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Having a nice week?  I hope so.  Mine has been quite busy all things considered, but I have been able to tap out another few thousand words or so for the upcoming chapter of Experimental Medicine.  This one is quite the slow burn if I say so myself and really heats up.  Slow builds and all that, you know.

Also as a side note, this is the first time we interact with the Flo character in a meaningful way.  Kind of new territory for me, but curious what you think about that character and MC's interactions with them.  Is it too tepid? Too much?

I have been on a roll with writing this story and want to see it through to completion sooner rather than later I think.  The mysterious massage parlor is still there, but I think I have trouble focusing on more than one story at a time.  I will throw up another poll to see what you guys and gals think and want to see more.  Thanks as always for your support.

Look forward to the full chapter releasing next week sometime.

--- Story Starts here! ( 3800+ Words ) ---

“Hi there Flo, well met. My name is - “ He began.

“The pleasure is all mine good sir. You don’t mind sir do you?  I am more interested in your measurements.  Are we looking at a black-tie affair?  Something fancy?  Or is this more of a day to day work thing?  Something else? Let’s get to work, we don’t have all day and this thing I am working on right here is - well - not piquing my interest to say the least.” After giving the sales pitch Flo grabbed one more bundle of stuff and threw it on the work station with hands on hips shaking their head and tutting with a less than pleased expression on their face.  From this angle you can tell Flo’s sideburns were clearly styled into little curly q’s rolling forward just below ear-level.  They blinked their clearly mascara’d lashes twice and looked over at the customer.

“Now where were we?  Having some trouble taking it all in?” Flo spoke quickly but with eloquence and a little bit of sass, but still respectful.  It was an experience. The workstation it self was a massive table with two sewing machines at opposite corners and bolts of cloth and tools all over.  Surrounding that on every side of the shop against all walls were various garments, the occasional manakin sporting a well put-together look, and tons of accessories of all kinds.  The place wasn’t huge and the selection was quite eclectic, but you got the vibe that this person could do anything with enough leather, cloth, lace, and thread.

“I think you might be the perfect person for the Job, Flo.” He said with a bright smile on his face.

“My darling, nobody is perfect, but when the gods made me they weren’t messing around, thats for sure.  Stand over there and please tell me what we are making or altering today, please! The suspense is killing me.” Flo ushered me over to an area with a set of triple body mirrors under a bright light and began to pull the measuring tape from around their neck and instructing me to hold out my arms, take a breath, etc. and writing down all the measurements hastily.

“Well I have a bit of a date tonight -”  I started and Flo gave an annoyed wince while ‘mm-hmm’-ing along. “and was hoping to wear something comfortable, but presentable.  She is a co-worker, but I have a good feeling we might hit it off and this place Sympatico isn’t super fancy, but most people are dressed up to a reasonable level.”

“Sympatico?  I know the place, really swanky. “ Flo didn’t think that at all but was a peak professional and batted their eyelashes at me nodding reassuringly. “Their ‘dress code’ isn’t too strict and I am pretty sure we can work something out. You said tonight right?  Give a tailor more than a few hours will you?  I am hoping this isn’t lunch we are talking about?” Flo scolded playfully while picking up the pace taking neck, back, and waist measurements.

“No, it’s for about 7 PM tonight.  I need to be there by 8. And there is one more thing actually.”

Flo knelt down before me and was doing the waist measurement when a tickle came across their nose and they wiggled it back and forth continuing to work. At almost the exact time that I said ‘One more thing’, Flo measured the inseam down my right thigh and accidentally measured something else instead.

“I think I found the one more thing, there, my precious customer.  Is this why you are wearing these glorified bedsheets instead of real people clothes? To hide this thing?” Flo continued with their measurements remaining professional and reassuring me it was normal.  “Sorry, dear, I’ll do the inseam on the opposite leg, I didn’t mean to-”

“No, it’s alright, really don’t worry about it.  Do whatever you need to do.  I am in your hands, Flo.” I said knowing that this person would have a better idea of what I would need than I could figure out.  I felt the poke of Flo’s fingers clasping the measuring tape against my nutsack which was guided down the other pant leg the best I could.

“Oh.  It appears there is another thing, or perhaps a pair of things over here as well that might hamper well-fitting clothing.  Goodness.  Is this your first time clothes shopping with this thing or did it spring up overnight? Hahahah..” Flo laughed obviously thinking they were making a joke, reached up to scratch their nose again, and kept going.

