If you took two, the effect would be a bit more severe, but it would be over sooner, if haste is an issue.” She continued while splashing her face.  The cart wiggled back and forth on the casters while she rubbed her face vigorously and took out her hair retying it. She shook her head one last time looking in the mirror and laughed then looked over to me, or the door frame. She closed her eyes and bit her lip taking a few heaving breaths and moved hastily to the door. She looked up kind of frantically. “Help me out here, will you?” And began to try and sidle up to the cart and attempt to escape the bathroom.

“What’s wrong?” I walked over and tried to help hold of breast meat so she had a bit more room to squeeze through on the other side. It was helping, but she seemed stuck, the frame of the door split between her butt cheeks. “You just fit through there, what…”

“It is already activating. Your cum, semen I mean. Causing the growth. Agh, PULL!” She was shaking back and forth and I yanked on the cart while holding her breast back the best I could and it finally squeezed out coming loose of the door frame. She let out a sigh of relief and tried to fall to her knees but couldn’t. I saw wetness trickle down from her inner thighs and she threw her head back and let out a passionate cry while she clutched the cart white-knuckled.

“Are you going to be OK?” I tried to lend a shoulder to her and she took it and regained her feet. She shook her head and looked down then over at the lab.

“I can’t put it off any longer. I don’t know why I thought I could hold out this long. Ugh.” And she muttered under her breath before looking up at me. “Would you believe that despite being a doctor, I am still afraid of injections and needles?” She laughed patting me on the shoulder and then wheeling herself over to the lab. She stopped before the door and tried to lean back in an attempt to see if there was still a chance. She just fell forward on her arms crossed over her tits using them like pillows to cry into.

“I thought you said it was a pill.” I stood besides her and saw her dilemma more clearly now.

“Not you, for me. I am not going through that door anytime soon. Fuck. Alright. I need your help for a little bit more and then I will give you those red pills. Deal?” She was wheeling herself over to some cushioned lobby chairs with faux leather on them and sat down.

“Yeah, I will help you.  What do you need?” I tried to help her sit down and it looked like another orgasm rocked her and I saw her nipples get thicker and longer. SHe was sitting between two chair cushions and her butt was threatening to start taking over territory in the neighboring seats. She regained her compsure and began to rattle off the locations and names of items that she needed.  I ran to the exam room, had to find a key, went to a store room, carried a ton of containers and equipment and before long a small surplus of items were set around her. Large canisters, piping, funnels, small pumps, various surgical tools and hypodermic needles, some food, towels, and plastic bags.

“Lastly.” She paused and reached into her skirt pocket, which was more like a wide cloth belt at this point barely even covering her privates, and pulled out one more key. “This is a key for a safe in the fridge in the lab over there. I need you to bring me a single vial of a nearly clear yellow serum labled Formula M17K. Also, coincidentally, your prize should be there as well in a black plastic pill bottle labled W17D.” And she handed the key over to me. I took it and headed to the lab and found it easily enough. I unlocked and opened the fridge and was face to face with dozens upon dozens of colored vials, pill bottles, and sample cups.

At a glance I saw a literal smorgasborg of science stuff. All the raw goodness and who knows how many drugs, serums, and various vitamins and supplements.  My life got thrown upside down after taking just a couple of these pills so who knew what other surprises she had in here.  I rooted around and finally found Forumula M17K, light yellow like she said, and set it on the counter.  I found a trio of black pill bottles and checked the labels. The first one he opened was filled with green pills like the one he first took. ‘Formula M0123… What is this labeling system. I can’t even begin to figure it out.’ I capped it and then opened the next one filled with blue pills. ‘Formula 81GG.’ Finally he found one more bottle with the W17D label and carefully poured a few out, popping one into my mouth right away. The sooner this was over with the better. There were still  two more in my hand so I grabbed a spare plastic sample cup, popped them in and pocketed the pills then returned dutifully to the waiting doctor.

“Got em.” He said while approaching, shreds of pants fabric still hanging loosely around his feet swishing around. She took a breath and reached her hand out expectantly and he placed the vial in it. She was holding a hypo-injector, it looked like an epipen with a gun grip, needle astill capped in sterilized plastic.  She began to prepare a dose sucking up about half of the thin amber and gold serum into the chamber carefully watching how much she was putting in.

