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Greetings patreon wanderers thirsty for delicious content.  I am very happy that you stumbled upon my page and took the time to scroll to this little post here.

I have been writing for quite a while in my spare time, but only thought to start sharing some of the stuff a handful of years ago.  I managed to get a few pretty nice responses from a few interested parties and even managed a commission or two in the process.  I have delayed making a patreon because honestly, the concept was laughable to me and for other various reasons like my work ethic being either boiling hot or completely frozen and forgotten.  Anyway.

After the previous New Year (Happy 2023 dear friends), I have had a handful of epiphanies and with a little insight from beyond the veil, it is time for me to get to work.  This might be the year for writing for me and I believe that will be the case.

 For a short list of my previously written works, keep an eye out for 'timeless' classics such as 'Lab Partners', 'Experimental Medicine', 'The Magical Strap', and a handful of others.  Those are my more recent stories which I am not eminently embarrassed about.  If this patreon project ends up becoming a bit more successful and helpful to my writing then I will most likely be migrating all my writing and other various junk around the net into one cohesive place for readers to find more easily.

 While I am clearly on a site that has a buyer/seller agreement built into it, I do still like releasing content for free because 1. that is primarily the content that I myself enjoy the most because I am such a cheapass and 2. I think it's the best way to engage an audience without feeling beholden to them which is one of the biggest reasons I have doubts about these kinds of services.

I like input from people and hearing ideas from fans, clients, and fellow writers, but I also like to do my own thing and feel like oftentimes the reason people enjoy a unique thing is that the creator who makes it has their own unique way of doing things if you know what I mean?  If there is some input here and there then it doesn't really change things too much, but there is a grey area of sorts and then before you know it you are beyond some invisible line and that special unique thing becomes lost.  Yuck, just got a little holier than thou there, but I have enjoyed too many podcasts and youtube channels where it starts off as this great concept and as the patreon money rolls in, the presentation quality begins to rise dramatically (Especially with youtube channels.) but there tends to be a bit if not a lot more pandering.  I don't blame them, but I don't want to end up like that or sacrificing what I like in order to please people.

And thus, the first tier is called 'Generous Onlooker'.  It is purely for "general support" as the patreon site tells me which basically is kind and generous people throwing 3 dollars into the patreon machine when they click a button and every month from that click as long as they want.  If and when my patreon has loads of 'patreon-only' content that will be the minimum bar to get a key to the door, let yourself in, swipe everything, and sneak out after copy/pasting or downloading everything in the vault.  Go for it baby, that is how things work isn't it?  Sharing it would be a bummer, but pirating is what it is.  If there is such a great demand for my work that it must be pirated, that is honestly an honor in some respects.  Curse those who steal my work and claim it for their own, but you know what, if this is where we are at down the line, then so be it.  

Anyway.  This is my first post and it's a long gross rant when you just want titties and dicks swelling and growing in your mind's eye.  Well I will post a little patreon-only mini-scene so you can have that satisfaction right away my dear.

 Thanks again for coming to the site and I sincerely hope that you enjoy the content that slowly gets rolled out on here.  I will be posting polls and other various rants and writings that hopefully keep people occupied and interested in what is going on.

Until then,


P.S.  Although there are links for 'socials' on this site they limit it to everything that facebook owns basically and don't even have a vanilla website link so here are a few of my author pages and places to find my free content below.  Some of it is old so just, you know, know what you are getting yourself into pardner.

Author Website: https://michellecuunis.wordpress.com/

Reddit Profile: https://www.reddit.com/user/MichelleCuunis/?sort=new

Deviantart Profile: https://www.deviantart.com/michellecuunis 



Can I comment and respond to my own posts? I am pretty sure I can!