“Funny you should say that since it was kind of a recent thing, a growth spurt kind of.  So yeah anything you can do to help me would be appreciated.” I said trying to stand still while they measured the circumference of my lower legs and thighs.

“If you want some specially fitted clothing I will need a measurement with and without the, bulge.  Please don’t mind me.” Flo said while gently taking measurements.  The pressure of the tape against his shaft and balls combined with the long hours since his wake up release meant his cock was quite sensitive.

“Sorry about that, it is quite sensitive so…” I mumbled a bit.

“Relax, it’s no big, well. It’s actually quite a big deal, but nothing I can’t handle.  Just a little bit longer and I will be finished, you are doing great, buddy.” Flo reassured continuing taking measurements.  After another few minutes of absent-mindedly staring around at all the stuff in the shop I realized there was more attention being paid to my cock and looked down to see Flo taking measurements of something that didn’t seem to be explicitly related to making clothes.  They noticed me staring down at them, smiled, and then stood up dusting off their knees and shoulders.

“That should be that.  And I have a bit of an idea as well.  Alright,  have a look at the colors over there and let’s talk about something that won’t need industrial reinforcement, like a shirt and jacket, shall we?”  Flo was full of sass, but starting to get comfortable while moving over to the area of the shop where they kept most of the pants.  “What I am going to do is put you in a pair of slacks a bit wider than I’d normally allow one of my customers to wear in public, and pull up the hems around the ankles a bit.  Then, I am going to be adding in a kind of pair of tough shorts on the inside of the pants so that even if things start to get hard, well, difficult, no hard, definately hard. Even if they get hard it shouldn’t be too obnoxious and still fairly comfortable as well.  This way the lady or lad or whoever you have your fancy on tonight won’t have to drop everything and run away at the first sign of that thing trying to break free.  Let me tell you that those sweatpants aren’t doing you any favors in that department because it is obvious and bodering on silly whatever is going on down there.”  

I took it all in and nodded and generally understood the plan.  Looking over the various clothing items I picked out somefairly plain, black slacks and a maroon longsleeve shirt to go with.  Flo nodded in approval.

“Great.  I am going to pull this shirt in just a little bit right now, stand over there and take off your hoodie for me alright?” It wasn’t really a question as I was ushered unceremoniously towards a small raised platform surrounded on one and a half sides by three mirrors.  I took off my shirt and handed it into Flo’s waiting hands and they folded it quickly and put it away.  They took the shirt I was looking at and set it down after looking at the tag and grabbed another and put it on me.  It fit, but was slightly loose.

“Good.  Hold your arms out and stand like that for a moment.” Flo was holding a handful of pins and taking small memos and making quick measurements. And then spoke up again. “That ought to do!, Thank you sir.” And they waited for me to unbutton and take the shirt back and lay it on their work station table while seeking out a maroon thread and bobbin set to get to work.

“So what is the plan?  Should I stay here while you work?” I asked kind of at a loss while Flo go in their…well, flow.

“That’s up to you.  Pulling in this shirt will be painless and only take a few minutes, if I have something in the back I can get the lining for the pants in fairly easy, but it could take a little longer if I have to mock something up from scratch. We will see.  I will go check that right now.” Flo was moving around quickly and with purpose coming and going into the back room, over to this shelf for some cloth and to that counter for a tool and to that work table to do some stitches and take a quick measurement.  They worked really fast.  It was impressive to behold.

“Ah hah!  Perfect!” Flo said while emerging from the curtain holding a pair of beige shorts or like, swim trunks or something. “It has to be breathable or else it is going to be a swamp down there and nobody wants that, my dear.  I have had this pair of swim trunks on the shelf for ages and with just a few adjustments it will be perfect I think.  Airy enough and smooth enough to not bunch up when you are sitting down and still thin enough to not be too obvious through the material.  Yes, yes.. Hmmm.”  Flo continued talking under their breath for a bit confirming and double checking everything in their own world.
Mesmerized by the speed and dexterity of the haberdasher, a half an hour passed with some light conversation and few requests for trying things on, and doing final alterations.  Soon enough after that, Flo had a large paper gift bag with each of the garments laid in simple thin boxes wrapped in tissue paper on a counter.

“I am lucky I didn’t have anything urgent on, or else this could have taken a lot longer.” They tallied up the prices on a sleek tablet perched upon a stand, and smiled while turning the tablet so the display faced me. “That’ll be $399.99 including all alterations and custom work.”  It wasn’t a bad price at all considering I had just walked in the door only an hour before.  This person was a miracle worker.