“How many pills did you take? All of them?” She said with an aura of helplessness and dejected resignation. She wasn’t in a good mood at all.

“I found the others, but didn’t really want to mess around.  I don’t know if I want to give this kind of thing to other people either really.  I have two red ones, is that too much?” He produced the small plastic sample cup from his pocket and three of the red pills clicked around inside of it. She smiled, looking away from her work for a moment to confirm what he said and went back to carefully finishing preparing the needle. Her smile evolved into a wide grimace showing a lot of teeth and a pained expression crossed her face for a moment before reverting back to her cool casual demeanor, as best as she could muster under the current circumstances.

“Two is quite a lot. I said that one would cause growth and expedite the extirpation of the active bodies generated by the treatment.” She spoke factually while looking only at her hands working and pulled another hypo out getting it ready. She was preparing two of them it seemed. “Two, will have quite a strong effect, needless to say.  I wouldn’t it. I, I couldn’t, not in good conscience. Or as a professional, but you wouldn’t die, at least from the medicine.” She pulled the serum into the second hypo and I stared at it draining down until the vial was nearly empty. “Think about it. Your thirst that you documented. Obviously linked to semen production, but what if you couldn’t keep up with the demand, so to speak. You’d just dry up.” The last of the liquid went into the hypo and she looked up at me with the empty vial, sucked totally try by the syphoning needle. “Scientifically I am very curious, but I don’t dislike you, you should know. And, again, as a professional with some degree of integrity despite my, shall we say, lax interpretation of certain things like laws and typical considerations for human testing… I can’t condone that you take more than two.”

She carefully turned the hypos around and handed one to me.

“Wh- What do you want me to do with this?” I started to took my hand away and she reached for it but grabbed nothing but air. She couldn’t move from her position on the chair. I gave her a look of surprise bugoening on disgust wrapped in confusion.

“Look. I will admit I made mistakes and the greed got to me. It happens to everyone, alright? And now I am paying the price. Do the feel good? Absolutely. I have had mind-bending orgasms, the best in my life, after I was onlyhalfway through what you l eft behind for me during the previous visit. The growth, bigger than I had ever been before, was equally exciting, but in those moments of clarity when I had to get up to fetch more of your… samples…” She licked her lips and spoke into the distance over my shoulder like she nwas recalling a golden age that I couldn’t begin to understand. “I realized that I was going too far and look where I ended up. With breasts so big and heavy that they are a meter across each by my estimation and twenty kilograms more of less. I would have to strength train for almost a year to be able to try and walk around with these things on a daily basis.”

She put the hypos down carefully and stood up. I just watched and she began to lean back and  sway side to side pulling the heavy weight of each of her breasts closer and closer ot the edge of the cart until they were almooost halfway off of the edge of it and she reached under each one with an arm and bent her knees a bit in an attempt to brace for the weight.

“Don’t believe me? Look.” And with that she pulled back one more time and they fell down one after another and it looked like someone had dropped sacks of flour from a two story window and she had to catch them both without blowing out her back or her knees.  She wasn’t a particularly tall woman either and didn’t look like she hit the gym. She let out a kind of grunting ‘oof’ sound and fought real hard, eventually standing up but her arms were shaking.

“Wow, I actually can’t believe I managed that. Let’s see…” She slowly let  them down while putting as much of her balance  and weight on her heels leaning back and eventually letting them go. There were a few wobbles, but she smiled and laughed when she managed to get her balance.

“Dear god…” That was all I could say. They reached down below her waist extending easily a foot or more from either side of her to the point where her arms were constantly resting on them or bracing them from the sides or back. I felt my erection swelling. I licked my lips and took a step towards her. She held up her hands warding me off.

“Please. First, you have to inject me with those hypos, or I will be trapped here for months. Like right here in this spot l literally.” She took one step back and began to lose her balance and swinging her arms wildly. I took a step and reached out in an attempt to help her, but she managed to regain it.

“Inject you? Aren’t your boobs big enough already?” I reached over and grabbed a hypo.

