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 Greetings to you my dear Patron.  Although working on the Sebastian Series has been exciting and fun, I want to keep myself variable for the time being and try to release plenty of different content.  Heading back to a classic story that I am only really releasing once a month or so, I want to start teasing the next chapter of Experimental medicine.  This is nearing the end of the projected ten-part story so things are getting bigger and bigger and tensions are tighter and hotter than ever.  Trish is doing a full-blown (ha) speedrun at this point so please enjoy her growth and have fun trying to imagine what and who will be coming next.

Slightly meta, but in terms of all the editing discussions have been bringing up and polling you about this is what I consider to be a first draft.  Let's keep this a secret between us, but I mostly just release a lightly edited version of my first draft and call it a day. After reading more polished work, and going back to this, I'd be curious to hear if you noticed any big differences.  Either way, please enjoy this for your upcoming weekend and look forward to another teaser next week and potentially the full release next week as well, or perhaps the following week.

Without further ado....


I opened my eyes, but the images were blurry and moving. I drank way too much. Looking around I didn’t recognize this place at all. There were dried flowers hanging on one wall, the hint of sunrise creeping through the blinds peeking from behind some pink curtains. There were clothes, like a lot of clothes, laying all over the place. Bras, panties, pants, shirts, some skirts, all around the place.  A long full-length mirror against one wall and a small vanity with a sparse selection of makeup and hair accessories and tools nearby both flanking the door.  I looked over and Trish was laying there, still sleeping and snoring loudly.  Her dress was pulled down halfway and her breasts were huge.  The size of grapefruits and more being held in place by little blue triangles of thin fabric. Her nipples were hard and poking out and she had one hand down the front of her dress seemingly trying to get the zipper undone…maybe. She grew so much, so quickly… I stared at her chest rising and falling with her breath and felt my dick starting to get hard again.

I sat up and slid to the end of the bed and felt extremely hot. I had to piss so badly. The urgency of that feeling was sobering me up. I tried to get my pants unbuttoned as I stumbled out the door and ended up just pulling them down taking them off and throwing them across the room towards a couch or some other large dark shape.  My head was pounding. I drank too much… ah… where is the darn bathroom at? Towards the right were dark shapes that might have been a TV and a sofa, the soft hum of a fridge beyond a wall and more curtained windows. It was completely dark otherwise not counting a few red LEDs in the darkness signaling sleeping electronics.  I looked to the left and there was a hallway that ended in a door with two more doors on the opposite wall, one right ahead and the other down a bit.  I tried the one right across the hall and it opened and I reached in and felt a bunch of soft fluffy jackets or pillows or something. A closet. I reached for my phone to turn on a light or something but couldn't find it.

I staggered further down the hall towards the end and tried the other door along the wall and twisting the handle so I couldn't open it.  It was locked or something. I swear if this is the toilet I am going to just go into the kitchen or open a window and… I gave up and tried the door at the end of the hall.  It was actually propped open slightly, a large robe hung onto it preventing it from closing and it smelled like water and soap inside.  Finally, I flicked on the light and quickly pulled the lid of the toilet seat up and yanked out my long soft cock and aimed it at the toilet bowl with one hand and braced the back wall with my other open palm. Finally….

 Nothing came.  Nothing at all.  The feeling of needing to urinate became more and more urgent and then, it passed.  I stood there for a while hoping it would finally come, but nothing did.  I just stared down at my junk and my balls were really swollen.  A night of drinking and only going to the bathroom once must have done that. How did alcohol affect my condition? I looked into the mirror which was swaying from side to side and my balls had grown to the size of plump plums. I couldn’t get my fingers all the way around them. I stared at my reflection while shaking my head.

 “I need to call that doctor. She had better of figured something out by now.” I don’t know what's going on anymore. Getting drunk urges to take phantom pisses. Man what? I drank too much. Just go back to sleep. I’m thirsty… I grabbed a glass off the sink and filled it up with water and drank.  I was so thirsty after having drank so much.  I took a mental count of how many I had and it was five or six beers and another five or high balls on top of that over the course of a few hours. I had filled up and drank a full cup of water a few times and finally felt sated enough to stumble back to bed.

 I shut off the light and held my hand against the wall to guide myself back to the bed and laid down in bed beside Trish.  She rolled over when I got into bed mumbling something and reached over with her hand straight down to my crotch and she groped around a little bit while mumbling curiously at what she discovered and then just fell to sleep.  Her hands were soft and warm and her breasts had blown up in the few hours I had been asleep. Seeing them squished out onto the bed beside me one on the other was hot.  That little bra of hers barely contained her nipples let alone any serious amount of actual breast flesh.  I felt my cock start to get hard as I drifted back to sleep.

 Dreams came to me before long, but they were hazy and intermittent. Fleeting images, emotions, and feelings that were shrouded in a drunken fog came past me like a breeze in the darkness. Memories of the fun night with Trish laughing and jumping around.  A great burger. My boss, her fancy office and that shower. The eccentric haberdasher, Flo. The doctor, looking at me with an intense glare behind those glasses of hers. The boss, so demanding, kneeling at my feet and begging for my cock, for my seed. The doctor, losing composure and giving in to her base instincts, getting me off with her giant tits.  Trish. Trish, her brown wavy locks swinging back and forth as she did her best to keep my dick in her mouth. It felt so good. She couldn’t get much of it into her mouth at first, but she figured out a way to make things work. Ahh, her lips were so soft and juicy. Mmmnnhh. The dream came into focus more, the feelings more real than before as if it was actually happening. ‘MMnnn…’  Trish let the dick out of her mouth and cooed softly while shushing me like a little baby. ‘Shhh… Just enjoy it…’ I smiled and did as I was told.  It felt so good as she worked her tongue up and down my throbbing hard shaft, sucking on the head and massaging and squeezing my balls which were full almost to bursting. Her hands went from massaging my balls to my shaft using both of them to jerk me off while she continued to sloppily lick up any precum that came out.

 ‘Mnnnfff’ I imagined her eyelids heavy as she breathed in the aroma of my amplified sex becoming entranced.  Her pace quickened and the feeling of orgasm built up as I moaned involuntarily it felt so good.  She was watching me as I grabbed onto the bedposts above my head trying to delay the inevitable even just a few seconds longer.  She got lower, propped up on her elbows, and grabbed each of my big round balls with a hand squeezing them in rhythm with her mouth bobbing up and down my shaft.  I could feel the soft pillowy weight of her breasts squishing against and falling over and between my legs each time she went down on me.

 “I’m gonna… ahh… ughnnn” She took my weak warning as her cue and moved her head back and forth to get as much of my cock into her throat as possible while nearly crushing my nuts in her grip, forcing a huge long spurt of cum directly into her stomach. More… MORE… MOOOREE… I could practically hear her thoughts in the quiet dream scape with only the sound of ruffling sheets and her intense and desperate breathing as she accepted the cum that pumped into her throat letting out a high pitched moan that faded slowly. My legs and ass clenched and thrust upward slightly with each strong spasm and she persisted in squeezing the life milk from my testicles and gulped it down readily.  While remaining latched on to my dick which was still pumping gently in the aftershocks of the orgasm, she used both hands to make a circle with her fingers around of my shaft and tightly wrung as much of my cum into her waiting mouth. Finally satisfied she got all of it, she did one final pull with her lips tight around my cock and let it loose with a wet sucking pop and took a big breath.

...To be continued


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