“Do you take credit?” I held up my card and Flo nodded, pulling out a card reader sliding it to me from across the desk.

“Of course.”  They replied. “Slide that right through here, please.”

“You really are a magician when it comes to clothes, Flo.  I can’t thank you enough.” I said authentically relieved I would be ready for the date this evening.  I hadn’t really had much of a plan and this pretty much sorted me out perfectly.

“If you like them, by all means come back here and I would be happy to do any custom work to anything you bring in or we can coordinate more outfits using when I have here as well.”  They slid the bag over to me and walked around the counter. “I’ll walk you to the door.” We walked over, I said my thanks and more words of appreciation and they opened the door for me seeing me out and standing outside as I began to walk down the street towards my car.

“If you need anything at all, and I mean anything, don’t hesitate to give me a call or drop by.”  I smiled and waved, and they waved goodbye as well smiling while giving a deep satisfied sigh before heading back into the building.  I looked at my watch, and it was only about one of clock. So much time before the date tonight.  Without delay he headed home to get ready for the date.

He made a quick lunch and chilled out for a bit watching a show or two. He looked at his phone and saw there were a few work e-mails, but nothing seemed urgent and decided to take his bosses words to heart and just focus on himself for another day or two.  Still a few hours before they were set to meet up at Sympatico and he headed to the bathroom to do his final prep for the date.  A quick shave, trimming hair here and there, and then a nice hot shower.

No way I am heading into this date with a loaded gun, special pants or not. He thought reaching down and grabbing the limp shaft of his cock giving it a few shakes and stroking it a few times to coax it to life.  He got all soapy and started sliding and slipping up and down his rod with one hand feeling it grow thicker between his fingers pushing his grip apart slowly. He continued to stroke his soap-lubed up cock eventually using his second hand and twisting them around feeling the full length of his rod.  He held it with two hands gripping it like the hilt of a weapon and thrusted forward and backward through the slippery tunnel he contrived. The satisfaction of watching the two or three inches of length extend beyond the width of both his hands together was immense.  His large heavy balls began to slap and swing more as he got near to climax.  He imagined Trish and the great night they were going to have and her slowly disrobing and dropping to her knees and then he couldn’t hold on any longer.

A thick spindly cord of cum ricocheted off the back of the shower and began to slowly drip downward like viscous thick jam. He let out a vocal grunt for the duration of each long rope he shot forth.  The intensity was still unlike anything he could imagine despite the fact he was almost a week into this experiement he ended up participating in.  He had to reach with one hand against the back wall, letting the water rush over his hair and body and the other hand grabbed the curtain rail to steady himself as his legs were buckling slightly while the orgasm continued.  The next four or five spurts weren’t as thick or intense as the first blasts, but they still felt amazing and his dick flexed upward with eat shot and relaxed, its weight pulling down on his pelvis.  He balls were pulled upwards eachtime they pumped out another gush of cum through his countless inches of fleshpipe. They went all over as the ropey strands of cum flung back and forth with each spasm and splashed agaisnt the walls, his chest and lower half, and the shower curtain.  All he could do was breathe hard through his gritted teeth letting the feeling overtake him until it finally began to calm down after about a minut or two.

He caught his breath and opened his eyes letting out a big sigh and looking at his feet.  The big toe from one of his feet was over the drain hole and there was a pile of pearlescent gelatinous goo accrued there.  His breath slowly returned to normal over the next minute or two as he absent-mindedly shunted the mass over the drain and pressed it down through the grating hoping the hot running water would make sure it doesn’t get stuck in the pipes.  The entire room, especially the shower stall was steamy hot and stank of his fresh cum.  He took a deep breath and grabbed the soap.

“I gotta wash my whole lower half again after that.” He said to himself shaking his head in disbelief at his dick’s ability to still unload so much.  He cleaned up again and stayed in the shower until his dick went soft, although it was still thick and swollen from his recent orgasm.  He got dried off and dressed shortly thereafter and checked the clock.  It was about 7 PM.

The new slacks fit pretty well and were surprisingly not tight like he was expecting them to be.  He moved around bent his knees and twisted his legs this way and that while checking out how things looked.  The fabric just naturally spread out any bulges naturally so things didn’t stand out that much. The matching shirt and light jacket were also looking stylish as well.  He gave a little more attention to his hair and then grabbed his keys and headed out the door.  A short walk down the street to the bodega to grab some mints, an energy drink, and take out some cash from the atm.  They stood out front of the convenience store while waiting for their rideshare to arrive, finished the can, and tossed it into the recycling bin outside. The shop owner nodded to them with a smile and they headed off.