“You need to do them both at the same time, right in the nipples. Thankfully they must be the size of a hundred mil graduated cylinder so it should be easy enough. This is the easiest  way I know to reverse the growth.” She was pleading and her gestures kept throwing her dangerously off balance. “I know it isn’t pleasant, I told you I hated it and the only reason I held out this long is because, well, it’s I don’t even want to say it. I am ashamed of this.” She hugged her breasts while sniffing and looked down at herself in awe tinged with regret. Her balance finally gave out and she fell forward and each of her mammoth tits slapped the ground and it sounded like a pair of boxers who knocked eachother out and collapsed hitting the ground with hard fleshy slaps. Besides bumping her knees, she landed on two large  soft impromptu cushions, but when she looked up at me tears were in her eyes.

I just held the hypos and watched her, fully erect. Her ass was in the air and she was splayed out on the floor, arms hanging over the sides of them.

“Why are you hesitating?  Please!” She  said and caught me eying up her ass and looked up to me. “Fine! I have been thinking about it too, but just don’t kill me when you do it. You can have me, as long as you wear a condom. AND as long as you inject me first. Please.”

“I will, will, don’t worry. Ughhnn” I fell to my knees as a stabbing pain went through me running from my stomach through my belly button, up and down my spine, and finishing down in my balls. Her eyes opened wide and her jaw fell open.

“Did you already…? How many. Tell me right now. No, screw that. Inject me with these hypos immediately. DO IT.” She was screaming and I took up the hypos and plugged her nipples and pulled the triggers watching it drain all the way in. The look of relief across her face was like a person with a fear of flying after the plane finally landed and she let out a huge sigh. “Thank you so much. Thank you. Now, fuck my brains out boy. There are condoms in the exam room. Go get one before your eyes go pearly white.” She said and I heard her voice but it sounded far away. The pain started to ease from a sharp stinging sensation into more of a poking with dull aches spreading around my genitals.

I did as she asked. It was protocol at this point for me and I wouldn’t deny another happy customer their compensation for their part in mutual pleasure making. I came back out undoing the massive science condoms she always seemed to have in great supply and approached her. She watched, prone on the lobby floor of the clinic completely naked except for her glasses and cloth belt with pockets. I knelt down a little so my  erection was right in her face, rubbing the glistening tip against her lips and on her face. She accepted it with a hungry smile nuzzling and kissing it taking sucking snaps at the tip trying to get some of that miraculous juice directly from the source. I teased her some more and wrapped up my dick before standing again.

“You can have my ass, I think I can take it.  But anywhere else back there is out of the question. Proceed if you wish.” She said it with a surprising air of professionalism despite the situation. “Please just go slowly at first, your dick has gotten so big since the start of the treatment.” She scrambled a little bit trying to get more stability and purchase on her knees to brace for what was to come.  Her breasts were squished out and pushing against her thighs.

I walked around her slowly observing her as she looked up at me following me movement staring me down. I glanced at her eyes for a second and then went back to looking at the woman stranded on the ground, imobilized by her own breasts grown out of greed and thirst for my semen.  She was trying to subtly get into a good position, but I would change the position for her shortly.  I knelt down and spread her legs with my knees exposing her more fully to my scrutiny. My cupped hand pressed against her thigh collecting some of the constantly running juice and began to slather it across the top of her butt crack and watched it dribble down and permeate all the way to her butt hole.  She would need a lot more lube than this.

She let out soft moans and shook her ass back and forth as I continued to play with her vagina impelling her to produce more and more wet slippery lubricant and after another two of three handcupfuls, positioned my round tip at her tight, closed back door. A few brush-like flourishes back and forth had enough of the condom wet and slippery that there wasn’t much of a fight to squeeze the head in. She braced against the ground as the pressure I put on her from behind lifted her knees off the ground and tilted her forward on the fulcrum of her breasts. Her hands, wet from who knows what at this point, slipped around on the floor struggling for purchase while my big round bulb gave her the first taste of what was to come.

“You alright down there?” I said with a hint of snark in my voice. Something about teasing this doctor just turned me on. I got a better grip on her legs grabbing her thighs from the outside and felt her legs kicking around against my shoulder blades. Her weight was fully on her breasts and she bounced around, hands and fingers leaving wet streaks on the floor where she was struggling. She was breathing through her teeth like someone who just got soaked with freezing water as I pushed another inch of my shaft inside of her, widening her hole filling her with my hot meat. She let out a long high-pitched groan both fighting and accepting it inside of her more and more. I pulled back and my dick was already so tight inside of her it pulled her back before pulling out a bit so I could try to push it in further.

