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Greetings my dear Patron.

How long have we waited? The entirety of Robin Wood, at least.

 Well, let us begin anew and head back to the office. The pedal is still depressed hard and I am writing as quickly as I can. My outline is huge and my original ideas on how certain arcs will flow keep changing. But I am introducing a few new characters and curious to see what the new interactions look like.

 I don't want it to be too over the top with plot, and I also want to tighten up the writing, too. The original EM had a lot of chaff in some places. Although while editing them more thoroughly, I find myself adding more and more while cutting down here and there as well. The lessons I am learning in the process will transfer over to EB.

 In teaser one we get to see our friend Main Character (MC), AKA You! head back to work. Back to? Where even in this place? There will be mysteries and things shall be revealed as the words unfold. Look forward to it and please feel free to discuss your theories in the chat area. I am happy to tease and talk there about how things are flowing.

 Don't let me blabber on though. Please enjoy this teaser of the first chapter of Experimental Business!

Ta ta~



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