 He got there around 7:55 after a 15~20 minute car ride saying thanks to the driver and hopped out of the car in front of ‘Sympatico Lounge’.  It was filled mostly with young to middle-aged people, most of which were in business casual or business attire.  There was an outdoor area where people were smoking near an open fire/heater or milling around near the underneath the standing heating pylons to keep warm.  It was already dark out, ignoring the fact that synthetic light lit up the sidewalks completely, and quite chilly.  Not bringing an overcoat might have been a mistake he thought to himself shoving his hands in his pockets and headed towards the front door where a handful of people were standing around looking around to see who was arriving or at their phones in front of the angular grey and maroon building with backlit polygons of charcoal grey and beige. The sign read ‘Sympatico’ in a stylish and modern font with the word ‘lounge’ understated in a smaller font beneath it.  There was a reasonably tasteful neon light of a martini glass with an olive laying inside of it like it was a hot tub wearing sunglasses. He scanned around the crowd outside and concluded that Trish was nowhere to be found and must either be inside or hadn’t arrived yet.  He was early afterall. He checked his phone, no messages, and walked in.

 Immediately the warmth of being indoors, even though he was only outside for a minute or two, embraced his scaring off the cold digging its nails into him and he walked down the entrance hall.  There were doors for bathrooms on either side of the fairly stylish interior which was colored opposite of the outside, primarily beige and light grey with large maroon accents. In general the indoors reminded him of his office at work, but if you threw a maroon velvet blanket on it. Hm…

 “Welcome to the Sympatico Lounge!  Do you have a reservation?” The chipper hostess asked, brushing a long curl from her face and smiling.  She was wearing business attire, but her shirt unbuttoned down one button too far for business casual, but perfectly summed this place up.

 “Yeah, but not for another half an hour or so.  I am waiting for a friend, I don’t think she’s here yet.  Is it cool if I head over to the bar?” I asked while flitting from eye contact with her to the scene at the bar and back to her again. There was also a bit of a ruckus coming from the restaurant area as well I glanced in that direction tilting my head a bit to catch the sound.  People were singing happy birthday or something.  I raised an eyebrow at it before looking back to the hostess at her chest seeing a not so subtle hint of cleavage and making a nice shape in the soft maroon fabric of the business attire.  Written on the nametag on the upper part of her left breast was ‘Jules’. I met her eyes again and she looked up from her tablet.

“Sure thing.  I have your reservation here and you should be good to go in 30. Come check in a little closer to your reservation time and I will sort you out.  Thanks for coming in early!  Have fun at the bar, try the crab fries if you are looking for a good appetizer.” Her energetic voice was reassuring in that plastic way.  I smiled, said ‘Thanks, Jules’ and headed to the bar taking off my coat and throwing it over my arm.  The din of the bar and sound of music starte to get louder as I approached.

It wasn’t overly crowded at the bar like a club or anything and besides a handful of people posted up near the sides, most of the central area was open for people to come grab drinks and head back to other parts of the bar. A few islands with tables and stools spotted the central area leading to a a dance floor with a simple DJ booth. On both sides of this half of the room were a few booths for people to sit and have drinks and eat food.  Through large open archways on either side of the bar led to a room where there were a couple of billiards tables, places to play darts, and other games like shuffleboard and foosball.  There was quite a bit going on.

 I flagged down the bartender, a handsome looking guy wearing a tight black button down shirt who smiled and threw his hands forward on his side of the bar. “Evening. What’ll it be, sir?”

 “I’ll have a lager, thanks.” I slid a ten spot his way, “Keep the change.Thanks.” he smiled and a lager was placed before me and I brought it up for a sip leaning back on the bar watching the entrance for Trish before scanning around the room a bit more. Even though it had been a while, this place always impressed him.  He shook his head taking another sip from the pint glass and heard Trish’s voice and glanced over.

 “Hey there!  Sorry I was late.  My driver hit traffic on 183.” She was explaining while walking over shrugging out her arms, her bag held in one hand.  She wore a long brown wool jacket, now unbuttoned in the front over top of her dark blue cocktail dress which hugged her body from her chest down to about thighs and fluted out a bit with wavy ruffles down to about her knees.


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