“Damn it is too big.  It feels so good, but I don’t know if I can take it.  How much is in so far? I can’t see anything besides my breasts and what’s in front of me.” She was scraping her wet fingers across the linoleum as she was pulled away rolling atop her large breasts putting pressure against her nipples which were bending each time she rolled forward.

“Still got a bit more left.  Hang in there, I believe in you.” I said, the snark was unavoidable I thought and grabbed her thighs with a slightly better grip and thrust in deeper. One or two more inches went in and her audible wincing told me she felt it.  It sounded like more good than bad, though and I kept it up. She was rocking back and forth on her obscenely huge boobs like she was doing an aerobic routine going forward and bracing with her hands and then back having only her breasts to hold onto while he slowly forced his cock deeper and deeer inside of her.  

“I’m so full… It’s too tight, but it feels so good. Ahnn.” She seemed to be getting used to it, little by little judging by her ability to form sentences again.

“Just a little more and I will be completely in. Tell me if it’s too much, doc.” I said and began to pull back further and further and thrust forward.  I felt something ensnare me and it was her legs wrapped around me, heels digging into my lower back as I went up to the hilt, filling her asshole with as much dick as I had to muster.  She let out a moan and a grunt, but she must have wanted it more than me judging by how hard she pulled me into her.

“Oh fuck… Ohhhh.” Was all I could say as her tight warmth surrounded me gripping me out any inkling of letting go.

“Fuck me and full me up with that cum right now.” She said, gaining a second wind after my pelvis finally made contact with her soft squishy ass cheeks. I didn’t deny her plea and began to thrust in and out with her help.  She was driving me into her harder and deeper than I thought she could take, but it was her putting the extra pressure on which surprised me. She was so tight and hot that I didn’t last very long one I had been able to get a few nice long strokes in and out in a nice rhythm.

“Yess… YESS…  Here it comes…” She said while bouncing up and down on her own breasts as if she were prone in a bouncy castle filled with rowdy jumpers. Her eyes rolled into her head and her arms began to clutch and squeeze her own bosom waiting for the release inside of her and with one final series of disjointed grunts I came hard.  Unlike with Trish where there was a fairly limited amount of space, the doctor’s deep anus was a different story and my cock was too thick and stuck in there to be moved as it flooded her insides. I gripped her ass tightly while my full heavy balls pumped jizz into the condom filling her up with half ounce gushes.

At that moment I felt wetness spray across my balls and thighs and she let out a cry of relief and there were visible spraying fountains coming from her breasts. Is she spraying milk? She started to laugh or cry or somewhere in between as her let down reflex finally gave way and milk came spraying out in a diffuse mist of white with a few dotted lines of a more constant shooting stream from each nipple.

“My… My insides are…” She said reaching down to touch her stomach and her belly was a little rounder than before as my spasms began to slow down. “It’t too much. Pull out. Please!” She cried and I did so being careful to leave the condom on the end of me so she could inspect it and tie it off. She let out a long sensual moan with pops of sweetness and squeaks of relish as both my long thick cock and following that, a long stretched out latex snake of cum.  It slithered out and hung down reforming into a big fat sack which slapped the ground and bounced up hanging heavy off the end of my pole. The swollen cistern of semen was bouncing up and down on my engorged hard on, still quivering in the final throes of ejaculation, and each time it twitched another thick wet squirt of spunk found a way to the main vat below.

My erection was raging and the rubber was tight enough that it held on tightly to my shaft without sliding so I walked around to her front careful not to slip on the wet floor and let it swing between my legs hitting her in the face like I was playing with her using a cat toy.

“I can’t believe you could handle that, Doctor.  You are more than meets the eye. And this…” I gestured to the spraying milk then smiled and crossed by arms watching as the wrecking ball I made continued to bounce off of her cheeks and face and roll around her head and hair when I got overzealous. She was focused on breathing, barely conscious of the fact she was included in game of tetherball, and mostly sighed with relief as the milk continued to spray out.

“You have no idea. I didn’t think I would be able to last, but it worked. Thank you. Finally.” She took a big breath in and let it out with a sigh that school girls make when they fall in love. “Please attach the funnels and tubing I asked you to prepare to my nipples and plug in the pump. I want to collect as much of this as possible for my research.” She said non chalontly, asshole still gaping only now starting to recover from the pounding I gave it, naked, covered in sweat, milk, and shame. “And don’t even bother tying that off. Just give it here, please.  Now that lactation is induced I can get as big as I want.” And she reached forward up to try and catch the swinging ball of cum, but her hands were too slippery to get a grip and it kept sliding away.

“Yes doctor, as you wish.” I said with contempt and pulled off the condom and passed it over to her.  She awkwardly managed to bring the open rubber mouth to hers and started drinking, eyelids fluttering and eventually her irises went up into her head as she gave into the feeling. Her whole body went limp other than the hand holding the bladder of cum and her lips, tongue, and throat working it into her at a nice easy pace.

I collected the parts and it all made sense once she started spraying milk out of her tits. I set up the little pump apparatus like she explained and when I had questions she would nod or shake her head, never letting the drooling source or liquid ecstacy escape from her grasp. After about a few minutes of setting up and getting things going the pumps was working. It looked almost like a shop vac with a split hose and a few fairly large funnels on the end.  They weren’t big enough to cover her four or five inch long cucumber nips totally, but there was suction enough that it wasn’t a big deal.  She giggled when they were attached on, but otherwise was content to lay there finishing up her meal after a while.

“You have done well. Thank you. I would have been stranded until I was small enough to drag myself to the sample fridge, and then small enough to reach a nipple and inject it on my own.  But if you don’t do it at the same time they get all lop sided sometimes or one drains milk faster than the other. I don’t want to get into it.  All is fine now.” And she breathed deeply, a new sense of clarity about her. “How about you?  Has the thirst kicked in yet? That was a pretty decent sample size just now. You can drink my milk if you want to. It should hold you for a while, at least until the real effects take place.”

“Real effects?” I asked. And she explained that it wouldn’t ‘fully kick in’ for another nine or ten hours. The Thirst… “I think I will take you up on your offer…” I felt a tremor run through my stomache and my vision dimmed a little and shook like someone bumped into the camera tripod that was my focus. I licked my lips cognizant of how dry my tongue was and smacked dry lips and scooted around to the front of one of her gargantuan breasts and used both arms to shift it so the nipple was situation facing upward and pulled on the pump funnel fighting against the suction. After a second of constant pulling pressure, the funnel came off with a pop a splash of milk fell down her breast and across my lap. She let out a soft grunt and returned to breathing deeply and contendedly. I lay the hose down, dribbling milk leaked from it and was face to face with her large quivering nipple. The tip and first inch or two where the funnel managed to suck down was redder than the rest of it and moist from milk. The rivulets of milk were thin deltas finding their way out of the multiple milk ducts and leaving a trails of shining lines reflected in the red emergency light overhead the door behind me.

“It will be more effective than water. At facilitating your… production.” Her words sounded far away and I finally let myself go. I accepted the thick nipple between my dry lips and the milk began to coat my tongue. My tongue lashed around spreading the moisture and licking against the source wanting more so I could rid myself of the dryness which seemend to penetrate my whole body. I was so hungry and tried to get all of the nipple into my mouth.  It tickled the back of my throat and caused a gag reflex making me pull it out instinctively shaking my head. She let out a giggle forcing me to glance up at her smiling down to me.

I repositioned the nipple along my tongue and took a long suck like it was a thick hot straw and the taste of her milk sprayed in all directions inside of my mouth and hit the back of my throat. It was watery, but had a creaminess to it and a flavor of milky sweetness with irony notes. But less than the flavor, it was the wetness and hydrating goodness that it imparted from the first long pull. I gulped eagerly and felt one layer of dryness soften and return to a normal mouth feel. But underlying that, reaching to my bones was a dryness that remained. I had the thirst. I nursed at her large breast losing track of time, imbibing her life-giving drink until she shook in an attempt to snap me out of it.

“Switch over to the other one, it’s been an hour. Has the thirst subsided at all?” She said to me and began to gesticulate at the funnels and I did what she asked and soon I was lying on my side partially covered by one of her breasts with the nipple of her other breast plugged into my mouth and I went back into my stupor drawing and swallowing letting the warmth of her milk bring me back to life.


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